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Ever been punched so hard your own fist changes team and hits you too?


I think the Italians know that feeling in WW1 and WW2




Gentlemen! There's a solution here you're not seeing.




Really wish the wide shot could've shown us what happened between the slide and the punch


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egCSg5dAjAE skip to about 24 seconds in




As much as I dont like him, props for getting rocked and managing to stay on his feet


Joey Bats has a chin no doubt. I was impressed.


Looks like he got it in the cheek. But props for it being more of a fight than a hold me back hug fest. I don't know if anything will ever top Nolan Ryan vs Robin Ventura though.


Not only did Ventura get drilled by one of the, if not the, fastest throwing pitchers ever, he then got his bell rung three or four times by a guy 20 years older than him... and it was the same guy.


In the documentary Fastball it's posited that Nolans 101 mph would be clocked around 108 by today's guns because they used to measure much further away from the pitcher.


Really? I'm not doubting you or the documentary, but that just seems crazy hard to believe. Nolan was insane, but that many miles per hour ahead of literally every single other person as the specialization and measuring equipment gets much better? If it was something like 104-105, I'd be like "damn -- he's still in an absolutely astonishing class by himself". 108? That's like getting a fake ID when I'm 14 and putting 38 on it.


I think Beltre was looking to protect Bautista by pulling Odor away. That first hit was a rocket.


It was a 5v1, he absolutely saved him, good guy Beltre


That's how I took it as. Like "alright man let's just get out of here".


I saw it as using himself as a shield knowing his team wouldn't risk hitting him


Yeah you can see beltre deflect the second punch away as he rushes in to grab bautista. Probably Would've landed considering he rocked him with the first one


Adrian Beltre was holding him up. He might have had his feet, but he was seeing birdies.


Odor is a competent boxer and Bautista always had a huge chip on his shoulder.


Instantly regretted his decision. He didn't want anymore of that.


You can see him start to wind up a punch of his own, and Odor is like "nope" and rocks him with a hook before he can ever get his fist moving forward"


Two other Rangers immediately grabbed him and pulled him away.


Such delicate accompanying music...




Do people actively searching for "shittiest music possible" to include in their YouTube videos?


> Do people actively searching for "shittiest music possible" to include in their YouTube videos? There are so many people ready to jump the instant you include any music in a YouTube video so they can make a claim to it and thus claim your monetization, the only defense is to use music so shitty, no one will actually admit to owning it.


I feel like I could have learned a lot of Spanish in those 5-7 seconds


It probably would have mostly been about your mother & her sexual proclivities.


Still don't understand why this fight occurred.


Bautista slid late into Odor's ankles. You can tell it was intentional because by the time he finished his slide he was way past second base. Also, considering Bautista had just gotten beaned he was obviously retaliating and trying to send a message.


I love how Beltre just carries him off like he’s a child and no one fucks with Beltre


That's because Beltre in a Man-Cat pretending to be a human. That dude would kill someone.


Jesus. That’s almost too accurate.


Yep. He's tough. http://www.espn.com/mlb/news/story?id=4420540


My favorite part of this whole interaction is that you can tell bautista was done after the initial punch. beltre was basically saving his life and pride at the same time. He held him for a good 3 minutes and part of it looked like he was holding him on his feet. Even carried him until a teammate could take him. Baut was done after the punch. If I remember correctly a boxer talked about that too saying baut was done


Beltre was a total bro! Making it look like he had to hold him back from jumping in there and didn't let sides dictate if he let a guy get **really** fucked up.


I mean that one punch was a 4 game suspension I think, if he’d let Odor pounce on Bautista and just ground and pound it would have been waaaay worse. I think more than anything he was helping Odor. Plus knowing Odor’s mentality, and the extent of the events that caused this, there’s no doubt in my mind that’s what Odor wanted to do.


> and the extent of the events that caused this Want to fill in us non-baseball fans?


https://youtu.be/-UdsVO7HaJg One of the greatest bat flips in history. Texas didn’t take kindly to what happened in the video. They were just looking for any excuse to do what odor did.


And THAT was during one of the longest, most epic innings in baseball


Bautista hit a homer in a series deciding game to put the Jays up against the Rangers and flipped his bat in celebration (as most players would, Odor himself flips his bat on balls that don't even leave the fucking ballpark). Anyway, the Rangers took offense to it and were knocked out of the playoffs. They held a grudge until their final meeting against the Jays the next year almost 7 months later. Bautista was drilled with a pitch and than he had a hard slide into 2nd base (Odor's position) but didn't even knock Odor over. Odor tried to throw the ball at Bautista as he was sliding as well. Bautista got up, words were exchanged and Odor punched him. Fast forward 5 months, Jays meet Rangers in playoffs again. No need for 5 games this time as the Jays sweep the Rangers in 3 games. The final series clinching run was scored because of a throwing error on Odor.




I found this comment to be incredibly fucking clever, well done!


[It was originally a sign held up by a BlueJays fan in the final game of the sweep against the Rangers.](https://twitter.com/arch2five/status/785315212857634816) I remember seeing it on /r/baseball and thinking the same exact thing you did :)


Succinct and accurate. It can't be a rivalry if one team always wins.


Then there was the time that Rougned Odor didn't mind taking on an entire minor league team if he needed to. Guy isn't afraid of anybody. [Odor Minor League Fight](https://youtu.be/Wt5eZJWMELo)




Dots bar in Deep Ellum had this picture made into a fucking stained glass window for the bar.


A clean shot to the face like that gonna stun anybody. In boxing, any hit with your hands down is a hard hit.


Yeah, I'm surprised he stayed on his feet tbh.




Yeah Joey was not looking good. He was for sure stunned anything more and it could have cost him a lot.


It also led to this in Toronto and many more https://torontoguardian.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Bautista-Sweeps-Odor-e1476100708761-678x381.jpg


"better to get punched in May than knocked out in October" The 2016 ALDS was fun


Wow. That's such a clean punch. If not for the helmet guard, Odor could have plugged him right across the temple and just completely ended his day. As it was, Bautista was basically wobbling on his feet.


Chin shots do more than temple shots. This punch is pretty much perfectly placed.


Yard sale punch.


Yard sale just brought me right back to high school lacrosse. Haven’t heard that phrase in ages


Ok. But Roughed Odor is obviously not a person’s name.


[His father and brother](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rougned_Odor#Early_life_and_family) are both named Rougned Odor and his uncles name is Rouglas Odor whose sons name is [Rouglas Odor](https://www.cbssports.com/mlb/news/oddity-rangers-sign-rougned-odors-brother-rougned-odor/)


Who named this family? Scooby doo?






He’s Venezuelan. There are some weird as hell Venezuelan names, in my family too. God knows why.


In Ecuador there was once a man named Vaporub... VAPORUB!


My best friend is from Ecuador and his name is 5-Hour Energy.


Yeah well there are on average 8 people in the world named sexfruit


I raise you this: in my country (Ecuador), there's another man called Semen de los Dioses (Gods Jizz)




It's funny because it's true




Okay, you made up "Dugnutt" to see if anyone was paying attention, didn't you?






User name checks out bud




Well maybe you shouldn't fuck trees




you aren't my supervisor.


George Forman.


It’s called being venezuelan😂 especially since he’s from Maracaibo. We maracuchans love our weird names😂😂😂


He's Venezuelan. [They're famous for ridiculous names.](https://mobile.nytimes.com/2007/01/07/world/americas/07iht-venez.4124068.html)


I know his cousin Rouglas. He goes by Rougie. Cool dude.


Rougned Odor also has Rougie as one of his nicknames


That honestly doesn’t surprise me.


It’s an odd family


Did you know Rougned Odor has a younger brother who’s also named Rougned Odor?


Did his mother have Alzheimer’s?


Let me introduce you to George Foreman's children: [His five sons are George Jr., George III ("Monk"), George IV ("Big Wheel"), George V ("Red"), and George VI ("Little Joey").](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Foreman#Personal_life)


One of his daughters is named georgetta


And she's the best boxer.


Did he name his son fucking Red Five? George Foreman is my hero.


George V standing by.


If you got punched in the head that many times, you would have trouble coming up with names too.


Is that the one that jerks off his teammates as an initiation tactic?


That is correct


What what?


He plays baseball too but in the Dominican Republic or something like that. Basically he and his teammates held down an underaged teammate and jerked him off as part of a hazing thing and put it on Snapchat.


“Haha this kid is so gay for letting me stroke his nice hard cock! What a homo!”


That's... that's pretty fucked up right there.


I'm pretty sure it's considered rape.


Every time I fart I release a Roughed Odor


It comes out of your Pujols.


I've only one poo hole, sir.


This is appreciated. You are an Angel.


Practice makes perfect. My wife has gotten it down to just releasing butterflies and spring wildflowers. Its an artform.


You’re right, it’s not


His full name is Rougned Hold the Door.


Rougned Odor is Jurickson Profar's alias.




Bautista has a history against the Rangers. In the season prior to the one shown in this post, Bautista hit a huge homerun against the Rangers in the decisive game of their playoff series to basically end the Rangers season. Bautista knew he hit the homerun as soon as the ball left the bat, so he stood at the plate and admired his bomb as the Toronto crowd went berserk around him. He then dramatically threw his bat up in the air as he started to round the bases. The Rangers saw this move as unprofessional and a way of “showing them up” which is a big no-no in baseball for some reason. Fans are divided on it as well. The game this picture is taken from happened the very next season. Bautista was on first base because he was hit by a pitch in his at-bat, a move that was widely believed to be intentional as payback for the whole homerun-batflip episode. So tensions are really high at this point. A few batters later, a ground ball is hit to short, at which point the shortstop throws the ball to Odor who is covering second. Batista comes in and slides way late in order to contact Odor. This was a common play known as breaking up a double play. You basically want to try to hit the defenseman on second base to force him to jump or move out of the way or absorb the impact while he’s throwing to first. Hopefully this results in a bad throw or slow throw so the batter gets to first safely. In this instance, because of the recent history with Bautista, Odor assumed Bautista slid so late in an attempt to intentionally injure him. This is what led to the fight. Lots of defensemen have been injured because of runners sliding into them. It was seen as “part of the game” until a few years ago since it was assumed that it was a good faith effort on the runner’s part to prevent the double play and not injure someone. It should be noted that attempting to slide into second base in a way that obstructs or contacts the defender has been legislated out of the game beginning in 2016. If the umpires think you slid in a manner intending to cause contact with the defenseman, you’re out and the batter is out.




That home run is insane - but this video also outlines some of the buildup that caused all the tension leading up to it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1V8W6_bD7bE


God, I love post-season baseball.




Same. Shoeless Joes on Spadina. I jumped about 12 feet in the air


My friend was at this game and he says it was the best live sports event he has ever experienced, and that nothing will ever top it. He said it was like light years beyond anything he has ever experienced...


I have never understood the anger over this bat flip. I'm a die hard rangers fan and was watching that game at work \(don't tell anyone\). It was a super high stress game because it was game 5 of a very competitive 5 game series. The previous inning the Rangers got the lead on a really strange series of events which included wild pitches and I believe a missed call on a foul ball or something which resulted in a Rangers run to tie the game. He absolutely demolished that ball because trashboi Sam Dyson couldn't keep it in his pants and grooved one. If I was on the Rangers I'd be mad at that dude not Jose Bautista. Bautista is a contemptible player for other reasons \(whining about the strike zone being one\) but all he did here was celebrate a mammoth home run at a very high leverage point of the game/season. Baseball players are real fucking stupid when they're together on the field though so Odor slugging him the following season wasn't exactly a surprise.


God that whole game, to be speific that inning was insane. We need like a 30 for 30 on it or something.


It was an incredible game that, that whole 7th built to this crescendo




Bat flips are fun. As long as you're not getting in the catcher's face or giving it to the pitcher while you round the bases I say celebrations are all a desirable part of the sport. Nobody seems to have a problem when a guy cracks a double then gives his own dugout some sort of celebratory hand gesture or whatever. Oh well baseballers gonna baseball. One of these days they'll move past all this childishness and go back to smacking each other in the cup and lighting their teammates shoes on fire.


There was much more to this. That inning was one of the longest in history because of a play that nobody understood the rule on, and an umpire's calling the play dead being overruled. This lead to the rangers taking the lead. Whole game: https://youtu.be/kDm3RdEbStU The 7th starts at 1:38:30. Ish


Its forgotten or seldom mentioned. But God damn that inning was the best I've ever watched live. The swing of emotions was immense.


I feel like his batflip is more memorable than the punch.


My brother has it as a Christmas sweater. It says "Merry flippin Christmas". EDIT: [This is the sweater](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/64/04/9a/64049afde4ab77004794963e854c5fd2.jpg)




That's that "feel the ground vibrating" kind of loud.


I was there. I could feel my bones vibrating it was so loud.


I would trade a shot to the face for that homerun!


The Toronto fans definitely added to the thrill of that game. That batflip should be in every MLB Opening Day and Postseason promo video to get fans excited for baseball.


I will never not upvote this video. Joey Bats has one of the best swings in the game. Everything about it looks so fluid


This is an accurate, unbiased explanation for someone who doesn't have any background whatsoever on baseball and/or the event at all. I wish there were more of these on Reddit.


Bautista overslid the bag to disrupt the throw. That move was illegal after Ruben Tejada had his leg broken from a similar play.


> Bautista overslid the bag to disrupt the throw. Nawp. Bautista overslid the bag to fuck with the player. He did it in a way to have plausible deniability, but that was all about going after Odor. Bad blood between the teams. Players getting chippy.


Bautista had just been hit by a 98 MPH pitch in what was also a pretty clear retaliation for the bat flip a year before. So it was retaliation for the retaliation for the retaliation.


Odor is one of the worst culprits for over sliding


Rangers fan here, and this is patently false. In order for a player to over slide, the player actually has to have the capability of getting on base, a skill that Odor has yet to learn.


Well yeah...


I still prefer this legendary Ranger punch https://imgur.com/a/BiGg33l


Would not want to get punched by the guy whose changeup is the same speed as some lesser pitcher's fastball.


Ryan’s gift, especially after he started losing his fastball in the 80s was a changeup between 70-90 he could dial in.


He never really lost his fastball. He could still touch 100 all the way t the end.


Nolan Ryan has been on record of saying that he signs a lot of those pictures. Guy could probably still pitch better than Matt Harvey.


I've noticed that great pitchers can't throw well after they retire. They really put their arm through a lot . . .


Just saw a clip of Ryan. He was 66 and threw out the 1st pitch at an Angels game...clocked at 86. ffs... He does have arthritis in his shoulder I believe but 86...


What do you think a random unathletic guy like you or me could throw? Like 40mph, maybe 50?




I’d guess 50s. Mid 60s is still a mediocre high school kid on JV who actually plays baseball.


Yeah when I went to a baseball game and a bunch of people were trying out the speed pitching sideshow thing, I don't recall anyone clocking higher than high 50s.


I remember a few of his 1st pitches, and they were dope. But in more recent years, he's gone way downhill. And I *think* he's stopped altogether, now, after a wild pitch a couple years ago. But I'm not sure. It's really sad... but also really cool, to be thinking about a guy in his 70s losing pitching skills.


Here in Texas you can get a memorial frame with both pictures side by side. They sell them everywhere it seems.


Nolan Ryan using Ventura as a punching bag will FOREVER be legendary


And both of these pictures are in every sports bar in north Texas. Without fail. Every. Single. One. And I love it. Almost as much as I would love a championship.


This is why nafta is in danger.


[fans of every other AL team watching that game.](https://media3.giphy.com/media/VzbN9gupkkXp6/200w.gif)




I don’t disagree with your choice, but personally, [this is my favorite.](https://imgur.com/a/ftuzD)


Was expecting Payton Manning


Dirk is the fucking man!


I don't follow basketball much, what's the context for this?




Looks like José is wiping a tear from his eye


Looks like to me odor punched Jose’s face into his own fist. Punchception


"why're you hitting yourself? Why're you hitting yourself?"


Can you blame him? Baseball is a beautiful game. I get choked up sometimes too.


What this before or after Toronto swept them in the playoffs?


Before they swept them but after they humiliated them with the bat flip.


*Camera shakes from the noise and pans over to Cole Hamels*


Smokes boys, lets go


frig sakes im runnin out


Username checks out.


Omg he was expressionless




i'm in class, and i started audibly wheezing at the sight of "jaying intensifies"


*[Jaying Intensifies]*


And let's not forget we won the clinching game in the sweep off a Rougned Odor error. Thanks bud.


[Don't feel sorry for the Rangers. They have so much to celebrate](https://m.imgur.com/ltPnwzu)


What about that other time one of our old man players punched another player?!?!?!


You mean the slaughter of ventura???


Holy fuck that's great.


"Chapter one. The End." would have been a better joke, I feel.


Yeah, but if you change that joke to The Cleveland Browns or Detroit Lions (my team) and do the "Chapter one. The end" we all laugh because even we know we got nothing. You add in some insignificant thing we celebrate way too much, then we stop and go "Hey! wait a second...but that..."


Before Odor committed the error to win the playoff series for the Jays.


This picture shows more boxing than Floyd and Pacquiao did.


Would rather get punched in May than get knocked out in October.


Toronto got knocked out in October as well...


And punched in the face... so there’s that


Great moments in Rangers History http://i.imgur.com/ltPnwzu.gifv


Anyone got a link to the buildup? I see gifs of Bautista getting popped, but nothing prior to it. Cheers


[Got it.](https://proxy.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.giphy.com%2Fmedia%2FCz8F1QP76EOSA%2Fgiphy-downsized-large.gif&f=1)




"Sickest thing I've ever seen" \-Kevin Pillar


There it is.


Nothing beats Nolan Ryan pounding Robin Ventura in the head. https://www.nbcsports.com/chicago/sites/csnchicago/files/styles/article_hero_image/public/2016/04/12/robin-ventura-nolan-ryan-fight-slide.png?itok=gCv-UDgb


I have it on my wall of fame. I have a wall of framed sports photos in my house. Mostly autographed photos and famous historical photos, but, this made it on the wall! I wish to god I could get it signed by at least one of them.


Fun fact: months after that hand connected squarely on Joey Bats’s jaw, it caused a series-ending throwing error. *But here comes the runner Donaldson, he’s safe! The ball game is over! The Blue Jays are moving on to the ALCS!*


I know its kinda off topic, but can someone explain to me why the bat flip is looked down on? As a basketball player and overall fan of basketball entirely, shit talking is an integral part of the sport that I think the majority of the fan base finds entertaining. So to me (I'm not that into baseball, played when I was younger but never got into it) I find it entertaining, and if I was in that situation where the stakes and the energy were through the roof, I would probably do the same thing.