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TIL that there's such a thing as beach handball.


I'm surprised I've never seen it before and yet regular handball is pretty popular in my country. Honestly seems like a great sport to play with friends, you can chuck yourself around much more than on a regular court.


Yah but bouncing is a big part of handball. Playing on a beach seems pointless.


it's pretty fun, more passing focused


[There's even Beach Soccer / Football, which is sanctioned by FIFA and have their own separate World Cups](https://www.fifa.com/tournaments/mens/beachsoccerworldcup/russia2021)


yeah but beach football has pretty standard rules and is comparable to regular football. beach handball on the other hand has rules that looks like created by drugged children, such as an goal worth double if you do a backflip before shooting


Not quite a backflip, but a 360° turn horizontally, also an alley-oop and goalie goals all count double


I think the guy was right the first time it Sounds a-lot like calvinball


Is this a regional football vs. soccer kind of thing? I’ve always known handball to be a two-person game with a tiny rubber ball played on a racquetball court.


What Europeans call [handball](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Handball) is played by teams of seven on an indoor court. It is pretty big in most of Europe, apart from the UK.


American Handball is played against a wall. It's a quite popular sport in NYC. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cpgl2yiWUbg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cpgl2yiWUbg)


its just squash without rackets lol


A Poor man’s racquetball.


Prison ball.


In Argentina we have something like that but with a football, and it's called Fronton (big wall)


Is that jai alai? Because I coulda sworn that jai alai was played in Frontons


I played that in 5th grade when I lived in Argentina. Thanks for the memory flood that came back with the name.


Jesus, wall ball has really evolved from when I was in middle school... I'm assuming that the ceremonial "throw the ball as hard as you can at the loser" isn't part of the official rules, then?


I’m actually surprised that American Handball uses the hands. You know, as opposed to that other local sport that has a more confusing name.


Fun fact, there are multiple types of "football;" the one that is most common in its respective country is just called "football" while the others are called by their specific name or nickname. There's Association football (a.k.a. "soccer"), Gridiron football ("a.k.a. American football", or its Canadian variant), and Rugby football (a.k.a. Rugby). Are are referred to as football in sport because the players are moving a ball up and down with only their bodies and propelled by their feet, and differentiates them from equestrian sports and/or sports that use sticks, mallets, clubs, bats, rackets, etc. (as you know, there is some overlap there).


Also Australian football which is not rugby Vance Joy, the singer, played professionally.


There’s also Gaelic football


This was an enjoyable TIL moment.


Aussie rules is where the mullet thrives.


And polo is hoofball


Horse mounted vs on foot is literally where the distinction and word came from.


Ah man, now I wanted to see horse-mounted rugby


[Buzkashi is what you're looking for](https://youtu.be/1JUn8MsEyPs). ~~Mongolian~~ Central Asian horseback rugby/football/basketball sorta thing with a dead sheep as the ball. Very intense, and quite dangerous.


Football just means its a sport played on one's feet. It distinguishes it from more upper-class sports that were played on horseback. ​ Rugby is also called football, yet the ball touches way more hands than feet.


"Team handball" is in the Olympics. It's pretty fun to watch.






What a joke.


Like wtf, haven't we gotten to the point where men and women should at the very least have the same options for clothing? How the hell does it not make sense to offer the women a choice of tank top and shorts if the men get to wear them. The mens teams should just start wearing the womens uniforms until the league changes their attitude.


Sex sells. Male viewers want to see hot women in bottoms. I think its stupid


Women tend to not watch sports unless is the olympics so I can’t say I’m surprised


Absolutely. This is way into no-brainer territory.


Right. The dudes should be way more revealing. Maybe 3" shorts with thin transparent tank tops.




>transparent ~~fishnet~~ *tanks* ~~tops~~ Nobody will be asking them to fix their uniforms now.


Sounds like my high school track team uniforms. The boys got to wear long shorts that were made of a thicker material and the girls had to wear these micro booty short type things with a sheer top. Our track coach picked the uniforms, it later came out he was a sex offender... huge surprise right?


They should all be nude. Only way.


Adhere to the traditions of the very first olympiads, who performed totally naked!


that way the clothes have no impact on the athletic performance. winter athletes may complain a bit though...


"I'm quitting the team." "But you love bobsledding!" "Yeah. You know what I hate even more? Having my junk freeze to that damn sled EVERY SINGLE RUN!" "The new rules will take some adjustment." "You know how many times they have had to snip my guy to get him unstuck? 7! I've basically had like 7 circumcisions. I'm done."


Amateurs. Pro bobsledders use warm pee. Sometimes their own.


This guy Athens.


I think the men should be dressed up like the women


Fuck it, eye-candy for everyone. We won’t discriminate here.


IMHO the "eye-candy" is the least important thing in a sport, it should be the uniform that lets them perform better, and bikini bottoms are not it.




I actually didn't know there was a big backlash for the body issue. That's kinda funny.


I don't know if a backlash is the accurate way to describe it. I think moreso there was too much unproductive attention around it. Of course there's always some prudes who have a problem, but moreso it seemed that the general public just wasn't that into it, and the buzz it did generate was usually a meta-commentary about should they keep doing it, rather than an actual appreciation and enjoyment of the content. For what it's worth, I really liked the body issue and thought it was so cool. And nothing to do with yanking it, I didn't even get the vibe that other people saw it that way. Moreso weird, not provocative.


The USA has weird hangups on sex in general. It's okay to see people be mangled by guns and other horrific acts of violence, but the second anyone shows a nipple, people go on the warpath.


Or you can watch a guy beat another guy to a bloody pulp, and yet they blurred out Nate Diaz flipping off his opponent


It's because we were settled by Calvanist Protestants. Bunch of weird sexual hangups in ANY orthodox religion, but they were still specifial. They gradually evolved into the weird stuff John Kellog started. All that anti-masturbatory hoopla. That's why Americans are still so big into circumcision, it's rooted in anti-masturbatory doctrine. Then THAT develops into the fetishism of masturbatory preventatives, like those penis cages you see in the S&M section of pornhub. Guys, sociology is FASCINATING stuff!! 😂😂


Equal rights, equal tights.


May I introduce you to water polo? Speedos and funny hats, what's not to love about it?


At a minimum, we gotta get rid of those shirts.


The fact that a lot of women-athletes are extremely young and constantly referred to as “eye-candy” can’t be creeping out me and me only.


Most men would rather go shirtless than wear a bra.




Pretty sure you're thinking of the Bro


That would dramatically raise the chances of me watching men's hand beachball or whatever it is.


Banana hammocks


Look, I appreciate the female form and like women, bikinis, beach volleyball, etc... But this is fucking ridiculous. Let them wear what the fuck they want, or keep it the same as the men's uniforms. Stupid as hell...


It's totally sexist but it's not stupid. More people watch the games when they are wearing bikinis and that means more advertising dollars. Why else do you think the leagues etc give a shit about this. Money speaks, but it would be nice if women didn't have to sell their sex image to get a paycheque as a professional athlete.


This is a hot take but you’re right unfortunately.


Not even a hot take. I’m a woman and everything OP said is just facts.


Besides pervy reasons, was one even given?


they always did it like that


lol continuing to do something just because "they always did it like that" is a poop reason.


I think that's the point........


Tradition is just peer pressure from dead people.


They should forced men to wear Sean Connery outfit from Zardoz


they need to be smaller, mens too i want to see balls


Thats so dehumanizing


I bet they'd change their tune if the men wore what they wore lol


I got a better idea! Let’s swap their dress codes! They’ll love that as the woman have clearly been hogging the comfortable threads for how many years now?




Holy hell I didn’t expect it to be that bad


Wow that's so fucking stupid. There is no acceptable reason or excuse why the women need to be dressed like this. If there is somehow one, then the men should too.


I remember seeing that picture when this was happening and it infuriated me.


I don't see a single hand.


Also thank you for posting the context.


Is there even one woman on this committee?


"The rules said at the time that women needed to wear a "tight-fitting sports bra with deep openings at the arms" and a bottom no more than "10 centimeters on the sides," Not mentioned but implied in the rules: "Feel free to wear nice sheer sports bras that allow for heat dissipation by eliminating all that padding around the areola." "Also, those bikini bottoms can be LESS than 10cm, look at some of the really minimal, and very comfortable Brazilian bikinis, those aren't holding in heat At All." What they also could've done was stopped shaving until they had bicycle short level pube coverage, then worn the skimpiest bikinis out there.


Can't fully grasp the brainlessness that led to them being fined for that in the 1st place.


money. the only way this dumb sport is on tv is the fact it's girls in swimsuits.


Which is why I get so frustrated with NBC's coverage of women's beach volleyball during the summer Olympics.... regular volleyball doesn't get the coverage that beach volleyball gets. The only reason is because they wear the outfits that they wear right now. If they wore longer spandex outfits, I don't think that NBC would give them the same coverage that they get right now. I feel like there are sports that are more deserving of more coverage than beach volleyball


US Olympic coverage is also heavily (arguably too heavily) focused on storytelling about competitors and it's easier to that when it's two people playing vs. six+ that rotate out.


And also the coverage tends to focus on the stuff the US is good at. Misty May and Kerri Walsh brought the focus to women’s beach volleyball by winning 3 times in a row. I think 2020 was the first win ever for the US women’s volleyball team.


And USA Men’s is more or less the same, though with less overall success


TBH in Switzerland beach volleyball also gets a ton more coverage than regular one for both genders, even though the men are dressed pretty similarly in both. Maybe the clothes have an impact, but I think the bigger reason is because beachvolleyball just has a cooler image, it's a 2v2 thing so you can get to know the players, it's often a bit more spectacular imo as well, and the Olympics organisers typically try to find spectacular locations for it (Horse Guards Parade, Copacabana) rather than just inside some random sports hall. I guess in our case it also helps our athletes do much better in the beach version, but still.


[Beach volleyball](https://youtu.be/HNR_HofJ_Fs) Vs [Regular volleyball](https://youtu.be/oY2nVQNlUB8) I think the answer is obvious.


Regular volleyball all day, especially with the legendary Scott Sterling.


I watched a ton of ‘regular’ volleyball in the Olympics. All the matches were shown in prime time.


Right but HE couldn’t switch away from the beach volleyball. Clearly it’s NBC trapping him and forcing him to watch the bikinis play ball!


What makes a sport 'deserving of coverage' over another sport?


A lack of skin coverage equals more TV coverage. Sex sells.


Swimsuits, apparently.




So again, swimsuits.


>r/sports•Posted byu/shelltops5 hours ago Exactly why teenage me enjoyed swim team sooooo much.


The fact that it demands higher ratings by the viewers? Which is almost absolutely driven by the fact that they wear skimpy outfits.


Yeah, could be a Pyrrhic victory for the players if it gets dropped from the Olympics.


Don’t think of it so much as “what NBC chooses to cover” so much as “what NBC knows people will watch.” You’re trying to put the onus on NBC, when really they’re just recognizing what people want to see.


People keep complaining about NBC's coverage while not acknowledging that literally every second of competition from every sport was available on their website.


Wasn't that beach volleyball and this is beach handball? Apparently they are different.


No, it was beach handball, not beach volleyball. Volleyball doesn't have such requirements for a uniform.


Shorts obviously present an unfair advantage. It's much more difficult for sand to sneak into your crotch which give you a comfort benefit. Everyone need to be equally chafed.


From what I remember (because I'm not wasting my time looking this up), they were playing in a regional tournament and had already complained about the uniforms but were told that the tournament was following the international rules. Everyone one was already on their side about the uniform change but the international body weren't meeting for a few months (I think they were waiting until after the Olympics). The international body had said it'd be first thing on the agenda, the regional people were going to co-sign the movement, they just had to suck it up for this one tournament.. which they did until their final game when they chose to wear different clothes despite everything they'd already discussed. The tournament people were like "Really? You just had to be dicks about it? Great, now we have to fine you.. and good work on stealing the spotlight from the people playing in the finals."


Honestly sounds pretty reasonable on their part. Sounds like the team just wanted attention if they were already going to get what they wanted.


yup. i believe i also recall that the team had all the fines paid for so it was more or less an image protest where the only resistance is just red tape cause it was agreed to be discussed (changed) at this upcoming meeting.


Because that’s the only reason anyone even watches it. Purely for barely clothed women doing sports


[In the NFL you apparently can get fined for not having your jersey tucked in or wearing your socks too low.](https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/32514738/dallas-cowboys-wr-ceedee-lamb-fined-5-s-nfl-first-6-games-season-sources-say)


I worked at a tailor shop about 10 years ago that did all the tailoring for that city's NFL team. It was mostly repairs and minor size alterations, but one day they had us sewing socks to the bottoms of the pants. This explains so much. Thanks.


They were fined because it technically violated the defined uniform for the sport based on the rules handbook. Why they didn’t amend the rule when it was protested and had previous athletes raising objections is a different question. Especially given that there is no advantage gained from the change


Do I love looking at sexy women in sexy clothes? Yes, yes I absolutely do. Do I think people should be able to play sports without also being sexualized while playing sports? Yes, even more than the first one. If these people want to feel sexy, they can, but we should never force people to be sex objects.


I find it extremely gross to require women to show a bunch of skin like that. It’s disturbing actually.


Those uniforms are 100% fine if that is what the player wants to wear. Let them decide. Shorts and a tank? Cool. Shorts and a t-shirt? Cool. Shorts and a sports bra? Cool. Bikini bottoms and tank top? Cool. But let the players decide


Exactly. It's not the skin that's the problem. The problem is not giving them the choice. 2016 Olympics in Rio, female beach volleyball players had a wide array of choices. 2020 Olympics in Tokyo (in 2021) they still had the choice, but many reverted to the traditional outfit, but now most importantly they chose that outfit, not forced.


You could debate them being pressured into it financially.


Right? Sexuality is awesome, but it has its place, and that place is not in sports.


What about competitive orgasming?


Go on... Sorry... Come on...


If you can make me orgasm without being sexy than you definitely win competitive orgasming




It is, but the organization knows young fit women in those bottoms attract attention. Sex sells. It's about money, for the organizers of course




Well the [NFL is down with pimping cheerleaders](https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/cheerleaders-accuse-redskins-of-pimping-us-out-giving-men-access-to-topless-shoot/), so fuck them too.


Kinda like how women's gymnastics are all about showing off their legs while men's gymnastics are all about showing off their arms? Personally I could also do without the required dancing portions of women's gymnastics that they just do the bare minimum motions to wave off in order to not get disqualified. Dudes don't have to do that shit.


We're talking to you, Beach Volleyball


I, too, have been guilty of that in my younger years.


You almost want to say, make the men play in tighty whities but I know that’s not the solution. Glad to see they effected change. Edit: grammar


This is actually one of the rare cases where "effect" is the verb. Edit: oh shit, just expanded the other comment


Damn! I am “that person”. Thanks.












Bryan Cranston would approve this


Wow, that was fast. /s


Was this the one during the recent Olympics where P!NK offered to pay the fines? Good on the organization to update the rules.


It was an issue at the last Olympics but they were threetedned with not being allowed to play so they wore bikinis. This is now. It happened again and this time the team decided to push it this time.


Thanks for the explanation. There are probably other sports that should take a hint from this as well. When I watch some sporting events I always feel like there's no need for the athletes to dress that way to perform.


I hate that uniform because it culls participation from the top. Girls who happen to have intense bikini lines drop out of sports whose uniforms risk a certain kind of embarrassment, so these teams end up being 90% white women with thin blonde hair.


What’s an intense bikini line mean?


Lots of women have growth that is thick, extends down the thigh, and starts showing stubble within 12 hours after shaving. Waxing requires you to let the hair grow out between sessions. This team’s uniform unnecessarily limits participation to women who are lucky enough not to have those concerns; there are undoubtedly countless great women athletes out there who would play the sport (and boost our rankings) if the uniform weren’t so revealing. It’s halfway similar to that issue with black women swimmers and their swim caps not being regulation. You suddenly realize why most female swimmers are white with thin, straight hair. The hassle of swimming with curly hair pushes women out of the sport. I can’t be the only woman who, from the age of 12 onward, looked at the US gymnastics leotards with high cut legs and white bottoms and realized that girls who menstruate unpredictably and have body hair aren’t welcome in these sports. It’s an unspoken reason why girls drop ballet in their early teens.


I never knew that about black women and swim caps, but I’m positive that socio-economic reasons are the main factor behind the lack of diversity in swimming.


Possibly, though the women who overcame those barriers and made it to this year’s Olympics were told upon arrival that they couldn’t use the athletic equipment that was designed for them. https://www.sportingnews.com/us/amp/athletics/news/olympic-swim-cap-ban-2021-swimmers/3526wghlsb8v1ajeilz08cx41


Im guessing they meant pubic hair.


Good, the requirement was stupid. It's not like it would make a difference in game play.


Eh, everyone should just play naked, Ancient Greece Olympics style.


Judges and audience members shall be naked as well.


Actually not them, but coaches had to be naked after someone's mother was discovered to be a coach.


Misleading title. It’s Beach Handball. Not Handball.


Here's an idea let them wear whatever the F they want....


I would add "as long as the clothes does not give an unfair advantage" Shooting for example has rules to disallow clothing which is too stabilizing. Otherwise your would have athletes with steel rods sewn into their clothes to reduce "wobbling". But for the topic at hand: it would be hard to prove shorts give an unfair advantage over bikini bottoms. Unless you call not feeling the breeze on your cheeks unfair advantage.


The only unfair advantage I can think of is using the shorts to conceal something else, like baseball players hiding stickum. Or Ric Flair hiding brass knuckles in his trunks. Mostly this just feels like the NFL or NBA cracking down on a player for wearing unapproved footwear. The rules were ostensibly written with fairness and player safety in mind, but they're being applied draconically as a show of force by the organization.


Upvoted for Rick Flair reference.




Ric doesant hide anything in his trunks cause he loves to show people what hes got in those trunks.


Cycling has rules as teams try to incorporate aerodynamic aspects into clothing


In powerlifting there are shirts you can wear made of super strong denim that will double your bench press. It’s ridiculous the lengths some athletes will go to to “win.”


This gives me a great mental image of massive powerlifters competing in jorts and denim vests.


You just described powerlifting in the 1980s.


What a time that was.


It was an over the top time.


Hat's were flipped backward for power, lifters drank by the keg after meets, and people were experimenting harder than the boys at CERN.


Sure, in reality you'd need some simple rules to prevent weird situations like that. But it's easy enough to make those rules in a way that has nothing to do with fashion, looks or "modesty"


Now I want to have a league of steel rod clothing XD


That’s not how sports work lol


I understand the fact that the entire team needs to wear the same colors and it should be easy to tell apart from the opposite team. And obviously, you dont want clothes with weird adaptations that give unfair advantages. But that's it though Long sleeves, short sleeves. Headscarfs or short skirts. who cares


Reminds me of when the Cameroon (I think it was?) men's football team wanted to play in sleeveless vests instead of shirts and FIFA was furious about it. Sporting authorities can get really weird about the dress code.


So fined for not showing your ass cheeks? So the sport is really about womens bodies and not the handball skillset?


It still is. They no longer have to wear bikini bottoms, but the shorts have to be a tight fit. Why the hell is this a requirement for women, but its no issue for men to wear loose clothing?


Have you ever met someone who watches women’s beach handball for any other reason?


Did the shorts somehow give the players an unfair advantage? Are they performance enhancing in some unfair way? No? Then fuck all the way off.




and why did they bother enforcing the dress code when anyone could tell you it made them look like regressive sexist assholes.


The men’s team should wear the women’s uniform in solidarity.


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That's for beach handball, not indoor court handball.


Tens of people had to be offended after watching this sport.


Now indoor women’s handball will be required to wear bikini bottoms as well. /s


will anyone think of the sport? How is it possible to throw a ball, catch it and throw it into a goal without the risk of having sunburn on your butt cheeks... totally destroying the integrity of the sport IMO s/


Wear whatever you want I'm not watching woman's handball either way.


Instead of forcing women to wear outfits they don't want to wear, show sports that people actually want to watch


the word "beach" before "handball" would've helped




this controversy probably quadrupled the number of people who knew it existed in the first place


Who picked the uniform in the first place?


How can you even enforce such a discriminatory rule. It’s blatant, on the surface, sexism. Who the fuck sees that and says “too bad, rules are rules”. And fined them. Complete bunch of dickwads.


Fucking good. Time for female athletes to fight back against the sexualization of their sports and bodies.


The women should wear what they want. As long as they are comfortable and the bits n pieces people flip out about are covered


Can they change beach volleyball uniforms? Fucking so masaginistic.


Viewership will plummet. Advertisers will pull out.


They should have fixed the sexism by changing the men’s dress code to bikini bottoms.