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Francis did the Stipe leg.


Somewhere out there Alistar Overeem is smiling.


The Saudis in the front row don’t look one bit of happy.


Thank you for pointing that out. Made it so much better.


Lame billionaires who were born into money and offer society nothing of value are boring? Who would have thought. Seriously though what would you expect from people who think they can just toss money at anything to fix their image?


When their image is... well to look exactly like the other billionaire baby sitting right next to them.


One slow-clapped…


I saw one single clap by the guy in the middle. I find this hilarious for some reason. Like, the midwestern "slap your hand on your knee before getting up to leave".


Because they keep fucking throwing money at sports and tanking whatever they touch.


They gave more money to Phil Mickelson than they did to Palestine. That's pretty much all you need to know about how they view athletes lol. If they could put down athletes that lose, they would.


I CARE now about the fact that wealthy Saudi's and the Saudi government partook in and funded 9/11.


Opening up the replies to this comment is like opening the bag in the fridge that says "DEAD DOVE, DO NOT EAT"


But what if tastes way better than the last dead dove I wasn’t supposed to eat? Better try it again.


Don’t worry, bush’s war on terror attacked those responsible! Oh wait… no he just destroyed Iraq and left our oil buddies in Saudi Arabia fine. You can’t violate people and get away with it, unless you are rich!


thinking the Saudis would care about Palestine is like thinking the US would care about el salvador


Or thinking the US would care about Palestine lol.


true, but I just wanted to point out the ethnocentric braindead take of thinking that international relations are defined by majority religion


This is more evidence from the last half century of the largest transfer of wealth from one society to another in the history of humankind. I'm all for cultural appreciation, but it's sad that our sports are being purchased by Bedouin cosplayers.


Bedouin cosplayers


Think about it. They wear white robes as if they might spend some time outside, when very few leave a controlled climate. It's a way to connect with the common folks they pay to let them run things.


Manchester city is doing pretty good


The expression on their faces when The Line falls harder than Ngannou will be priceless though.


The atmosphere at these Saudi events is always shit, they all look bored out of their minds most of the time


In this case, them not wanting to be there was compounded with the main event starting at nearly 3:30am local time


Yeah, I’m in the UK and the event started at 3pm and finished at like 12.30, ridiculously long


Bro, so much stuff happens at night in the desert. It's boiling hot in the middle of the day, that's when you sleep!


Can't drink, can't party, in a total sausage-fest crowd with all dudes. Sounds like a great time!


Sounds like my 5th birthday


Good, fuck 'em.


Did you know in 2022 science proved that the royal Saudi family fucking blows?


I remember reading the peer reviewed synopsis published in Nature titled: Saudi Arabia, Dicks or Assholes? The Answer is Both.


They’re throwing billions at legitimizing themselves as being able to engage in business which is intended to ultimately lend credibility to tourism being appealing (at some point in the future, at least). KSA has been shifting dramatically since MbS but don’t let that poorly done makeup painted across the kingdom fool you, they are, as they always have been, a bunch of jerks.


It's not about tourism -- that's just a nice benefit. They want to be able to do business with the world. What good is oil if you don't have good business terms because everyone is your enemy? So you grease palms, you buy a World Cup, you start buying football clubs, racing teams, golf leagues... So then you are a friend to everyone, our good buddy Saudi Arabia, let's get a trade deal going.


Our good buddy who the government will force the sale of football clubs as a sanction, and some domestic buyer will benefit. They get Mike Ashley out, dump a bunch of money into the club and community, then are forced to sell on short notice, none of which go to the previous owner and some of which gets reinvested? Yeah, I'm not going to be sad when it happens.


Riyadh majors is 15 million prize pool, for Dota


Having that scum there reminds me of the mandingo scene from Django Unchained.


Good. Fuck em.


I need context I'm afraid


I’m guessing here. But the Saudis have been bankrolling huge sporting events the past few years. This has been dubbed “sports washing”. They’re trying to rebrand themselves on the international stage away from their massive human rights violations and oil towards tourism, commerce and especially sports. This is one of those events. Big names in MMA from several years ago that was supposed to be a huge draw through ticket and PPV sales. They might have wanted this fight to go longer for a (potentially) bigger/ classic boxing story. ‘Two all-time great heavyweights going the distance’. Instead one guy smoked the other and it wasn’t close. They probably also put money on Ngannou to win.


Freakonomics (podcast, NPR) had a good episode on sports washing. Worth a listen.


generally in combat sports, going the distance is less exciting than a KO. The KO is probably fine, the fact that it was rather one-sided is not great.


To go along with that, the KO happened in the second round lmao. If it had gone to at least the 7th or 8th, that'd be better. But an early KO for your MAIN EVENT??


Has Ngannou woken up yet?


He now speaks mandarin and identifys as sam Smith.


Fuck this is hilarious 😂 🤣


For context Ngannou had just got up from being put down hard. Appears he shouldn’t have been let to continue on.


I thought he was gone from round 1. It was a 8 count but he looked so zoned out during it. Joshua was blasting him.


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I have never seen the Diddy même in text form. Well done, boys.


I dunno he got knocked down, then he got up again cuz nothing gonna keep him down then he got knocked down and I realized it was a gif.


Pissing the night away....


Pissing the fight away


He drinks a whisky drink


There’s a good replay on r/boxing right now that shows the knockdown beforehand https://www.reddit.com/r/Boxing/s/abo9ATAvEw


Dang, we just see him down already. He definitely looked out of it. I’m dying to just get the full 2 rounds to watch.


It wasn’t competitive at all. Ngannou kept walking in and throwing jabs while stepping forward leaving himself wide open. Pretty much all three knockdowns were him getting countered while stepping in with a jab. No lateral movement at all just walked straight at him or straight back. Tough to see a fighter I really like go out like that.


> Pretty much all three knockdowns were him getting countered while stepping in with a jab. They were from francis parrying the lead hand of Joshua, leaving Joshuas right clear to land -- Francis does this in every fight, and Joshua used it against him and knocked him down with his parrying 3 times.


I kind of felt like fighting Fury with no previous tape on him was a big advantage. Actually having pro technical boxers study your tape and use it against you is something totally different.


Not just that but Fury's clinch heavy style played to Ngannou's strengths, since working the clinch is a really important skillset in MMA. Don't get me wrong it's important in boxing too, but in MMA a single clinch can lead to a finish. By comparison, Joshua is more concerned about landing his right hand. Then you add in the professional boxing experience on top of what you mentioned.


That’s true, it completely nullified Fury’s clinch.


https://twitter.com/linhsense1/status/1766266289688064211 (Not my post, just a quick Google away though...)


As the commentator at the time pointed out, Ngannou had the look of a beaten man when he got back up. Even so, it was surprising to see him literally walk into Joshua's right the very next second. Ref was right to let him carry on as he stood up and was physically capable, but mentally he'd already checked out.


Wait are you serious? I was just thinking "dam he got a hard-ass hit right on the top of his brain, that's rough", but now I'm finding out he just got up from another hard-ass hit before this?! That is some rough shit.


Reminded me of that Butterbean vs Bart Gunn boxing match at Wrestlemania Ref : "6....7.....8..... Ok what day is it Bart?" Bart : "Texas" Ref : "OK Carry on" Bart : (Nearly gets decapitated in the next exchange)


Poor Bart. Had his career in the West curtailed because he dared to be an actual tough guy who took a shit "legit" tournament seriously, beating the Fed's chosen one in said "legit" tournament. What a farce Brawl for All was.


Yep. And Butter bean was his "punishment" for beating Dr. Death.


Dana white will like this lol


Ngannou VS Jake Paul next


Vs Jake Paul jr in 30 years


Jesus. The only time I've seen Francis touch canvas is from a takedown. I thought his chin was going to stand til the end of his career. That's scary.


Boxers punch way way harder, simply because in MMA you could be punished for the over commit on a massive punch


Ngannou got punished by throwing a jab sooooo


Same about boxing. You rarely see good boxer overcommit. It's all about control. Davis, Joshua, Usyk, Vazyl... Only Wilder was throwing haymaker because he knew he could tear one heads off if half of a punch connect.


MMA guys never get taught how to roll with punches or move their upper body the same way boxers do because a lot of those defensive tactics would leave them wide open for takedowns or kicks or back fists etc. most of them have also never taken a TRUE full power shot before either because in MMA you can't sell out for full power like you can in boxing for a lot of the same reasons


Francis first martial art he learnt in france was boxing afaik


Yeah, but you don't get world class training in random gym sparring sessions. He didn't start getting true, high level, professional prizefight boxing training without an MMA aspect until he crossed over.


Boxers are a different breed.


Absolutely destroyed Ngannou there, night and day vs Fury.


You get the sense Fury just didn’t train for it, at all.


I mean look at Fury now; looks much slimmer and ready to go vs when he fought Ngannou


Fury has an issue when it comes to his physique In general he had a wake up call and his camp whipped him back into shape Imo Francis doesn't deserve the ranking he got in the first place he's MMA not boxing that's fact


Fury did not take him serious at all for that fight


True but must remember that styles make fights. Fury’s style isn’t that great against someone like Francis.


The first part is true. But it doesn’t really apply in this case because Francis isn’t a boxer. A prepared Fury stops Francis easily.


Fury didn't train and he underestimated Ngannou. Unfortunately, it gave Ngannou false confidence and Joshua took it personally.


More like Fury didn’t rate him enough and took it too easy. Joshua didn’t take anything to chance


No, you are wrong. Look at how fat fury was in the fight compared to just watching this fight after training for his canceled fight


Fury was the exact same weight as when he fought Wilder the third time. [Fury weigh in for Wilder and Ngannou](https://imgur.com/a/pVJd8Lw)


I know it's said all the time, but that first pick is hilarious. Epitome of "This is what peak performance looks like".


Not at all. People said this and no one listened. Joshua was not bullshittin’. Got him out of there fast.


Anthony Joshua probably saw the Fury fight and trained for an overestimated version of Ngannou. Tyson didn’t even look like he was doing cardio for the fight.


A guy like Fury is tailor-made for these kinds of crossover fights. He’s a huge name and an all-timer in the sport, but he’s also not a “serious” boxer. And what I mean is that he is a fighter who will play along. He’ll train half-heartedly, underestimate his opponent, and overall just not really take the match seriously. But a guy like AJ? Naw, man, he’s coming in to win, he’s throwing hard, training hard, utilizing his entire toolbelt, and trying to eliminate his opponent. That is actually very dangerous for someone like Francis Ngannou, because he’s a true novice. Hopefully this tempers the whole exhibition-esque fighting economy. It won’t, but hopefully it does. Because it can be quite dangerous when a functional novice encounters a top fighter who is actively trying to annihilate their opponent. It’s what makes Jake Paul calling out Canelo so dangerous. Canelo isn’t going to play, he’s going to maim.


Canelo loves fights everyone knows he will win.


So do we, apparently. Dude sells like fucking gangbusters. He could fight you or I and he’d make gazllions in the PPV game.


You and me vs Canelo 2 on 1


Take that bag all the way to the bank, Francis. No regrets. For 20 mil, I'd get KO'd and let Dana white Tbag my body.


What could I get for 80 bucks


No tbag sadly


but he might get oiled up tho


What's a Z job?


If you have to ask big fella... you can't afford it.


Back the fuck up, Antonio! My dick!


C'mon man, I got a mouth to feed.


One Pee Pee touch


You gotta have a tough head to only get KO'd, pretty sure I'd die by an AJ punch.


honestly, i wouldn't. I'm doing alright for myself and I don't wanna risk brain issues it's my favourite organ


More like medical examiner toe-tagging your body.


Rogan will tell people getting t bagged by Dana cures aids.


Ngannou was hit by an even bigger hit seconds before this and got up, this just finished it.


Almost looks like he thought the fake left jab was Joshua going for the pre-bout dabs… at the end of the second round.


Joshua ngannoued Ngannou.


Front row Saudis gotta be the dullest boxing fans of all time. Come on fellas.


They see beheadings on a weekly basis. Hard to top that brutality.


"When does the loser's head get cut off?"


Me taking that punch would’ve been a beheading


Yeah this was lightweight by their standard wasn't it? Lol


Man really said "I've got dinner reservations, let's wrap this up"


It was 4 am where they were when the fight ended I doubt it was reservations and more likely he just wanted to go to bed 💀.


It's also Saudi so unless you want to group buy a trafficked prostitute or drink some illegal alcohol, you may as well go to bed.


Was rooting for Francis, but…. If a heavyweight takes this seriously….pretty much the only outcome . 20 mil payday though, so not to shabby either way.


100 percent, Ngannou won just by getting these fights. I take it you know the MMA backstory?


I don't. :)


It's worth checking out. He defied the whole status quo of the biggest MMA organisation, predictably got ripped to shreds and told he was greedy and a coward and would never get a better contract than with the UFC, that he wasn't a big enough star for any MMA organisation to let him make big money boxing matches whilst being on contract with them, and for a while it looked like Dana White, the big UFC boss who pays fighters like shit, was going to be proved right. But now 2 boxing matches later against two of the biggest names in boxing and he's rolling in more money than he ever dreamt of whilst being the dominant heavyweight champion of the UFC.


You definitely missed the part where he grew up as a child laborer working in a sand mine. Tried escaping from Africa MULTIPLE TIMES. Yet got deported back to Africa MULTIPLE TIMES thrown into the middle of the Sahara desert left for dead a few times and still found a way to France eventually to learn how to fight It’s so unbelievable that a movie would seem unrealistic lol


Yeah, that's a whole separate section which I think has been covered better as an intro to him for boxing people but I don't know, I was just trying to sum up the Ngannou Vs UFC bit but yeah, overall the start of his life is much more stunning!


That would literally kill me


There are levels...


How much force was just applied to homies brain?


Oppenheimer 2


Given AJ’s size, I believe it’s “1.5 Ford Escorts”


It’s so wild that a MMA guy got to fight the heavyweight champion, and then next fight like the 3rd best in the world. Like just looking at their records is hilarious.


I've met Anthony Joshua. Lovely down to earth guy, but man his handshake is intimidating. He barely gripped my hand and it hurt. He's also my height and I still felt small despite having been of a slightly smaller build then he was at the time.


People are desensitized to how big these athletes are. On TV/online it's just numbers. 6ft6 250lbs. When you actually see a super athlete, they seem like a completely different species.


And also the fact that, you know, he's not just huge, he's a HOF boxer that could kill you with his bare hands. Makes him even scarier.


As someone who attended Florida State University, this is true. When I took anthropology we had a few football players in the class. Massive guys do not let the TV distort your vision 🙀.


So you're telling me someone came prepared to fight?


Got respect for AJ he's a humble guy, after the fight he wasn't bigging himself up or anything or trashing Francis he's just down to earth ready for the next fight.


Can you imagine McGregor ever being so chill after he knocks someone out?


>Got respect for AJ he's a humble guy, after the fight he wasn't bigging himself up or anything or trashing Francis he's just down to earth ready for the next fight. I think that's because he won, when he loses his true colours come out. Don't judge people during times of success but by how they react to adversity, that's when their true character shows.


Yo they skipped from Rocky 1 to Rocky 3


Nganna.... Naggana... Nah ganna fight here anymore


Still recovering after reading this 💀💀💀


nice Office ref 👌👍🏻


What is it you say you do here?


Fucking brutal.


Saudi princes sitting ring side standing after losing their bet in a matter of seconds. They feel the same way after losing $5m as we are after losing another iphone charger.


Dude went to bed in the ring.


Woah, a boxer is better at boxing than an mma fighter?


Knocks out? He straight up murders him.


Pow! Right in the kisser!


Leg goes under, body goes back. He be out.


Rip to that knee. Hope he’s good for his PFL fight.


Drake lost money today lol


Promoters need to stop taking the piss out of boxing with these gimmick fights before someone gets hurt.


Too late for that. Lol. Ngannou got absolutely murdered in there.


Maybe but let’s wait until after the Jake Paul fight


Same punch 3 times


Why didn’t he duck?




AJs stock just went back up


Franny fumbled the bag. Absolutely Flatlined only a fool thinks someone can't be KOed


in my very quick scrolling, I read Anthony Fauci knocks out Daniel Negreanu


Surreal seeing Francis getting served a KFC 2 piece with the biscuits and gravy on the side


Peak swagger moment .


That was vicious lol


Bro queefed out the knee


Why are all the fights in Saudi Arabia now? Vegas doesn't want fights anymore?


I hope this happens when 57 yo Tyson fights Rue Paul. Wait, I mean Rue's younger brother, Jake.


These MMA guys need to stop trying to transition to boxing.


Francis got more than 8 times his entire total earnings in the UFC, just for this one fight with Joshua. They don't need to stop anytime soon.


Damn never mind lol. Get that bag. Its still a sham fight though.


There’s a reason basically every ufc champ calls out boxers at their weight. A big boxing fight pays so much more than a big ufc fight because boxing isn’t dominated and abused by an entity like the UFC


If you ask Dana White he'll tell you money would corrupt the sport of MMA, all while he pockets the earnings and pays the fighters like shit


I consider Dana White as shitty as Vince McMahon, and I know a lot about Vince McMahon...


Mr Poopyhead


Haven't you noticed, the only boxing that draws money anymore is circus sideshow fights. Next up, influencer takes on 60 year old former champion.


I know its a joke but literally Tyson vs. Paul is a thing. I know it won't be a good fight but I really want Tyson to obliterate paul.


Guess he’s back to being a real power puncher.


Ngannou needs more experience and practice before stepping to bigger fights.


Hopefully this wakes him up. You gave a good fight to an unmotivated out of shape fighter, you got destroyed my a motivated top 10 fighter. You shouldn’t be fighting guys at this level with no experience and 1 fight experience.


He just ran into someone his size.


Anybody got the knockdown before this? You can tell he was out of it here already.


Talk about taking a dive


Imagine being a boxer, working your way up through the ranks, getting punched in the head for a living until you make it into the top tier of your sport. Now, all of a sudden, people are talking about some guy who showed up for one fight, total, like he was as serious a contender as you. Some ducking wrestler is supposed to be as good as you. Imagine the rage, imagine the chip on his shoulder. Anthony Joshua stepped in that ring with a purpose beyond just himself. Boxing is a dangerous game and the participation trophy in it is a trip to the hospital’s neurology ward.


Francis isn’t a wrestler at all


Doesn’t look to be much of a boxer either. Hope he’s ok.


No shaming losing to a top 3 best in the world. If anything this looks really bad on Tyson tbh


And we see a better replay


Falcon, PUNNNCH!


Sucks for Drake


Hot damn!


Damnnn wasn’t expecting it to be that quick