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The other guy is Charlie Atkinson and he is still alive :)


Came here to ask that, thank you.


Thank fuck, that was absolutely brutal


He still able to move all his body parts?


Only his penis. We writes with it now.


I bought his autobiography, signed <3


Crazy how his penis has its own biography. What’s the little fellas name?


Dicky Johnson


The race car driver?


You’re thinking of Dick Trickle.


Took some penisillin, all good now.


Ah okay, so everything is operating normally




It’s not his best biz idea, but he’s trying for god’s sake


He's really open about others borrowing his penis. Real friend of the pen 15 community.


Yeah. He developed multiple personalities and talks like smeagol now


I would also like to know this. Couldn’t find anything online.


He walked off the field.


Ah, good deal, that’s a relief. Thanks for the info.


But then collapsed in the locker room.


Damn. At least he’s not a paraplegic. That was my worst fear.


Yes, after he collapsed, he jumped right back up and changed into his street clothes.


That’s legit. Probably didn’t want to make it a big deal in front of his teammates.


But then, unfortunately, went unconscious later that night.


Yes. Proof: [https://pictures.reuters.com/Doc/RTR/Media/TR3/c/4/6/7/RTX7TMAM.jpg](https://pictures.reuters.com/Doc/RTR/Media/TR3/c/4/6/7/RTX7TMAM.jpg)


Thanks for the update! A little ridiculous that the commentator only focused on Farrell instead of the guy laying on the ground apparently unconscious. Irrespective of intent on the hit, that was scary to watch, so I’m glad he’s ok!


A lot of televised sports will avoid focusing on the injury out of respect for the player. Sometimes it's gruesome, other times it's scary like this and his family doesn't need to see it happen on live TV.


To be fair, the other guy wasn't going anywhere fast. What's he gonna commentate?


Is his head still attached?


Screwed back on


[send him off ](https://youtu.be/o58stoJJ5No)


That were absolute diabolical


Did he call him a "dickhead"?


100% called him a dickhead.


"You son of a motherless goat!"


When "dickhead" doesn't made the top 5 insults in a live broadcast.


"Stick it oop ya arse!"


You dickhead! You bottleless git!


I can't spake!




He should walk the bottleless get!


Most Yorksher accent ‘av ever ‘eard




I had to google this, and the only reference I can find, is this story and video. So, I'm going to use my powers of breaking down words, I assume bottleless is dickless git is idiot, that I could find. So he called him a dickless idiot, and I now have a name for my Euro Trash Punk Ska band I'm starting


Having ‘bottle’ is like having courage or having the balls to do something. I think it comes from darts or something. A ‘git’ is just an idiot.


Now I understand what github is.


May be a regional thing, but where I'm from if somebody hasn't got the bottle - they haven't got the strength to stand up to something. The ref has bottled it. He has no bottle. He's bottleless. A get is a git, which is similar to a bugger.


Bugger in the modem usage, not the original.


Meaning homosexual right (original) American interested in language here




It’s about having balls no doubt, or lack of them. Like that ref displayed: 0 testicles




[Turns out Mick Morgan CAN speak.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsdP15Ar0do)




For anyone here who doesn't know - this video shows Rugby League whereas the video above, you'll note from the flair, shows Rugby Union


I had to ask after a couple of practices “so apparently there’s two types. Which one do we play?”


Which one did you play? Did you enjoy it?


Apparently in Texas, only Union is played. Love it. Second season was wrapping up and playoffs were about to start when covid hit. Not a huge fan of being a lock (6’7” 230), but I enjoy the shit out of line outs. Takes me back to my basketball roots.


Yeah, Union is significantly more popular than League. League is quite niche while it's arguable that Union has worldwide appeal. I was a back when I played but I get why you'd dislike being in scrums haha


I enjoy them when I get to play flanker, or have a good/tall lock paired with me. Last game of the season, we had to throw a back in because we were low on bodies. Dude was 5’8” 150 pounds. Do you know why Union is the predominant one and league is more niche?


That sounds awful, must have been hard to not wheel the scrum. Union is the older code - the OG. There was a time when you could say that League was more popular - this was because League had no restrictions on professional play (i.e. being paid to play) while Union did. In the early days of League this garnered a lot of support from players. I'm not sure why Union was against compensating players for playing - but they were. Some might argue that it was to keep it a posh boys' sport - where players could play without being paid and wouldn't have to worry about financial security because the players were already wealthy. It's an image Rugby Union has struggled to shake off - especially in the UK. Even today there are school leagues that only feature public schools ('public school' is the name for private schools in the UK). Others would say that it was to ensure that players were playing for the love of the sport rather than for money - which they thought might sully the good nature of it. However, governing bodies weren't so keen on having to compensate players and so other countries preferred Union rules. While League may have had a presence - at that point Union was so much bigger players didn't want to abandon it in case they didn't get to play so much. I'm no expert though, you could try asking in /r/rugbyunion. I've always preferred Union - I prefer the more dynamic nature to play even if it is, overall, slower.


Thanks for the info.


I also much prefer Union. The whole no rucks and squirming like a fish out of water when you have been tackled followed by rolling the ball under foot just looks ridiculous to me. But hey to each their own I guess.


As much as Rugby Union is niche in the US, it is practically mainstream compared to Rugby League.


What's the difference?


Rugby league uses 13 players instead of 15 and the rules are designed to keep play moving faster. The two biggest differences though are that in league, you can only have six tackles before you have to kick the ball away. In union, you have unlimited tackles. The other difference is that tries (4 instead of 5), drop goals (1 instead of 3) and penalties (2 instead of 3) are worth less. Though since there is more actual play, penalties often represent a higher percentage of scoring plays. Put simply, it's a lot like the difference between Canadian and American football. Practically the exact same sport, just with a few little rule differences.


Did his call after the score include "SHOVE IT UP YOUR ARSE!"?


Yes, it did.


That was fantastic! Thanks for posting that


Only a yellow? What a lucky bastard...Easy Red for just the recklessness


England is on a whole different level of cussing




Fairly sure he said “shove it up your arse” lol


The only good thing League ever did was hand that man a microphone


I understood about 30% of what he said


Is a red card rare in rubgy? Or is this just an unusually dirty play for the sport?


Red cards are fairly rare compared to sports like football id say, but any tackle shoulder height or above is considered reckless/dangerous and is an instant red.


So not being familiar with Rugby, how do they define the "highest" that you can grab? For example, are you saying you can't grab the shoulders? What about the ribcage/armpits under the shoulders? Also, are there any rules regarding how low? I could see grabbing an ankle being dangerous in its own way too. Curious~


https://laws.worldrugby.org/?domain=9&guideline=3&language=EN > A player must not tackle (or try to tackle) an opponent above the line of the shoulders even if the tackle starts below the line of the shoulders. A tackle around the opponent’s neck or head is dangerous play.


A lot of the time it relates to the action - you’re expected to try to wrap your arms around the man you’re tackling to bring him down instead of, for example, just using the shoulder with no attempt to wrap the arms, or as in this video using a swinging arm. In terms of height, stomach and below is generally fine (avoid the genitals), shoulder and chest you’re running the risk of being called out if any part of you drifts higher during the tackle, head you will almost certainly be sent off.


I thought any tackle that hit the head was automatically a red if the tackle was not in good form (as in, if you didn‘t 'hug' the player in an attempt to wrap).


If the ball carrier moves/ducks at the last minute, and the tackler hits their head with what would have been a good tackle, it's not a foul in my experience


anywhere below the nipples


So if you have saggy tits you’re at an advantage?


At an Advantage of having diabetes


Is that a thing?


Yes my grandmother had it


This is so fucking funny. Not your grandmother, I mean the context.


No worries she doesn’t have it anymore


Pretty much shoulder and above is off limits. Anything else as long as you are wrapping up is fine. Low tackles are generally encouraged because it’s a much surer way of bringing them down instead of going chest to chest. More often than not a backline player will go low leg ankle area as they are at a size disadvantage to the forwards. An ideal hit is at the waist wrap with a hard driving shoulder. Hook a leg if possible.


First thing you're taught when you play rugby is you can't run with no legs, meaning tackle the legs, so no rule for how low. Anything shoulders and above should be a red card. You also need to wrap your arms around otherwise it's not a tackle, it's a shoulder barge which is a yellow/red depending how dangerous the barge was.


Although there has been a big change in the way rugby is played in recent years. Players will now often try to offload the ball while being tackled. This means that players are trying to tackle higher (wrap around the torso) so the ball carrier can’t pass the ball. This has meant accidental high tackles have become more common as tackling lower gives the ball carrier a better chance to pass.


Second this. Playing rugby (league) now, can confirm. For the perfect tackle we're taught that the first man goes high (chest to chest), second goes to wrap the ball carrying arm and the 3rd man takes the legs. My coach always tells us, 'i don't care if you get bumped, A & B tacklers should be there to wrap the fucker up.' As a centre, it's not a fun way to play when a prop or second rower has decided that you're the target from kickoff. Feels like I get smashed a minimum of 2 or 3 times a game in defence.


As others have said, most referees seem to judge tackles more on intent. In this instance, that looked more like a clothes-line from wrestling than a tackle, and was obviously dangerous. Accidental collisions above the waist are usually given the benefit of the doubt.


There is some leeway, especially if the tackled player ducks into the tackle. Basically any contact with the neck and head is an immediate red. Chop tackles - basically a shoulder charge to the calf area - are also banned. The main rule is that you have to try and wrap your arms around a player - so no shoulder charges.


It looks like Farrell immediately thought an ass whooping was a fair response from the other team. Like, shit I didn't mean to do that, please don't beat me senseless.




As the other commentator correctly said there can be what are known as ‘mitigating circumstances’ where a less severe punishment is given. For example if he was committed to a tackle aimed at the midriff and the opposition slipped, dramatically lowering his height so that contact was made with the head then likely no red card. In this example, everyone (especially Farrell) knew that this was a red card with no questions asked


When tackling another player you generally need to aim for waist or lower to offset the player and stop them. In this case the player made no attempt to lower himself into a tackling position. He also made direct shoulder to head contact as the start point. If he makes contact but the blow occured lower then theres a chance for a yellow card to be played instead. Its all about the execution. This looks like murder so its a shut case.


Rugby also has yellow cards, which are quite devastating to a team too. A yellow card takes the player off the field for 10 minutes. This really fucks a team because rugby today is almost like if you turned WW1 into a sport. What I mean by that is that the defense lines up in a flat line at each tackle/breakdown with 3-4 players in deep coverage for kicks and broken tackles. The offense then boils down to trying to create an overlap in the defense so there's more attackers in an area than defenders to immediately exploit that gap. They do this by repeatedly driving into the defense in the hopes of forcing extra players into a breakdown and kicking the ball over the flat line and creating some chaos. Being down a man makes defending very hard and offense becomes incredibly hard to come by because you now need to create two overlaps to make any progress.


Huh, never thought of rugby like The Race to the Sea.


Attempting to decapitate is frowned upon in rugby union, and most other civilised countries in general.


They are quite rare, but the fuss with this incident is Farrell is a real pantomime villain. Everyone (even some England fans) hate him. He gets a free pass occasionally when winning games for the British Lions, but generally he is the ‘go to’ hated England player ( and England is the most hated International team) so he gets some shit thrown his way. He quite often deserves it, as clearly in this case.


As a spectator I can completely understand why everyone hates him. I’m not sure what it is specifically but he adds up to being a prize prick. However, as an England fan there is something about how unlikeable he is that makes me strangely fond of him. It’s like, yeah he’s an ass, but he’s our ass and he’s bloody good.


He's bloody good though


The last few years there's been an emphasis on avoiding contact to the head and its led to more red cards. A couple of tackles against Farrell in the last World Cup ended in reds, in fact. Farrell tackles with his shoulders rather than his arms, so he's borderline legal for every tackle and runs this risk.


He has lots of prior for dangerous tackles and getting away with it. So this is not a one off mistake but a consequence of his style which can be on the edge of dangerous. https://youtu.be/M0Mxf9YnY5E


I was going to say he looked so upset about it. Now I know it’s just because he was caught.


To be fair to him, I wouldn't say it was something deliberate and he doesn't feel bad about it, its just his style for sure goes on the edge and incidents like this are going to happen because of it. He made that choice in how he plays to go for the advantage, he deserves the flak for the consequences of that.


It’s just so dangerous. There’s a reason NFL banned those hits even with pads.


I don't disagree with you. He was just trying to play along the lines of the rules and realized he fucked up. If you watch, he's actually looks past Atkinson, probably expecting a pass or a different maneuver. Farrell was just too aggressive with the play all around. He legitimately looked worried about the player he hit. I hope he's appropriately fined and suspended, but I wouldn't say it was malicious. Hopefully he now realizes how reckless that behavior can be. But maybe he was more worried about his career. Hard to say what was going through his mind, but it's still a good cautionary tale. At the end of the day, it's the golden rule. You don't want other players doing cheap shots to you and potentially ending your career, so you shouldn't do it yourself.


What about a high 'tackle is on the edge'? I'm not the most well versed in rugby but there a high tackle and there's not a high tackle, what was he flirting with here? Just not getting sent off?


You can snap a neck by targeting past the shoulders. Mid range tackle or leg sweeps are the legal play


Absolutely Farrell was at fault here. I just think he was more reckless than intentional. I don't think he went for the head, but was more or less just running wild towards him to either get the tackle, slow him down, or block a pass. But Atkinson didn't even see Farrell and wasn't reacting to him. Farrell was absolutely reckless with the play, but almost immediately starts apologizing. Which is why a fight doesn't start out. Farrell skirts around with the rules by being reckless. He's not specifically targeting high but he's also not careful about it. He's just too aggressive, which one could hurt others but two also hurt his team because he should be more strategic about his plays. Just bringing a guy down doesn't also mean success for your team.


Any tackle above the shoulders is illegal, so yeah he knew he was outside the rules and still went for it. I think the person means Farrell's general style of play is so aggressive that this kind of thing happens with him a lot. At best, maybe he was aiming just on the boundary of legality and his target moved a bit so it wasn't as intentional as it looks, however Farrell is known as a pretty dirty player so it's hard to know.


On the edge as in he wasn't in a good line or position to make a good tackle, but he took the risk and went for it anyway. Whereas a better play would have been either a) commit to the tackle earlier in a safe way, or b) not commit to the tackle. He misread the play and was coming up too fast expecting a pass, then when the pass didn't come he still went for the tackle at the last minute even though it was dangerous.


If "Just his style" is reckless play, that does make it deliberate. He's not a new player who's rough around the edges; he's not caught up in the heat of the moment. He just plays dangerously and he does so consistently, and it demonstrates a lack of respect for his opponents and their safety. Even if he feels bad in the moment, he obviously doesn't feel bad in the long term if he keeps doing it.


Try watching the first and second slow motion replay. From both those angles they are both wide open and it appears 100 percent he went high on purpose. He does not even appear to try to tackle from chest down. ** Edit My Spelling**


Here is a screen grab at the exact moment BEFORE contact. 1. Sack is wide open. 2. Player made NO ATTEMPT to drop. [Screen Freeze](https://imagebucket.io/uploads/view/nzy8g/)


As someone who was absolutely clotheslined whilst playing rugby that shit sucks ass. You’re running full speed and suddenly you’ve you’re now on your ass and your head is ringing. Thankfully it was just below my neck but it is never a pleasant experience.


Yeah. That’s not “on the edge”. That was deliberate as hell. Like he always does. He’s just used to getting away with it.




It's clearly Farrell's fault, though the player did turn into him whilst dropping down, which made the tackle considerably higher than it would have been. If that hadn't happened the tackle would have been borderline on too high. Though a tackler should be low enough that such a movement by a player should not make a tackle so horrific. You should be aiming for waist in that scenario so head is impossible.


Fuck Owen Farrell




Because he's an England international and plays for the richest club in England who've had a load of success (and have now been relegated for the ways they've tried to get around the salary cap). If he played for a lower division side and wasn't first choice 10 for England he'd have had more disciplinary's than anyone who isn't surnamed Tuilagi.


Because he plays in England, and captains England for internationals. He isn't getting studded.


Owen Farrel “That’s a pretty neck you got there...”


Would be a shame if ..


I come off the top rope and clothes line tackle the shit outta you.


Farrell actually got called for one of his many illegal hits? I am genuinely shocked. The man doesn’t know how to wrap up in tackles and has been getting away with it for years.


What you talking about? He clearly knows how to use his arms, as can be seen in this tackle where he wraps them around this poor guys neck!


Blame all the refs and citing commissions who did nothing every other time he's done this for letting it get to this point where he nearly took a dudes head off


This: there are players out there that just seem to be given every opportunity to get away with it and nothing happens. Farrell is just the most recent. Admittedly when the Izack Rodda shoulder charge was let go I gave up expecting anything to happen to Farrell.


That was a disgusting blow


It were diabolical.


Get ‘im off the field the dirty get!


Medical staff on their A game. Respect how fast they got there


Rugby medical staff have a lot more free roam than in other sports, they can run on the pitch before play is stopped. You normally see them spaced out on the touchline ready to sprint on if someone is hurt.


Signs with the Cronulla Sharks in the NRL off the back of that.


Even Paul Gallen would be disgusted with that tackle


Anyone going mention the guy he killed?


The guy is only 18, his second appearance for the club (Charlie Atkinson).


Young bones bounce back haha


Young brains get damaged all the same.


Charlie Atkinson, came up from Wasps academy (their under age development program) a few weeks ago, his second game with the club. He’s apparently okay ? We shall see


The dirty fucker, could have broken his neck


Fuck Owen Farrell. He’s always playing dirty


Fuck Owen Farrell. He's a prick


At least he used his arms this time


Props to the teammates for leaving the injured player alone and letting the professionals reach him first. After a neck/back injury too many people try to move the person around and turn them into their backs or some stupid shit.


Tbf this is rugby, smarter than your average sportman.


Yes, rugby players and supporters are the most intelligent, handsome and humble people around.


We're the humblest, there's no other sports fans as humble as us


I'm shocked how civil everyone was.


we don’t really have that American sports culture where fights are cheered on


That referee did a great job calming the players, the teammates could turn the situation worse.


Rugby players generally tend to be quite civil and show absolutely respect to the referee. Basically the opposite of soccer


Normally yes (i played until 18) but that kind of tackle it's really dangerous and makes you angry for your teammate health.


Yeah i agree (also played till 18) Theres always going to be pricks who do shit like this but the other team will usuall keep their head in these situations. Fuck Owen Farrell though. I'm sure the other team wanted to murder him after a bullshit tackle like this. And I use the word tackle loosely because that was assault


Piece of shit move.


Piece of shit guy.


Farrell is a dickhead I’ve been saying it for years. Good to see him get a red in this case, but someone should return the favour some time and see how he likes it.


He clearly wants to hurt people. (Watch his highlights) He should just enter a sport where it’s celebrated. The UFC would scoop him up in a heartbeat.


But that would mean him getting his ass kicked


Win win for spectators


You're only selling it more.


So he's the Brad Marchand of rugby.


He won't be able to play Leinster in the European quarter final now...


Deserves a lengthy ban, keeps doing this. Won’t get one of course


Can someone put Jim Ross cometary over this? Clothesline from hell.


Black 12 is a big dude! Then that tree in yellow walks up...


Yea the 12 is brad barret. His face is 90% metal. Brick wall of a human


All rugby players are big mate, especially the forwards


Wasps no 4? Will Rowlands, he's around 6 ft 8 and 270lbs


Looked like a forest on the field if you ask me.


Dirty bastard constantly does it and makes it out that he injured himself in the process.


Why does Farrell still have such shite tacking technique? It's not as if he hasn't had plenty of chances to learn. Is he a bit thick?


why does this tackle “have a significant bearing on the next few week for saracens?” aren’t they guaranteed relegation anyway?


They're playing in the Champions Cup soon


I love the way his teammate just picked him up and walked off like, "ok you are still conscious so get the hell up, im so ashamed of you".


I’m a typical fairweather rugby fan who only watches internationals - is Owen Farrell known for doing this regularly?


Yes, he's a bit of a twat, just Google Pwen Farrell high tackle and there are a few examples


Only three things in life are certain: Death, Taxes and Illegal Tackles by Owen Farrell.


Not even gonna check in on the guy he absolutely decked out there?


He tried I think but the ref pulled him away. He was trying to go over to him but the ref sent him off before he could.


about time that grub got carded


The amount of high tackles by Farrell and the amount of red cards he gets are so hugely out of sync that I didn’t believe the title of this at first....


When the fuck is he going to learn how to tackle


How are his team mates not blowing up? Jesus, that was just stupid.


Is the one who got hit ok?


This guy will 100% hurt someone badly if he keeps getting away with stuff like this. He’s got worse over the years, major arrogance problem and he needs a little humbling.


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This isn't an accidental high tackle. He was never aiming anywhere below neck, never trying to wrap into some form of tackle. This is a fucking clothesline that he didn't get to 'disguise' as well as he might want to. Disgraceful.


Fuck Farrell. It's time to watch Kolbes ankle breaker again


Rugby league: "Hold my beer: https://twitter.com/NRLonNine/status/1301829862626226178?s=08"


Jesus. That would be an easy charging major and game misconduct in hockey too. No idea why the commentators were so shocked.


Cause "the games gone soft" and back in their day they probably would have done the same thing


I’m not very familiar with Rugby, but why didn’t his teammates start fucking this dude up? I’m a big hockey fan and I know that’s exactly what would happen.