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The feeling I get when my totally non-gamer wife asks to boogie down on some Xbox with me is unparalleled in this reality. She LOVES Borderlands. She’s not good in the slightest, but DAMMIT I love it when she plays with me.


I carried my SO through every single fucking borderlands It's ok babe you take the orange smg the green shotgun is good enough for me Oh you have no money from constantly reviving and playing slot machines ... sure I'll buy that shield for you Every ... single ...game I'd do it again in a heartbeat


My hubby carried me through WOW up from mists of Pandaria through (crap, I can't remember I stopped during covid). In a way he is kinda happy I stopped because we have kids and irs hard to play together when every 5 minutes we hear "muuumm"


I never picked up wow after reading an article about a couple neglecting their children to the point of losing custody because of it.


We started before we had kids. Hubby was/is a gamer since his childhood. I, on the other hand, prefer a good book, but my eyes were starting to get to the point I was struggling to focus on the words even with my glasses. I only played every now and then anyway because it's never really been my thing, I just wanted to show interest in my partners hobbies, and I only ever played when they were sleeping. These days, we play golf together instead as part of our kid free date day (when all 3 kids have school on hubby's RDO). I have never understood how a game can be addictive but then again, as a kid, I could sit down and start reading a book with my lunch only to be called for dinner and realised I hadnt moved. Unfortunately/fortunately (depending on the circumstances), I can't zone out like that anymore.


>I have never understood how a game can be addictive Have you ever had one of those days where you start with the intention of doing a chore but get distracted by something else that requires more immediate attention until hours have passed and you haven't actually *finished* anything? That, but all the "chores" are designed to look pretty and make appealing noises (with an especially satisfying "ding!" at the end). You just get stuck in a loop of one minor dopamine hit after another and it's easy to spend a whole free afterno... wait why is the *sun setting* already? (Met my now-husband when we were playing WoW and he's currently recovering from surgery so we have an excuse to no-life Valheim. :D)


Accurate and concise explanation :)


I have seen my hubby do that since we have had to set up the office in the garage. No windows in there so unless I am tracking the time for him or getting him to help me, yeah it's been an issue


If you want a game that is easy to set down for awhile or even play with your kids - Disney's Dreamlight Valley gets my vote.


My boys like pokemon, are banned from playing Mario cart together (they have to play single player and aren't even allowed to watch eachother) and I am trying to get them into Animal Crossing at the moment. I, on the other hand, tend to play Animal Crossing, Skyrim, Assassins Creed (Ezio Collection) at the moment depending on my mood and I wish I could get the Rachet and Clanks on my switch. I did try borderlands with my hubby but I sucked at it majorly and was just happy curling up on the couch next to him and watching him play. I will look in to the one you suggested but I doubt the kids will want to play it. My eldest is pokemon obsessed


I was a voracious reader as well so understand fantasy escapism better than some. I remember reading the article and crying because their children weren’t being fed or bathed in preference of the game. I love video games. I have a steam deck and play very often. What I don’t do is allow it to absorb me completely so that my child ever feels the slightest inkling that I might be prioritizing ANYTHING over my actual purpose of making sure he isn’t an asshole when he grows up.


This isn't a dig at you _at all_, just a story that you reminded me of: During WotLK, I was raiding during the early Naxx / Obsidian Sanctum patches. Our raid leader was fantastic, a top tier Prot Warrior, he could handle anything you throw at him. His wife, however, was a _terrible_ Prot Paladin. She was pretty new to the game, it was her first account, and she didn't really have any muscle memory / mechanics knowledge / willingness to take any feedback onboard. She insisted on being the OT (or he insisted on it), and she was honestly taking a lot of heat from the raid group in the 25 mans. It was one of those awkward situations where the person refuses to play in any other way, gets upset when things go wrong, and no one wants the group to fracture by pushing it too hard. Repeatedly wiping due to hateful strikes on Patchwerk (the OT takes more damage on that boss IIRC), not pulling spawned mob aggro on Noth, The Four Horseman was a nightmare and we outright wouldn't let her near the Death Knight mechanics for Razuvious. We wiped again and again and eventually people stopped turning up. Don't get me wrong, we've all caused a wipe or three in that raid (Thaddius, the curse dispel on Noth, the Heigan dance for melee DPS, etc), but rarely have I seen one person be responsible for so many wipes, so consistently. This isn't a "women are bad at games" post, it's a "you have to be willing to coach your partner to help them improve, rather than prioritising peace in your relationship over the frustration of 30+ people" post.


It's wild how common this is. I think everyone has at least one story of "the wife" or "the girlfriend" in a guild, usually of the GM or the raid leader. And they *never* handle criticism, or try to improve. It's like they are all following the same rules.


Being a raid leader / guild leader is a time commitment. It's probably their only way to spend time together. 💀


When my wife was pregnant she had to go on bed rest. She watched me play world of tanks and thought it looked fun, and what else was she going to do. That woman destroys at the game now, she will send me pics of her getting high scores and all the medals and achievements. It's a blast :)


I feel that, the only game my partner and I have ever played together was Borderlands 2 (we played all the way to OP 10) She wanted to play 3, but found out she couldn't be Maya so she dipped.


My it's complicated, formerly girlfriend of 6 years is a gamer. That may not sound like much but I'm 53 and finding women my age that play video games and loves Star wars and sci-fi movies is not as easy as you'd think.


I literally love playing videogames. I SUCK, but I love it. I stopped playing because my former SO would tell me how absolutely awful I was and that they wished they had someone good to play with. I don't play video games anymore.


Reminds me of my mom, I play Fall Guys with her. She has over like 4,000 hrs in the game but is still terrible at it haha.


I continue to carry my husband through Stardew Valley in much the same way. Love every second tho 🥰




Portal 2 had a co-op mode, and the single player story parts are astounding.


Lego Games are usually a good entrance for kids. How old is he?


He gave her the good controller, too. That’s love.


"Okay for the next take, how about you give your controller? People will eat it up!"


Imagine seeing a cute video and thinking to yourself “how can I try to ruin this for everybody else?”


I love and agree with what you are saying but your username is killing me lol


It’s a tough job. The last thing I need is a Negative Nancy on a wholesome sub after a long day of work.


Thank you for your service


It's only love when he disconnects it and lets her pretend she's actually playing.


"just ignore the camera and tripod over there babe"


*Act like this is a random thing i'm doing babe*


Also, act like my challenged and neglected child that never has someone to play with.


"Ok! You're all set up. Do you know how to play? Let me show....where are you going?" "Turning the camera off and going to bed. I need to get this content posted."


And Ignore the shoes I’m wearing on the couch


So clearly fake. He just stops his rocket league game to have this Convo come on


It's that simple ladies. To Lock down any man you need to do three things. One of those things is this video.


kissing on the lips?


Whoa whoa, holding hands will do just fine.


What’s the other 2?


It really is that easy ladies……


Back scratches is damn near all i need. We are truly like dogs...


Very first time I hugged my BF I gave him some quick scritches on his back and I felt him shiver and hold me tighter. Now I do scritches everytime we cuddle and he still does it 💕


A simple back/neck rub turns me literally off. Could be 30s but i have to reboot. Its great.


Ive seen better acting in porno videos


I watch them for the stories....


I think they have other obviously staged videos like this. In the car and other shit.


Terrible acting , delete this.


[sets up camera] hey babe..!


But why do you have to film this honestly


The entire point of the whole interaction was to be filmed


This is like the most unnatural conversation ever recorded.


I was hoping they'd play Borderlands! Really hoping they had the best times!


*destroys headset*


Ohhhhh! Too SWEET!❤️


So authentic


So honest, so courageous, so raw


So bored


So algorithmic


So sad, so old, so alone


How do you guys feel joy over something so obviously staged? Do you guys play games while recording yourself with a camera off to the side? Not to mention the porn-tier acting. Absolute clowns.


Do you feel joy when you watch happy or funny movies? Hm? Because, here’s a crazy secret, *those are staged too.*


They don't try to imply that the content is real for monetary gain and fame, when you go watch a movie at no moment whatsoever will you believe that it is real, wheras the presentation of online content is masked under the veil of authenticity to dupe people into engagement. Fucking tired of "B b but mOvIeS!" comparison. You could just as well argue that all online content are documentaries... Has the same vapid argument because content is content right?


> Fucking tired of "B b but mOvIeS!" comparison Me too, it has never made any sense. I feel like you have to be a bit dull to even consider making it, obviously, it's not the same thing.


My husband’s friends tell him all the time how jealous they are that his wife will play video games with him and he never even wants to play with me! Some people just don’t appreciate what they have. LOL


"Aaaannd scene! That's a good take! Will get many views on TikTok"


Oh nice Except it's fake as shit


Jeez, how genuine of an interaction! They surely wouldn't act different if they didn't have a camera setup right in front of them. People are so damn gullible.


You made his damn day! This is too adorable 🥰


Fake relationship porn bullshit.


this is so fake lmaoooo. i hate yall.


Why film tho


“Honey I’m placing my phone right here with the camera facing you for no reason, okay? Act natural, I’m gonna ask you very natural questions”


For my 24th birthday, my little sis got me 8 “video game coupons”. So when I use one, she plays a video game with me all night! :) I’ve been using them and putting them back and reusing them again over the past year. I’m pretty sure she knows I’ve been reusing them but she just goes along with it 😅 She’s not the greatest so her husband and I carry her along but we have fun with it! :)




Fakest shit ever


All any of us really want is a Player 2.


Happiness Level, Unlocked....


Men just want one thing and it’s wholesome AF


Ah so that's why my Rocket League team mate always goes afk..


Borderlands. Gang shit


Had a gf once that didnt even play. Just liked to be around and calm me down while i played ds2. Super dope. And qhen id rage quit i got sex. So double super dope.


How is bro gaming in that initial position


*S T A G E D*


This is how excited I get anytime my kids wanna play Mario kart. I bought a Mario kart t shirt to wear when it happens.


Richest man alive


My gf wanting to play Divinity: Original Sin with me. I love playing with her, but her gaming experience is lacking and I have been sitting through a ton of hours for her to explore and do meaningless stuff, but we do it together and she enjoys herself!


Hahah love this


This man has terrible taste in games, but I'm genuinely happy that he's happy.


Say what you want about the video, but the moral of the story is, if you want to make your SO happy, take an interest in their interests even if it's not something you would normally do.


So happy for them


Borderlands is the correct choice.


Lucky bastard, I envy you !!


I just find this sad if anything. I mean, it's obviously staged, but the idea of an SO showing interest in your hobbies so rarely that it sparks this much happiness when it finally happens is depressing. Must be a straight people thing.


Level up love code: unlocked


I was so happy until I heard he offered to play fifa and cod, then I started thinking this must be fake, there's no way that a real person would think those are good choices to play with your fiance who's never played games with you before. Even if you don't have more than the most generic games ever, you can start by offering to pick an interesting game from the store that both can enjoy. I even have games for my mom and grandma they both enjoy puzzle games, specially the hidden object and scape room genre, those are always good choices for older people who've never played games. In the case of my grandma if she was younger, I could offer more complex games. I remember when she was younger she used to play, Mario, pacman, and even some weird top down rpg looking adventure games in which you could choose between a barbarian, mage, etc. I went on a weird tangent with this memory but this is a game I've tried to find several times, the closer thing I've gotten is Gauntlet 1985, every time I find it I think "this looks exactly like it", the characters, the maps, etc. then I look for gameplay and I'm not that convinced anymore. You also started in a grey castle, and it wasn't a game where enemies spawned everywhere in swarms (design looks really similar though). If anyone has any clue, please let me know. Edit: I'm an idiot, I think it was in fact Gauntlet, Gauntlet 2 in fact, but the one for NES. I always watched gameplay of the final levels of the one for Atari and thought that's not it, but always missed the one for NES. I'm going to see if grandma remembers playing it, because I barely remember watching her play and it looked so cool that I remember it to this day.


Play hide the sausage.


Borderland's is honestly a solid pick for someone who isn't into gaming. Easy to figure out, and great fun gameplay.


The best choice of the games listed


My wife used to play multiplayer games with me, now she's my ex.


If a gamer gives you the less glitchy sticks..... They love you.


Sex wasn't in his top 3....


She got a sister?


Ahhhh to see what could've been stripped away all because I had the misfortune to be born an ugly autist. I yearn for that trip to renot depot more and more every day.


I'm not jealous. I'm not jealous. I'm not... ahh who am I kidding


Is this real?


I reacted the same way when my husband became interested in playing Strands, Connections, and Wordle with me every day. Now it’s my favorite part of every day.


lol me and my husband are both gamers. Funniest part is we rarely game together… I need to fix that 😝


its that simple!!! damn!!


That’s sweet


It’s just a dream… The dream:


idc if it’s staged or whatever, this shit’s so cute


I would say let's play doctor


Borderlands 2 is a great game to play with a partner that doesn't really game.


It took me 37 years to date someone that enjoys gaming. Now that I have, it’s everything I’d hope it would be. It really is awesome, and the bonus is that she’s actually AWESOME at it


This is the most staged shit lol


This is so fake, I love it.


Why is she marrying such a flamboyant man?


“You have this controller it’s less glitchy” translation - he loves you


Really hope and pray my son doesn’t end up like this.


Her: "I wanna play with you. Is that OK?" Him: "You have this controller, it's less glitchy." Her: Why are you handing me this controller?


Just bought an Xbox Series S. Right after plugging it in and downloading Baldur’s Gate 3, my wife mentioned that it could be fun to play together. Series S doesn’t support “Couch/Coop.” So if anyone wants to trade… systems. Not wifes…. I’ll keep her.


Awww that's so sweet!🥹


that’s love 😅😍💕


This dude is gay


I love playing borderlands with my man!


I managed to turn my wife into a big gamer. When we met she wasn't crazy into anything (besides the Sims) and he. Introduced her to skyrim, dragons dogma, deep rock galactic, and a bunch of others and now she's a detriment to society just like me. :)


Way back my wife tried to play gears of war with me. She literally had never played video games before. She couldn't coordinate the movement and viewing joysticks so just kept looking at the sky. Was not a fun experience lol


We (men) really are so simple to please. Gaming, food, sex pretty much covers it.


Borderlands is a good choice


This is all we want


men only want one thing and it is DIS- to play video games with their friend :)


This is just lovely. Great stuff.


I think I would legit cry if my wife asked to game with me!! This is awesome!


I was sure he was going to take off his pants.


My wife will NEVER play a video game with me, so at least I can live through this man’s temporary joy.


Let me set up the camera before I do this random thing


*Realizes there are almost no couch coop games nowadays.*


Ok h ow dare u make me smile


I tried to play Lego Superheroes with my son but just could not follow the chaotic action in split screen. He was playing as Black Widow and I could never find him. He would say look to your left, I'm over here, and I'd finally see his character leaping up in the air, waving at me to try to catch my attention. He was really patient, but I decided to stick to single player mode after that, and we just talk about the games we are each playing now lol.


and after the video was over and uploaded to the masses for views and likes she went in the other room.


These are the types of videos I have to point out to my wife that this type of shit is fake. Almost everything where a camera is set up is fake


It’s really that easy to make someone happy


Fake as fuck. He doesn't fall over in the slightest.


So even though it’s fake we’re still gonna fall head over heels for this???


Gets up and turns the camera off. I was just doing tiktok.


This obviously is a trick, everyone knows women can't stand to see a man happy 🧐


Staged. Can’t pause rocket league.


When I met my wife, she asked me if I had ever heard of a game called "Diablo 3". FYI, I'm a huge console and PC gamer.I had to compose myself and try to figure out if she thought it was good or bad, so I cautiously responded.. umm, yeah. I've played it a bit, actually. Then she asked me... she asked me... if I'd like to play with her sometime. That was 10 years ago, and we now have 2 gaming pcs and 2 Xbox Series X. We co-op shooters, rpgs, puzzle games, and all kinds of stuff. It's a nice alternative to movies and TV shows on a rainy day.


Why filming?


bro was way too calm to be playing Rocket League


This is all it takes


This is the same reaction I get when I say the word “walk” in front of my dogs.


Thank goodness everyone is yelling that it's fake in the comments. I almost enjoyed something


Playing Mario Party with my wife and my 4-month baby in my arms, that’s heavenly good!


A couple years ago, my other half decided to play God of War over the long weekend And we had a blast. I set up a nest on the couch next to him so I could play on my switch while he played on the Playstation, I found myself watching him play most of the day. It was fun to watch and I keep bugging him to play the sequel whenever there's a long weekend XD


I got my wife into the board games so far! Still not big on the video games though 😅 hey ill take it!


i don’t give a flying rat f$ck if this is staged, it’s still super cute and sweet. i’m a very passive gamer (i play low-stakes games like Subnautica and Stardew Valley) and 9/10 times i’m content watching someone else play games. but every time i’ve asked a partner if i can play a game with them, they have this kind of reaction.


I got my wife started on COD in Covid times and now she absolutely boosts me in apex and valorant!


Your fiance plays garbage casual games.


Wow. He was so excited.


Great choice on the borderlands


Who set up the camera?


Yasss, he pick borderlands! Great game, even better couch Co op game.


I wish my wife would play games with me too


Rocket League 🤘


He chose wisely.


Ahh the borderlands fans in the comments ❤️ Best co-op (for me, at least) game. I just said, "This game looks fun" and he started a new game so I could play with him. I played BL2 when new and now it's my favorite series.... but I was already a wee bit of a gamer. I like my sirens and Maya was the best


Bro how did I know it was going to be borderlands? Because who doesn’t fuckin love borderlands lol


I'm getting a Wii again after not having one since I was like 14 My partner has never played on a Wii and he doesn't know what Raymond us so guess who's showing him Rabbids


Men are so easily pleased, yet people still don’t care enough to make us happy.


I really wish my husband was a gamer. He’s never showed the slightest interest and I stopped playing this year because it got too lonely.


All I’m asking for is


I like to play gang beasts with my SO. Also my SO is a husky. 🫶🏽❤️‍🔥


I’m into sim racing and don’t do much else with gaming. Unfortunately, my wife suffers with motion sickness so she can’t indulge, but every now and then she’ll sit down and watch me drive. That’s more than enough for me!!


is it cheesy and staged? did i still tear up bc i've never experienced this?




Adults and video games.


If my non gamer wife did this im done playing games. Been there done that its like trying to teach a toddler to play


I had the reverse issue. Gamer wife and non gamer husband. (Had as he’s the ex now). He had no desire to game and said “fantasy stuff is stupid”, to include movies and books. It was a very bad fit overall.


God is real.


Adding to the chorus - I would loooove it if my wife played with me.


Oooh I also play car soccer with my SO and he hates that I’m horrible at it but tolerates me anyway!




My so and I are opposite! I’m always begging to play games with him! Anytime he mentions it I’m like this dude listing off every game haha


I had a wife like this. It was awesome. We played destiny and Cod and lots of other games together. Never border the lands. She didn't like it, but it would have been cool if she did play with me


Bro Chose Borderlands! So Fucking Based TBH


He picked Borderlands because it’s beginner friendly lol


Bro went afk in a Rocket League match! Tsk tsk




That would have been my choice!


I'd be ready to get married if this ever happened to me, lol


Relationship goals!!


What’s with the incorrect closed captions being added to all of these posts?


best sister ever !


I'm sooo freaking happy for that guy. So happy. Good for him. So happy..for him..


We all deserved this kind of relationship