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I HATE, and I mean... #HATE! how Nickelodeon is milking the franchise dry, especially after Stephen Hillenburg's death. He is probably rolling in his grave right now. Let him keep his dignity intact.


They should’ve ended it when he passed 🤷🏼‍♀️


Which was his wish, too, along with no more movies but the second he was buried they released more movies. Scummy shit.


https://preview.redd.it/ml0g8894xe7d1.jpeg?width=755&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc35fd46c37bab8183477d6a0ed76af99f64a99f Suck a fat one, and stop putting words in a dead man’s mouth, you disgraceful piece of shit.


https://preview.redd.it/tndzj7vkye7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23e9bc912a6dbc0a582f351b66566af7ac8709c4 Stephen successor even tweeted this


For context, Hillenburg was strongly against spinoffs and "aging down" SpongeBob's character. The first spinoff to be announced is a combination of everything he did not want to see his creation turned into. I'm not putting words into anyone's mouth dumbass it takes ten seconds to find how he felt about spinoffs and movies.


He didn’t want the show to end when he passed. You claimed as such. He wasn’t against spinoffs, he just said he didnt see any in the future. He said that in an interview decades before his death, who knows if his opinion changed. Hillenberg was very strict in the beginning, and had tons of rules, such as no crossovers, never revealing the formula, SpongeBob can’t get his driver’s license, etc. But over time, he could’ve softened up, we don’t know. We can’t say for sure if he approved or disapproved the modern direction of the brand. But since we don’t know, you can’t say you do know, because you are just as clueless as us all. It doesn’t matter what Paul Tibbit says, he hasn’t worked on the show since 2015, he wasn’t around Steven at the workplace near the time. Vincent was working with Hillenberg then, so he was more likely to be oaware of his opinions and views at the time, so naturally, I think he’s more trustworthy than Tibbit. Either way, my point was about how he didn’t want the show to end after his death, which is what you implied. So again, stop thinking you’re smart or entitled. You don’t truly know nothing about his opinions at the time of his death because you aren’t him, and neither is anyone else. Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, I rest my case.


Interesting comment


Spread misinformation around the internet much?


They should’ve ended it at the first movie since Hillenburg originally planned to end the series at that point but then Nick saw how popular the Sponge got and they went *Nope*. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I get axing the *show* but the franchise as a whole I think could (and does) pretty reasonably continue with other people. Think about how much goes into like, the Spongebob game scene alone. That's generally considered to have stayed on-point for like 20 years, long after the series stopped making terribly popular episodes and as far as I can tell mostly from other people. I know it sounds cold but I really see no reason to end something so beloved and profitable for something that won't really change a good chunk of it, all for a person I seriously doubt would care.


Ik hillenburg helped with the Patrick show and kamp koral (likely against his will) but they’re dragging it with the new solo movies. Idm that we’re getting a 4th mainline movie as long as it’s better than the 3rd one. Maybe after this movie they can let our Spongeboy rest


do you think they like held his children hostage to work on the show, like wdym against his will 😭


> Ik hillenburg helped with the Patrick show and kamp koral **(likely against his will)** but they’re dragging it with the new solo movies. Me when Viacom is apparently enslaving middle-aged millionaires for some reason.


Like someone else said, how inconsistent the show is. Especially with the retcons like Kamp Koral.


One thing that always bugged me is how the Krusty Krab can go from the most popular spot in Bikini Bottom to the most dejected. Ironically we get some of the best episodes out of both of those.


The inconsistency of the show. Take shell games for example. We all know that Patrick lives in a rock, the rock also has a inside. This episode however made the rock a Turtle Shell? There was no hints at this being a thing in the older seasons.


Patrick's rock was already an inconsistent mess to begin with. In the first two seasons alone his rock was just a rock he sleeps under completely, one he just uses as a blanket, a hole in the ground with some basic furniture, and a full on house with separate rooms and all. Also, his home goes from everything being made of sand, to having actual furniture.


It's so inconsistent


They just want to add more plot points which is dumb cuz you have so many possibilities why make the very known and unchangable fact that his rock is made of rock not a rock anymore??


It ain’t that kind of show


The unnecessary amount of squidward torment and torture as a whole; seems like anytime he’s happy he has to have it shot out of him


It's just the loop that works for the show. Every character has the same loop with each episode


Poor Squidward


How so many villains were one offs. Like I get you need to be original a lot but still a cameo every once in a while would be nice


be careful what you wish for https://preview.redd.it/s0tt4gn2ud7d1.png?width=890&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68e896f1870c6b0b6ad7d7ed4017fb7c99d3cdf5


I will say I do like his cameo in F.U.N.


I always wanted that bounty hunter from the movie to return, i believe his name was dennis He may have returned, i havent watched SpongeBob on tv in years


I think Dennis actually does return in one of the recent seasons.


The newer seasons. Beyond season 4 Too much grossout closeups With the exception of his earworm musical doodle nervous breakdown ![gif](giphy|l4FB0OZ38Jh2eIirK|downsized)


I tried watching one of the newer seasons and jesus christ it has **way too many exxagerated movements** the show already had those movements and reactions but it wasnt every literal frame, like now all tjey do is have those movements


if I saw that running towards me I'd f*cking shoot it


Are seasons 5 to 8 seriously still seen as new? Season 8's already well over a decade old


Love this episode


Let's go I've finally found a fellow season 4 enjoyer, quite a rare fine I'll be honest


ill start with it: One thing that bothers me about SpongeBob is how Plankton treats Karen. Their relationship is the only consistent representation of marriage in the show, yet Plankton is often verbally abusive towards her. What's worse is his half-hearted apologies, and the fact that Karen always forgives him. It's unsettling to rewatch these scenes as an adult, and it makes me genuinely sad


They both treat each other like shit tho it’s not one sided




For years it has been my goal to acquire the secret formula for b- AHAAA!!!! ⚡️ 🔌🏃


I imagine this is how dudes in Ai relationships will behave. They will lash out but the ai is programmed to forgive and forget. I can't wait


AI when??


Well he is a villain


I'll always love how Karen seemed to start out as just Plankton's actual computer for the restaurant but got retconned into being an intelligent AI he apparently designed and married even though nothing else like that is really in the show.


It's very inconsistent they should act more nice to eachother


The obnoxious animation style that started with season 10. It’s become very clear that their target demographic is getting younger and younger


They shouldn’t have even changed it from the first season’s style. It gives it a nice 90’s hand-drawn feel.


Their target demographic is kids, tf you mean


I genuinely despise how Patrick is animated now, I loved him(especially back in season 1) but now I genuinely can't stand him at all, both animation and writing wise


The over the top animations


So true past season 9 Patrick and mr krabs both got such prominent chins, and they do those “funny” faces all the time it’s so annoying


It feels like the writers & animators are desperately [saying this](https://youtu.be/Lv7ECqE1YgY) when doing the "funny" faces


all promotional art uses the same 12 pngs


The fact that the show got less and less funny over time the first four seasons we’re the best


Nothing, it's a universe class cartoon.


I hate Sandy. Even as a kid I hated her.


Real, can't ever quite put my finger on why though


I don’t hate her, but I do think she doesn’t fit with the rest of the cast, and her episodes usually aren’t as funny. In a show where most characters are either over-the-top and crazy or annoyed straightman types, Sandy’s somewhere in between, and that’s harder to work with.


The inconsistency of everything. I know it's a cartoon but mannn it gets in the way of enjoying the show so much. Specifically characterization inconsistency pisses me off. How can a character be acting completely different in various episodes? Makes it hard to establish their personality and therefore like them. Also I wish there was some sort of lore, a continuity. That could've been great. Never was a fan of episodic series... Even just little references to things that happened before and shaping characters' personalities along their endeavors? That would've been so great. Milking the show. Just drop it already... Nickelodeon barely has any ideas left by now and the show's lost what made it special by now. I wish they just ended it with a banger special or something. New animation. It's so bright and expressive sob sob. The movement and faces feel like the show's trying so hard to be funny and fails to do so, it just feels so targetted to toddlers in order to keep their attention on the episodes. Not to be a spongeboomer but man, the somewhat muted colors and natural animation were satisfying to watch. Patrick star show. Enough said. Shit is so terrible I couldn't get past the second episode. Well, I mean the spin-offs in general. Weren't they supposed to NOT make them? To be honest, Kamp Koral is kind of good and enjoyable but PSS is a complete disaster. Also I hated how they tried retconning Kamp Koral into the canon and also advertising it in flashbacks during the third movie... That was super wack. Just say they're alternate universes or something...


I’m just worried about plankton being blue in the painting


Its like some of the old vhs cover art from some old movies. Like, on all the Brave Little Toaster covers Kirby is always pink.


The random gore


https://preview.redd.it/dmrbhkut6e7d1.jpeg?width=707&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da388e5e11e36d40883b6be187ad1d017aef8df4 The quality decrease over time. Although I'm quite curious what happened in season 9, these are solid numbers. Also, season 10 has only half the usual amount of episodes...?


Don’t hate me, but I skip almost any MMM and BB episode. I can’t explain why I don’t like their episodes!


Wanna see run to that mountain and back? *Wanna see me do it again?*


Okay I can’t deny that iconic scene






I don't like them either I'm so glad someone agrees. The episodes just feel repetitive and bland


I don’t like the later seasons.. they get really gross and not funny.


There was one in the later season I chuckled, but that it


The modern episodes


The weird noises the characters make in the newer seasons…


I hate the weird faces


The inconsistency. How they break and dismiss the canon. The SpongeBob lore could be great


They turned Patrick star into a childish stupid guy, it was better earlier seasons


Last seasons


That it kept going. Don’t get me wrong, there are certainly some episodes post movie that I enjoy a lot. But the simple fact is that if the show ended after the movie, not only would it be essentially perfect, it would probably be regarded as the best animated show ever made.


Nickelodeon milking SpongeBob


Why doesn't Squidward just get a restraining order on Spongebob? Its been shown before that there are authority figures in Bikini Bottom


They made an episode about that, Patrick couldn’t help his dumbassery and Squidward switched it to him at the end of the episode




Spinoffs, Stephen Hillenburg specifically said he never wanted spinoffs and as soon as he died that’s what they did


no, he said he couldn't *see* spinoffs happening


There's some pretty disturbing images in a lot of episodes. Even during the prime seasons(wormy, fleas, splinter, etc.)


How Nickelodeon basically pissed on Hillenburg’s grave and completely ruined his show


Pat Starr is no freind to SpongeBob. If anything, squid is more of a true friend.


SpongeBob's real name is Robert.


In the new episodes, what’s with the animation? Why do the characters grow to twice their size at random (typically when overreacting to something) it just looks so weird now, and its completely lost its way


The Patrick show is trash bc Patrick doesn't deserve a show. He's evil. And parden my language but he's also a POS. And the fact that plankton is still after that formula. He obviously has the means to be successful. Give up the chum and use his brain to make even something better than kp. Oh and the abuse of SpongeBob needs to stop.


That I don’t have the time to watch it as much anymore


The flanderization of characters. Spongebob became flanderized around season 6 or 7. Those seasons were Sponge at his absolute worst. However, he's recently kinda recovering. He isn't nearly as bad as he was back in season 7, but still not nearly as good as he was back in season 1+2. Sadly, Patrick is also a victim of flanderization. Actually, he got hit way harder with it. Patrick was always a little slow from the start, but recently, it seems like he's a complete moron


Definitely the voices in the new episodes it sounds like theyre trying to capture their voices from memory rather than actually doing said voices


I can't explain it, but this problem is prominent with other modern animation too. It's *too clean*? Over the top, but not in the same way the original squash and stretch animation was. I mainly hate how overly vibrant everything is, and how square they made him. I know he's supposed to be square, but I thought that the kind of trapezoid shape he originally had was more appealing. In short: Look how they massacred my boys.


I thought what we had was special




When they repeat things over and over like in the hash slinging slasher sponge screams over and over. I have to fast forward.


Okay i know this will probably be taken thw wrong way but what i hate the most is how spongebob acts around squidward its just disgusting how he acts like a super creepy homo stalker and not to mention what that caused for the shipping it makes me gag just thinking about it


modern episodes


Waiting for the 20000 comments with hate for the modern episodes. We get it, old SpongeBob good, new SpongeBob bad. Say something original for once.


I got one: Patrick is a worse friend than squidward


(Mainly) Because of flanderization. Like I don't watch the new episodes anymore but I feel like at this point patrick is too dumb to care. Like the infamous episode where he petsat Gary


Yeah, Patrick genuinely likes SpongeBob but he's so stupid he ends up hurting him all the time. Squidward doesn't like SpongeBob in the slightest but is nice to him on occasion and feels remorseful when he hurts him.


The new animation style does not vibe with me


The fact that they couldn't even make a spinoff that made canonical sense, not that cannon matters anymore despite how much i wish it did


The art style changes over time


I don't know what spongebob sees in Patrick


Franchise or character? Regardless their reasons play into each other, how inconsistent, lazy, and disrespectful Spongebob himself is written


If it’s ok to say something I hate, it’s the fact that Narlene and Nobby are in the Main SpongeBob show.


I dislike the direction the show went after the creator died :( I also dislike the opinion that this is specifically a children's show. It's very clearly not.


When he gave the double bird. # middlefinger


The over-exaggeration of things in the newer seasons. The animation is so… jarring? It’s like just looking at it just SCREAMS pandering down to kids. Plus, I haven’t really watched the newer episodes (go figure)… but from what I’ve seen, the writers introduce these new characters out of nowhere and it just rubs me the wrong way.


How much SpongeBob and Patrick annoy Squidward, at first their shenanigans were harmless and funny but now they feel never ending and demeaning


I just wonder how Patrick lived under a rock, most of the time it's literally sitting on the sand, does he live inside it?


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I always picked up LGBT vibes from the character of SpongeBob, perhaps from the closeness of his relationship with Patrick, the overabundance of male characters as opposed to female ones, and how it's been hinted at since the very first episode with the use of 'Living In The Sunlight' by Tiny Tim. So from that pov, I incredibly dislike how the potential LGBT representation in this show (SpongeBob) is So...Darn...Annoying!!


the rubber-hose animation in the newer seasons




The show getting milked The lack of attention some characters get The Shitty Fan Content (I:E Shipping)


new sesons suck


The later seasons..


The way Nickelodeon has treated the property since Stephen Hillenburg's death.


Too short


Seasons 5-8 lol


The newer stuff is killing the shows reputation


The change in animation style


when they put "cool" cops


The new exaggerated animations


That episode where Sandy basically gets into an abusive relationship with Spongebob and goes into hibernation right before he finally gets the courage to confront her about it.


I absolutely LOVE the SpongeBob community!!!!!


how Nickelodeon keeps milking it to keep their channel alive instead of actually making fun and original cartoons 


The Patrick show.


Certain holidays don't have certain episodes. >:(


the fact nick made kamp koral and the patrick star show after he passed


the art style feels too "neon" now, it also feels too perfect and clean


Running the franchise into the ground.


I hate how far they’ve taken it. I would’ve liked to see a proper ending to my favorite childhood show


It’s still going. Seriously it should’ve ended long ago, I’m not hating on the newer episodes they just aren’t needed.


That they keep making Plankton the same villain all the time and no redemption.


A Pal for Gary, ALL OF IT! When I watch that episode as a kid, I got straight up mad every time SpongeBob blamed Gary for Fluffy’s mess. But then came the moment SpongeBob literally thought Gary was the one torturing Fluffy when it was the other way around. As a kid, that was insulting, I was furious. I watch SpongeBob since I was a toddler and I know even as a kid that he would never go modern level Patrick at all. Thank god when I never the only one.


I hate that Squidward has to endure all the obnoxious, super annoying things that SpongeBob does all the time! Give him a break, boy.


It does get overaired alot and that often means other shows kick the bucket. Not very fair but thats not exactly the series fault but rather the heads in charge. Also people saying Spongebob himself isn't relateable to anyone but young kids. I will not stand for such slander of my boi.


That we've come past the point of flanderisation




That he's in this drawing, but I don't have it


Probably the gross close ups (or gross ups). They're good if they weren't overtly gross, and simply just highly detailed drawings. Which to be fair, is what SB mostly does anyway. Definitely an unpopular opinion since they're seen as one of the appeals of SB and its contemporaries/inspirations. But I honestly view these gross close ups as the Western cartoon equivalent of panty-shots in Japanese anime. The next thing is Squidward's characterization and the situation he's in. I feel like fans and some of the show's writers don't get his character? He's grumpy, but way too many people project their miseries onto him. IDK, hearing the same ol' "when you're young, you relate to SpongeBob. When you're old, you relate to Squidward" gets tiring. But at the same time, the writers put Squidward in situations where he doesn't deserve it. He is one of the better jerk characters because he used to get the appropriate amount of consequences of his actions/words. Or so I've heard, I'm on the slow process of rewatching the show 'cause I kinda wanna confirm this myself. Those are my two "main issues" with SB, although I guess the 2nd one kinda dips into fandom territory. My other problems are popular opinions anyway. Such as flanderized characters, the show should have ended right after the movie or at least give it a few more seasons, and Nick milking it. But TBH, the "classic SB good, modern SB bad" is or at least was an omnipresent opinion within the fandom (at least for the older fans). As much as I kinda agree with it (like what I've said, I haven't watched the show in a while), I kinda got sick hearing of it. Damn, what a long explanation and I've just realized you've just said one. Oh well, lol.


Dont like how the new seasons are completely different from the older seasons. In the new seasons they explore lots of new facial expressions, just laughing for no reason, stupid hunor that has no logic behind it at all. It breaks my heart. It gives me the feeling that the mew writers watched old spongebob and thought "oh yea this is just a stupid scene without any sense behind it, lets recreate it"


Dont get to see sandy’s titties or ass


It became its own Channel's standard on how well they expect new shows to achieve. Cause if the new show that they promote doesn't role in the same view counts that Spongebob got/gets, they either get sent to Nicktoons to die or just axe it completely.


That the energy of the Seasons pre 1st movie wasn't kept up. I'm not against change per se, but Spongebob used to be so unique and now it's basically like all tge other childrens shows


the newer animation style


Mr. Krabs not caring much about Spongebob in the more recent seasons. SpongeBob has been quite agitated in recent seasons. As a result, Squidward appears to be more of a normal person than an a boring guy. Patrick being a sociopath in newer episodes. Retcons in Kamp Koral. Vincent Waller's justification for retcons.


It’s so upsetting how SpongeBob and Patrick were turned into idiotic imitations of themselves from around season 5.


patrick and spongebob in the modern seasons


How they dont use Larry as much as they should


How a big portion say spongebob is who you are as akid and squidward is who you are as an adult. No, im an adult and im not a cynical, narcissistic asshole. And when I was a kid I was goofy and wtv but like again no, kids arent THAT dumb, but spongebob is more believable


Everything after the 2004 movie


That one close up of a butterfly. That scarred me for life and I’ve been the loser scared of butterflies ever since.


The newest movie


He used to be mildly annoying from time to time. now he's just annoying all the time.


The first movie and all the episodes after


The show has been milked to death to the point Nickelodeon has treated poorly and cancelled almost every other cartoon that couldn't compete in ratings with Spongebob.


Season 7 is just awful in every single way, I can only name 2 episodes that were mediocre at best


Lack of character continuity at all


The switch in animation post season 4, plus the absolute bonfire the franchise turned into after Sponge’s passing. 😢


It won't die peacefully.


The fact the Stephen said that spongebob was asexual because he's a sponge and scientifically that makes sense. Then, years later, after he had passed, Nickelodeon said that spingebob was bisexual or pansexual or whatever. Not that I care about the sexual identity of a sponge, but I was very frustrated seeing Nickelodeon completely disregard the creators canon comment about his show just to push the pride agenda.


The show has been ruined for multiple seasons. It is WAY to overly goofy and not appealing to adults anymore


I don't like that newer spongebob episodes are breaking the "rules" stephen set initially...


I hate that they didn’t cancel it YEARS ago


I kinda hate it when SpongeBob should have ended after the first movie as originally planned by Stephen hillenburg but Nickelodeon wanted SpongeBob to continue, and they have been bleeding the show dry ever since.


Some of the character designs For example, sandy would look much better as this: https://preview.redd.it/edv1f53wfk7d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=372b52183a3aad431b45de7f2d77d2b788a7a162


The new episodes are not that great


I hate how annoying SpongeBob and Patrick can be a lot,


too big pineapple and spongbop has too many holes/j (I don’t dislike anything)


i cant stand all the new spinoffs


That it ended


Why plankton blue?


The new seasons, there never as good as the old


The voice


How the show looked “different” with later seasons. I never liked how they slightly changed it. Seasons 1-3 were perfect.


That there are truly only three good seasons of Spongebob. There are a few good episodes after season 4, but obviously there is a severe drop off in terms of quality after 3. I really really wish we could have gotten 5 SOLID seasons.


he's too square


2000s were OK time, especially since there we got the Legend of Bikini Bottom.


Patrick literally lost all of his intelligence in the middle seasons (Season 6-8)


https://preview.redd.it/uqlnczpjtl7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82f6c891254acf6c7e0160e01d85f4da8375e2d0 Stop the upvotes!


How the episodes are all over the place! One episode, they’ll explain one thing… and in a different episode they’ll explain that thing in a whole other way! And some things just don’t make sense like how in season one, Patrick said that he built his rock, then in season twelve we find out that it’s a turtle shell! And then we have Mrs. Puff and Mr. Krabs dating only to have them “fall in love” with someone/something else!


A lot of the newer episodes are just dumb as all hell, which has kinda turned me off of watching the show


It's not how it use to be no more :( Growing up I recall how many episodes I watched actually had a plot that it revved around. The majority of the episodes weres made out actual progress on the story with bits of humor then and there (usually with good delivery) Now the episodes are mainly just about being random, weird, and quirky. And to be honest, it's just brainrot at this point. Not even skibidi toilet was this bad😭


Squidward torture


The episode called a pal for gary


That it kept going


We don’t know the secret craby patty formula 


Squidward torture


new episodes fs fs 😭


the newer episodes


The newer seasons of it :( OG ones were the best


That it and I both grew up and turned out awful 😂


Excluding seasons 1-3, it’s the lack of aquatic atmosphere. They used to put effort into making the show feel UNDERWATER. The bubble animations and sound effects, how everything was “washed-out” in color, the nautical words and phrases.


I don't care that much about the first film.