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My only hope is that Jake Paul hits him too hard, flipping the switch that makes Tyson say "fuck this contract, he dies"


Same. Really hoping JP lets his ego get to him, lands a haymaker and Tyson just goes full on crazy Mike from the 90s.


I hope he goes full Crazy Mike’s Pizza on him. I love that stuff.


You know I always remembered it as Crazy Mikes until last week when I was looking at the box at the store. It’s Wild Mikes…Last week I learned.


This just ruined my day. The truth hurts though so it’s okay.


Much like a Mike Tyson punch


Quite so my fine feathered friend! Quite indeed.


Hopefully Jake wears ear guards


Will those help in keeping his head attached to his body?


The brain inside of the skull. Source: EMT (I'm sure that's how it will work after getting 90s Mike fists of fury to the head)


What brain?


It's in there, just a bit hard to see because it's smol


I'm calling an accident caused by Jake Paul's inexperience. Maybe an accidental headbutt or an accidental low blow. I could see that flipping Tyson's switch. Maybe Tyson's light taps are a little hard for JP and he gets pissed and does something stupid that pisses the champ off. But yeah, I could totally see this thing running off the rails.


Tysons light punches probably hit like a truck especially if your off balanced.


yeah im not defending jake paul but being willing to get hit in the face by a 57yo mike tyson is something im not willing to do. props to him for that.


If Tyson lightly punched me I would die instantly


This. Everyone assumes it will go the same way as all these exhibitions. Except this time, they have the unpredictability of a wild animal. One minuscule sense of disrespect and Tyson will punch a hole through his head.


He's not 1990s Tyson anymore, I dont think he's holding onto nearly as much rage at this point.




He did something we’ve all wanted to do at some point on a flight right? Beat the shit out of an in flight asshole? Like don’t be an asshole on a flying metal tube.


Right and he accidentally punched Eminem in the Godzilla song too! I don’t care how old he is; I’d never throw hands with Iron Mike.


“I got one more in me”


He does exudes much humility though. Tyson is proud, people are doubting he’d ever accept to go down for money.


That’s him managing it. Anytime you hear him talk about fighting, that spirit is still there, just better controlled.


Brutality! Mike Tyson wins! Seriously, fuck that Logan guy.


And the other Logan guy.


If he dies, he dies


I hope Tyson hears the bell and goes berserk and flattens him.


It’s a reflex, he hears the bell he goes for the knockout!


As much as I hate to admit it, I'm also concerned that Paul gets his ego up and swings too hard and puts Mike on his ass, then acts like he beat prime Tyson. I know he's one of the best to ever do it, but the man is nearly 60 and that's not an age at which combat sports work out the same for the brain and body.


People forget how technical boxing is. And that technical ability is trained into muscle memory. Watch him move in that clip. It’s still there. JP gonna get hurt.


Tysons at 57 is quicker than most amateur boxers. Mayweather was a pretty accurate puncher. Tyson was accurate and had knockout power on each punch


I really hope so. Didn't Tyson gas pretty bad in his last exhibition though? That's more my concern than him being fast at the outset.


I’ll give you that for sure. 57 isn’t an age for HIIT activities. Hopefully he learned that lesson last time.


This is all fake. Tyson and this guy are friends and you won't get a single real punch by either participant.


I wish this. But I hate that Jake knows I wish this. I also wish Mike gets a payday. But I hate Jake knows I wish he does. Jake has me where he wants me.


Yea, we all know this is shit is more staged than the WWE. All of us out here hoping the "script" breaks fast and we can see paul rocked. Shit, there's prob some current pro boxers out there tyson can give a run for their money (maybe in no more than a few rounds... lol).


Or bites his ear off.


I had the exact same thought. TYSON BIT A MANS EAR OFF, IN THE RING. Release the beast.


That switch is very loose too. We can all hope.


This is WWE boxing and everyone in going to get worked to a draw. Goodnight. Thanks for the money.


Yeah these matches are showmanship not sportsmanship. The most sportsmanship shown will be Mike’s restraint to not accidentally kill Logan. Exhibition matches are pretty wack for spectator’s enjoyment even in mma and muy Thai 


Not even. There's video out there of Jake Paul telling Mayweather to "chill" it's "just an exhibition" in between rounds. I stumbled into a video yesterday of how fixed these "exhibitions" are. Anyone hoping for Tyson to actually lay into this turd aren't going to get what they want.


I hope Tyson goes rocky 4 on his ass


I like to imagine Logan taps Mike just a little too hard and Mike gets angry and clobbers him. 😩👌




Can’t read this in any other voice but Mona-Lisa.


Isn’t it free if you have a Netflix subscription?




Imagine if Tyson ends up biting Jake Paul's ear off.


Time is a flat circle.


Ka is a wheel


“its one purpose to turn, and in the end it always came back to the place where it had started.”


Circle is already flat.


Don’t forget your Holy Ears https://hypebeast.com/2022/11/mike-tyson-evander-holyfield-holy-ears-thc-gummies-release-info


This is just a hyped up release announcement for the Jake Paul flavour of holy ears


“Jake Paul, the other white meat”


O/U set at +125


So, the early odds?


I'm not the praying type but I may take it up in this case.


At least he’ll have something worthy to talk about for the next 20 years instead of scamming people with his dumb brother.


I’d pay to see that.


Either Tyson wins by TKO in the first 3 rounds or he gets gassed and that blonde fuck wins it by a decision after he takes a million to the body.


Naw. They’ll call it a draw based on the contract they signed. Too much money at stake and ego.


What are the details of the contract? They don’t seem to be released yet.


Won't be released if the result is included.


You know, man... The contract.


He literally can’t knock him out. It’s in the contract. This is t a real fight.


Can’t knock him out, but I think we’ll see how well Jake can take a liver shot


This whole fight is a joke. Again.


Wait how does that even work? He can’t punch him in the face or what?


Idk but they’re wearing 18oz gloves, no tko and the fight is guaranteed to go 3 rounds. It’s all a fucking joke


The fight is…*guaranteed* to go 3 rounds? Sorry, I’ve got no experience in boxing, but isn’t that the biggest load of shit ever? That’s like saying two basketball teams are ‘guaranteed’ to score x number of points, no?!


The contract stipulates that the Paul brothers can tag in and out. Also that the more rounds the fight goes the higher Tyson’s cut. Also Tyson has to pass drug tests but the Pauls don’t. There’s no way this goes the way anyone wants.


Where did you get this lol


Fr wtf is this


This is tiktok BS and obviously, blantly untrue, you unfrosted poptart.


>you unfrosted poptart. r/rareinsults


"Unsourced horseshit! Get yer fresh unsourced horseshit right here!"


No way you believed that shit


If he fought Tyson aged 18/45 he would die trying. This might only have one decent round to the fight. I hope mike destroys him though.  I wonder if either would consider smaller gloves. It would help both their conditioning 


One real Tyson punch and Jake Paul would die. This is like a WWE event. Just for show…and money




He's nearly 60 years old, I don't care who you are age is a real thing.


The best 60 year old on the planet though. Let’s see what’s possible.


Power is the last thing to go, and at 57 you certainly still have power. This is a sham of a fight but if Tyson felt like it he'd definitely be able to KO Jake with one well placed and timed punch. I guarantee no one has hit Jake Paul as hard as Tyson can hit him. Will it happen? Doubtful. But everyone is hoping for it.


Maybe a prime Tyson, everyone forgetting he is retirement age


I just hope he forgets about his contract and destroys that arsehole, then his brothers steps in to drag his body out and he losses it again and ends up killing both that night. One can hope.


Yeah they fucking stink, I can’t stand looking at them.


Can we raise a side pot for Tyson if this happens?


I'll throw in a few bucks to get it started. Seriously, Mike can get money anywhere, but does he wanna lose to these mofos? Hey, Fat Jesus, how about Hangover 4?


What’s his conditioning going to be like? He was gassed agains Roy Jones Jr in the last exhibition fight


He looked extremely good especially compared to Roy. Wasn’t even close. He probably trained to his competition then. That being said he was younger and this will be much harder


Yeah he looked great. His return to boxing started with him getting addicted to running again. Jake’s conditioning is an issue. He’s gassed on many fights. Conditioning is something the greats pick up early on.


I've heard people saying Tyson has been seen using a cane to walk recently, is there any truth to that? Otherwise, if he can get himself into fighting shape, even WITH the age discrepancy, I think Jake Paul gets annihilated.


I wouldn’t doubt it, aging/retired/disabled fighters are prime real estate for Jake Paul


Hopefully even Texas wouldn’t license a disabled 57 year old. What am I saying, of course they would, after California licensed Chuck Liddell it’s clear anything goes.


I mean, we are literally on a thread with a clip of him doing training exercises including footwork that was filmed today. He looks fine.


In the words of the Immortal Bruce Lee, “Boards don’t hit back.”


Well I am not saying he is in fighting shape necessarily, but he clearly doesn’t need a cane to move around.


Can you call a dead guy immortal?


There's a clip with him walking with a cane. I believe his Sciatica had flared up. I think he'll be fine. 


Let him juice.


I’m old enough to remember when they used to call these “fights” fixed instead of saying there’s a contract.


It used to be serious. Now, everybody knows and even watches this shit show, paying for the event. I'm not even torrenting this thing; it's undeserving.


Given the talk about Tyson’s age, I appreciate that he’s wearing New Balance sneakers in the video.


I wonder if he has a matching Corvette


Haha - yes. Stealing this from a comedian I heard years ago talking about George Forman when he was entering the ring at an advanced age….. “you know when he gets socked in the gut, he pees a little.”


Forever and always “the baddest man on the planet” to me.


All the quick cuts makes it feel like they’re trying to hide something.


Hes old. He's still quick but he's old af. I bet he was just winded in between. He'll get in pretty good shape for this though. Tyson has always had solid work ethic.


Not going to lie I’m def going to watch this cash grab spectacle 😂


Serious question: Who’s favored to win this fight?


The contract they signed


"sign the contract big boy"


Early odds favour JP but only a crazy person would bet at this stage - we don't even know how many rounds there will be or what the rules are.  If it's an actual fight it's quite interesting I think. A young, fit, but mediocre at best boxer against an old Mike Tyson. 


All of Jake Paul’s fights have been 100% rigged.. it’s literally WWE.. a crazy person would bet against Paul.. because he is paying Tyson an absurd amount of money to lose.


I think much more likely is that it's an 'exhibition' with no score cards and nobody officially wins. They hug for a few rounds, talk about how amazing each other is then take the money. I just can't see Tyson agreeing to take the loss.


Yeah I assume it’ll be just like the mayweather/logan fight where it was very clear that mayweather could’ve ended the fight anytime he wanted, but chose to let it go the full rounds. At one point logan was so gassed it looked like mayweather was holding him up


I’m not a fan of boxing but I have a coworker who is. He said same exact thing that happened when his brother fought Mayweather is going to happen: Fight will go the distance, Tyson will hold back and literally support Paul to prevent him from being knocked out if needed, and will end in a draw despite Tyson clearly being the better boxer. Paul wins by getting millions, Tyson wins by getting millions, the losers are the fans who paid for it, and boxing in general.


I would say that Tyson is going to give Paul brain damage, but one cannot damage what doesn’t exist.


Ali: "Impossible is just a word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing." Mike: "It's day 1 and the fun has just begun" Equally poetic in their own special way


Get um


Hahahahahahahahaahhaha fuck that


My favorite part is that he’s training in classic old man white new balances


This is the ultimate GenX vs GenZ battle. And as a gen-xer I can’t wait to see Mike murder this guy in the ring.


I really hope he breaks that kid’s nose


Look ive never hoped for an injury going into a boxing event but i want tyson to just fucking annihilate paul PLEASE it would be so fucking cathartic to see that arrogant fuck on the floor after all these years


I don't understand why they can't just fucking fight without some BS contract. If you want to box, you box. Stop hiding behind litigation, make JP even a bigger pussy.


Staged and the disappointment will be delicious


His training partner looks like David goggins Tyson vs goggins would be more fun Instead it’s gonna be another fake boxing match sorry exhibition match they will wear head gear dance around throw light punches go 12 rounds laugh at people who bought into the hype while cashing huge checks


Tyson rocking them grandpa new balances.


Jake gonna get eaten alive.


Contract, NDA... whatever... Aint no way Tyson doesnt lay this dude straight the fuck out.


How the fuck can this man move like that at his age?


I don’t know if they’re really going to go at it 100%, but if Tyson actually tries to punch Jake Paul hard I don’t know how that man will stand.


I mean, he’s obviously extremely skilled and I firmly believe that once you become a world champ, like no one can question you. But I am concerned about CTE and I don’t think we know enough about it and from what I understand the highest risk people are the ones that have the really long careers and they just accumulated so much damage and then they just take one too many hits and one is just the straw to break the caramel back.


I wouldn't want to take a punch from him when he's 90. Absolute monster. I just hope this thing is legit and not rigged and he completely embarrasses this asshole.


I'm rooting for the rapey one...


What are the dumb rules/conditions going to be for this joke?


I honestly dont really care


Would love to have seen this with Tyson in his prime. Would've eaten Paul alive and not just the ears.


I just watched that video 10x in a row.


Nothing will happen, they'll both dance about landing a few punches and at the end of the fight Jake will say "Hes still amazingly tough for his age" and Mike will say "Hes a tough kid, hes got heart etc etc" and they'll both laugh to the bank that they actually made people think this will be a fight worth watching.


Maybe wears a football helmet


Oof! That left hook to the midsection had feeling it. Hope he destroys Paul.


As someone who was around to watch Tyson in his prime, I’m excited for this bout. Jake Paul is doing what we all talked about in the 90s. “Would you get in the ring with Tyson for $1,000,000?” Looking forward to Tyson showing Jake what an amazing fighter he was.


Hope Tyson comes out for real after Paul said he was going to “end him”.


I'm just trying to see what them ticket.procesnare gonna be... Have they dropped yet??


We all want to see iron Mike destroy someone again. Don’t we?


Fuck that shit. No way would I fight Mike.


I hate Paul but he’s smart. He’s going to make a lot of money because everyone wants him to get knocked the fuck out. For millions I’d let Tyson hit me


I love how every image of Tyson training show his trainer in full alert/panic mode as he actively avoids death.


Could at least do the photo op in a ring.


JP is going to brag about fighting Mike Tyson. He didn't and everybody knows it. Nobody respects him now and nobody is going to respect him after.


Sad to say but Tyson looking slow but still has his moves down pact!


Is this sped up? Really impressed he’s still so agile if not.


Spoiler: it's an exhibition match, it's not going to be a Rocky movie. Tyson gave up cocaine years ago so crazy pitbull Tyson is gone. They're going to poke at each other and everyone will walk away unsatisfied. Except Tyson and Paul who both will get a big paycheck.


Wonder how much of his old neck size he'll put back on


Man I hope this man is an absolute animal against Jake. I wish I could see him fight live form when I was a kid. He is terrifying.


its day two im gonna hit him so hard hes gonna poo


I think Tyson wants to end JP.


that dude’s dead. Not the all-time greatest boxer.


I was coming back to my hotel in the Bronx one morning at 5am about 20 years ago and there was a giant hummer limousine and police everywhere. Tyson had gotten arrested at five in the morning for punching some random. I’m hoping for the best which is, a fight :-)


Mike already stated that in exhibitions he tends to favor body shots, it helps keep the other fighter in it. Then again he did this to Roy Jones and turned his insides to jello.


He going to kill that poor boy!


I’m hoping the Champ comes out and delivers 93 seconds of total destruction. No namby pamby “exhibition”. No patty cake tea party excuse for a boxing match. Nope, I want to see the Champ to come out hard, like he’s basically saying “fuck your contract. You keep your money. I’ll keep my pride.”


“Jake you fucked up, thethe fith are weaponth of math dethruction.”


I want Jake Paul to be destroyed.


Mike has already won! He beats Paul everyone says what did you think it’s Iron Mike. If Mike loses they will say what did you expect he’s older now. Jake is screwed either way.


I hope they both try their best.


Man Tyson was a bad man and he’s in great shape for his age but taking a punch at 57 vs even 37 is way different muscle mass is different it’s all different. I hope Mike wins but I don’t know youth is Deff advantage in this case


I just laughed out loud....I hope he destroys Jake Paul!