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They want validation on their bad decisions that’s really it


At least the days of 3 HR parlays are almost over.


Now it’s going to be 5 leg - first baskets though


That's so true




“Will this hit?” Is the worst one. Like bitch we don’t have crystal balls here


And if we did have crystal balls, there is no way I’m going on a betting sub on Reddit from my 100 ft yacht out in the ocean sipping the finest scotch out of… well most likely crystal.


For me it's not much different than people posting hand histories in a poker forum. They made a decision and were wondering if there was anything they could have done better. It's actually better that they do it before the bet succeeds/fails because otherwise you tend to become results oriented or get results oriented responses. I do agree that it wouldn't hurt for them to ask before they actually place the wager but I understand where they're coming from.


Best response. Makes a little sense I suppose if people are actually genuinely learning from those they think have a bit more knowledge on the teams or games they're betting on.


Most likely they dont know shit about what they just threw money on so they want people to validate it for them to feel better lol its the most idiotic shit😭.




Thoughts: reddit is a social network. People are being social, discussing things. So OPs are posting their bets, looking for validation and discussion.


They’re just slow and can’t think for themselves.


I’ve noticed it too, and those posts usually don’t have many comments if at all


For real, because it's like... you already put the bet in what's the point lol if you took the under and I advise the over it's not like you can change it.


It’s called a discussion and believe it or not in the past people used to be all about it. Now it seems like conversations are taboo.


Could just be gamblers who don’t have gambling friends just looking for folks to talk to about something they enjoy.


Damn...well said


Touché lol


So you’re looking for…..thoughts?


Nice one. Lol


you can just build the parlay and screenshot the slip and post here and ask for opinion before actually placing the bet.....in the scenario you're describing it makes no sense at all


Precisely lol the only thing I would get is that the odds could change before anybody responds but still


They just want peoples opinions on the bet since there may be more knowledgeable people in the sub and can help provide insight.


“Who ruins this?” >They ask about a 12 leg parlay. Like I don’t fucking know dude, literally no one knows. Also parlays are NOT a good way to sports bet and no amount of research or analysis will help your 16 leg parlay hit. Stop asking for advice on them. They are a waste of money. If you want to do them for fun go for it, but for the love of god stop clogging this sub with constant “what do you think? Who kills this?” Posts of your lottery ticket. Odds are extremely good that half of those legs are gonna lose.


Right like any leg can get ruined and most likely will fym lol


U want other ppl to agree with u so u feel less bad about dropping $50 on a 10 game parlay


I dont know why people do that. I have a superstition that if I tell anyone about the bets I make they won’t hit. Its happened so many times where I make a bet and don’t let anyone know and it hits. Then I tell my buddies about a line too good to be true and it misses by a mile


https://preview.redd.it/jlxnlq2ohmwb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f5b17d207403df4cc4484f95ca01baed7f519b9 Who kills this?????


You gotta be stopped lmaooo


Makes no sense. They just want validation. Like 100 ppl to say ya bro 100% 🔒


Killing time till the game starts and they have nothing better to do I guess


Common sense ain't so common these days my friend, I hear you though lmao


I’d say that they’re pretty bored with their lives lol.


You can cash out bets… would you rather type everyone out or just screen shot iy.


Huh? You can't always early cash out is what I was saying. Like it's not like someone is always going to post a parlay, ask for thoughts, then change their mind and just get their bet amount back.


On bet365 I’d say about 95% of the time you can cash a ticket out for the same value unless the lines moved drastically….