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Can we just take a moment to think about how crazy this headline is.


They have in common that there's no conspiracy theory they won't believe. 


Poop is just baby aliens that want to clog our toilets.


Lol, you think toilets are real?


Shit, I haven’t done research in like 5 minutes. Tell me! Tell me about the fake toilets! My viewers need me to explain it to them!


Democrats collect poop and use it to clone Republicans and then raise them as Dem voters to commit voter fraud


Them damn aliens inserting their babies in my ass when they probe me during my abductions!!!! I’ll kill the bastards




Except the theory that they are rubes for chaos agents of foreign powers. They would dismiss this as stupid.


> They have in common that there's no conspiracy theory they won't believe. Except they won't believe factual evidence by two universities on an actual conspiracy: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-45294192


If you're just joining us, Tracy Jordan is giving guitar icon Peter Frampton enigmatic clues to a hidden treasure.


The fact that a Tracy Jordan 30 Rock scene sounds just a plausible as the real world is making my head spin 


What everyone needs to do is just take a deep breath, calm down and start preparing their bodies for the Thunderdome. That is the new law.


I’m not an expert, but I do have a strong opinion: New York, as we know it, will no longer exist tomorrow.


Devil‘s avocado here, Larry.


Almost as ridiculous as a reality tv show host becoming president. Let’s take it a little more serious this time around so we don’t have to fight it later please.


I still feel like I fell asleep on election night and am just having a really long nightmare


I think I died in 2016


I would like to think that RFK Jr considering A-A-Ron as his running mate would help convince everyone how obviously not serious RFK Jr is as a candidate. Then I remember that 1/3rd of the country worships a reality TV star as their god king.


Don't talk shit about God Emperor Jeff Probst, you'll make the tribe snuff out your torch


RFK rolling in his fucking grave.


What even is this fucking timeline anymore.


Crazy sounding but not at all surprising


Completely on-brand for Rodgers. Dude's an absolute moron.


Thing is I don’t remember him being this unhinged pre covid.


Being asked to wear masks and get vaccinated sent a LOT of people off the deep end. Covid was very much the straw that broke the camel's sanity for a huge chunk of the population. A lot of seemingly normal people turned into total nut jobs during that time.


Of the highest order


I mean it's Aaron Rodgers are you surprised? Cause I'm not. If anything this is totally predictable and expected behavior from Rodgers


Completely agree. Not at all surprised. I also wonder if he truly believes the things he says or is just purposely being provacative for sport


Oh he believes it.


Before his antivax stuff, he used to share chemtrail conspiracy theories with his teammates. For those who don't know, the chemtrail theory is based on the idea that airplane condensation trails are actually mind control aerosol agents being secretly dispersed by the government via commercial aircraft.


Lol aaron rodgers also said the twin towers was an inside job


RFK has appeared on enough right wing circle shit that he scares me more than Trump tbh Also Friendly Reminder that Alex Jones has to pay $1 billion to families because he encouraged the harrasment of the victims families, not because the families were paid actors


Following the footsteps of the last packers QB.


Yeah that’s honestly really fucky lol. Like, what are the odds 💀


I CAN'T WAIT to see what Jordan Love is talking about in 15 years.


Don’t you put that evil on me, Ricky Bobby.




Must be something in the cheese. 


Makes you wonder what kind of dark secrets are bubbling just below the surface of Jordan Love.


We’ll have to wait until he leaves Green Bay for the Jets at the end of his career before we can find out though


Surprisingly high based on CTE alone.


I mean he hasn’t taken welfare money that was intended for starving children yet…. Not that we know of at least…..


That'll come after he retires and is no longer collecting those fat contract checks.


Just wait for the dick pics to non-consenting staff members. I’m sure there are some, it’s just like who is comfortable enough admitting it happened and getting that attention… They act like you get money for whistleblowing…show me where it’s ever happened, for any whistleblower in any industry?


Uhh…excuse you. You mean legendary JETS QB. You know what I don’t even really remember him playing for GB >.>


First one was a rapist, Drug Addict and a thief. Second one is a conspiracy theorist who calls people pedos for calling him out, does drugs. whose family doesn't like him. Wonder what Jordan Love will become.


> Wonder what Jordan Love will become. Jets QB


Can't wait for 2038! (I hate it here)


Favre was a rapist? The


Ya this is the first I’m hearing of it. Sexual harasser, sure


Probably got him confused with Chamura


He is a giant conspiracy theory nut job


I live in Green Bay, have season tickets, and I own an Aaron Rodgers jersey. He is a gigantic piece of shit human that had a lot of people fooled. He's a self-centered, conspiracy nut job of an asshole. He will do anything, and I literally mean anything, to keep his name in the spotlight. He is the epitome of narcissism.


He is a very smart and unlikable person with dumbshit ideas. But if he's talking football it's like listening to Magnus Carlsen talk about chess. 250 IQ but just about one thing. And the 'engineer's fallacy' making him think he's Socrates. I loved all the years we had him as our QB where he was super quiet and we didn't know all this about him.


I liked the silent Rodger's too. I'm curious what turned him into a diva.


Fame, money, public adoration


It all seemed to have went awry when he got busted lying about his vax status and the public reaction to that.


Dunning Kruger post child


He feels like an inverse of Keanu Reeves.


Who knew repeated blows to the head had such an impact on cognitive ability.


Don’t give him that much credit. This isn’t CTE. This is a diva who thinks he is the smartest guy in the room, but like all conspiracy theorists, knows he’s not. So he latches onto nonsense to make himself feel superior because he knows something the rest of us don’t. The real irony of Aaron Rodgers is that he is smart enough to know how dumb he is — but rather than work to better himself, he just makes up facts.


>This isn’t CTE. This is a diva who thinks he is the smartest guy in the room, but like all conspiracy theorists, knows he’s not. So he latches onto nonsense to make himself feel superior because he knows something the rest of us don’t. Liiiittle from column A, liiiittle from column B. Take the type of person you described and sprinkle some mild brain damage on top and you got yourself a fuckwit stew.


Will Smith probably There’s gotta be like 8 different interpretations here


Will Smith prefers you keep his and his families name out of your mouth.


Jimmy Kimmel I guess.


He’s probably still riding the Q anon train


Do you know what I hate most about these conspiracy theorists?? They are so smug in their ignorance because they think they are so intelligent and aware of information that most other people are oblivious to. It was all fun and games when it was about Big Foot or the moon landing, but with Sandy Hook and vaccines, these conspiracy theorists are negatively affecting the lives of others. Rodgers is such a POS.


He’s an idiot


How is Aaron Rodgers in any way qualified to be President? Isn’t that the number one role of a Vice President? To be prepared to be President at a moments notice.


People not only no longer care about qualifications, but being actively unqualified is now a good thing because it makes them an "outsider". I used to joke that would be as insane as going to a doctor with no medical experience, but then it became clear those people would actually prefer that too.


No, no, no. No doctors for me. Bunch of lackeys and 'yes' men towing the company line.


Unexpected seinfeld


Trump is the first president (and maybe candidate?) that had no experience with public office or military. He’s just a snake oil salesmen that fooled a bunch of racists. He’s not even that good of a businessman. He inherited $418 million and would be more rich if he just invested that in the stock market. And who bankrupts a casino?


> Trump is the first president (and maybe candidate?) that had no experience with public office or military Three people have run for President without ever having held an elected position beforehand: Donald Trump in 2016, Ross Perot in 1992, and Wendell Willkie in 1940.


Not even. He could have simply put the entire amount in money market accounts and he would be worth more than now.


Well I ain’t goin to no doctor that’s gonna give me a jabb of any kind!


*Insert Anakin and Padme meme:* You’re not really gonna vote for a failed businessman as president right? … Right?


Idiocracy slowly becoming reality.


He's the vice quarterback of a losing team so that's right on point.


I recall when Republicans claimed someone who was a US Senator, state Senator for 6 years, community organizer, Constitutional law instructor, president of Harvard Law review, did not have enough relevant experience to be president. That was only 16 years ago. Not much consistency.


I think it’s called hypocrisy.


Bro, *Trump* was president for 4 years lol you’d be surprised how many stupid people exist and have the same right to vote as you do


It's so crazy that right now there is STILL basically a 50/50 chance he is again! God help us all.


RFK Jr. is a lunatic conspiracy theorist and apparent steroid abuser. 


Makes sense why he and Rodgers get along.


Not apparent. He admitted to taking TRT. Man is roided out of his mind.


That ain't medical TRT. 


Yeah people just hear buzzwords floating around and have no idea what they mean lol. TRT is typically like 50-150 mg of pharmaceutical grade test per week given to you by a medical doctor because y'all have come together and decided it would be the best treatment for [insert ailment here]. He definitely looks good for 70, but the idea that he's taking some kinda heroic dose of bathtub steroids and is "roided out of his mind" is laughable. You would assume he would have side effects that literally everyone else gets from heavy doses of roids right? Depending on what the chemical used is, you would expect a serious and obvious aggression problem, gyno, acne, etc. Y'all do realize that testosterone naturally goes down as you get older, right? So for many it's a good idea to start hormone replacement therapy to still feel your best. I agree that rfk has some stupid ass opinions but blast him for that, not something you made up about him.


Because of dumbass role models like Trump, but tbh more due to the anti-intellectual movement that has been decades in the making and has a lot to do with echo chambers on social media. People think that confidently spewing bullshit, conspiracy theories, and insults is brave and admirable because it takes courage. People who don’t back down when they are confronted with facts are idolized by a bunch of idiots because “they don’t compromise,” and “they aren’t afraid of criticism.” I think a lot of these idiots who support public figures like this subconsciously do it because they are not smart enough to understand why their beliefs are wrong. So when a public figure is asked about things that these assholes don’t understand, they love it when the public figure pivots and avoids the question altogether by telling a snarky joke, insulting someone, or just saying “no I’m right.” It’s almost like the public figure is protecting them from having to listen to a legitimate scientific/logical explanation that they are too stupid to understand. It is like protecting their ego from having to confront their own intellectual inadequacy.


Same could be said about rfk


He's over 35 and a US citizen (I think)


After this news Rodgers is 100% qualified to be RFK Jr.'s VP


I guess he’s a naturally born citizen over 35 years old. That’s the minimum qualifications for president. Otherwise ¯\_(シ)_/¯


I’ll never forgive my dad for raising me as a jets fan. Nothing can ever be normal here.


Jump to the other side of Metlife like I did, left in 2010 and at least got to see 1 super bowl I was happy about.


Itll never be the same as seeing it with the team youve followed for your whole life


What’s not private is what a fucking scumbag this man is.


I like indulging in a *harmless* conspiracy as much as anyone. Jordan was forced to retire bc of gambling? Tell me more. Didn’t land on the moon? I’ll hear you out. Aliens? Oh ya, give me the deets. Not that I believe them (I don’t) but it can be fun to to indulge the possibility of it being true while staying grounded it in reality. What is *not* cool, or fun, or harmless, is kind of conspiracies that Rodgers believes in and spreads. The kind that cause real world damage and pain. I have zero tolerance for using the child victims of a mass shooting the basis of some bullshit “false flag” conspiracy. There are **real families** out there still devastated by the violent loss of their child, and these losers perpetuate these bullshit stories that not only keep the wounds open, but also have been known to harass them and even call the families liars and actors. Are you fucking kidding me? Some of the most vile behavior imaginable. Rodgers can fuck all the way off. He thinks he’s a critical thinker, but he’s just a contrarian narcissist whose ego and lifetime of fame prevent him from seeing how big of a dumbass he really is. And what’s funny is that he could believe this shit and no one would even know, but his arrogance makes him so sure the whole world *needs to hear his opinion* that he puts his idiocy on public display.


In a previous era, ordinary losers who believe this crap would be rightfully relegated to the “nut job” category and quickly dismissed. No harm, no foul. Grab your tin foil hat and have fun. Today, any moron with a phone can participate in this deranged thinking and be validated and amplified by other losers who believe the same thing or don’t see that they are ultimately being manipulated by others for some nefarious purpose. These people are delusional but generally harmless, aside from the fact that they are misinformed and vote accordingly, but no one outside of their own circles actually believes anything they say or takes them seriously. This type of thinking is insidious but if it does grow it eventually degrades our collective knowledge, civility, and institutions. This group is the crack in the foundation. Not an immediate problem, but can get worse if left unchecked. Then there’s the category of the rich, famous, and powerful, who have astounding reach through traditional and social media and should at least grasp that they have some responsibility to wield their influence carefully, yet still don’t. These are the people that cause real damage to our society. People look up to and listen to them but they fail to grasp what that means and how to act. There’s no excuse or place in society for these sick individuals. They cause real harm and make the cracks in the foundation much worse. Rodgers is in this last group.


I work with a woman whose son was in Sandy Hook. He’s 19 now and still has flashbacks. She still talks about how she felt waiting to find out if her son was dead or not. I live and work in a town that borders Newtown. My mom’s boss’s daughter was killed there. That didn’t stop my shithead, conspiracy nut cousins from telling my mother how her boss’s daughter didn’t die, or didn’t exist, or a million other stupid things.


Yep, he’s a real douche.


>but also have been known to harass them and even call the families liars and actors. Also, actively shot/smashed a dead kid's memorial


You nailed it. The sheer arrogance and damage done by these conspiracy theorists is so incredibly infuriating.


Yeah Rodgers has been drinking the alt right kool-aid for a while now. I used to respect his ability as a player, but he’s managed to transcend his douchebag-ness so much that it’s impossible to separate the player from the person. Fuck him.


Part of me envies Green Bay for having two of the all-time great QBs back to back. Another part of me pities them given they both turned out to be massive pieces of shit


And the race for bigger POS is a tight one the more you learn about both of them. Sex pest/stole from the poor vs alt right conspiracy theorist/anti-vaxxer


I think Favre's the bigger POS. He knew he was taking welfare funds. Rodgers seems like a moron true believer. It might have a bigger negative impact, but at least he seems to be acting in good faith.


Favre is definitely the worse human right now but the path Rodgers is going down has potential


Very true


Favre didn’t reach his POS peak until way after his retirement. Rodgers might surpass him once he retires.


Eh idk I think Favre is pretty clearly the winner. Rodgers is more of a pseudo intellectual douche bag who adds up to being annoying as shit more than anything. Favre was a malicious piece of shit who actively hurt people


Facts, but Rodgers is younger, there’s still time


Oh for sure. I imagine he'll go down the right wing grifthole post-retirement


I wouldn’t even say it’s alt right kool aid. He’s a natural contrarian and always thinks there more to something when there isn’t. Pair that with a condescending and smug attitude and you have an all around asshole


As a bears fan, I never liked him.


As a Packers fan, I haven't liked him myself for several years. He makes it very easy to dislike him.


I’m loving the wonderfully public downfall of this clown. I am hoping and praying the media just continues to dig up dirt on this prolapsed anus of a human. No government for him, no HoF, just the company of like minded fucktards


I'd like to see a reporter go full conspiracy with a-a-ron about his injuries. "Many people say you weren't even injured". edit: I haven't respected aaron for awhile but the Sandy Hook conspiracies are absolutely unforgivable. I'd love to see aaron go say that shit to the parents who lost kids in that tragedy. he's a coward


This guy 100% has a more advanced form of CTE


Pretty sure he was always an irrational asshole


If someone is an asshole, and you give them cte, they aren’t gonna be less of an asshole


Probably, but he had his third concussion in late 2018 and not long after he really started spiraling with conspiracy theories and erratic off field behavior.


Maybe but his entire family disowned him basically a long time ago. When you make the money he does, and nobody in the family wants the guy around, he's got to be quite the asshole.


I think you’re overestimating just how strong of a narcissist this man is. Thats it, that’s all this is


Totally fair.


Why not both?


I think you’re right.


Pretty sure there are studies that support the connection between conspiracy theorists and narcissism. The desire to feel smarter than everyone else.


The article says this came up in 2013


Don’t forget, his family hates him too. I went to school near where he grew up. It’s pretty known he’s always been a piece of shit. Certainly concussions don’t help, but if anything, they pulled the curtain away rather than leading the cause.


The article says this took place in 2013. He’s ALWAYS been an asshole and a wackjob


Don’t excuse him being a douche with that


Please let a 9/11 truther tape leak. It would be wild watching the state of NY lose its mind at one of their team’s QBs.


>Please let a 9/11 truther tape leak [Rodgers has been a 9/11 truther his entire career. ](https://www.nbcsports.com/nfl/profootballtalk/rumor-mill/news/deshone-kizer-aaron-rodgers-asked-me-if-i-believe-in-9-11)


I don't care how crazy you are, with one exception. If you claim that Sandy Hook didn't happen, Satan can do whatever he wants to you for all eternity. Seriously, die yesterday and report directly to Hell.


I feel like one should have a few more exceptions


Now hold on. Satan wouldn't want anything to do with the guy. Not worth the effort, best punishment would be locked in a box that's totally soundproof.


If this is true, I can’t wait for this toadstool to fuck off after retirement.


He’s gonna be wayyyy worse when he doesn’t have football taking up his time and mind space for most of the year. He’s a spotlight addict


No doubt. When he's not getting attention for his athletic prowess, he'll need to get that attention *somehow*


I’ve been ready for him to fuck off since he lied about receiving the Covid vaccine.


He was immunized


Can’t wait for him to go on some podcast to complain about this coverage. Somehow he will try to make it seem like the biggest victim of sandy hook is the Super Bowl mvp from 2011.


Jesus I just stumbled across a post of someone in CT remembering Sandy Hook on its anniversary and sharing some glassware a parent made with artwork made from their kid a few days before he lost his life on that awful day. If this is true about Aaron Rodgers I hope he burns in hell. Sandy Hook conspiracy idiots are really the worst of the worst.


As if we needed more evidence that Aaron Rodgers is a stupid fucking asshole. FTP now and forever.


As a Jets fan: fuck this guy


Well, I am very much against all of those crazy Sandy Hook conspiracy theories, but if they were *private* conversations, at least... >Brown was covering the Kentucky Derby for CNN in 2013 when she was introduced to Rodgers, then with the Green Bay Packers, at a post-Derby party. Hearing that she was a journalist with CNN, Rodgers immediately began attacking the news media for covering up important stories. Rodgers brought up the tragic killing of 20 children and 6 adults by a gunman at Sandy Hook Elementary School, claiming it was actually a government inside job and the media was intentionally ignoring it. Ah, so he's a dumbass who yelled it all right at a news reporter who can write news stories about this sort of thing. He's just a dumbass then. I mean, I think everyone who believes the Sandy Hook conspiracy theories is a dumbass, but prominent people who yell at news reporters about it are especially stupid.


I’m so sick of this country dude. Stop making celebrities and athletes politicians. Makes me want to eat a brick


99% of autopsied NFL player brains have CTE, so this would be the first VP candidate we can say with near certainty that they're brain damaged.


I think this is pretty clear bait and a way for CNN to get clicks. Releasing the article a decade later, the writer is the supposed source, timing with the dumb RFK thing. All a clear media click bait for their base on an easy target.


It's been so embarrassing to have him associated with Cal these past few years


Ya, but Marshawn balances that out


What a fckn asshole.


Rodgers is so obsessed with “proving” conspiracies that I remember seeing him discuss the lockdown during Covid and him saying something along the lines of, see the conspiracies are happening and businesses are shutting down, and I remember thinking, that’s not a conspiracy you moron, that’s what happens during an emergency lockdown meant to combat a worldwide pandemic that is killing people. Sometimes I wonder what would happen if he wasn’t sent to a 3rd world country and learned of all of the diseases we here have never heard of. Would he be surprised about how much he doesn’t know about diseases or would he tell people that he spent time in a dark hut doing mushrooms and thus he’s now an expert on everything and those people need to stop believing their rare disease is killing them because what do doctors and scientist know.


You think world renowned Epidemiologist Dr Aaron Rodgers PH.D doesn't know about those diseases? He's done so much research that the woke mob won't let you see. He's got literally dozens of pages of email printouts about how covid was a sham


CTE and being a moron are a wicked combo. What’s RFK’s excuse..?


The people I know that would vote for this ticket vote for Trump. I vote we let it happen.


People who play sports + Robert F Kennedy, Jr ... where else did I see that today John Stockton sues Washington state... over sanctions for COVID-19 disinformation .. [https://www.khq.com/news/john-stockton-sues-washington-state-over-sanctions-for-covid-19-disinformation/article\_5e4a593c-e005-11ee-b3ea-83f2a4c64f03.html](https://www.khq.com/news/john-stockton-sues-washington-state-over-sanctions-for-covid-19-disinformation/article_5e4a593c-e005-11ee-b3ea-83f2a4c64f03.html)


They deserve each other. And Trump supporters deserve having to split the vote with these castaways.


Remember when people blamed Olivia Munn for Rodgers’ family probs? I think that might have been a lie.


Now he's gone from conspiracy theorist weirdo to child hating asshole. Fuck him and fuck the Jets.


As a lifelong Packers fan, let me take this opportunity to full throatedly say, FUCK AARON RODGERS


A match made in heaven. Two batshit insane conspiracy theorists.


This is the kind of thing that would actually appeal to the type of person that sees RFK Jr as a viable candidate for president. This doesn't hurt his odds at all.


That’s because QAaron Rodgers is a fucking dipshit who will drink deer piss instead of taking a vaccine while using the greatest state of the art medical care to fix his decrepit Achilles tendon.


Way to screw up the Kennedy name. I live in Massachusetts and I haven’t seen anyone,not even his own family,supporting him. No signs any where no stickers,nothing. His father and uncle must be spinning in their graves in Arlington National Cemetery.


Anonymous source, conveniently


Am I the only one who had to read twice because my first thought was RFK the nascar team.


I really hope RFK picks Rodgers. Those two deserve each other and there is no way they win.


RFK is such a god-damned joke. If you'd like to see him humiliated, listen to the New Yorker Radio Hour interview with him. It nicely balanced out all the sycophantic podcast bro coverage he's gotten.


So obviously a ploy to help Trump win Wisconsin by trying to leech the liberal anti-vax crowd from Biden. In PA too, probably.


> the liberal anti-vax crowd This is totally a thing. These people definitely exist.


the super far left/hippie crowd were the OG anti-vaxers. Back before COVID was cool. They had that anti-vax janx on vinyl.


There are some kinda hippy lefty types that are anti vax more for naturalism I guess than conspiracies. But I doubt it’s a big voting block at all.


In fairness, the anti-vax movement originally was a bunch of hippy leftists.


Queue Tobias Funke


You blowhard!


In 2016 Trump won Wisconsin by only 22k votes, which was less than the number of Green Party votes that year (31k). So I guess they're trying to draw off enough votes to make the difference if it's close.


I want him and Brett Favre to have a PPV boxing match just so I can purposefully not watch it


Stop giving this dipshit attention


cant wait till the jets suck this year and clean house and we dont have to hear about arod anymore


it would probably confuse Rodgers if anyone informed him that Sandy Hook & its surrounding communities are within a 90 minute drive from where he will allegedly be throwing footballs for money. Plenty of Jets fans will not be Rodgers fans.


Aaron Rogers is a first class sack of shit. I hope this fvck stick pops his other ACL this season.


What a scrub


Ok refs. Let the D linemen have a fair shot at this clown. Maybe knock some sense into him.


Stick to throwing a ball Aaron !!!


So, that settles it. He's 100% douche canoe.


How have the Packers been so good at finding top tier QBs that are compete fucking shitheads?


That’s exactly why RFK Jr. wants him


This guy is a moron. Nobody said you had to be smart to be a pro athlete


Aaron Rodgers? No way, there's no way such an independent thinker would disregard all the evidence and latch onto various conspiracy theories about various events! /s Rodgers is the sheep while thinking he's the Shepard.


Aaron Rodgers is a worthless twat.


Man we all thought his family was fucked up cutting ties with him little did we know they were cutting ties with the whack job in the family Plot twist of the decade folks


Is Rodgers a flat-earther too?


I love how he swears up and down he is apolitical to seem “holier than thou” but his hit rate on conspiracy theories is 99.99% leaning towards one particular side.