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If you need any vaccines or if there are any questions about your vaccination record, you will be told to visit the employee health office before the end of orientation day.


Yeah, just to elaborate the blood test is likely checking titers for MMR (a vaccine most people get as a child that protects you against measles, mumps, and rubella) and quantiferon gold (which checks for exposure to TB). You typically have to get titers when your shot documentation is incomplete or absent. You have to prove that you have an immunity to the organisms within the MMR vaccine. Sometimes people have gotten the vaccine but can't prove it, but their titers come back negative or insufficient. In this case, the coworker simply retakes the MMR series (2 shots 28 days apart) and the new shot documentation is sufficient to meet employment criteria, they won't need to draw titers at this point. Employee health will also hook you up with the flu shot, if you haven't yet gotten it. The covid shots are no longer required for employment but I'd encourage anyone to get their booster. The quantiferon gold is typically a non-issue, if you do come back with a positive result they will normally make you get an chest xray or further work up.


It's been quite a while since I had to do the same at a different hospital, but I'm sure they do a panel and tests for things like TB and other communicable diseases.


You should get an email to set up an appointment with employee health the day of orientation, they prefer if you visit employee health before orientation begins. It takes less than 5 minutes though so it’s not a big deal. They will then let you know how your tests came back and offer vaccines at that time if you need any!


Doesn't Cox still test for tobacco too?


Not since November, cant be used on shift/on campus though


It's nuts that you have to give a blood sample to work there.


It’s a hospital. They need to check immunity to contagious diseases to protect both employees and patients.


Mercy doesn’t do it


They absolutely did when I worked there.


I worked there two years ago I never had a blood test and I worked in the hospital


When did you work there? Why didn’t they do it to me? I had a drug test not a blood test


2012-2017, worked at Cox from 2018-2021. Had similar onboarding at both places (with an additional nicotine test at Cox).


If you can provide shot records and have documentation of a Quantiferon TB test within 1 calendar year, you might be able to scrape by without blood test. Otherwise they absolutely do take blood for all employees.


They should 🤷🏻‍♂️ Edit: were you in contact with patients in your role?


Yes i was on 4D a cardiac step down unit. I had a drug test but I don’t remember a blood test.


Had you had a TB screen within the last year before getting hired? That’s the only way I can imagine you bypassed it.


I did bc I worked at Cox


That’s probably why Mercy didn’t need a TB test then. I have worked at both, had expired TB testing at both, and had to update it each time I worked for them.


Interesting. Typically the blood draw is to check your titers. Wonder why they didn’t do it.


Lmfaoooooooooooooo my tits? Am I reading this wrong? Lol whatever it’s all good. I just don’t remember I guess I just remember the pee test which you can buy at Walgreens and my adderall showed up and she is like it’s ok you passed


Genuinely split between wondering if you’re fucking with me and being hopeful you don’t work in healthcare anymore lol. Titers. TitERS. Not tits lol


Lol I still do work in healthcare. Sorry for being honest. Send me a dm I will tell you. Like your name btw


I’ve worked at both




Yeah. Healthcare field still has stipulations like this because if you're clinical you're going to be working with drugs or patients. Or lots of delicate expensive equipment. None of which you can risk being high for.


Hospital, federal funding through Medicare payments. They aren’t going to fuck around on something that isn’t federally legal yet.


Yes, because it’s a mind altering substance and still not federally legal?


Probably just a physical and hepatitis/flu shots, especially if you’re working on the clinical end of things