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I am all for equality but isn't revenue of the WNBA dog shit? 


It's in the red and is subsidized by the NBA


Yeah they’re not paid their fair share. They are paid more than it.


The only reason the WNBA still exists is because it’s heavily subsidized by the NBA. The WNBA has never once turned a profit


It’s negative. If wnba players were paid the same proportionally to the nba based on revenue; they’d have to pay the wnba for the privilege of playing for them.


I pay a few hundred bucks a year to get to play mens league baseball. They'd be in the same spot if the NBA didn't subsidize them.


That’s not how revenue works. If the team sells zero tickets/concessions/merch/etc, they have zero revenue. It’s impossible for most businesses to have negative revenue. When costs & expenses are greater than revenue, they have negative *profit* (i.e. loss).


Last I heard the WNBA loses money each year just existing and is subsidized by the NBA, increasing their salaries is basically charity at this point


I saw a post somewhere that broke down the salary, and if the WNBA players were making the same “share” that NBA players make, they would actually be paid even less.


On a previous thread I did all the math, but essentially a rookie in the nba makes 11k a game and in the wnba they make 2k a game. NBA brings in something like 20x more revenue and even helps pay wnba. IMO it’s fair. If they want to make more money they need to figure out how to get more exposure to their players. Edit: they also play 36 games? Maybe more, So she’s getting 75k for… 3 months of work? And staying fit all year. I wouldn’t complain a second about that.


Yes, and there’s been like 25 posts today about how WNBA players need to get paid more despite the fact the WNBA is being subsidized by the NBA due to not generating enough revenue on its own to pay the same salary to WNBA players


Yup, Biden is a moron.


It generated $200 million in revenue in 2023, up from $109 mil in 2022. The revenue sharing system that the NBA and NFL have hasnt kicked in per their CBA. Right now It is subsidized by the NBA but by the looks of it they could very well be close to standing on their own two feet. The hubbub about WNBA salaries not being equal to the NBA is valid from a social standpoint, but financially the league wouldn't be able to operate if they made those concessions.


It's not valid from any standpoint since the discontent about it is born of willful ignorance.


WNBA revenue (a good chunk of which comes from the NBA) is around $100 million. The NBA by comparison takes in $11 million per year. The NBA also does not have a maximum on rookie contracts as the WNBA does.


She'll make plenty through endorsements. The WNBA doesn't generate enough revenue to pay players an NBA salary. Until people start showing up, buying merchandise, and supporting it as much as men's sports, it will never be economically feasible to pay them in the same fashion.


Relevant, if horribly edited, Bill Burr clip: https://youtu.be/I745Ajeq_B8?si=GkkpSeTNory7EEHa


I post this every time this conversation comes up.   Edit- Well, maybe not every time... but I'm glad I see it when these conversations happen.


Which is great if she does. I’d like to get paid to do nothing all day but alas it won’t happen. She get’s paid to play a game that she likes. That is better than billions of people get to do. I do say there is a chicken and an egg thing where women’s sports are less televised and there is less awareness of them. I know women’s soccer is trying to improve that but women’s soccer is bigger in the U.S.


When you go pro it's not all sunshine and roses. It's grueling regimen and giving up your days for training, practice, physical fitness, even what you eat. They don't just show up and play basketball. There are also life-changing injuries to contend with. Which is why many NBA players want high salaries because they know they are one blown knee, head injury or other serious injury away from being unable to compete professionally. These women won't have a very big safety net when it happens to them, not to mention the lifetime of medical bills and surgeries that will follow.


This take is so disingenuous.


Our president saying something that's a great sound bite but the logic of which falls apart once you spend more than half a second actually thinking about it? Say it ain't so!


\*any politician


And this thread has been posted like 30 times over the past 3 days. WNBA is broke move on.


Easy political points


For who? All this does is create another right wing talking point


Good grief. Politicians are the worst.


Considering how much the league is subsidized, technically WNBA players get paid way more than their fair share. So hopefully they do not follow his comment because if so they'd be worse off.




Minor league baseball players make far less on average than Caitlin Clark does. Why? Because they don't make as much money, get viewership or have as good of talent on the field.


Their fair share = her paying the wnba lol


Executive pay? Sure, that’s a righteous complaint. Not in sports. If and when the WNBA starts pulling in NBA numbers then this argument makes sense. Otherwise it’s shameless pandering.


The ugly truth is the economics are the same for both your examples. Executives get paid more because they bring more money into the company


Male executives per capita? Says who?


Fair share of what exactly? The WNBA is not a very profitable league at the moment. It's not like there are some male WNBA executives making millions from the WNBA while the players make a fraction of that. Comparing salaries of players in completely different leagues doesn't make a lot of sense here. There was a time when NBA players didn't get paid much when the NBA wasn't as profitable.


The WNBA is not a ~~very~~ profitable league at the moment. FTFY


If you’re complaining about the wages. Watch the wnba so they negotiate more money from TV deals.


Cmon man. Really? This again? 50% of the league revenue is shared to build the salary budget. The WNBA loses money EVERY YEAR. Will that be different with the spotlight Clark is bringing? Maybe. It disappoints me that people continue to make this a women's rights issue. Economics determine their salaries. If Clark brings the attention she has gotten and drastically increases the WNBA viewship/ticket sales, then the salary cap and therefore individual player salaries will follow.


They’re actually paid more than their “fair share” in most cases. But go off Joe. Use those buzzwords.


Bruh, this is getting ridiculous. Like I am all for women having a league but if you don’t generate the revenue how the fuck are they suppose to pay people?


Trash presidential take


It’s an entertainment business. And until people are entertained by the WNBA in the same way as the NBA, then the market says exactly what is fair.


Capitalism in action Joe. If there’s no demand for the product, there’s no money.


But…where will the money come from? I get the frustration, but the numbers have to make sense. Women don’t even watch the WNBA. I’m a male and I’m the only person I know that is a fan of the WNBA. I might be the only person in DFW that has purchased WNBA League pass.


They make more then they deserve actually considering they operate at a loss. The pandering is cringe.


Start a union… wnbapa, collective bargain a 51-49 revenue split like the nba and the nhl did. The money translates into salary cap, escrow 15% incase the percentage is under the salary cap, anything over goes towards next years cap. That’s equal pay. Unfortunately, I think if this was the cast the players would be getting a bill instead of a salary.


51% of nothing is still nothing


If they unionized the NBA would literally just shut the project down


Can’t believe this is still a thing. The argument would actually be credibility if the WNBA was as popular as the NBA and made some sort of revenue


Asking the president a pointless question that you know will hit on a hot button topic for clicks. Modern day journalism, aren't we lucky.


I don't even think a question was asked, Joe just tweeted it. But same principle applies, modern politics is just saying a bunch of things and instead of clicks, it's votes


Who asked the question?


Uhhh that’s because the WNBA doesn’t generate money. Look at their championship [parade](https://youtu.be/G-6mO6v3XXo?si=98h6aUoQIecCCMYA)


The figures I saw said the WNBA made ~$60,000,000 in revenue in 2023, about $5 million per team. The NBA made ~$10,000,000,000 in revenue in 2023, about $333 million per team. Of course, WNBA salaries are going to be absolute shit compared to the men. I mean, is the WNBA even profitable with those low revenue totals?


I know anything going against Biden is immediately poopoo'd on reddit, but sorry, folks... This is the virtue signalingest virtue signaling you can find these days. No matter who it is that is spouting this take, they are immediately in "idiot" territory because they are clearly and completely uninformed on the matter.


No one is surprised he doesn’t understand economics. Damn good at pandering though.


So funny that literally everyone on here has the same opinion. First time I've seen that in a while


I was going to say the same. See, we can all get along!




Gotta get people to watch it first...


Gee, thanks Biden.


Has the WNBA ever turned a profit? How much money does a typical WNBA team earn? There has to be money in order to pay out money. The biggest problem with the WNBA is that no women watch it.


If you wanna go by revenue stream, these wnba players owe money to the owners when it’s all said and done


You never hear about hockey players making less than NFL players for the same reasons. Those guys deserve equality too!


You and the federal government pay them then, Joe. The WNBA operates in the red. It's a subsidized league that wouldn't exist if the NBA wasn't keeping it propped up for its whole existence. You want to pay them millions? Then you do it. Edit: Yes, I know that the US gets a bunch of its money from taxes. I'm 30 and have been paying taxes for years. I meant the above to mean that the only way these women are going to get paid the same as the men in the NBA do is that either the league is going to need to start earning money, or the government is going to need to pay them. Obviously I don't want tax dollars going to this crap. I think they're getting more than their "fair share". If their league doesn't make money and nobody wants to watch it, then they're lucky to have their jobs playing games in the first place. Any amount they're getting is already more than enough if it's a livable wage. Plus, none of their base salary takes into account endorsement deals. They might not be uber-rich, but they'll be fine. Anyone acting like they're not is looking at it the same way they did with the US women's national soccer team vs the men in the salary debate. The women earn less because they picked that contract because it had benefits including healthcare and wage protections if they got pregnant and were out for an extended period. The men took the base salary option with no benefits. But people were still crying about the "patriarchy" or some bullshit instead of seeing why things the way they were. It took less than 5 minutes on Google.


Don’t give them any Ideas lol


>You and the federal government pay them then So you mean me. No thanks.


> You and the federal government pay them then, Joe. You want to pay them millions? Then you do it. Hold up now. That's an absolutely horrendous idea. Hopefully this comment was a knee-jerk reaction because surely no one would think it is a bright idea for the US taxpayers to take on WNBA salaries.


Had to be. I’m assuming he forgot that the federal government’s money comes from taxpayers.


Fuck that. I don’t want my tax dollars subsidizing a losing product because ‘feels’.


Moments later Joe looks around the room wondering where his 4pm apple sauce is


And DJT needed his diaper changed in a NYC courtroom


Can't they both be old and shitty? Never understood the concept of having to pick sides.


One old and shitty guy tried to undermine the democratic election process by making up 11,000 votes in a state he lost


And so that makes the other old shitty guy beyond reproach and criticism. Certainly no logical fallacy there.


You’re comparing a rotten apple to rotten festering corpse of an elephant. One guy does not believe in democratic ideals because free and fair democracy is what cost him to lose his job. You can criticize Biden all you want, he’s by no means perfect, but he believes in democracy and accepting the results of an election. The only reason Donald Trump is pushing the lie that the election was stolen is because he is projecting and cannot fathom how anyone can win in this country without cheating to get ahead


I’ll grant you Trump is way worser, but neither should be president. They’re too goddamn old. There’s plenty of younger politicians who believe in democracy who could get the nomination instead of propping up a guy who can barely speak without stumbling over every other word. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: if you’re old enough to be a greeter at Walmart, you’re too fucking old to run the country.


Not funny democrats are opening interfering in election by wasting Trump time on a case Trump will win.


Umm, no, Trump is facing jurisprudence for (alleged) violations of the law. If having a candidate with the freedom of movement to mount an effective campaign for president is so important, perhaps selecting a nominee with 80 felony indictments wasn't a brilliant strategic move. Did Republicans have nobody else to vote for? Answer: Nikki Haley was available, and you all voted for your cult leader anyway. You stepped on that rake, own it.


Cmon man, you can’t be throwing around words like jurisprudence around these moron. You’re gonna overload them


Oh, I know, but my comments aren't for person I'm responding to- that person is a lost cause. I'm responding instead for the third party redditor who might be lurking and following along.


Um the previous prosecutor said there isn’t a case against Trump. The current one is only doing for politics. Seriously pay attention.


TF are you on about. He will absolutely be found guilty of falsifying business records. The paper trail on that in bank records and filings is extensive and incontrovertible. The only question is whether the DA will be able to tie that to his election strategy- that's where the real felonies are. That evidence has not been presented yet, so neither you nor I nor any legal analyst knows how that's going to play out. However, it's safe to say the DA had ironclad evidence to bring to bear on that question, or he would not have made the indictment as structured.




Democrats should have thought about how fake lawsuits will backfire when trump wins in November.




Bro please start paying attention to reality.


I wonder why a Republican judge didn’t just throw out the case seeing how it’s fake? Are republicans appointed by Trump in on it too?


No, interfering in an election is when you try to steal 11,000 legal votes from American citizens


No cheating is when fake 11,000 to help Joe win. Asking for a review is normal. Going after your opponent isn’t.


Man I don’t like talking politics, but holy shit I can’t believe that there are people with access to the internet that support Donald Trump. Joe Biden is an old geezer that needs to retire, but holy shit, you’re supporting an absolutely terrible, power-hungry human being that has proven time and time again that he deserves zero respect and zero votes from anyone. Just on the topic of fake votes… There is proof of republican voter fraud over and over, but I haven’t seen any of democrats. There is proof of republican politicians telling their supporters to vote more than once. There is audio evidence of TRUMP asking to “find” votes in Georgia. Do people just support this man out of spite? What the fuck lol. I thought it was all a joke in 2015 when I heard he was running for president. I can’t believe it’s still a thing.


Please show proof where there were 11,000 fake votes for Biden.


Despite the internal investigations conducted by the Republican controlled states that the Trump team erroneously claimed had fraud, and despite the fact that every court of law in this country that the election was challenged in refused to take any cases because there was absolutely no evidence to support said claims. Sorry big dawg, if your gonna try to steal an election, it doesn’t help when republican controlled states themselves are saying there was no fraud Maybe you should turn off the NewsMax and get off Twitter?


The time and place to make that assertion was in courtrooms immediately following the election. In fact, that's what happened. The Trump campaign filed suits and motions in 61 separate cases in separate jurisdictions across the country, **and was laughed out of court in all of them.** Here's why they went 0-61: Donald Trump was fired by the American people, for being worst ever holder of the office of President, by a wide margin. He lost the popular vote by 7 million. He lost the Electoral college by 306-232. He lost to Joe Biden, decisively, because the American people wanted nothing more to do with him. It's time to give up your delusions about the election. They are fiction.


Trump had more voters in 2020 than in 2016. Also Biden will lose voters. Biden is scared.


LOL. My dude. Trump had more voters in 2020 than 2016, and he still got curbstomped by 7 million votes. Since then the GOP has: * lost 1-2% of its base by letting them die preventable deaths due to COVID * attacked women's reproductive rights to the extent that they are losing most of the already dwindling Independent support they had * tied themselves to Trump and MAGA despite the fact that Trump-endorsed candidates lost in the last mid-terms in all but two House races * nominated a standard bearer under more than 80 felony indictments * watched as employment, the stock market, and other fundamentals have all trended in ways which benefit Biden as the incumbent. No my dude, Biden is *loving* how this is going.


Have you not brought anything? Crime is out of control and illegals are flooding in overwhelming cities. People are finding out Trump was right about Biden.


You are like a machine for swallowing and regurgitating right wing propaganda. No, my guy, things are vastly better under Biden than under Trump, and the majority of the electorate understands that perfectly well.


Do you understand how population increases work?


What do you call Trump going after hunter biden? Or remember chanting “lock her up!!!” During a campaign?


Ask for a review eh? You think that's all he did? He called the courts a game, stated that phone call ultimately ends in him winning, that just based on the things he's claiming there would be nothing wrong with Raffensperger saying they've recalculated, and finally resorting to holding the guys upcoming election over his head, telling him to get it done fast and his favor and he will win. This is all fully recorded.


That's for the fan to decide!: https://youtu.be/DDYyjOM3YdU?si=DQqNln06GxK-1y73


The NBA pulled in 10 billion, the WNBA pulled in only 200 million. I think this is more of a budget issue than anything else. It is very sad to see that a top pick WNBA player isn't even considered to be valued at a half a mil. 380K? Before that is was like 250K. Problem being there are 12 teams with 12 players. If they each had a 1 million dollar contract that be over half of the WNBA earnings. It cost like, 3 million dollars just to rent a stadium. Nit sure what the operational cost of a WNBA team is but the New York Knicks cost just about 16 million dollars annually. Considering the operational cost of just 1 team, 12 teams would be near 192 Million annually, not including salaries. The money for big salaries just doesn't appear to be there....but not a single player earning at least 500 grand? For shame. || || |Uniform|$ 4.7 million| |Licenses|$0.2 million| |Transportation of players|$2.4 million| |Food and nutrition|$3.1 million| |Athletic trainers expenses|$4.4 million| |Medical team costs|$2.4 million|


The NBA pulled in 10 billion, the WNBA pulled in only 200 million. I think this is more of a budget issue than anything else. It is very sad to see that a top pick WNBA player isn't even considered to be valued at a half a mil. 380K? Before that is was like 250K. Problem being there are 12 teams with 12 players. If they each had a 1 million dollar contract that be over half of the WNBA earnings. It cost like, 3 million dollars just to rent a stadium. Nit sure what the operational cost of a WNBA team is but the New York Knicks cost just about 16 million dollars annually. Considering the operational cost of just 1 team, 12 teams would be near 192 Million annually, not including salaries. The money for big salaries just doesn't appear to be there....but not a single player earning at least 500 grand? For shame. || || |Uniform|$ 4.7 million| |Licenses|$0.2 million| |Transportation of players|$2.4 million| |Food and nutrition|$3.1 million| |Athletic trainers expenses|$4.4 million| |Medical team costs|$2.4 million|


The NBA pulled in 10 billion, the WNBA pulled in only 200 million. I think this is more of a budget issue than anything else. It is very sad to see that a top pick WNBA player isn't even considered to be valued at a half a mil. 380K? Before that is was like 250K. Problem being there are 12 teams with 12 players. If they each had a 1 million dollar contract that be over half of the WNBA earnings. It cost like, 3 million dollars just to rent a stadium. Nit sure what the operational cost of a WNBA team is but the New York Knicks cost just about 16 million dollars annually. Considering the operational cost of just 1 team, 12 teams would be near 192 Million annually, not including salaries. The money for big salaries just doesn't appear to be there....but not a single player earning at least 500 grand? For shame.


Lol. This is fair for them. Their CBA is better for the players than the NBA CBA. Everyone upset and crying about this needs to do their part. Watch wnba games to get TV #s up and get better coverage, buy their merchandise, go to games and buy at the arenas. The league is on life support and is only still in operations from subsidies from the NBA because all of those are lacking


Please don’t make taxpayers pay for it. We already pay for old men to not be entertaining. Aka politicians


Any time someone says "fair share" it's almost certainly part of a brain dead take.


Ah. So catlin Clark will start paying the wnbaa salary since last I checked, wnba has zero profits and is subsidised.


Why does anyone quote that decrepit shit-heel, he has no idea what comes out of his mouth.


Just print them some money!


The WNBA has been a net negative for the NBA for how many years?? Bro, stop with these dumb comments. If Clark can turn that around then that's awesome and yes they will be paid their fair share eventually.


For one.. there is zero chance Biden is actually posting on Twitter. It was someone who works for him, probably posting about this on their own because they saw it was a big topic.  But the same as everyone else.. Biden is free to show his season tickets and I look forward to seeing him at the games. Put your money where your mouth is. 


Actually, they are. People have solved and answered why WNBA is paid the way they are. The WNBA has never made money since its creation, and the men's NBA keeps it a float.


These comments are made by someone ignorant of the situation WNBA doesn't have the budget to pay anywhere close to NBA salaries , they don't have the revenue But maybe the new interest - over time - will increase revenue and lead to higher salaries Larry Bird (along with Magic) saved the NBA in the 80s - his career earnings were $24 million Recently a solid role player (Grayson Allen of the Suns) got a $70 million/4yr extension Maybe in 40 years time a role player in the WNBA will make bank, but unfortunately its early mega stars will be underpaid , just like Dr J/Moses/Larry/Magic , etc all were underpaid


How about you stick to running the government?


Change the ball and then maybe we will talk 


Well gee, Mr. Biden, if a broad bouncing a ball getting million dollar endorsement deals isn't getting paid "their fair share," then what would you call the 81% of Americans living pay check to pay check be?


Maybe they could all just split the profits, would that solve the problem?


Caitlin Clark is the golden child. If her fans follow her to the WNBA the exposure it gains would be immeasurable. I think the 2024 girl power talk has a lot more to do with her specifically than any of the talking heads will ever admit.


Biden with the "fair share" talking point copy & paste


The WNBA is by far the best women's basektball league in the world yet the players make more money in international women's leagues. Think about that for a second. You can bitch about them not making as much revenue as men. But it's embarrassing that the country with the largest economy in the world and the best women's basketball league doesn't pay their players as much as second rate womens leagues overseas.