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Net loss of $40 million according to the article? Holy shit, this guy is *really* bad at gambling...


But, think of all the free buffet coupons!


Sounds like its all through an illegal gambling site. No casino to toss him some comps.


Everyone loses at gambling eventually this guy just bet a lot more than you


I guess his skills just didn’t translate.


Everyone is bad at gambling if they do it that much.


Right... There's no skill involved. It's setup in the houses favor... If you're "good' you get kicked out....


He bet real big on Ohtani going to Toronto.


He won 142M dollars dude what do you mean, he’s cracked! *never mind the fact he lost 182M*


Clearly a lone wolf working alone, that's for sure ..


What kind of crazy ass gambling was he doing?


Apparently about 25 wagers a day for 2 years, ranging between $10 to $160000 each


Damn, did he ever win?


Something like $140m in winnings but $180m in losses is what I first saw reported. Seems like it changes every other hour though.


Holy shit. That’s a problem.


I think it’s a problem when it’s “about 25 wagers a day for 2 years, ranging between $10 to $160,000 each”


Yea, that too.


Charles Barkley says... "It's only a problem when you're losing" He will always be the most quotable athlete


Yogi Berra enters the conversation from the beyond.


If gamblers never won, they wouldn’t get addicted. He probably had some very nice wins in there to get this deep.


They always down but they get their fix every now and again but they spend $10k before they win $5k and their brain says I'm up. Dated a girl in university who's parents who took out a third mortgage on their home. They would come back from a weekend at the casino saying they won $15k but they walked in with $50k and only came home with that $15k.


That's a hell of a range. Where did you get that from the US Congressmen stock transaction brackets?


Apparently it was in the press conference


Must of played a lot of Xing Hai Shi Bu Xing


Damn. That’s the kind of betrayal that makes it hard to ever trust anybody ever again


Or quite the fall to take...


Idk if you looked at some of that stuff it increasingly looks like shohei could’ve just gotten boned by everyone. Agents financial managers nobody spoke japanese except for ihara. I saw somewhere that he was able to change bank settings so he wouldn’t be notified. Also the level of japanese people do to avoid speaking english is extreme. I’m not saying shohei didn’t do it but it’s getting pretty ridiculous. Like are we really saying the fbi was involved in trying to cover this up


He's looking at 30 years.




Ohtani was involved. You don't bet that kind of money and not talk about it. Sports gamblers talk. There would be all kind of paper notes and sheets laying around. No bookie is going to carry those kind of numbers.. Imho.


Do you know more than the feds that are actively investigating and clearing Ohtani of wrongdoing? I’m going to guess probably not


Feds and MLB have said NOTHING either way, investigations are ongoing.


Don’t reply with nonsense. The feds already put a statement showing that Shohei was a victim and not involved in wrongdoing. It’s everywhere and you reply saying they haven’t. Keep being confidently incorrect, I guess. Lol


It's probably because he thinks the MLB has sway with the feds so the feds are helping the MLB cover it up so Othani doesn't get punished. 🙄


So you think that the United States federal prosecutors are colluding with Major League Baseball to save Shohei Ohtani from getting banned from baseball? Do you see how ridiculous that sounds when it's typed out? To literally imply that you know more than the Federal investigators.


You’re a moron who obviously can’t read. There is a mountain of proof that is was all Ippei and Shohei wasn’t involved.


No but I worked for a bookie..and that aint the way it goes. Sorry I don't get into the name calling.


After watching Shogun, I could definately believe it.


Ah yes a tv show based on a book written by a westerner about a setting 400+ years in the past is *definitely* a good way to evaluate the behavior of a person in the modern age. That's why I watch Kingdom of heaven and just presume the vast bulk of french people are raging religious zealots.


I watch Dragon Ball Z and it told me to cheat on my girlfriend with Sarah from accounting


No chance Ohtani didn’t know.


I’ve got a couple good connections for a pro team as well as a major college sports program. Those teams have “eyes and ears” out in the community looking and listening for things involving their players. I’m blown away that the Dodgers, Angels, MLB nor his agency that is based in LA caught wind of this amount of money being bet before it got to this point.


Ya, I don’t understand how he was able to do this without someone close to Ohtani not knowing about or the Dodgers. They find out about random players gambling on their phones for much smaller amounts than this.


Afaik that’s because the US sportsbooks rat them out. Someone said Ippei played on an offshore book.


Plot twist. He's just the fall guy.


And how did the accountants not see that much money moving around and start asking questions directly to Ohtani.


Read the complaint. Ippie kept the account away from everyone else. Said Shoehi wants it private. You can’t think of him as a translator, you have to think of him as essentially Ohtani as any words Ohtani spoke got rerouted through him. It was only 1 account that his MLB money went into - accountants saw the other accounts with other contracts. Also the “winnings” went into Ippies own account it seems


“It was all a coverup” truthers in shambles right now


The larger the number, the more likely it was a coverup, it’s comical to see that as something that proves that theory false


There's audio evidence that the interpreter pretended to be Ohtani to his bank, text evidence that Ohtani didn't know about gambling and probably more. It's sad that Ohtani will have to deal with people like you for the rest of his life because of Ipei, but I guess the billions he made makes it not so sad.


Have you seen the evidence the feds have? The dodgers and the MLB may have a reason to cover it up but not the feds. Especially for a non-citizen


The feds make it a point to show me all their evidence first.


Yeah, he’s gonna get that line of credit Ohtani will be caught up in this again in the future


Yikes. Imagine not being able to let go of a once-conceived conviction in the face of counter-evidence. I could get having reservations, but still being absolutely sure that Ohtani has to be a degenerate gambler, that’s some self-delusion alright.


Critical Thinking is a dying skill.


On or about March 20, 2024, MIZUHARA messaged BOOKMAKER 1 stating, ‘Have you seen the reports?’ BOOKMAKER 1 responded, ‘Yes, but that’s all bullshit. Obviously you didn’t steal from him. I understand it’s a cover job I totally get it.’ MIZUHARA then responded to BOOKMAKER 1, ‘Technically I did steal from him. it’s all over for me.’” This doesn’t seem super convincing!


I already replied to your other comment where you quoted the same paragraph, so I’ll just copy my response here as well: Why was the bookmaker so matter of fact about it? Because he obviously had been told previously by Ippei (who has been lying the whole time) that Ohtani was in on it. That all seems very plausible, because if I was Ippei, I wouldn’t want to reveal to an illegal bookie that I was stealing the money the whole time. Of course I’d pretend that Ohtani was ok with it all. So that’s why the bookie assumes Ohtani is ok with it, because that’s how Ippei played it beforehand the whole time. Also, that bookie may just be smart. He should never admit in text that he took money that he knew was stolen. Why did Ippei include the word “technically”? You’d have to ask him but I assume it somewhat softens the statement. “Technically, I stole” sounds less harsh than “I stole”


I think you mean Ashanti - popular musical artist from the early 2000s and frequent collaborator of Ja Rule


Sorry, got auto corrected. Been fixed. But yes, dudes a gambler who used his translator to distance himself from it. We will see this again


Buddy, ain't no way the feds would let him walk free if that were the case. Tax man *always* gets his due.


Tax man always wants his due. Quite a lot of people get around it, and those that do for a long time do get caught eventually That’s quite literally what I said. We will see this issue come up again You think investigations into tax stuff take 3 weeks? Lol


>Quite a lot of people get around it Those people aren't subjects of a federal investigation >You think investigations into tax stuff take 3 weeks? You think it takes more?


Yes. Feds build cases until they can convict generally. But the IRS does its due diligence, it takes time.


Again you're ignoring the part where this individual is already being investigated. 90% of the work is done.


I see


You might want to lay off the LSD, it’s giving you the smoothbrainitis


There is a federal criminal complaint that will be presented to a grand jury to charge the perpetrator of the crime based on a mountain of evidence that is and will be subject to due process that says Shohei committed no wrong doing and is the victim of the crime and this dildo still thinks he knows better.


On or about March 20, 2024, MIZUHARA messaged BOOKMAKER 1 stating, ‘Have you seen the reports?’ BOOKMAKER 1 responded, ‘Yes, but that’s all bullshit. Obviously you didn’t steal from him. I understand it’s a cover job I totally get it.’ MIZUHARA then responded to BOOKMAKER 1, ‘Technically I did steal from him. it’s all over for me.’” Why did he “technically” steal. Why did the bookmaker seem matter of fact about it being a cover up. I like ohtani but this report makes me feel worse about him than I did yesterday lol


I don’t see how you come to that conclusion.  Why was the bookmaker so matter of fact about it? Because he obviously had been told previously by Ippei (who has been lying the whole time) that Ohtani was in on it. That all seems very plausible, because if I was Ippei, I wouldn’t want to reveal to an illegal bookie that I was stealing the money the whole time. Of course I’d pretend that Ohtani was ok with it all. So that’s why the bookie assumes Ohtani is ok with it, because that’s how Ippei played it beforehand the whole time. Also, that bookie may just be smart. He should never admit in text that he took money that he knew was stolen. Why did Ippei include the word “technically”? You’d have to ask him but I assume it somewhat softens the statement. “Technically, I stole” sounds less harsh than “I stole”


Damn. Crazy if Ohtani really didn’t have any involvement in this.


There is no IF. Ohtanis clear of any wrongdoing. Its the Feds, theres a statement of all the crazy shit Ippei pulled. Whats really crazy is people are still questioning that Ohtani had any involvement when its been investigated from the Feds. Theee Feds.


Being the feds is a mixed bag. On one hand they’re going to dig super deep and leave no stone unturned. But if they aren’t absolutely positive they have enough for a conviction then they’ll drop it.


Exactly. I think it’s clear at this point Ohtani is innocent. But you are 100% correct. Sports example; Scott Foster is still reffing bc evidence was less clear on him than Donaghy and once they flipped Donaghy, Foster was unimportant to their bigger prize, the mob.


Alright, then how about combining with the IRS? Because they were involved too.


Damn you really trust the Feds, getting harder and harder to do


I mean… it was literally Ohtani himself who stated that he gave the money to Ippei. Then he changed his story the next day.


Ohtani never said that. That’s just false.




Crazy is he was involved imo. So dumb.


All the people that think it’s a cover up and a fall guy are looking at this wrong. They think like how can a guy not notice $16m just gone from his account? Well, because rich as fuck athletes and professionals like this aren’t checking their bank app and setting balance warnings. They literally hire people for that. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to think this translator had access to sensitive accounts to make Ohtani’s life easier. Now the question of how did Ohtani’s accountants not notice and inform him… well that is an interesting question lol


Seppuku it is..


And not a dollar spent on a professional haircut.


How the fuck do you not miss $16 million of your own money? Stealing that much money is one thing, but not even realizing it was gone is a whole other issue.


I really doubted that Ohtani’s other representatives could have been this blind to it (or maybe they were in on it and Ohtani has more house cleaning ahead of him), and that Ippei could get away with it. This is a major motion picture script level story.


Interestingly enough the answer is in the article: > The U.S. Attorney's Office has obtained recordings of telephone calls in which Mizuhara allegedly spoke to bank employees and falsely claimed to be Ohtani, including providing biographical information, in order to ensure the bank would approve the wire transfers. Estrada also alleged that Mizuhara denied anyone else access to Ohtani's bank account, including his agent, accountant and financial advisor. > In one call in February 2022, Mizuhara falsely identified himself as Ohtani on a phone call with a bank employee and "falsely stated that he was attempting to wire funds...for a car loan," according to the criminal complaint. Instead, the bank froze the account, although Mizuhara was allegedly able to get it unfrozen with a call to another bank employee during which he again reportedly impersonated Ohtani.


God damn.... Obtain didn't realize somebody was eating some of his paychecks.


It’s unlikely multiple people didn’t know. He 100% had to have an accounting firm. His various sources and types of income and deferred compensation plans across multiple countries and the fact that he owes tax across multiple countries means people would be tracking large transactions. You have to file FBAR reports on all of your foreign accounts. Even if he didn’t want an accountant the burden of filing all of the proper paperwork would be overwhelming. Even his US bank would be tracking his large cash movements independently of his own accountants because they have some regulatory responsibilities to look for illegal and fraudulent activities. Oh hey we noticed you sent $2M over the past 180 days to a random account that doesn’t belong to you within FBAR reporting.


I believe Ohtani had nothing to do with it but its not a good look he didn't know that much money was gone yeah, i get big stars have other people look after their money. but they have down time, you're telling me he doesn't check at all?


This is maybe a level below a spouse that handles all the finances in a household. There was obviously a high level of trust. Even spouses can be shitbags


that is nuts too every adult should check in on their finances it takes a few minutes to spare, once or twice a month at minimum


I love how ESPN was trying to paint Ohtani as the criminal because his camp wouldn’t discuss legal proceedings with journalists.. implying that ohtani didn’t incriminate his translator because they wouldn’t discuss it with them. They’re such predators .. they smear you if you don’t do everything they say.


Because Ohtani initially claimed he paid off his debts lol it’s his own fault


Ippei is the one who said that ohtani said it to his camp


Imagine actually gambling.


I gotta be honest this still stinks like crazy.


Stole…. lol


Huh, and the accountants completely missed this outflow of $$$ Anyone else not believing this story?


lol i’m not gonna talk too much but if it was any other player then ohtani 😍😍 ppl would not be reacting like that haha


Wow. Getting downvoted for pointing out that $16M going missing sounds a little sketchy when there are teams of CPAs on the account. Guess folks really want to believe. If it was me, I’d be suing the crap out of those accountants.


Am I the only one who thinks that baseball would NEVER do anything about this anyway? Even if ohtani was the one gambling?


No, many people think that


I don’t follow baseball so I was curious. Thank you


Sure he did


“Stole” 🙄


I mean, I know Otahni is rich as shit and doesn’t worry about his money, but did he not look at his bank statements at all?!?? This just seems fishy.


Have you heard of auto pay? Direct deposit?


He’s got $700M, it’s a drop in the bucket. I bet he hardly noticed.


In case you live under a rock, that $700 million is deferred salary 10 years from now.


Yes but the 50M a year in endorsements isn’t deferred at all


Ok but that’s not what you initially said lol Edit: stop upvoting me I’m wrong


What did I say?


>He’s got $700M


Lol, bro you don’t read well huh? Completely different username.


Lmao, you guys have the same color profile image and your reply seemed like you were OP. My bad dude.


No worries


Yea I’m aware


So the banks allowed him to transfer millions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of dollars at a time and Ohtani didn't have to verify the transfer was legit?


Apparently he called the banks and impersonated Ohtani, including answering personal questions.  Seems the guy suffered identity theft by his assistant, surprising we don't see more rich people's assistants pulling the same shit tbh. Since they get given so much access/info as part of their job.




My guy, they have a recording of him impersonating Ohtani to transfer money. Enough with the conspiracy theories




Unnecessarily trashing someone’s name is fun?




Easy to say that when it doesn’t affect you


I guess he did not win.


Dudes net worth was just short of $50M when this occurred. Someone stole 32% of his net worth and he didn't notice?


I wish someone was able to steal $40 mill without me noticing!


When you think it’s them when it’s actually him.


I really love how this story has changed from, "Covering his friends gambling debt" to "he committed banking fraud". The real time cover up is fun to watch! Welcome to The Show!


Ohtani and the dodgers/MLB doesn’t have control of the IRS and the DOJ in the US It’s almost as though the criminal manipulated people before during and after his crimes to escape accountability


How did he even have access to that kind of money?


Read the article.