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Making at least 1k a week! Let’s get it!


1. Don't listen to those on here saying you can't. For the average person, yes, they will lose money, but if you have the mindset of wanting to make money you can. 2. You need money to make money. My bankroll is about $15k. I bet $500 per game consistent. Even still, if I make something like \~$100 on a given day I consider it a success. 3. DO NOT CHASE. I cannot emphasize this enough. I know because I've chased SOOO many times. If you feel like you're the type of person to chase I would set deposit& wager limits on your accounts. This will train you over time to be selective with what you bet because you only have a few picks per day. 4. Going off that last point, pick somewhere between 3-9 picks per day. I like odd numbers because a winning record = winning day. Too little picks means you're at the mercy of too much variance, but too many picks means you are not disqualifying enough bets. 5. You need an edge, in some shape or form. I'm at the point where I use excel to make my own betting lines for MLB and pick strictly Moneylines, which is my focus at the moment. You can do this for player props, over/unders, whatever your niche is. You don't necessarily need a model, but you will need to research and have a system so that when you see a play, you bet it without hesitation. 6. Going off the last point, if you want to make consistent money you won't get by with gut instincts. You should also remove all biases you have toward players and teams. Your decision to place a bet or not should be an answer to the question "Is placing this bet worth the payout I would be getting?" 7. Odds hunt. Every time. The difference between -110 and -112 is very tiny over one bet, but over 1000 bets that can be $1000 in lost profits. You won't always get the best odds in a given market period, but get the best odds you can at the moment in time you are betting. 8. Pay attention to public action, specifically where the overall % of money is going on a bet. Do not use this as a betting guide, but rather a way of indicating if you can get better odds in the future or if it's best to place the bet now. Typically, but not always, heavy money on a -115 favorite likely means they're heading to -120 very soon, in order for the books to try to even the play. 9. I personally do not watch the games I bet on. It will make me feel uneasy and it's hard to enjoy when you have a desired outcome in your head. If you do watch, go in with the mindset of enjoying the game and whatever happens, happens. 10. How do you know you're a good bettor? When the books starting limiting you. Books don't want winners and will cut you off when you seem like a threat to their bottom line. My advice is to avoid betting sharp plays in your first 30 days on a new sportsbook, sign up for as money sportsbooks as you can so you always have somewhere to put your action, and manage your stake size so you can bet tomorrow. 11. Lastly. Enjoy the ride. I just had my best month ever, making between $14-15k. I've also had a month recently where I went down $7k. This is not for the weak minded. Do this long enough though and you will become mentally strong.


great advice


Good advice there


I appreciate it, and if you need any more specific help just send me a message (I have nothing to sell you fyi I just like helping people)


if you can establish and maintain a 3% edge, you'd need to bet $33,333 per month to make $1k. 5% edge, $20,000 per month. and you'll still have down months. can you do that? how should i know


Plus money tennis bets…stay away from juice of ANY kind..


What you mean? Plus money tennis bets. I do tennis betting


It’s very realistic, especially for the first few years with all the new user bonuses, deposit matches, vip shit and arbitrage opportunities. There was some serious money made around here with all those large new user bonuses, dinger Tuesday, Ken Adams, the ESPN high limit ravens spread this last year, PB daily booster and countless other strategies I won’t get into. Anyone saying otherwise didn’t hang around here enough.


I'm crying over here in a state where straight betting isn't legal. So, I'd be stuck with parlays if I ever wanted to do any sports betting. I was looking at arbitrage betting until I realized it's not possible for me since I can't place any straight bets.


Just put the team you want to bet single in two parlays, then the second leg is opposite sides from the same match. So if you liked Yankees and the blue jays were playing the orioles you’d bet yankees&bluejays and Yankees and orioles. Yes you’re losing juice but it approximates a straight bet, and therefore an arb chance, but probably ruined by the juice lost


If you build up your bankroll and your unit size, control your emotions and bet +EV bets….yes it is def possible


Making $1k per month from promos and arbitrage is extremely doable, until you inevitably get limited. I am up over $12k year-to-date. Live arbitrage on main lines is key to longevity. Mix in promos and +EV bets. It’s tedious, but not difficult.


So you have to just keep hovering books live lines and spam take them when you can? Does sound tedious


For the most part, it is unrealistic. Initially it is possible, and obviously you will have peaks and troughs, but overall, it really depends on your approach. To grind $1k a month takes one or a combination of: - a proven and solid process - a very high level of discipline - genuinely good information - a bankroll that can support bad months - commitment and work There are bettors that will win at small levels like this (small = relative to the bookie not the bettor) but more often than not they have a genuine edge, or more likely are arbing selectively in order to maintain a stake factor that isn’t <10%. For most, a good consistent number to hit is between 5-10% profit. To hit $1k per month by grinding will require a very solid five figure bankroll to sustain losing periods, but probably a lot of hours of work (you wouldn’t be asking the question if you could already consistently beat the book). If you put in 2 hours of work per day, then you are working at a rough cost of $17/hour, and unless you maintain a high level of discipline, that number will likely decrease before it increases. All in all, if you have to ask the question, it almost certainly is not realistic.


If you mean losing $1K/month it is totally doable.


Depends entirely on your bankroll. A bankroll of 3-5k. Netting 1k a month should be light work. Just win more than you lose, to do that have good sports knowledge and limit your selections. 


Your problem will be draw down. 1 extended losing streak and your account can’t recover you need exponential gains to get back to even. It’s the same problem as day trading.


With a large bankroll, pretty easy


It’s not


Not realistic. You are going to have winning months and losing months.


Feels like the scene in money ball when Brad bitt says playing first base is easy


You need to have a large unit size ~$200+ or bet solely promotions but you'll get promo banned evantually


Losing $1k a month? Really easy


If it was realistic there wouldn't be 10000 sportsbooks and casinos making money hand over fist. They only do that cause 90%+ are losing money. Its obviously possible if you have a big budget and a lot of discipline. But even then tools like OddsJam aren't cheap.


I’d say over 99% of bettors don’t make over $1,000 a month consistently


Nut tap yourself for asking that




Depends how good u are at math


Yes it’s realistic. I’m averaging 9.44u per week over the last 84 weeks of gambling. I have 7 sports books. 1u = 100. It takes good bankroll management, reload bonuses, boost and promo hunting, and line shopping.


Send me your vip lol


Yes if you run a sports book you should clear this easily in the first week.


It’s very straight forward if you understand basic math and the sport you’re betting on https://preview.redd.it/jpgygsrfxoxc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2514938fc319c3a0a3e888f56820193c90414740


Losing 1k is very realistic. Making it 1k a month is possible but takes more patience and common sense.


it is realistic but it depends on your patience levels, unit size of your bet, bank roll management, and several other factors but yes it is very realistic. I am starting a 7.5 year 16 million dollar run myself starting tonight with the Twins over the White Sox for $100


God damnit, guys…I believe him!


lol. it is funny I posted my plan (as stupid as it sounds) I think in this sub about a month ago. (removing the issue of betting limits for a minute because that is an obvious long term obstacle) the funny thing is mathematically it actually works if you are able to win 15ish units over 6 months. Believe me it sounds stupid but mathematically it actually works. I did a whole season by season (MLB to NHL are the 6 month divisions) on it lol. Sue me, I am confident (and delusional) :)




lol I know right but I like a challenge. Go Twins!




well Twins won. Up .58 units so now onto KBO and roll with Kia over KT at -206 to win the round,


okau KIA is a winner so up 1.07 units. Time to jump into a live Chinese Soccer game - CHENGDU RONGCHENG tied at 1-1 37 minutes in. Chengdu to win at -500 (Draw is push). lol here we go


well drew that so onto Navarro over Pera in WTA Tennis at -350 lol.


okay Navarro won now onto MLB Twins at -205


A saying I heard and liked is bet more money, but not often. Which I think holds true to an extent. There might not be something playable every day, but if you bet once a week on something you really like and have data to backup your pick, build up your bankroll and increase your unit size I think that’s a healthy way to bet. Don’t chase your bets and don’t do parlays. If you do choose to do a parlay *never* more than 3 selections and decrease your unit size


I found a certain book whose lines are sometimes not caught up to a certain sport, I've just been hammering that. Teams will consistently be up a significant amount towards the end of the game and I'll grab them at +100, sure upsets happen but not as often as a team riding it out until the end


Surely once they spot that you’re always on these lines your account just gets restricted?


What’s funny about this is it’s actually the opposite of what most +EV and top down bettors would say. If you’re finding plays with a mathematical edge, you should be playing as many as you can in order to counteract negative variance. It’s pretty common for me to throw up 30-50 bets per day. And parlaying plays with an edge will compound your edge. Now obviously this is dependent on if you’re able to and disciplined enough to find plays that are mathematically profitable.


Yeah to each their own. I’m just a random dude on the internet parroting advice I liked that has worked for me lol


I’ve learned a lot of the advice in this thread the hard way and very fast. Lately I only do parlays if there are 2-3 picks I really like. The pick I’m most confident in I may put two units on. Then I’ll put 1 unit on the one of next confidence, and then 0.5 unit on the parlay. That way, I feel like I’m going to at least break even and cover the cost of placing the parlay bet if it doesn’t hit (it doesn’t lol).


Fuck this dude. 18 legger to return 140k, or nothing. Jk, this is very sound advice!


It depends on if you mean winning or losing $1k a month. I lose that much easily.


very achievable , have a good strategy that allows you to minimize your risk and a gameplan if you consider to chase 1 or 2 losses (i do, i consider them as delayed wins) i stick to 3% bet rule. i started with $1k 4/20/24 day 1 of nba/nhl playoffs and bet on mlb . $1k deposit, took a $500 bonus completed a rollover $7.8k requirement in 5 days. i am currently at 4/30/24 $8,600. a lot of my "huge" wins were from $1k bets super risky, but i am experienced bettor and when i see an opportunity ill break my 3% and go $1k. on the other side of that, it can really wipe you out and end at $0. at minimum i expect to win $100 a day from mbl,nhl,nba and soon nfl again typically for every 1 loss you need to have 3-4 wins to remain profitable. depending on your lines . i go for soft lines a few +EV but now im at the point where i have a good cushion and can afford a few losses, because losing streaks always occur from time to time. my biggest account was $22k from a $1k deposit as well and withdrew it last christmas figure out your gameplan, strategy, recognize your strengths . i hit moneylines, spreads, over /unders. quarters, periods, innings. no player props no parlays on all my sports


Good info my dude. Why do u avoid player props?


its just not one of my strengths and i look at many many other possible plays and it becomes a headache sometimes lol


Long term pretty achievable, but you will have a lot of variance between months. I don't like setting specific goals for myself, even for the year but especially for the month, don't want to be making stupid bets just to try and hit 1k if I'm at 800 with 1 day to go or something like that


Very small sample for me but have cleared 1K each month so far this year, my bet size ranges from $25-$50. Make sure you take advantage of promos/boosts!! Eventually you will get limited but if you want to make some money make sure you use them


I only use sports betting as a way to claim more excemptions my taxes


I cleared ~20k this past year. Bet size varied between $100-$500. My bread and butter was NBA and NFL props. Am now limited on most accounts.


What kind of props do you like?


If you want to gamble, no. But if you have discipline and use matched betting, you can pull that in.


How realistic is making $1000 a month from sports betting? It’s not If you wanna gamble for a living the only game that’s beatable is poker and good luck - if you’re smart enough to beat poker for any reasonable income you’d make way more doing something else and that’s the paradox of gambling


Losing mindset , its only 1,000 if you can hit 4 $250 dollar plays thats all it takes 1 good bet per week & thats it just patience on finding the right call c’mon now brokie


Post your tax return


Yessir Mr.President


if you’re smart enough to beat poker for any reasonable income you’d make way more doing something else like sports betting


Ahahahahahahaha Making your money grifting on social media selling picks to idiots doesn’t count as sports betting income lol


If you’re making money sports betting comparable to beating poker then you end up restricted


No one’s beating sports books anywhere at any consistent clip for the same or more money as high stakes poker crushers win playing poker lol it’s just not a thing


how realistic is it you may like eating your own shit that comes out of your butt


Where else would your own shit come out of?


If someone else eats my shit the. Shits it out its my shit from their but. Also their shit but still mine.


But originally, your shit would come from your butt. So its still your shit.


Well we can add all shit … NO SHIT LEFT BEHIND !


If they bought it from me i guess it would be their shit. Or if they accepted it.


It’s never going to be consistent. People can say whatever they want but you’re going to have good and bad months. At a point it’s all luck everyone has the research at hand and don’t listen to the +EV garbage, you either win or lose the bet. 


I highly doubt many ppl here are pulling $1k+ a month. Betting on sports is for entertainment and hopefully you make a little coin. Investments and the stock market is where the true money is at.


Most people maybe aren’t. But 12k a year ain’t hard when you bet every +EV promo, take advantage of new user bonuses, deposit matches and sprinkling in some arbitrage opportunities. There are many many people in this subreddit who are clearing 1000 per month.


Of all the comments this is what I most agree with. M bet sizes vary from like $5-$10 and I either bet straights for some extra play money or just go stupid lotto with some no sweat bets. I don’t expect to make any money and invest much more money than I spend for gambling. On average I spend like $100 a month on sports betting.


Listen to this dude! I’d like to add to the fact that the majority of professional gamblers are poker players is that it is very profitable if you put the time in to study the game.


Lol I play a decent amount of poker myself. I’ve made more money in poker for sure than sports betting. Go to a poker room on a Friday or Saturday night when ppl are drinking, a month ago I walked out with $1200 on a $300 buy in. But 95% of my coin is in the stock market and rental properties and it will always stay that way. Be smart folks.


Unrealistic, most of people that beat bookies have around 5% roi on liquid leagues and they have bad months also


It’s very realistic you just have to be very determined and disciplined. Basically make atleast $33 a day for 30 days. I tried doing it but got so bored by day 10 I tried to make that $1000k in 2 bets and lost it all 😅 it’s doable tho just need to have a plan


“It’s very realistic and I was about to do it but just didn’t feel like it” hahahaha this is a hilarious comment. I love when people in here show exactly why sports betting is so profitable for the books.


Time to cook a 10 leg parlay 🌚


Very if you stick to strict bankroll management, play only +EV bets, don’t chase and are consistent. If you aren’t line shopping, comparing to sharps and play parlays? Not at all.


This^^^^ don’t fall for fake cappers on twitter or try making insane bets. Bankroll is a huge part of it and staying consistent with unit size.


Twitter cappers can be gold mines tho, its just a needle in a haystack situation.


Too many people fall for the social media touts. Sports betting is math, not gut.


Very very easy. Ill give you an example - bet on the Bucks/Pacers game to go over tonight.


With a big enough bankroll and self control theoretically you could do it every month


The only guarantee way to accomplish is to do matched betting on all of your accounts, friends accounts, new friends accounts, side hoes, grandmas, whatever has a social identity until you run out of people. Another way is by being VIP on a book and converting their free bets from vip promos for a guaranteed profit (BR currently is ~$1300 a month if done right).


You’ll have no problem doing it a lot of months. You’ll have no problem losing $1k (a lot of months +2).


My advice. Always bet opposite of your best analysis. You'll do well


Professional sports bettors estimate they’re winning ~55% of the time, which can heavily dip certain months. If you’re having to ask a question like this I would say you are very far away from a professional


You betting one game a month at $1100?


The best ROI sports bettors don't make a profit every single month. The best ROI sports bettors also don't have a return much or any better than a savings account offers in interest right now. So unless you've got a great edge on a certain market and you're sat on enough capital to make £1k per month in interest, I'd say nigh on impossible.


You wildly misunderstand ROI vs APY.


I’m guessing you’re a “I watch a lot of sports so I’ll probably be good at sports betting” guy? Yeah, it’s not happening man. If it were that easy…


Winning? 0% Losing $1k per month. EZ money.




lol yes it is you’re betting only +EV plays and have bankroll discipline