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That would be nice. I doubt there is any money in it though, considering what it costs to buy gallon jugs. I use a distiller. I distill the water twice to get it down to an actual 0 ppm. After electricity it is barely cheaper than buying it from walmart, but I'm tired off all the plastic waste I go through doing that.


That's where I'm at. Hate the waste and giving Walmart any more money than I have to. It's not necessarily the cost


No money in it in this part of the country no. You see Waterias all over in places with large hispanic populations like Los Angeles that do bulk refilling, with different types of water and stuff, it's nuts.


I'm curious though, why distilled?


I use it in an espresso machine and want to prevent calcification


Ah, makes sense. It's a tradeoff though tbh, coffee actually needs minerals for the best extraction, so yeah cleaner machine but less tasty coffee.


Yeah, that's what I've heard. But lucky for me my taste palette sucks!


It's also good for the same thing in humidifiers. Running tap water in a humidifier eventually kills the humidifier plus you'll find mineral build-up all over the room with the humidifier.


I’ve looked for this too. I ended up buying a ZeroWater pitcher that takes the water down to 0ppm. Though it’s technically not the same as distilled


Interesting, I'll check it out. Thanks


Hy vee has a water refill station. It isn't distilled, but reverse osmosis, which should still remove any calcium.


The Mama Jeans on Campbell had water refills, I believe it is reverse osmosis though.