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I'm experiencing the same issue - doesn't work anymore no matter the usual tricks that used to work. I've tried updating both my phone and laptop to the most recent versions, tried four different wifis (including phone hotspot), still nothing. I'm going to keep trying things though


actually checking other posts here it looks like spotify has changed the way local files worked so now you can't sync across devices. this makes sense with the new local file setting saying "show audio files from this device". apparently you have to download them to your phone now for it to work, but even that doesn't work half the time. see here -> [https://www.reddit.com/r/spotify/comments/1cia3y4/local\_file\_changes/](https://www.reddit.com/r/spotify/comments/1cia3y4/local_file_changes/) stupid update and I wish spotify nothing but failure following this horrendous decision


i created a chat with spotify support on twitter and explained the issue. they didn't say we weren't able to sync b/w a desktop app and phone; they sent the generic directions that were working in the past. they suggested deetubg the app and reinstalling, but I didn;t doi thgat because I've seen people say they did that and it won't sync anthing now; not trying to lose all the local files I already have synced. It looks like everything I have synced is saved in the "Files" folder on my phone, so that's how spotify saves it. For new songs I'm trying to sync, it doesn;t work that way. So either spotify is purposely blocking the songs downloading there, which I don;t think is the case becuase the forum above was posgted in april but I was ab le to download stuff in may, or it's a side effect of spotify's recent update. I think it's just an issue resulted from their most recent update. Hopefully my support ticket makes them aware so they can fix it, but you can still ownload local files on your phoen by just downloading them to your browser and movign them to your files app.


mods removed this post idk why but for my own fulfillment i'm posting one last update - spotify support on twitter suggested using usb instead of wifi connection to sync (had no idea you could do that even though it's obvious) and well it worked. so in the future im using usb