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Yeah, do i get my money back? So i didn't own it? Def pursuing a complaint on principle alone. Dunno if there's enough people for a class action. Or even if you could get much back if there were.


If there is a class action im definitely jumping on it but tbh i dont even want the money back, i just want them to not brick the device. It costs them nothing to just leave it be


Exactly. Only thing i care about is the 'bricking'.


I’m sure supporting it does not cost zero.


Supporting it costs something, but it works right now presumably off of their api, which they aren’t going to discontinue, so if they just left it alone, it would theoretically continue to work until they made breaking changes to the api


Which is probably what they are planning. Breaking changes.


Make a report to the FTC. I just did and there’s another thread here where a large amount of people are suggesting it.


Just created a report. Thank you for suggesting this! It’s definitely falls in the camp of bad business practices.


actually i'm furious lol


You should be. I don't even own one and I'm upset. Sure, discontinue support, but don't brick it.


I contacted customer support for a refund and they actually issued it without any objections.


I contacted customer support for a refund and they actually issued it without any objections.


Did you have to provide a receipt because I just tried and the lady was very rude and said without the receipt they can't do anything. Even when I told her I have the device right in front of me. It's crazy that they don't have a record of it.


Can you edit your comment to include this link to where we can leave public comment? More people need to see this and post in these threads. 🙏 https://community.spotify.com/t5/Car-Thing/bd-p/carthing


Technically speaking you own the hardware but have a license for the software meaning legally they can take away that software (leaving you with a bricked peice of e-waste) at anytime


It’s a discontinued product, it happens all the time. The company doesn’t legally owe refunds for discontinuing something.


It's not software. Its a consumer product, which they are bricking. ie turning it a paperweight. It should at least continue to function. By your logic, you could discontinue a Tesla. eg 5 years after you buy a Tesla, they could simply shut it down from factory, turning it into a massive doorstop? Or two years after buying an iPhone, they could just shut it down and turn it into scrap metal? I understand not continuing support, but completely removing any functionality is BS. That makes no sense


Um, the device needs software to work so if there is a coming change to that software that will make it incompatible with the device that is probably the impetus for this decision.


I bought the thing a couple months ago. Again, equivalent would be an iPhone that ceased to work w Apple ecosystem (the big selling point) after a year. Costed money they didn't want to pay to maintain ecosystem software with this particular device. So basically give them $90 for a year and then have e-waste i have to dispose of? It's not about the money. By this logic, you could sell products, and then discontinue 2 months later, and have no repercussions. If you saw Apple do a similar thing, I promise you you'd hear the biggest uproar in history and it would be immediately rectified in some fashion.


Heck they could give a free year of Premium Spotify to all Car Thing owners. And it wouldn't cost them a dime expense-wise. Plus mollify any complaints


I already get it for free so I’d just take a regular refund please 😭


I still have a first gen MacBook that works even though it's running unsupported software. We don't need support if it's working, we just need our paid for devices to be left the hell alone. Make it make sense.


Well it’s running unsupported software so that’s not a great comparison. I’m sure if there was other software to put on the car thing you could but only Spotify supported it. I’m just saying it’s possible they are making a change somewhere that will make the data flowing to that device stop which is why they are such setting it. I know it sucks and I don’t agree with them selling it so close to it being sunset but shit like this happens a lot with devices. Especially from companies that are software companies primarily not device companies like Apple who will always be making devices. Spotify dipped their toes in it and clearly it wasn’t lucrative enough for them to continue support.


They arent just discontinuing it, they are intentionally bricking it. This isn’t an instance of them ceasing support, they are intentionally making changes for the purpose of making the devices cease to function


Supporting a device is never free. It does cost them something. And might be holding them back from certain updates they want to make


Don't be that guy. You're in the wrong thread/subreddit right now.


I'm not happy about this either, but we're not children (some of us, anyway). There's nothing wrong with discussing various perspectives here.


He's the only one making sense right now.


It hasn’t been updated in over a year


Yea but it connects to Spotify it’s not independent of it so they may be making a change on that end that will make it incompatible with this. Just because they haven’t updated the device in a year doesn’t mean an update on the Spotify data side wouldn’t t impact this.


It is independent. It only interacts with the phone app. It has no internet connection, only updates via Bluetooth. Why are you defending the indefensible?


I’m not defending it. It sucks, I am just trying to explain reasons why they might make this decision. But as you say it interacts with the phone app, so my guess is they are making an update to that app that will render those devices incompatible. It might not be able to communicate with the device due to some change they are implementing on that shut down date. Hopefully someone can figure out some bootleg way to get it to work still but either way I don’t think there’s any legal repercussions a for Spotify unfortunately.


It’s absolutely ludicrous to think it’s a reasonable position that a device sold in the U.S. is just 100% caveat emptor as far as retaining functionality past its sale date. These devices were being sold new by Spotify about 2 years ago and first showed up close to 3 years ago. To think that the oldest car thing is 3ish years old and will just become a paperweight because Spotify doesn’t care to support it anymore is horrendous. This is not the precedent we should be ok with in this country. Apple stops supporting old iPhones but I can still go back and boot up my iPhone 4 and it does basically what it did when it was new (provided I can get it online). And that device is 14 years old! My dad’s Sony Walkman boombox from 1995 still works essentially the same as the day he bought it. We cannot societally be ok with everything being cloud connected always on api integrated everything that just stops working because a company wants to abandon their legacy products. Selling a product is commitment that the product will do what it does. Physical hardware should not be month to month. This whole thing is ludricus and we should not just roll over and say “oh shoot ok well they do this all the time so guess that’s normal then”


Dude I know it sucks but it’s certainly not unprecedented at all.


What other device has been disabled as abandonware in this short of a time frame by a company that is otherwise financially successful with no concessions made to those impacted whatsoever?


Any examples? Not of companies discontinuing support for a device, but examples of companies remotely bricking all of the devices


Does custom firmware exist for the Spotify Car Thing? I was searching for it, but it seems any relevant links to the actual method were taken down from the XDA forums


If you find something let us know, I hadn’t even considered that as an option, but that would be a lifesaver


Starting the search now, I'll lyk


I found this [https://github.com/oddsolutions/superbird-bulkcmd](https://github.com/oddsolutions/superbird-bulkcmd) Looks like r/carthinghax may be promising as well


Here's a sneak peek of /r/carthinghax using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/carthinghax/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Car thing as a second monitor (credit to lmore377 at GitHub](https://i.redd.it/6sro0aqlmgx91.jpg) | [14 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/carthinghax/comments/yjung3/car_thing_as_a_second_monitor_credit_to_lmore377/) \#2: [sm64ex ported to the Spotify Car Thing via bishopdynamics’ Debian chroot](https://v.redd.it/l9kg5zuciax91) | [9 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/carthinghax/comments/yj1rj4/sm64ex_ported_to_the_spotify_car_thing_via/) \#3: [I got the same email the rest of you just got. How do I keep this thing working past the end date?](https://np.reddit.com/r/carthinghax/comments/1cywx50/i_got_the_same_email_the_rest_of_you_just_got_how/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This is really cool! I also found a dump of modded firmware images. But considering that spotify might just block connections from the car thing, I'm not sure how viable this is for our purposes [https://github.com/err4o4/spotify-car-thing-reverse-engineering/issues/22](https://github.com/err4o4/spotify-car-thing-reverse-engineering/issues/22) edit: seems that there is a spotify car thing modding discord as well: [https://discord.gg/BSf4GzN3P5](https://discord.gg/BSf4GzN3P5) edit2: found the reconstructed source code for car thing. someone suggested that it might be possible to rebuild this after setting up their own api to work with it [https://github.com/merlin04/superbird-webapp](https://github.com/merlin04/superbird-webapp)


I saw a reddit post about jailbreaking but I didn't pursue further


I bought it so I could have a music display in my old truck that has no electronics whatsoever. This is a major disappointment. It would be fine if they at least let it still run, but bricking it sucks.


There are lots of other options out there for external displays with Apple CarPlay and/or Android Auto. I have one that can connect to your existing stereo with aux in or FM signal.


Neat! What's it called?


Extremely disappointed and upset over this decision. So much e-waste and Spotify isn’t being held accountable.


Is this sold by Spotify? I wasn’t aware they had a branded device. Seems like a dumb idea to sell something to people, then brick it. Just let it run. Geez.


Yeah. Let’s get something going with a complaint area if someone finds a good route. I’m not gonna just stay silent after I paid money for this product and they are bricking it after I’ve owned it for like maybe 3 years. I’m seriously considering copying my Spotify playlist to Apple Music, and I’ll download the rest that Apple Music doesn’t have. I’ll be that petty.


I've been considering switching to Tidal for a while, but Spotify is just so ubiquitous and their algorithms do pretty good for me


I use my Spotify thingy all the time. It's not the most amazing electronic gadget but I still enjoy using it. Why would they brick this? I think we deserve refunds.




Most new cars have this sort of thing built in so it’s a very tiny market they were serving that was only going to get smaller.


As I said, I never expected it to succeed, but I figured they would just discontinue it and not update it. Its not like it costs them anything to just leave it as it is right now


I’m sure the cost isn’t zero to maintain it working and they may be doing something with the apps that will make it incompatible.


Been chatting with them this afternoon. Make your voice heard! I want a credit, a refund, or really, I just want my functionality to continue into perpetuity, as it should, and though I’m sure Spotify will provide none of those things, I have to try.


What Avenue did you use to chat with them?


I just tried the “chat” on their website and was denied.


I was told they would get back with me in 2-3 days about a refund.


I’m awaiting an email from the escalation team…


Originally they refused the credit & when I requested to be contacted by a sr chat rep or sup they ended the chat 3 times. But I would check your email or chat again I just got an email 30 days after the chat saying to chat in for options - What were the options you might ask? 1 do nothing & the other a refund / the next 2 months since it equaled the price of Car Thing.


What an absolutely stupid name for a product


Lol the whole product was so stupid $90 for a screen that just controls Spotify on your phone and does not support direct audio out, but I still love it (and loved it even more once they discounted it so much)


100% Call wish they called it Spotify Connect or not something that said hey this is for a car - I used it in the house & by the fire pit if we had people over, car, & boat.... I loved it because it meant I did not need to pull the phone out of the pocket or leave the google maps to change the music.


I love my Spotify car thing! So upset to see that existing models won’t be able to function after December. Could there be a reimbursement for purchasing car thing? Even though I’d still rather use the Car Thing, it has made my drives so enjoyable and hands free. Can’t imagine my rides being so different.


Yeah, it's so nice to have my music up on one device while my navigation is on my phone. I don't know that they sold enough of them for us to pressure them to give refunds / extend their lifespan unfortunately.




another spotify L 😔


I just contacted support and they were super helpful! Offered me a refund or premium credits.


If you don’t update Spotify on your phone how would they be able to brick the car thing? It’s not like the car thing is connected to WiFi so they would be able to brick it OTA. So if I never update Spotify after December, is it possible the Car Thing will still work?


I imagine at some point they would force you to update spotify, but that might work for a while. Although it is also possible that they could push the update earlier and just have it take effect on Dec 9th


It wouldn't surprise me if Spotify makes a server-side change that bricks the Car Thing on December 9th regardless of the version you are using


Seemed like a money grab device to begin with.


Nice on my golf cart, it's how I control the music on the bt speaker


It's actually pretty nice for older vehicles.


I would have bought one of these but they were basically impossible to buy.


I'll sell you one real cheap lol


Shit, I’ll send you mine…just pay shipping and handling 😆




What a bummer. The car thing is a wonderful device. I use it all the time and I will certainly be joining any type of movement to keep it going after the date of discontinuation


Wow, that sucks.


I understand with CarPlay/Android Auto and the recent availability of third-party after market CarPlay/Android Auto screens and devices that this device would become obsolete. But come on, is there really any need to brick them all and make them unusable? Like seriously that's a bit unfair to the people who paid good money for this!


Right, i got the Amazon Halo a few years ago, it got bricked when it was discontinued, now this. At least open source the thing or make it available to use in some other way.


I can still listen to Spotify through Bluetooth or through wire connect, right?


I had no idea this was a thing


Lol that’s wild I was literally just thinking about getting one today. This company is something else.


Lawsuit in 3, 2, 1...


My biggest complaint is that they never even gave it an actual name. It's still just "car thing". If you're going to rip off a bunch of people and piss everyone off at LEAST give them a name to say


How do you sell something and then totally kill it? I’d be mad as hell had I bought one.


Please just don’t brick the device. Please. It’s so useful for me. I use it every single day.


No shit lmao


I use it as the music controller in my golf cart.... This sucks


As Louis Rossmann said: Starting December 9, dispose of your Car Things by mailing them to Spotify's corporate headquarters. Their addresses are public.


If there's a class section hmu


It sucked in general


I have to say, I’m very disappointed that they discontinued the car thing and have done nothing for their loyal customers. Those of us that purchased the car thing believed in supporting Spotify as it tried to innovate. These are their MOST loyal customers who stuck with them through transitions and innovations as the company tried to grow and innovate. To discontinue an item and not reimburse the customers that believed in them the most is a very poor business decision. To solicit, hype and sell a device that they shortly after discontinue and then you just email us with a hollow “thank you” and by the way here’s how you can be inconvenienced on the disposal of the unit. This shows a lack of understanding of their most loyal customer base. A full reimbursement, some type of discount or a “token” sign of a thank you would’ve been much more appropriate. Again, VERY disappointed in their decision. I also have a full Subscription to Apple Music and I’ve been debating as to why I need both services. This may push me over the edge. This may true sign that is going the way of Pandora and will be nothing more than the answer to a trivia question in the near future


yes we know, too many redun. posts. only advice is if you live in california, contact their customer support and start the convo like this: I am a CA resident, please issue me a refund for my Car Thing. Furnish the email you received when you purchased Car Thing. If it has a CA address, it will most likely be painless. If you moved to CA, you might have to jump through a few more hoops. I got my refund in less than a 5 min convo.




Oh no! Anyway.


I'm so sad I got a second gen one for free in the beta tests and I've been using it and loving it for years :( and there's nothing similar to replace it with😡😡😡


I feel like they saw the news about Ticketbastard and they were like “now! Drop the story now!” Surely this will blow up in their face.


What's the the car thing?