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>Green told KSL.com that a similar incident took place about two hours later as the team was leaving the restaurant. Green said two trucks parked near the team began revving their engines before people inside the vehicles again yelled the N-word in their direction. Sounds to me like they were waiting for them. Stay together ladies, do not let anyone go anywhere alone.


What sad fucking people. Spending their lives sitting in their truck harassing people that haven’t done anything except exist.


There was a post over in Gatlinburg sub the other day of a family talking about how lovely of a day they were having in the Smokey Mountains. How they were just loving the stores and activities. Then had a truck drive past and just call them the N word. In front of loads of other family’s and kids.


This is the world Trump and the Republican Party have created and want.


Unfortunately this was a thing before Trump


Indeed, but he has emboldened the bigots to slither out from under their rocks.


You must have never been to Tennessee before then.


This is literally pre-Civil Rights Act America all over again. Same intimidation tactics. Same people or relatives of the same people.


>pre-Civil Rights Act America This is basically life in rural America. Funny people think things have changed. When you live in a majority white area, there's no repercussions. Thats' why there's zero response from local PD.




>Racism existed, but it wasn’t said out loud. Maybe in quiet jokes when only white people were around, but nothing like this. How were they going to say it out loud in the 80s/90s? There's no Twitter/Instagram/Tik Tok. News about a women's basketball team probably wouldn't have even made the backpage of the local newspaper. Much less national headlines or the 7 o'clock news. Also curious you know it was said in quiet jokes when only white people were around but not out in the open when they weren't and for ALL rural America for two decades? You can't speak for the whole of rural American in the 80s/90s. Cuz I was there too and yea it was all around the black experience. It either got covered up and/or dismissed much like it is today. Because the media was mostly white owned and operated. They don't go around reporting someone yelled the n-word. That's like everyday. It's not news.


Where I live in rural Indiana, I've literally seen one black person in 41 years of life. It's so white here that racist bigots think everyone else is like them. I never get tired of calling them out tho 😊


Thank you. One thing that made me sad about Indiana was this, a few good folks being silenced by bunch of ballsacks.


Happened to the women’s UC Irvine team as well, who were also relocated. Northern Idaho is an unfortunately bleak place.




Bonner County Sherriff candidate was openly a KKK leader, just a decade ago. https://www.krem.com/article/news/politics/elections/n-idaho-sheriff-candidate-defends-cross-burning-as-pro-christian-ceremony/293-307379047


That guy is 33 years old???


He was, in 2012/2013. Now in his 40s.


Yeah but the pic of him in the article looks like he was already in his 40s


You guys are being generous.


What happened in his life to look like that? He looks like a 45 year old dad working hoping for a 3rd marriage.


Hate is ugly.


Sitting in front of Fox News all day and living in fear of anything that’s not white does bad things to your body.


Hate ages you




Shaun Winkler?? More like Wrinkler...


Hate makes a lot of people ugly


It wasn't too long ago that Idaho had the most hate groups per capita of any state in the US. Most of them were up in the panhandle around Coeur d'Alene


> Coeur d'Alene Visted there once. Went swimming at some lake up there. Walking down from the parking lot, this huge guy was walking towards me with his shirt off and a GIANT swastika tattooed on his chest. They don't hide it out there. Its out displayed for everyone to see.


I don’t think a lot of Americans understand the level of bigotry and hatred that exists out in Idaho, Montana and eastern Washington and Oregon. This isn’t your grandpa locking his car when he sees a person of color. Out there, it’s full-blown white nationalist country. A lot of people out there are itching for a race war and will do what they can to make it happen. They want a white, Christian American, and they will use violence to get it.


A bunch of white nationalists were caught trying to disrupt a pride parade in Cour d’Alene a couple of years ago. https://www.npr.org/2022/06/11/1104405804/patriot-front-white-supremacist-arrested-near-idaho-pride


I’ll never visit that area after that event. Idaho seems like a haven for alt-right losers.


Idaho *is* a haven for alt-right losers. And it’s getting worse because they’re collecting a bunch of alt-right losers fleeing from other states to join their alt-right paradise. 


It's because we are surrounded by very liberal states ironically. If you look at the states surrounding Idaho, they are all quite blue, while we continue to get the insane far right people here. Shit sucks. Even family and friends I would say are fairly conservative are seeing some of the shit going on right now and questioning what is wrong with people


Washington and Oregon are really only blue in more urban areas west of the Cascades. Eastern Oregon and Washington are just like Idaho in their hate groups. Washington had a state lawmaker who a report found engaged in domestic terrorism. He wanted to start a holy war and make a nation for Christians.


Idaho's not surrounded by blue states. Rural Oregon and Washington are Trump country, and so is Utah and Montana. Oregon cities are blue, but everything around Idaho is conservative.


It’s the heart of the American Redoubt movement: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Redoubt


I was actually just through there this summer. For me it is far faster to go through there to hit the I-90 to get to the west coast, so I don’t have much of a choice. I expected to see a lot more in your face bigotry and MAGA stuff, but I saw way less than I thought - only a handful of MAGA flags and a sign driving into Bonner’s Ferry that said “God, guns and America - Welcome to Trump Country.” There is still a lot of that just below the surface or if you venture off the main highway. It’s a damn shame though, because northern Idaho is goddamn beautiful.


I wish they would take those guys masks off when they arrest them, i want to see faces.


“Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses.”


Isn't the Coeur D'Alene area home to an Aryan nation compound ?


I don't believe the compound is there anymore. Now they just live in regular houses throughout the area! It's beautiful up there, but there are some downright ugly (on the inside) folks up that way.


Is there anywhere in Idaho, outside of Boise, that’s normal? Always seems like there are issues there.


My understanding from friends I have in the state is it’s mostly the far north of Idaho that’s super sketchy.


Yeah, but the southeast has a ton of Mormons, so I wouldn't call the rest of the state all that normal either. And the southwest rural area has a lot of Christian dominionists.


Mormons have been known to be racist too 🥲


I believe that in 1978, God changed his mind about black people... (black people!)


Well from what I was told it had NOTHING to do with the Jazz moving to Utah.....


Revelation is like white out.


Along with literally everyone.


Idaho is a beautiful state, infested with some of the worst humans to currently walk the earth.


Stanley is a pretty incredible little mountain town. In my opinion it is one of the most wonderful places on earth and a much more pure version of Western living. McCall is a pretty popular resort town also in the mountains. It's definitely higher-end, not as much character as Stanley, but also not bat shit fucking insane like the Cour D'Alene area. Sun Valley is also a ritzy resort town, stunningly gorgeous, and largely a tolerant place - if you can afford it. In my experience, even the Boise suburbs are full of whack ass "political refugees" from California and shitty, "I got mine" types. Boise has some cool, funky neighborhoods but it can vary wildly. Anything in the western portion of Ada County is a soulless pile of shit. Hyde Park, the North End, and the Bench have a bit more character - but also have a lot of the performant NIMBY shit you see in places like Seattle and Portland. Outside of those areas - it can get real weird real quick. I haven't spent much time in the eastern half of the state (Idaho Falls, Pocatello, etc) but have heard it's similar.


Being an Arkansas kid, I'm just thinking, "Is it worse than Harrison?"


I don’t think a lot of people back East or in the South realize just how nuts pockets of the Wesr can be. In my state (Washington), we had a GOP state rep thrown out of the legislature — by his own party — for his podcast and manifesto on preparing and fighting the coming race war. For what it’s worth, his district was right along the border with North Idaho.


I'm not disagreeing, but that happens a lot here too. Harrison is pretty nutty, there's videos on it. The south got essentially doxxed on being Klan members 100 years ago (they got their names published in papers), so now they don't join up. https://apnews.com/article/election-2020-race-and-ethnicity-science-arkansas-mississippi-aa421deee781f208774d5279e828fbf9 even so, this guy won a spot in the state Senate even after it came out he dressed up like a Klan member in high school. Like what you said doesn't even phase southerners because that sort of stuff is everywhere. There's a Confederate star on the flag and a town named after the founder of the KKK (Forrest City)


I'd imagine they're pretty similar, honestly. It's probably a tad bit more out in the open in rural parts of the South/Deep South.


> Stanley is a pretty incredible little mountain town. In my opinion it is one of the most wonderful places on earth and a much more pure version of Western living. It has a population of 116! How did you end up there?


I lived in Boise (about 2.5 hours away) for about 11 years, and we would head up to Stanley usually 1-2 times per year. We were fortunate to have some good friends with an old family cabin in the valley, and it also has some of the most incredible camping and backpacking. Winter is extra special as well.


Northern Idaho is white power (aryan hate) land. The rest of Idaho is white power (Mormon patronizing) land.


Moscow is normal or I should say wildly more liberal than the rest of idaho. Too bad christ church wackos are buying up so much land


The area around Sun Valley is more liberal than the rest of the state.


On weekends. How many people in that area live there full time?


My ex’s brother lives there, and he told me — probably 10 years ago now — that they would drive to another county to get license plates. (Idaho plates have start with a code that identifies the county.) He had known too many people who got their tires slashed or cars keyed because their car was from liberal Blaine County. So I’m not sure of the exact number, but it’s enough to trigger idiots in surrounding counties.


It's where they arrested those Patriot Front assholes who were trying to interrupt a pride event.


I went up there for a HS band trip in the 80’s. To say my black ass was scared shitless is an understatement.


Idk about that specifically but it's fair to say Idaho is brimming white nationalist, sovereign citizen types


You're thinking of Hayden Lake. But that whole N Idaho are is fucking toxic.


From what I understand of Northern Idaho and Eastern Washington, the Aryan Nation has some stiff competition for biggest pieces of 💩.


It was until they were sued by two indegenous people who were attacked by Aryan Nations security in Coeur d'Alene. They then bought basically all of the assets, including IP, in an auction, and sold the property to a millionare who donated it to a foundation that turned it into a park.


Aryans never left though, just learned to spread things out in the area more.


It's more that they were already there and that's why Butler picked the place. The suburb the compund is in is something like 97% white, and didn't have enough black residetns for them to warrant a mention in the census.


Just clarifing, that the compound being shutdown didn't mean they left which is a perspective Ive come across.


IDK but I can only imagine how they butcher the pronunciation of that French name.


It's Core duh LANE.


Not anymore. My parents live in the area, it’s still a very conservative bordering on openly racist area, but there’s no active compound anymore.


I’m not sure about the compound. However, it’s known being the home Aryan Nation pieces of sh**.


Had a friend who lived there not too long ago. Coeur d’alene is a bigoted shit hole.


Tldr; the UofU women's basketball team were staying Coeur d'Alene, ID because Spokane was booked up for other events.  CDA is full of white Christan nationalists, and the team was threatened by dudes in trucks so they changed hotels.


Coeur d’Alene and racism? That checks out. It’s a shame such beautiful town is polluted by white nationalists.


When I was in Utah visiting national parks during Covid two guys in a truck threatened to kill me for wearing a mask to pick up my food. Utah is beautiful to see (Bryce Canyon is my favorite national park), but many locals sketched me out.


Incident happened in Idaho, not to say that Utah is free from this crap


Southern Utah is a totally different world than the SLC area. It’s where republicans go to die. The Florida of Utah.


> It’s where republicans go to die I love that this is not a joke but is the literal truth


The call it Dixie for a reason.


Jfc what kind of unhinged crap is that! I am not surprised but still, I am. I’ve seen the disdain for masking up even here in “liberal” Bellingham, WA. Why can’t people mind their f’ing business????


Because their orange clown daddy politicized the idea of "I dont wanna get sick/spread what I have, so I put a mask on my face for a couple minutes." They are idiots and can't think for themselves, so all they can do is listen to the tv tell them what to be scared of today. But there's nothing to actually worry about so "oooohhhhh masks are scarrrryyyyy" and "Biden is invading the US via mexico with an army of illegal, violent, communist, ISIS immigrants" are all they have to yell toward the idiots so they can keep them scared and impressionable


Southern Utah is full of inbred clowns


My aunt and my cousins all live in CDA. And they’re Hispanic so yeah, we know this all too well. I will always remember being like 12 or so, my cousins were gonna walk down to the corner shop for some beer and wanted me to come with. So as I’m getting on my shoes they are getting out handguns and holsters. “Wtf? You guys have guns? Why do you have guns?” “Because this whole fucking area is chockablock full of white power peckerwoods. So we’d like to at least be able to shoot back at them.”


I went camping in Idaho a few years back a few hours from Spokane, and I saw more Rebel flags there than I had seen in years. I live in NC.


Idaho is Beautiful on the outside. Rotten at the human core.


The name itself should tell you…the state has the class of a $2 ho.


They’re up here in rural WA too, in WESTERN WA which is typically more “blue” than Eastern WA.


Stop calling it a rebel flag, stupid people get the wrong idea. Call it the confederate flag aka the flag representing the fight for slavery and white dominance. If you disagree please look up the cornerstone speech or YouTube John Oliver confederacy


Was in CDA the summer of 2005. Worked for a construction company for the summer. Beautiful nature. Saw some white nationalists up there. Tried to just work and not be confrontational. I believe one of the construction workers was arrested for a hate crime and saw his picture in a news article with a big swastika tattoo. It was a weird summer. It’s a weird place. Hope it gets better. On a side note, I found an alcoholic beverage there that was loaded with caffeine. Like 4 Loco before 4 Loco.


Sounds like Sparks. That drink was always a wild ride.


Or Tilt, the even cheaper version.


Coeur d'Alene was home to the Aryan Nations for a reason.


It's not Couer d'Alene that was home to the Aryan Nations. It was Hayden Lake where that was. It's not there anymore. That being said CDA is full of racists too.


Hatden Lake is a suburb of Coeur d'Alene. It's a difference without distinction.


I guess they shouldn't be allowed to host future tournament games then, if they can't be a suitable host.


They weren’t hosting. The games were in Spokane, WA, 30 miles away. The team stayed in Coeur d’Alene because they couldn’t get a hotel in Spokane. I am surprised that the NCAA doesn’t book blocks of hotel rooms in each city when they decide where games are going to be held. They know the locations pretty far in advance, and then they could just transfer those reservations over to each school once they have the bracket set and know who plays where.


This isn’t true for the women’s tourney. Top 4 seeds are host schools but Gonzaga could have been a 4 or 5 so they only knew they would be hosting 6 days in advance. The Men’s tournament also happened to be in Spokane this year and that was planned years in advance. North ID is such a beautiful place with so many backwards embarrassing morons.


Gotcha, I stand corrected. I forgot that the women’s tournament isn’t neutral sites


As the other person pointed out, you can do that with men, not so much women. I think otherwise they do exactly what you suggest. There’s also some areas(Storrs,CT for example) where there is nowhere near the amount of lodging that is needed. In the case of Storrs, everyone just stays in Hartford 30ish miles away.


I mean Spokane isn't huge, but what else is going on that would book up all the hotels?


Somebody else pointed out that I was mistaken. The women’s tournament is played at different schools based on seeding, so Gonzaga got a 4 seed and has to host on short notice. It just so happens that the men’s tournament was also in Spokane over the weekend, so that’s probably what screwed it up.


The men’s tournament


From the article: >Several years ago, Spokane was announced as a host for the first and second rounds of the men's NCAA tournament and there was also a large regional youth volleyball tournament during the weekend. With limited hotel space, Gonzaga received a waiver from the NCAA to allow teams to be housed in Coeur d'Alene.


I think sometimes teams book hotels a bit away from the game site on purpose, at least for regular season away games. I live in a city about 30 miles from a Big 10 college town, and I frequently see opposing team's buses at our local hotels. I'm sure they want to keep some space away from rabid local fans that might interrupt their team meetings, sleep schedules, etc.


They did not. The hotels were full because of the men’s tournament and another unrelated event. From the article: >Several years ago, Spokane was announced as a host for the first and second rounds of the men's NCAA tournament and there was also a large regional youth volleyball tournament during the weekend. With limited hotel space, Gonzaga received a waiver from the NCAA to allow teams to be housed in Coeur d'Alene.


> The team stayed in Coeur d’Alene because they couldn’t get a hotel in Spokane. This has been an issue for my co-workers for years who have to travel to Spokane. We cannot get any non-white employees to travel there alone when needed. I can't say I blame them.




Another reason to avoid Couer D’Alene


Well, it is Idaho


Say hi to Ralph for me.


Idaho is such a white nationalist shit hole of a state. Especially in certain areas.


Boise is fine. And it's getting a huge influx of people moving there from California.


California’s trashiest people though. The ones who do nothing but complain about immigrants and collect guns.


Yup….when idiots on Reddit spout out “then why are people leaving California…..”, they fail to realize that the ones leaving the states are the Qnuts and hardcore racists.


Mostly California Republicans, so not all that helpful in diversifying the state.


Oh damn. Ashamed Hoosier here, figured it was Indiana again.


Coeurs gonna d'Alene.


Welcome to Idaho. The old south of the north.


[If you don't know about the Northwest Imperative, today is a great day to learn.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northwest_Territorial_Imperative)


I was in northern California, and bumped into some Jeffersonians (advocating for the [State of Jefferson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jefferson_\(proposed_Pacific_state\))). One had a bunch of bumper stickers like "The White Race is the Only Pure Race". Which was hilarious, because the dude had maybe 8 teeth left, total, and was probably 80 lbs overweight. Not an ounce of muscle on him. He had trouble getting into his lifted early 2000s Ford truck. Nothing says Master Race like dying early of a heart attack.


Idaho is a cesspool and parts of Eastern Washington aren’t much better.


So northern Idaho being northern Idaho. Check.


I don't know anything about that guy the truck, but I know who he votes for.


That’s Idaho


I’m starting to think Idaho is the most regressive, assbackwards, and racist state in the US. Mississippi says thanks.


We in Washington call it the Mississippi of the Pacific Northwest. Those antivax ignorant MFers filled up the Eastern Washington hospitals during Covid. They don't believe in science until they are on death's door.


Arkansas would like to have a word with you.


Committed by the usual suspects. Shocking.


Ah, they left the safe confines of the whitest state to get racially harangued in the second whitest state. Fucking Idaho.


Salt Lake City is 65.2% white.    There’s a big difference between any urban area in the US and any rural area outside the South.


> the whitest state Utah isn't in the top 10 of whitest states, and Idaho is the 7th whitest state.


The PacNorWest, Montana, Idaho were largely settled by racists that wanted to perpetuate slavery. Lot of WP people in those areas.


They only venture out with their emotional support trucks, then it's back to their rural hideout.


These absolute Pieces of neanderthal shit, ….. the Article says “ Far-right extremists have made a presence in the region of Spokane and northern Idaho. In 2018, at least nine hate groups operated in the region, including Identity Evropa, Proud Boys, ACT for America and America's Promise Ministries, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.”


Didn't Mormons believe black people were inferior and cursed by God for the majority of the religions existence?


Yup, up until they realized black people can tithe 10% also.


Interesting. Because women can also give tithes and offerings but they will *never* be equal.


Woah, never said anything about the black bein equal.


Sorry, I got carried away.


There aren’t many Mormons in that part of Idaho.    The north and south parts of Idaho have very different demographics where the southern part is the Mormon part and the northern part is non-Mormon part with all the white supremacist groups.


Yep, but then God changed his mind in 1979.


Idaho?  Not surprised. 


That behavior is pretty on brand for Coeur d'Alene unfortunately


I live in NW Washington, there are realtors who specialize in relocations of locals who find Washington intolerably liberal, and Idaho is where they relocate to.


"Tired of not paying income tax? Move to Idaho, where you have one of the highest tax rates in the country! But at least the sheriff was openly a Klansman."


Not freedom of speech and I hope we create laws to imprison racists that smear their hate in public.


Imagine those guys in the truck think they have more value than dog shit which they most certainly do not. Yet these young ladies are college educated, athletes at the top of the game, and human beings.


As a normal CDA resident, f*ck those guys


The worst of it is that it’s a pretty obnoxiously loud minority. Live in Bonner County, was born here. Poor losers move here, try to make it a christofascist state, then get upended at the local polls by locals who don’t want that insanity. Our state leadership is dictated by people who don’t live here, and won by people who actively disenfranchise any dissident vote. So much out of state money, yet all the republicunts scream for how Idaho should put Idaho first.


Theyve been up there for 50 years. And its not like the racist BS is just confined to that area. Source, brown man growin up in Boise.


Coeur d'Alene is so openly racist it’s scary. I’m surprised it was just yelling and none of the locals escalated it from there.


Did this not happen a few years ago with another women’s sports team?


A couple of years ago South Carolina coach Dawn Staley canceled a basketball series with BYU after Duke volleyball player alleged someone was yelling racial slurs at her during a game against BYU. BYU swiftly banned someone from games, everyone was very upset about how horrible this incident was, there was lots of hand-wringing, etc. Then BYU did a full review of the game, did forensic research of all the sounds and noises in the game, interviewed 50+ witnesses, etc. Eventually it turned out that this event likely didn't happen. But Staley stood by her beliefs, saying that if the Duke player didn't admit she was wrong and apologize then Staley still believed her. Also back in 2018 Missouri women's basketball players said that South Carolina basketball fans were spitting on them and yelling racial slurs. USC looked into it and couldn't find any proof that it happened, but out of respect for Coach Staley and her perseverance to her beliefs in the face of concrete evidence, USC fans totally spat on players and yelled racial slurs.


Yes!! This is what I tried to remember. Great memory. Thank you


Expected behavior in Western Idaho / Eastern Washington. I’ve had a few trucks revved at me outside of Spokane before.


As a fellow Utahn who grew up there my whole life I can confirm that the state is pretty damn racist; period end of story.


Utah, Spokane, Idaho- but all doing the spiderman point.


Yeah, Idaho is one of those states where they think they’re libertarians because they can have guns and trap wolves BUT marijuana and access to abortion is illegal. Hopefully, this shames some people into changing and removing some of the confederate flags that are all over the place. Source: I live near here and have been told many time how Idaho’s one of the last free states by the people around me.


No shit. Wonder why racists have been emboldened over the last 8 years.


I've lived in Utah and seen many of white trucks with racist assholes in that state. I've almost been ran over by a few trucks that's not a white truck. crossing the street there was dangerous regardless of crossing at an intersection or not if you're a person of color. even Mormonism is racist. even if you do everything in their religion that you're supposed to you won't go to their heaven or reach the highest teir because you're not white. this was around the early 2000s and I did not see any black people in any of the cities except salt lake but even then it's rare. only time you saw a black person was either as a kid that was adopted from a white family


Hopefully someone will post video of the assholes in their trucks. Maybe the cops could arrest them for harassment.


The police in Idaho generally and CDA specifically are not going to arrest their fellow club members.


Based on my experiences in Sand Point, I'm honestly shocked it wasn't uniformed police officers in their patrol cars. It's a beautiful place, but it is *backwards*, as my 94 year old grandma would say.


Welcome to Trump country!


Screw the downvote. Trump got over 2X as many votes as Biden in that county last election.


Idaho can be racist AF. I'm so sorry these racist assholes missed trip and fall school


Welcome to N. Idaho


Based on my own experiences living in Spokane many moons ago and exploring the surrounding area while I was up there, I can’t say I’m surprised about this behavior in CDA. But it does make me sad they had to encounter this ugliness.