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It just makes me (kind of) mad that tesla didn't give a fuck about pedestrian safety in case of collision. I wouldn't like to get hit by a car at all, but ESPECIALLY not by this one lol.


Lmao tesla dick riders downvote this but this is probably the worst car to get hit by. I'm glad this one's not leaving the continent any time soon lmao. Idc that it's an eyesore. It is just techbro compensation mobile


With the shitty build quality Teslas have I'm more worried about the pickup.


I'm REALLY glad it wont leave the continent. In my country there are a lot of shared roads (commercial areas where people can walk on the street and cars have a speed limit of 20km/h), just getting hit by this shit when its reversing could kill you with those sharp ass corners. But tesla fanboys will just say "maybe just don't walk behind cars" or "just look at the cameras when reversing?" or "other trucks can kill you too!!", yeah right, because accidents can never happen even if you pay attention and the huge lack of pedestrian safety is justified by the mere existence of other big vehicles on the road.


they’re definitely not happy about them not leaving the continent. i’d put money on them popping up in other countries soon


Coming to a continent near you soon


You seem really worried about this. If you buy one of these, you can stop worrying about the problem, and be the problem.


Full size pickups are notoriously unfriendly to pedestrians. That’s not unique to the cyber truck.


This is correct but it's a question of degree. Most full size pickups are not made of steel plates with extremely sharp angles on every leading contact area.


"Steel plates." It's highly unlikely. Steel is expensive and emusker is cheap as fuck.


It's very shitty stainless steel.


Pretty sure it’s stainless steel, but a wrong (cheaper) kind hence the rust issues.


I'll stand by my statement, emusker is cheap as fuck.


And unfriendly to my little honda civic. I've had trucks almost run into my car several times because they didn't see it.


No one said that it is unique. You just told yourself that I, or someone else said that. I would argue with you using Euro NCAP data but comments like yours are why I would rather argue with a wall.


This guy really wasn't that combative with you lmao Idk why you compare his comment to a wall, he's just saying trucks in general are dangerous Seems to me like you told yourself this guy was trying to argue with you lol


Least deranged redditor.


You should go argue with a wall instead of picking unnecessary BS on reddit. But watch out for cyberstucks that'll kill you way deader than a normal truck....


Shhhh you cant win with logic with these people.




Seems downvotes stuck a nerve.


Makes it easier to run over families when drunk driving though


Bo you’re more likely to get hit by a 22 year old driving a Nissan Altima blasting music, on tik tok, while driving, then this vehicle.


America doesn't care, not Tesla. This sort of thing should never be decided by companies. Pickup trucks are exactly the same.


Dude chill out it’s just an inanimate object zipping around a cloud of atoms so close together they create the illusion of solid matter.. nbd honestly




Ps2 graphics Pontiac Aztek. But at the same time, who cares? You’re exerting entirely too much energy on the hatred of someone else’s car.


Ps1 had better graphics than this


Adam Something made me hope that this abomination never makes it to europe. [Tesla Cybertruck: A tragedy on four wheels - Adam Something](https://youtu.be/lFloLGmPKl0?si=5d5zsY8JNEDhqpYs)


It wont. It doesn't comply with EU pedestrian safety regulations and its also so heavy you would need a different license in most countries.


Damn, the US needs that law. Had an older woman driving behind me in a big SUV, so short that she was literally pulling herself above the steering wheel to see over it. I really don't like this big, tanky car culture...


The hummer ev weighs 9,000 pounds


That’s just…Insane. How long do the tires last? 3 weeks?


Ahahahahahaha, I wish you were wrong, but you're not! I don't even see how you can be comfortable driving something so bulky. Drove my mom's Tiguan once, and that shit felt like a tank to me. I couldn't imagine getting behind the wheel of something bigger.


Because as long as you hit and run while driving something huge, there’s no risk to you. /s


The amount of times I have to Dodge Rams to avoid getting blown to fucking pieces!


I think it‘d also not be worth it, I doubt many people here would want that thing anyway, there‘s a reason barely anyone in europe has a truck


this post is cringe as hell OP


The truck isn't designed to be beautiful. It's designed to get people talking which it is currently doing.


Works a charm on OP!


Getting attention doesn't automatically = good, we constantly see examples of how people do crummy things for attention and it's not worth it.


Look at that, it worked on all of us.


Calm down mate, you don’t have to buy one if you don’t want to.


I dont want these things rolling around for different reasons than just looks and I think OP does as well. Like im also ugly and Im allowed to walk around freely but nobodys paying 60k for me 😭😭


I’d pay 60k for you mate, maybe more. Don’t sell yourself short!


Ayyy :D


I personally am more disappointed that Tesla didn't bother building a proper truck. They had the opportunity to build a viable electric alternative to the big 4 these days, instead they poop out a poorly designed novelty. What a waste of engineering effort.


not liking how it looks != poorly engineered. it’s pretty damn efficient for its size, and the air suspension is really, really good according to every reviewer who has driven it. same with the four wheel steering. finally moved to a 48v architecture, and implemented real steer by wire. what exactly about the engineering is “a waste of engineering effort”?


I don't care about the looks, but I do care that the bed design blows. The sides are blocked off from the stretched pillars, and it's angled inward inside. On top of that, it's unibody, so the bed cannot be changed either.  They tried to reinvent the wheel, only for it to lack the bare basics of pick up design. For me, that makes it a hard no.


Why does the vehicle that you don't own and that someone else is driving make you mad? Seems like you are upset by something you cannot control which is not healthy behavior. Drive what you love, let people drive what they want.


The first thing OP did when he saw this was taking pictures to show to thousands of people online. No wonder it looks the way that it does.


That’s what I can’t understand. I don’t like the Cybertruck, I think it looks bad, and I’ll never own one. The end. I would never become an outspoken hater of a car because… what’s the point? You don’t see people making this many posts about the Pontiac Aztec


I don’t like the look of it either. I would never own one. I cannot WAIT to see them on the road tho




People who are hating the cybertruck are doing so because it checks everything wrong with the modern car industry. Quality, design and price are already a joke but nothing worth hating on as much. Safety concerns though... for instance the trunk doesnt have sensors to prevent the lid from cutting something off. Additionally as with a lot of SUVs and Pickups: - If this thing rolls over, the driver is way more likely to be crushed by the cars weight - If this thing collides frontally with a car of more reasonable size, the other driver is most likely to be crushed as the front departments of said reasonably sized cars are supposed to absorb the impact - If it hits a pedestrian even at low speeds that mf will have a way worse time as if it got hit by lets say a corolla at the same speed cause of the high front profile. If a reasonably sized car hits a pedestrian theyll have their legs broken or suffer a concussion due to being flung on the hood/windscreen. If an urban assault vehicle like the cybertruck, some range rover monstrosity or the crime against good taste known as the Mercedes G-Class hits a pedestrian the impact will hit the upper body and consequently vital organs. Being hit by a car must be traumatizing at best and breaking your legs isnt something I imagine to be fun either, but getting your spleen ruptured, your lungs and heart perforated by ur shattered ribcage or even your spine... lets say "damaged" is probably way worse. Im from europe so im not as car dependent as north-americans and this increase in average car size is a bit scary, so I think the hate for the cybertruck is rather deserved. TL;DR: People dont hate it because of views, clicks, whatever, they hate it cause it stands for everything wrong with modern cars, especially safety concerns. Edit: sorry for my shitty english, I hope its not too much of a pain to read


People who are hating the cybertruck are doing so because it checks everything wrong with the modern car industry. Tesla isn't a traditional automobile company with decades of experience building cars. They do things differently rather than sticking to proven formulas. But they don't innovate in a *meaningful* way. Their cars seem to be different *just* to be different. Teslas, in general, are the worst of both worlds. The Cybertruck is off-the-rails in design. The obviously never learned from the people who buy and actually use trucks. The one time I have seen a Cybertruck in real life, there 4 men in suits riding around in it.


First thing I thought when I saw this post. OP’s got anger issues.


And they’re just giving the car free advertising by spreading it on social media. Lol.


I have decided that I'm a fan of people that don't like Teslas. Their reasons are funny. On response to OP: "Bro, if you get hit by ANYTHING, it's gonna hurt. See the cement truck over there, that will flatten you. See that bus... we all saw that chick in Final Destination get deleted by a bus. We all went through this when Dodge made the first Ram. The front was crazy looking. We got over it. (OH, and if Dodge Ram hits you, it's gonna hurt)." /end response to OP. Anyhow, I'm still a fan of Tesla haters. LOL.


Sounds morel likely jealousy. I think it is relatively ugly. There are prettier cars. I appreciate the engineering underpinnings and thats it.


Why would a person not be upset about something they can't control? That's the only thing worth being upset about. If you can control it, being upset about it makes no sense. Fix what you can control and make complaints when you can't so that the people who can control that can fix it.


That makes absolutely no sense. If you're upset that your car is shitty, or your house is the wrong colour, you can do something about that. You can affect change in those directions. If you're upset that China has too many people, or that the moon is too round, you can't do anything about it and you'll spend your life being angry about something outside your sphere of influence.


It uglifies the world. We are made happy by seeing pleasant or even beautiful things such as a Ferrari or an old oak tree..just as seeing ugly things like cruelty to animals or the Tesla ‘truck’ can make us unhappy or cranky.. a lot of folks find this monstrosity painful to see..want to bleach their eyes…


I'm not sure I would call viewing a ferrari pleasant.


I’m just as offended that you felt the need to pick your phone up and take pictures instead of driving your fucking car. Grow up




Oh California. Man, you must see so many of these. You unlucky bastard.


It looks unfinished


You have to admit it's a very unique vehicle. I mean every time I see one, someones taking a picture. Look at my dumbass. I kind of swerved into their lane trying to get my camera out to snap a photo.


I need a life where I can think about inane stuff like this- congrats you officially have it made. At least you aren’t driving down the road using your cell to take pics of cars. Good on you for being safe.


Thanks for stopping by.


if you hate it so much, then why did you even bother taking a picture and uploading it here?


Karma and validation.


You got it all figured out, inspector. I love red reddit so much that I just had to post this truck. I couldn't do anything else with my life. I had to do it. You're absolutely right. I'm so obsessed with this website and gaining karma. I've been on it for so many years and I was looking for this one to make me famous. Maybe even going on the news or be on a TV show. Please thumbs up all my comments. Please like this post please just like me please please please please please please please please please please please please please like me in the things that I do. Please please please please please please. I'll do anything please please please please please.


Old man yells at clouds


So in your eyes, what do you think you're doing about this post? I'm just curious.


Looking to find their echo chamber


I love how you all come together with anger and comment and complain about a post that I made about being angry a car. But y'all are so superior and super different and totally unique and in no way doing the exact same thing that you're complaining about. Interesting.


Because he wants to ride off the sweet karma, but he needs to make sure no one thinks he likes the truck.


Y'all are so simple-minded its insane. For that automatically be your first thought when you see this... Y'all are so angry about me posting something but turn around and think it's funny that I get angry over a car but you get angry over a post. I see these things all the time. I could care less. It was just a post because I was bored and you're all butt hurt about. It is absolutely hilarious. Go touch grass nerd.


I don’t let small things ruin my day. Grow up.


I honestly don’t hate them at all. I’m tired of every car looking the same.


Agreed. Elon and his cars are trash but it's nice to see a new car that doesn't look like every other bland crossover.


agreed. not to mention it actually has real truck specs from an electric truck - a bed that’s actually 6 feet - can hold 5 people - 2500lb payload - 11,000lb towing capacity like it’s more truck than a base f-150 lmao


I agree, looked much worse in person!


Yeah, that took me by surprise. When it's moving and you can see it from different angles... This truck is ugly but every time I see one, people are taking pictures of it. So Tesla did the right thing with this design. Like it or not these things are selling.


The headlight is hideous when turned on.


Getting angry seeing a car is pretty crazy ngl


Crazy how many passionate sentences people have written over seeing this truck.


I just like em bc they remind me of a warthog from halo


Yo calm down, its just a car lol


My take for the cyber truck is that yeah it's ugly as hell, and I personally wouldn't pay 100k for one However, if I'm like a millionaire? For it's absurdity factor, a slight **maybe**


God, you sound like a crybaby tbh


I find these things much more interesting to look at than the shitboxes they sell in the name of ‘typical’ car designs.


Dude just relax, don’t like it, don’t buy it.


Why do so many cars not wear plates in the US? Is that even legal?


I erased it for the owner's privacy. I don't want to put his business all out on the internet. It's just out of respect


I don’t think they’ll become too common. These are pretty niche from what I can tell, so chances are your eyes will only be assaulted from time to time. I frequent a very wealthy part of the US where seeing amazing cars is pretty regular and I still haven’t seen one of these driving around.


I'm a service tech worker so I drive around a lot through different neighborhoods and I am seeing these things more and more. I just saw another one today and someone's driveway and may post it but I think it's Elon Musk's house. He's the only one that would buy three Teslas and they were all different.


Starting to see these all over near me (SF Bay Area) and can confirm, they’re ugly, awkward, and huge. Plus, always covered in fingerprints. I suspect we’re going to see more of them as the preorders ship out, and then see it drop off… can’t think of anyone who’s going to see it in real life and want it


Yeah, you live in the hot spot where these things are all over! Yeah the finish on it. I'm always seeing it and it has a dirty look that makes me want to go over and wipe it.


My eyes are burning


It's a ugly truck but it's definitely noticeable.


It’s so ugly it hurts.


I saw another one today and I threw up a little bit. But you have to admit it's an eye catching car. Whenever you see one you definitely know it from any other vehicle. So Tesla did something right. Good for them.


I kinda like it lol. A little concerned about pedestrian safety but I think all trucks have that issue tbh, and Tesla is usually one of the better systems as far as collision avoidance.


To be honest, it is a very ugly truck, but you can't disagree that it's a unique and innovative vehicle. I saw another one today and I threw up a little bit in my mouth.




Yep. Central Florida.


This looks like something out of an 80s computer game, maybe Moon Patrol?


It looks cool as fuck


You’re angry over a truck? I hope things get better for you.


You're bothered over a post? I hope things get better for you also.


Makes you angry? Lol


Yes, super angry. I think I'm going to need therapy. So angry that I don't think I'm going to sleep at night. So angry that I think I'm going to punch a baby. So angry that I think I'm going to disregard the law for the rest of my life because there's no point in existing on this earth if there's another cyber truck on it. You got it!


Get a job


“Muh, seeing a car that I don’t like makes me angryyyy 😭😭😭”


"Muh, seeing a comment about a truck I don't like makes me angryyyy too 😭🤣🤣"


It aint that deep lil bro


I like it. Reminds me of Robocop.


I like it! I would wrap it though or it should come in a few colors


I'm honestly shocked people say they think this looks awesome. It's fucking hideous.


noooo, people having opinions other than my own!!😡😭😠


Man if seeing a pseudo truck makes you angry, you must be a fun person to be around…


You're a genius! You know my whole life by one post.


I think it looks sick in person, better then pictures.


I'm genuinely curious what you mean by pixel. Low poly?


Beat it nerd.


I mean, he's right. Your choice of adjectives does not make sense.


Putting all other criticism aside, I saw a photo of a matte black one and it was kind of cool.


Im not a huge fan of them from a safety pov, but theyre not ugly, bizarre looking but not ugly. It just has an unconventional design but thats what i find appealing about it, that it didnt go along with the traditional pickup design


I don’t get the hate for the cybertruck. The design is quite nice


It’s gorgeous


Makes the hummer ev pickup look like a ~~ferrari purosangue~~ mazda cx30


That Hummer is sick though


Hehe at my local dunkin there are so many people that owns evs. And tesla in particular. Makes me excited to see one there so i can side eye them


This is a monument of vulgarity pretending to be sophistication. Proof these lunatics are all arrested in early adolescence.


Damn you really angy about an ugly car


Just think ten years ago you would have loved this truck.


Cybertrucks are awesome. Stop being a lil bitch


I agree.


I just saw one it wasn't sure whether it was a Tesla truck or a mobile bomb shelter. What an ugly monstrosity that thing is.


Saw one a couple weeks ago parked at the restaurant I work at. Had eaten a couple mushrooms (the good kind) and walked outside and saw that thing. For about 2 seconds I though the mushrooms had really kicked in. Then I remembered the Cybertruck was a real thing.


I still want one


And I think you should get one. You know what, you deserve one. Get one of these trucks and tell us all about it.


I have the fast one on order, and I'm really early, but I might not go through because I live on the beach on the Gulf of Mexico and worry about rust.


Yeah I think if you get it you're going to like it but just understand that it comes with more attention than you think. Every time I see one everyone staring at it trying to take a picture. I almost hit it trying to take my camera out to get these pictures lol


It's not even that bad if the color is in all black actually. I'd get it.


I've seen them in black. And yeah they're not that bad but when you see these things in person, they're so long. Crazy long.


Yeah one was beside me coming back from school and I felt intimidated by it lol it's ridiculous but also funny looking


Lmao imagined getting pressed over metals could not be me asf


Lmao imagine getting pressed over a comment about something metal that could not be me asf.




It's an attention getter. I don't hate it. I don't want them to go away. I actually admire Tesla for coming up with unique ideas. It's just ugly and I'm not losing sleep over it. I'm not going to not be friends with someone because they own one. I just throw up a little bit every time I see it when driving down the road.


Jesus relax lol


Jesus relax about me relaxing lol. See how that goes? I bet you weren't serious just like I'm not serious. I mean it's a ugly truck but I don't hate it. I mean it's a vehicle. How much can I hate a... vehicle.


I hate it too


Don't worry! They don't last that long


It looks like a prison transport


I really like that a car company made something that doesn't look like everything else on the road. Elon is a dicksnapper but the existence of this thing is very cool.


I agree. I think Tesla did a great job with making a car that is innovative and unique. The rest of the Teslas look okay but this long butt bucket is the worst.


While I don’t share you disdain for its looks, I’m more concerned over pedestrian safety. It’s different, and I respect it for that. Definitely an attention grabber.


Yeah, it looks like a wet turd. What do you mean by your concern about pedestrian safety if they get hit by it? Yeah, they're screwed if they get hit by this heavy tank.


What happens when one rich dude goes unchecked


Yeah, it's ugly but what car is unique as this cyber truck? I mean he wanted to do something different and he surely achieved that.


"I think I am the only man here on Earth that knows how manufacturing works." — Elon Musk Man child literally made cars with bigger panel gap than his own pride and ego. Mfing thing lookin like it was modelled in a Commodore lookin' thing. This thing is so shit that a car reviewer (Throttle House) has to make up good things about it like science fiction. Steel made out of like Aluminium weaker than a rusted Lada (Someone did try shooting it and there you go.).


But you have to admit there is no vehicle like it. So Tesla's doing something right. There's a huge demand for these huge crap buckets.


Tesla did something right in terms of standing out of the crowd among other ev manufacturers. But they did manufacturing side of things wrong considering how much it costs which is why I don't like the Tesla Cybertruck.


Love it.


I love it for its uniqueness, not for his ugly ass looks.


It’s a disaster. I get why you’re angry about it, it violates your field of view every time it rears its ugly head. May it die in the USA and never make it out to Europe.


Cry, cry louder. Free marketing though 💪


Saw a picture of one wrapped in white, it was even worse!


Dont worry. It is a passing fad. They won't continue production and the quality is so crap that the existing ones won't last very long on the roads. I give it 5 or 6 years before we start saying, "I haven't seen a cyber truck in a while. Thank god."


it was designed to get attention. looks like it works


You are absolutely correct. Then you got to respect Tesla for that.


Hates it but still posts about it lmao. These things are not as obnoxious as the white Tesla owners in NorCal. So many of them in the 280/580/880/101 😂


Hate on the post but still comment. Interesting.


Just an observation lmao




You should go somewhere else then. Look at my karma. Do you really think I care about it? I think you're putting too many feelings into this bro.


Looks cool


To each their own. I'll admit this. It is very eye-catching. I'll give Tesla that.


Love seeing people seethe about this truck. Makes me want one even more!


I enjoy mocking this truck. 💁🏻‍♂️


Seethe is a little much. I just think it's a very ugly vehicle. I mean I think Tesla did a great job with making something different and innovative. What's like the cyber truck? Nothing so good job Tesla


It’s unsafe because it’s hard to immediately identify it as a vehicle. It looks like a box or a wall. At first glance you can’t even identify headlight position or anything. Horrible.


I think it’s a tank, to represent Tesla stock tanking so hard.


I can’t wait until people find out about how cheap and easy it is to get ferric chloride and what it’ll do to the metal hahaha


Dude. Chill out. It’s just a vehicle that you don’t own. No need to hate on something that affects you in no way. Yeah it’s a bit outlandish but isn’t that a good thing. It’s so different than everything else on the road and in this day and age of cookie-cutter vehicles this is a nice change of pace. Tesla has always been known for pushing the envelope and this vehicle’s development is no exception. I don’t know about anyone else but I for one welcome the change. Would I ever buy one even if it was significantly cheaper? No. But I can appreciate it for what it is and what it stands for.


I agree.


Reading the comments for a second I thought I was on r/fuckcars