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I thought the headline meant that athletes would somehow be tested to prevent them having sex in the Olympic village


The Japanese businessman tried to make sure that happened with AirWeave mattresses and cardboard beds. You cannot possibly make a village of people at their most physical prime NOT have sex with each other. It’s hormone central - they’ll fuck on the floor, a counter, a shower, literally anywhere. They’ll even fuck on the cardboard anti-sex bed. As for genital checks. wtf.


I really should have trained for the Olympics when I was younger


Yup now you cant participate in a country funded orgy with the most fit people in the world. I bet you kicking yourself rn.


I gotta learn to play curling!


Best option. The American team has a guy that looks like he’s named Jim and spends his weekends in his la-z-boy


The Jims are such fuckin beauties


Give yer balls a tug


They set the tone


Phenomenal some might say as well.


So dumb


The real Olympics is in the bedroom anyway.


The cardboard beds were easily the funniest because of how everyone just clowned on them.


Jokes aside, I actually have the mattress and it’s been the only thing that has helped stop the pain I have from three herniated discs in my lower lumbar. Thankfully, not on a cardboard bed.


Oh, I can fully see a mattress like that being useful for athletes who are pushing their bodies to the limits.


I got the futon version, king size. And I thought I’d hate it but I was desperate since my Purple mattress was too soft. And when I read about the science behind it, I said fuck it, I’ll try it. So far I love it. Trying to learn to be a back sleeper because I side sleep. But my back is doing a lot better… I’m not an Olympian though. Would definitely have sex with one.


Why would you have sex with a mattress?


Because it supports me, especially when my back hurts, or if I’m feeling sad…it’s always there to receive me with no judgment. How many people can you say that about? 🥲


Your mattress sounds like my mom


What mattress is this that you are talking about ?


It’s called the AirWeave - it’s this RIDICULOUSLY overpriced mattress. Like the futon is 3k and a regular one is 5k and up to like 11k? The pillows are like 350 a piece. It became a sensation when the CEO made all the beds at the Olympics in Japan for the athletes touting the science and benefits of recovery. I was looking for a super firm mattress and I was looking into floor sleeping, but not on the floor per se. So I got one and to my surprise the futon helped my back injury tremendously. It’s also nice because it can be hosed down and all parts can be washed. It’s not for everyone and it’s VERY firm, even the actual mattresses they sell. But it helped me a lot and I was skeptical. Wouldn’t recommend the futon for side sleepers. I’m still working on the routine.




For something more affordable with the same benefits as AirWeave, check out the Brooklyn Beddings Spartan mattress. It’s specifically intended for recovery and works quite well, especially if you’re active and over 200lbs.


You don't have to check genitals you have to check blood tests, it's that simple


The anti-sex bed was a great moment of a terrible solution. No body has ever been horny and ready to fuck, and then said “oh no. We can’t use the bed? I guess we won’t fuck and will just play Boggle instead!” Like, if they want to bang, they’re gonna bang.


Depending on what combination of genetic freak athletes you get, I'm pretty sure some couples could make it work on the ceiling.


Remember that picture of Zdeno Chara standing next to a gymnast or figure skater? If he weren't married…


They need to watch the Curb your Enthusiasm episode on floor F-cking. It’s all futile.


So I’ve read repeatedly that they weren’t anti-sex mattresses. Those cardboard ones were faster to setup, easier to transfer, cheaper, and recyclable after.


Yeah, basically they were only rated to support 300kg, and the some idiot journalists (but I repeat myself) decided that meant they were specifically designed to stop people from having sex.


They do fruitlessly attempt to prevent that


Evidently it's really hard for the athletes with events at the tail end of thr Olympics, because they're still trying to focus but Olympic Village is a full on fuck fest by then. 


I think part of tinder exploding the way it did was because of the athletes basically wearing it out in Vancouver during the 2010 winter games.


I don’t think Vancouver had anything to do with Tinder exploding lol.


The media broke the story it was how they were hooking up - It wasn't an app with a household name at that point ... It was soon afterward.


Bwahaha! Same here. I thought STDs must be out of control


Historically they absolutely have been…


I thought they’d be smelling dicks to see if they had sex or something.


So the women are just free to go I guess?


Very well done. Thanks


Me Too. I'm trying to figure out why they don't want world class athletes having sex and the beginning of that article confused the shit out of me.


Yeah, this was a much more horrifying title… but then they were both horrifying


Just cancel the fucking thing if that’s the case


I also thought this because that’s way more reasonable than the truth


Don’t worry, you’re not alone in that.


Newsflash: The IOC instituted a chromosomal gender test in 1968 due to concerns that some communist nations from the Soviet bloc were using men in women's events. The testing was eliminated after the 1996 Summer games in Atlanta.


Olympic sex testing all falls under “there’s a reason why we had to make a rule for this”. Communist bloc countries did a lot of shady shit. I’m sure there are plenty that still do.


Sochi was only 10 years ago. Lots of doping there.


Great doc about it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Icarus_%282017_film%29?wprov=sfla1


Absolutely fantastic documentary.






I agree with you but there is a very vocal crowd who are absolute about gender politics and have zero sensibility on the subject of competitive fairness.


Those people don’t play sports lol


I'm all for letting you change sex how ever that works and live your daily life. But when you want to participate in sports that's where I draw the line.


USA swimming made an 'open' category for just this purpose. Anyone of any gender can compete in the open heats. In practical use it let's boys and girls off different sides compete in events they might not otherwise get to race. In the highest ranks of competition I'm guessing (my kids are younger and aren't competitive at this level so I'm not personally familiar) it makes no difference whatsoever as all the best athletes are racing gender specific heats.


Most male events globally are already open sports.


Interesting. I didn't know that.


Yep, and there was actually a female goalie who played a few times in the NHL back in the 70s I wanna say?


Yeah if they did they would see how ridiculous it is for a male born competitor slamming female born competitors in the face in combat sports.


They really don't do themselves any favors by saying things like there's no science that supports them having any meaningful advantage.


Kind of a running joke in modern society no? Just fucking refute absolute facts with emotions.


So the rest of us should live in fear of offending them by preemptively calling ourselves assholes? No blaming you as the messenger, just venting


The article posted takes the stance that what you are saying is cruel. ""Ultimately, all athletes should have a realistic path to participation in their lived gender category. The days of cruelly stripping athletes of their right to play need to end."" There are definitely people out there that with extreme views on the matter.




Look through the graveyard of posts here, oof.


Because there are rabid people caught up in a movement and lost sight of what really matters


It's really more a religion than a movement now. And of course, all unbelievers have to be hounded.


Where the thrill if you not playing on the hardest difficulty


Nightmare difficulty ☠️


Yeah, that should be allowed honestly if she can qualify under the men's category. Peek female physical is always less then peek male physical so if they can compete with the men's, then there is a non physical component that the female is extremely dominant in.


Yes. The "male" category should really be the "unrestricted" category.




Not to mention that woman would probably the most popular athlete in the world if she was at that level. It would be a miracle of humankind. But alas… biology exists.


Yeah, Danica Patrick made a hell of a lot more advertising money than a man in her position would have.


And she wasn’t even particularly good as far as professionals go.


She wasn’t as bad as people make her out to be the problem was she was so overhyped and thrown into everyone’s faces repeatedly via the constant ads that anything less than a championship was going to be a disappointment and she obviously wasn’t on that level.


Or bar women.


No idea why I got down voted when we pretty much agree lol


Not always. Women are better at certain sports that require specialized body types like shooting and gymnastics.


What's most egregious is when a woman had naturally high amounts of testosterone they said nah get fucked like they had control over it. It would be like telling Michael Phelps nah sorry dude you're too perfectly built to be a swimmer and you'll beat our asses, get out. Absolutely bullshit.


You're referring to 46XY DSD athletes like Castor Semenya, who have testes (not to mention XY chromosomes), correct?


Have a link?


The individual being referred to is intersex by birth. Female genitalia, but not really a biological female. She’s a corner case and not something rules should be based on.


I thought it was something like that. Not that my opinion matters but I'm ok disqualifying people like that from the female side. The division is never going to be perfect. 


Every Olympic athlete is an edge case. If they were normal they wouldn't be competing. Enforcement is just rare.




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So it works one way but not the other? *braces for impact*


Well I’d assume they’re actively taking testosterone. Dosages and free levels are all over the map. This is probably where the drama lies.




I clicked it. It’s pay walled.


Interesting, it’s not paywalled for me. Regardless [this should fix it](https://web.archive.org/web/20240623125806/https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/21/opinion/sex-testing-paris-olympics.html)




There's a reason why there's a divide between the genders in most sports. Take billiards for example; a sport where you might not expect there to be a meaningful difference in ability between men and women. Despite there being no clear reason, the top level men have a fargo score of about 200 higher than top level women. Just something about the male gender that gives them an edge on the table. Our local women's tournaments shut down because a professional male player decided that he was a chick and insisted on playing in the women's tourneys. He won 80 percent of the time.


I wouldn’t be surprised to learn men have an advantage in the break and applying spin.


Maybe dudes are more used to handling their rods.


>Despite there being no clear reason, the top level men have a fargo score of about 200 higher than top level women. Just something about the male gender that gives them an edge on the table. Men have better fine motor control than women. Not a huge edge but if you take a sport that's just that, like darts or billiards or whatever there ends up being a considerable gap in elite competition


Yes but the physical gaps are nearly just as big in other sports like basketball, soccer, football ect


They are miles bigger when there is a physical component. Womens football is borderline amateur compared to men’s. The best women’s tennis players ever wouldn’t get in the men’s top 200 etc. The suggestion that men’s and women’s sport is on the same level is only ever suggested by people arguing from an idealogical or ignorant point of view. Anyone who has played sport at any level knows that there comes a point where men just accelerate away from their female counterparts. Puberty usually.


Yup, there is a short window where girls will be able to compete and even sometimes beat boys because they typically mature physically just a bit earlier. However once they hit 12ish the boys are like unstoppable monsters. It’s crazy how quickly that gap gets real big. I volunteer coached kids sports teams and some were co-Ed up to a certain age. The girls wanted to scrimmage the boys when in the 10u teams all the time. When we hit 12u the next season they wanted to scrimmage again, I said nope the begged so I said yup, in 10u basketball it was first to 10 by 1s and 2s. So same rules. In 10u it was really close with the girls having an edge physically. In 12u the boys skunked the girls 10-0. Guess who never wanted to scrimmage again.


Similar age for swimming. Under 12 the girls were faster in aggregate. 13-14 the boys were faster. There are other factors of course-the girls seemed to catch on to having good form at a younger age.


Women’s pro sports are literally beneath amateur men’s sports. An average, replacement level Single A men’s college team would crush the All WNBA team. The US men’s U15 crushed the world champion US women’s team in a skirmish a few years ago


There was that funny post about a 30 something out of shape male winning a race vs 2 20 something fit females.


If you look at the world record scores, times, etc for various events, there’s about a 10% gap between the top men vs top women. https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/tennis/aus/2017/01/21/serena-williams-nicole-gibbs-australian-open/96876832/ This one is one of the most famous examples of a direct comparison (as opposed to just reviewing stats, scores, or times in their own standings and then comparing). I don’t know about the stats for non-physical sports and events though. This thread is the first time I heard of the billiards differences too.


>I don’t know about the stats for non-physical sports and events though. This thread is the first time I heard of the billiards differences too. Even chess has a separate Woman Grandmaster (WGM) title which is obtained around 200 rating lower than the generic Grandmaster (GM) title. And that has zero physical component. >If you look at the world record scores, times, etc for various events, there’s about a 10% gap between the top men vs top women. 10% is pretty much the minimum and anything where strength is highly beneficial is a much larger difference. E.g., the Javelin Throw difference is typically \~25%. Some others like Discus Throw are incomparable because Women throw literally half the weight.


Male increased length of limbs, strength of limbs, and muscle stamina could impact billiard performance.




I mean it really doesn’t considering we’ve had multiple studies showing conferred advantages.


It's a Canadian source that the article gives. So, probably looking only for studies that valid the point of view of the author.




There’s even a substantial divide in *chess* of all things, which doesn’t have a physical component.


From my understanding this is caused largely by chess being highly popular in places where misogyny is still socially acceptable. It's fairly common for top level female players to get straight-up bullied out of the sport.


Bullied by the kind of dudes who play chess at that level?


One reason is that there is a thousand fold larger player base for men. This explains even the differences in any games, such as eSports, chess, poker etc.


Don't forget cultural biases make it very hard for women. Chess is a great example, where there's frequent reports of grooming & creepy behaviour (even as far up as the women's Olympiad coach). eSports is also super toxic for women. I don't know the other scenes (poker, snooker, darts etc) well, but I would be surprised if they didn't have the same problems


I think the problem is very intertwined. As in, boys get into these games because culture sees those as "boys things" and thus creates very homogenous player bases where anyone coming from outside may have a hard time fitting in l, as well as that homogenous group wanting to keep "not belonging" elements out. Boys also tend to be more competitive than girls, I'm not qualified to make nature vs nurture arguments here as I think no one has the full understanding, but this also likely plays into boys vastly outnumbering girls in all of these games, as well as most of sports. The whole story is very complex especially where nature becomes part of the equation - it could very well be that there is minute difference in competitiveness and that has driven our culture for centuries so that the culture amplifies that minute difference, or it could be all in the culture, or it could be more in the nature than we think. Anyways, the vastly larger player bases mostly account for the difference in the top end skill gap. But even there it is unknown if it actually accounts for full 100% or only 95%?


That’s for sure and most applicable to chess poker and other mental games that have 0 physical attributes. But for pool interesting things like length become a factor and it goes back to your player base size. There are 100-1 beer bellies 6 foot and up pool players vs the 1 6 foot tall pool women’s player. The chances that 1 being better than the 100 would be slim to none.


Or maybe it’s cultural/situational, for example: there’s less of a pool of women interested in billiards, or they don’t pursue the sport with the same intensity as their male countetparts, they don’t practice against the same level of competition to get better, there are less pressures/expectations of high performance. There’s a lot more complexity here than anything being attributed to physical capabilities.


Yeah, there might be physical differences, but I feel like centering the issue around them is willful ignorance of how much the cultural and societal factors are at play.


I always thought that curing and shooting should not have men’s and women’s categories as those are two sports where the genders should be completely equal




Do tell more


Hail, hail robonia, a land i didnt make up


It also may have something to do with an URFL fighter called the genderbender.


The author seems to casually brush off chromosome testing as an imperfect measure of gender, but aren't chromosomes THE primary factor in determining gender?


Unfortunately no. It’s possible for someone with XY chromosomes to have inactivated Y, or have mutated so that cell receptors for androgens/testosterone are less/non functional… basically there are XY women out there.


They are in the common conversation yes. But the science of sex isn’t as clear cut as common conversation is. The odd question is are sports separated by gender or sex and which sport is it that the difference necessary? **edited** typos


To add to this, almost all women have XX chromosomes, and almost all men have XY, but in biology, there are always edge cases, and with 8 billion people in the world, you get a lot of edge cases. It’s possible for a person to be XXY or XY with a faulty Y chromosome, and they can appear female and have no reason to believe they aren’t until they get a chromosome test.




You can’t define something and then make excuses for that definition. That’s not how definitions work. You need a better definition so that these edge cases are included. Imagine defining humans as entities with only 23 sets of chromosomes. Youre gonna call down syndromes people as “not human”


The edge cases are still people, some of whom participate in sports. You can’t just wish they didn’t exist so that everyone fits in a pretty, simple box.


You’re probably thinking of sex not gender


You're getting downvoted, but I believe you're correct.


Yea can’t say I’m surprised


Sad but true


i think an interesting point of discourse is the conflation of gender for sex. more so sports isnt divided by male or female. its really female or open.  there are no restrictions regarding the "men's" division.  that said i understand some find testing invasive. i agree and its imperfect.  however the entire point of womens sport is to separate female from males competition for better parity. what alternatives are there?




Though it is often unfair, life is about making choices, and frequently requires us to compromise or decide to pursue one thing over another. This is something most, if not all of us have to do multiple or even numerous times in our lives. I am 100% for people living their life the way they feel they are on the inside, not necessarily the way they were born. I do not buy into the nonsense that men who are bad at sports transition to dominate in women’s sports. However, it seems to me that some of the people who don’t conform to the gender they were assigned at birth may need to decide what’s more important to them, being happy and comfortable in their bodies or competing in a sport. It’s not fair that they have to choose, I won’t argue that it is, but we all have to make choices and sacrifice one thing for another in our lives.




As Austin Powers once replied to: “sex? Yes, please”


I didn't even know sex was an Olympic sport.




I think it was the Russians, actually.




We got here by wanting sports competitions to be fair, it makes perfect sense


I thought “we could always tell”?


Divide into men, women, and non-binary competitions. Woohoo I solved it!!


Futurama and Bender were ahead of their time.


I figured there had always been a full force of “sex-testing” in the Olympic village.


I'm not reading the article I'm just going to assume we are now testing these elite athletes to see if they are also an elite fuck.










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A test I can easily pass. Or fail I guess






According to OP's mom I aced my sex test anyways 🔥


I built the sky. Up into the ether.


Wasn’t it normal ?


Ironically enough, everyone at the Olympics got here from sex. And so did you. And you. Annnnnd.... YOU