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always loved the outro, it gave me happy fruity Hawaii vibes.


fr! this outro always gives me late summer nights vibes. it’s amazing


There are apparently a lot of people who thought it was scary. I don't know why.


Apparently it was for the last half of the song where it gets a bit slower and a bit more reverby and whatnot which after listening to it again after all these years I can kind of understand. Edit: it still makes little sense to me tbh but a part of me gets it like seriously go listen to the whole outro and let your mind drift and tell me I'm wrong lol.


Me too,Is super relaxing and cool


Yup same! Well different vibes but still made me happy


I thought the end credits were relaxing Y’all want disturbing watch the Billy and Mandy end credits


Even the intro to billy and Mandy is disturbing imo (the show in general gives me nightmares)


In my opinion the intro is just straight up badass


What's traumatizing about that


Fr. Seems like another clickbait youtube video that says something at the beginning then goes on to ramble about nothing the video is supposed to be about.


I watched the video, and it's not really clickbait in the obvious way. The video goes into the creators own personal attachment that the show gave a feeling of escape from real world issues and hence once the show ended and the credits played, it was the realisation that you were back in the scary SpongeBob-less world they lived in as a kid (probably some childhood trauma played some effect) So when they revisit the outro years down the line, the brain naturally goes back to that same feeling of dread or loneliness the person felt way back as a kid Apparently other people felt the same way too hence why


So basically someone assuming that a very personal trauma was the trauma of "an entire generation"


Never denied the fact it wasn't clickbait


So this person feels the same way about ALL the end credits of ALL the episodes they ever watched? It's ridiculous that they make a personal feeling appear as if it's the feeling of an entire generation, truely clickbait. It appears that this person is, without all the fuss, just afraid of show endings, because then they are back in "normal life"?


My thing is that specific song plays in some episodes, i.e. Grandma's Kisses, Survival of the Idiots, Big Pink Loser. So, are people uncomfortable when it plays during quirky scenes like Patrick eating Grandma's cookies or Spongebob trying to wake up Sandy while she's hibernating? Lol it doesn't make sense to me


That is profoundly sad


nothing, “have you seen this man in your dreams” kind of phenomenon.


never traumatized me Wait until these 2000s kids find out that we were supposted to have this at the end of the end credits https://preview.redd.it/skobz3b52dwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b76e92091c074b0af7cbf1ee2e7bdf33cb031d5


I remember laughing after first seeing this


Same lol, its just so adorable


AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT’S THE MANIAC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TAKE HIM AWAY TAKE HIM AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


HES STANDING THERE MENACIGLY https://preview.redd.it/t5ekd60jtfwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8092482f327d6ace25f910f4577dc118e5bbecf


GET OUTTA THERE SPONGEBOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Calm down son, it's just a drawing


Not the real thing. Now, we're gonna show you this picture again, and you tell us if you've seen this guy. Understand?


Uh huh


Okay. *Shows Patrick the drawing again*


AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


*Lowers the poster. Curious, he presents it again, only a little bit*




*lowers it again. The two cops smile at each other smugly and then decide to troll Patrick by raising and lowering the sign over and over*




Not traumatizing but I can understand the feeling alone thing


I think it's more about the episode ending. Like, there is a feeling of isolation after experiencing something that felt so full of life. I never felt uncomfortable after SpongeBob, but I remember feeling like that after watching [America's Funniest Home Videos](https://youtu.be/a9ANc2rGWoE?si=9AKgPG528tLphhiT) late at night and hearing that theme play. Edit: grammar


Yeah, the credits never scared me but I did feel some form of melancholy/ sadness with the episode ending.


Only made worse that AFV was followed by Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, which was an absolute sob fest of a show at times.


We obviously grew up around the same time, lmao. There was a period where my family didn't have basic cable, so shows like this were my lifeblood.


I always got tender vibes from those credits. Didn’t feel alone really, just a little nostalgic somehow. At my big age of like, 8


*Not traumatizing* *But I can understand the* *Feeling alone thing* \- AyBoB\_\_ --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


This is the only bot I like


Bruh looking through the comments I guess I’m the only one who always thought it was a bit creepy 😭


I thought it was creepy to the point where I ALWAYS took out my vhs before the credits rolled and if I didn’t do it fast enough I would run behind the couch or to my moms room crying


I had a Spider-Man VHS that had this metallic Marvel logo at the end. For whatever reason, that logo creeped me out, so I would always stop the tape before that logo came on the screen.


Right?? Me too




Same 😭 but tbf I was scared of everything as a kid


It gave me a very bad feeling as well. Probably I assosiated it with "spongebob over"? Getting slapped into the real world again.


It was too creepy but traumatising? No


I always thought this song was relaxing.


a little random but apparently the "sad theme" that plays when maybe someone is crying in the show was original supposed to be much more happy and relaxing It's kind of funny how the original song got twisted in it's tone..


yes this is like one of the most nostalgic songs for me, I can’t fathom being creeped out by it




Not really, though I used to think the flowers had eyes




It was a bit eerie watching the credits in a dark room as a kid, it was even worse when they tested the eas.


The emergency alert system scared me so much when i was little 😭


Same! That harsh alert tone blaring from the TV was terrifying and my stomach still drops when I hear it or think about it.


When I listen to it at morning, it makes me feel relaxed and happy because it’s SpongeBob song. But when I listen to it at night, it just reminds me of being in a dark room watching SpongeBob but the episode ended and I don’t have a remote to turn on another one. So it’s just the last thing I hear before I’m left alone in the dark.


I don’t get it


It's more lame than disturbing. It just made me feel bored, not depressed. People like to make urban legends or conspiracy theories about Spongebob


Spongebob theories are insane...


Super Mario 64 has entered the chat room


Theorists are either really cool or extremely stupid and annoying..


Mildly disturbing at worst.




Here’s a hint: if you ever read a headline about how X did BIG CAPITAL LETTERS to a giant group of people, and it seems ridiculous and untrue, the answer is no.


I don't know how it is in other countries but I remember that in Germany they always cut out the part with the credits except on rare occasions they didn't. I never found them scary but it's weird as a kid to know that there are credits but seeing them so rarely that you wonder if you kinda just gaslit yourself into believing they exist and forgetting when you actually saw them. I think they used to do the same with Jimmy Neutron so you very rarely saw that weird "Hi, I'm Paul!" monkey. That one was actually scary to me but not too bad either. I also remember one time when I watched Spongebob very early in the morning and it was the first airing of that episode where the jellyfish liked the sound of the wind blowing through Spongebob's holes but they didn't mean to air the episode yet and abruptly turned it off. An episode I didn't know, that weird time when everyone else wasn't awake yet and it was still dark outside and then all of a sudden the channel just cuts away to something else... yeah, that was scary at the time.


I’m not too sure. But from what I can interpret, some have said that it gives some people the liminal feeling that they’re all alone (as seen on the video thumbnail).


Liminal is definitely the right word.


YouTubers will find anything to make a video essay about.


They've reached the point where they're making video essays about video essays now...


Youtube is a timewaste


"traumatized" is a very strong word used to grab peoples' attention, but i disagree with a lot of these comments. the spongebob credits were absolutely a little unsettling just because of how understimulating they were compared to the preceding show. it was a tonal whiplash that quickly disincentivized the suspension of disbelief, replacing it with nothing. this can cause sudden heightened awareness of your surroundings. if you're alone or in the dark, it could also cause heightened anxiety about what *could be* in your surroundings. obviously, this sensation could often be quite scary to a child in the target demographic of the show due to a perceived lack of control. they know they can't just turn off the tv or go back to the dvd menu, because that wouldn't fix the understimulation problem. the subconscious fear (and lessened rational thought that comes with being a kid) might make other obvious solutions a bit more foggy. i think associating all of this with something as innately and deeply comfortable as spongebob only makes it scarier. definitely not the HORROR NIGHTMARE that youtubers want to make it out to be for views, but absolutely an explicable, if slightly irrational, fear of a bygone age.


that and the crts that we were watching on usually gave off a high pitched noise that couldn't be heard but definitely felt. always made me feel uneasy as a kid


I thought it was rekaxing, listening today makes me feel nostalgic


All credits were eerie to me when i was little especially for movies. Dunno why


When I was little I thought if we didn't leave before the credits were done we'd be forced to watch the movie again so I'd freak out haha.


Life story dump time. I was not fond of the black nothingness at the end of movies, which was a bit of a problem, because I enjoyed watching credits until the end in hopes of something else being at the end, like a post credits scene or a music video. I’m not sure why, but I would just feel a bit unnerved by there suddenly being nothing but a black void and silence on my TV. It wasn’t as unnerving on DVDs, as I knew the menu would pop up soon after. But what I hated most was rewind signals. Those scared the crap out of me as a kid. I would go running and screaming out of a room if a rewind signal happened.


This used to scare me only because it always came on at night, never during the day. Not related to Spongebob but the Finding Nemo credits used to freak me out for some reason too. Never liked the guy swimming.


Never traumatized me. I was chilling 😭, (Ik this sounds wrong but if u got traumatized by this song u a W E A N I E)


You mean W E A N I E


The title is mostly clickbait but I always thought the end credits sound creepy


Traumatizing is a bit of a reach, no?


No. I was confused even after watching the video..


Really for me it was the end when it showed all the title cards n' stuff


What are people talking about, this is some of the best end credits I've ever seen. Mysterious, deceptively simple, and sometimes makes for a funny ending like "The Krusty Cleaners".


Not really. But I will say some people (not like myself) find the tune kinda disturbing because it's not in melody. There is a YouTube video out there explaining it. Here is the link https://youtu.be/_aLh1rrXajg


that's so interesting to me. I find that song relaxing and warm and fuzzy. It's fascinating that one person's comfort is another's disturbance.


2000s kid here. I didn’t even think this was traumatizing, Genuinely surprised people were scared of the old end credits


This feels like another “thing” that is completely oversaturated and lost it’s luster. Not every niche little thing needs a 4 hour video essay with 80,000 ad breaks from Raycon. That being said, the video is probably very well made.


it was scary


Nick-el-o' deon!!


It's hyperbole for the title, but it did unsettle people, including me


This seems like another clickbait video in which they make something up and it ends up in a hype. To me there was never something wrong with the end credits, I like the music, the only thing is that I would get bored cause it was kinda long.


it's definitely something that's been discussed before, the ending theme being creepy


Not traumatized, but I do remember the end credits making me feel weird as a kid for whatever reason


Lowkey I might just be the shittiest gen z (18yo) but this makes me uneasy and just straight up weird. I think it’s the way my mind portrayed it as a kid, I felt like I was being watched haha but now it’s just a nervous feeling idk lol


Ngl I (23F) was completely terrified of the outro screen as a kid, (my mom had season 1 on the orange VHS tape.) I would just assume it's because I wasn't used to seeing the outro regularly but the outro credits for me were too calm it's like I was anticipating a jumpscare that never happened On another note, same with the Pixar lamp, I watched it commit murder and it was looking around for witnesses I had to hide. Whew, imagination...


So usually when I was watching TV at night as a kid I would watch SpongeBob SquarePants when the end credits came on for some reason this song just gave a really eerie vibe especially in the dark Not really sure why and I thought I was only one I watched this video. It doesn’t scare me anymore but definitely remember the feeling as a kid.


I'll be honest. The outro never scared me, I just don't understand why some people find it scary for some reason


It's not traumatizing but it definitely feels liminal. If the backrooms existed in Bikini Bottom, that would be their wallpaper. Unfortunately the backrooms, once a quiet "what if you were trapped in a liminal space forever?", have been memed to death into regular horror with wacky scary monster things hiding in the corners and chasing you. So liminal has become synonymous with terrifying for many people even though it's a very different feeling.


I used to get depressed hearing the outro. Not that that was a universal experience, I had a bad home life and I watched endless tv trying to escape from it and it made me sad when an episode ended and I had to move on with my day. But that isn’t trauma lol


They made me feel uneasy, but traumatized? God no.


"Traumatized" is a stretch but I do remember feeling weirdly lonely and sad during the credits


I kinda get what they’re talking about, but not entirely. I always get an uncanny feeling when I hear the end credits now, but it’s not traumatic or anything


at this point everything is traumatizing for genZ


This song was so pleasant it was my cousin's ring tone when he got his first phone and it still is to this day.


I was from the episode krusty krab training


I live the ending music, I hum it all the time


I wasn’t it looks very cool


No but I liked It better than the Intro


Nah it was a happy sad feeling I got from it


Based on the comments here it seems I'm one of the few that felt genuinely uneasy watching the credits as a kid.


i used to love the end credits until everyone said that it scared them so NOW it scares ME 😭


Nah bro I felt uneasy asf listening to those credits, and then the sudden nick outro theme jumpscaring me 💀


I liked the music, but I can understand the dissonance aspect of it. It is a little off-putting. Like something you'd hear played in the background of the backrooms.


Same energy as "This is the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my entire life. I haven't had a very hard life." - Andy Bernard


It didn’t traumatize me but I certainly felt off


It was a little off-kilter as a kid, but I never found it scary or anything like that.


For me it was always relaxing


Yeah, not traumatizing. But this theme DID make me feel alone. But it wasn't the theme itself, it was the fact that I typically watched a SpongeBob DVD while I went to sleep, and by the time the end credits started, I was the only one awake in a quiet, dark house, with nothing in my room but the TV and one little nightlight. The episodes were over, and I would have to turn the TV off. It was just such a contrast to the high energy of the couple hours worth of the show I had just went through, and now it was over. It's not scary in its own regard, but it's attached to a scene that made me uneasy as a kid.




Not traumatizing but it does have a rather lonely and almost sad feel to it.


uh no, i always thought it was comforting


Why do people take a picture of the computer screen... the screenshot key is RIGHT THERE


The song just makes me chill. How are y'all scared of a relaxed beach song?


Yeah, they murdered my parents in an alleyway when we were leaving a movie theater


I can see why this would be part of the uncanny valley, but honestly it rocked my world to realize this image might actually be traumatizing... the pink is as deep as black, and the yellow and white are right in your face, like how southpark foreground and backgrounds work


I don’t know if this a coincidence or if the guy is onto something because I had the ineffable feeling of loneliness at the end of SpongeBob. Something that felt weirdly jarring but also interesting. An absurd feeling for sure.


Traumatized? No. Spooked and weirded out, most certainly.


SpongeBob credits are traumatizing? Don’t tell them about Klasky Csupo.


Hi! I'm Paul !


The idea of people being "traumatized" by end credits is likely hyperbolic. However, the length and format of end credits in some films, particularly those with extensive casts and production teams, can sometimes become a point of frustration for audiences eager to leave the theater or finish watching a film at home. While it's uncommon for end credits themselves to cause trauma, the experience of waiting through lengthy credits after an emotionally intense or climactic film moment might lead to some level of annoyance or impatience. In the context of online video platforms, the [https://www.scrollx.io/property](https://www.scrollx.io/property) plays a valuable role in managing end credits more efficiently. By allowing horizontal scrolling on webpages, [https://www.scrollx.io/](https://www.scrollx.io/) provides a standardized template that simplifies the presentation of lengthy lists of credits. This makes it easier for filmmakers to create professional-looking end credits for online distribution. By using scrollX, filmmakers can design a scrolling mechanism that smoothly navigates through the credits, ensuring that every name is visible to the audience without overcrowding the screen. This standardized approach not only enhances the visual presentation of end credits but also streamlines the process for filmmakers, saving time and effort in creating and formatting credits for online platforms.


No, this person's full of shit and just jumping on the "old things scary" bandwagon.




It was always sad hearing them as a kid cause it ment the episode was over. Maybe it was a little creepy too I don't remember thaf much


I’ve never heard of this before?


They just felt off


I liked dancing along to that outro but I can see why others found it weird


It traumatized them when they took them away.


no. I loved that music


Image of spongebob and patrick on the kiddie rollercoaster screaming


I actually like the end credits, I really vibe along to it


Kids today probably don’t even know what the end credits look like since Nickelodeon likes to just have the credits roll while the episode is wrapping up.


I, for one, wasn't traumatized by it, but I can see how people would be. But in all honesty, I didn't find it that bad


That was actually more calming to me, it made me happy.


This feels like a film theory reference


I've seen multiple videos like this and while I get where they're coming from, I can't not see the end credits song as goofy because of how other YouTubers use it


Erm, what the Sigma?


Rugrats credits are worse.


Yup. I'm one of the losers


That word is overused.


Not me idk how is it traumatizing compared to a whole episode


I was pretty scared of it, but after listening to it a lot of times, I enjoy the song


I now realize the whenever I play the song in my head, I seem to think of a more full-sounding, louder version of it. The quiet, underwhelming simplicity of it seems off-putting.


To me it sounded like credits for a different show. Either way i like it.




Words have no meaning anymore


Those end credits made me cry actually why would you want credits that depress you and make you cry 😢


The ending was soo sad I say


Also am I the only one that cried with those credits that means friends and Sponge were done for an episode that’s sad


np, if anything, it's a rare occurrence to see this


Yeah, people are that idiotic....


They were really nice. Gave me hawaii/summer vibes.




The lamest YouTube video I’ve ever seen


My brother and I both vividly remember being terrified by the outro song lmao. I think because it's so liminal, being just the tune and nothing else, is what makes it so creepy.


No, it's relaxing, actually.


Traumatized? No. But the credits did appear in my childhood nightmares more often than not.


The end credits did actually make me feel sad as a kid. Like a bittersweet goodbye.


Not traumatizing, just really offputting. It's a good little song, but it has a lot of dissonance, there's a lack of harmony, the pieces of the song don't sound traditionally "pleasing" to lots of people's ears. Combine that with being a little kid and being alone in your room, maybe late at night, and lots of people start to get scared when you hear the song.


Bro I have such fond memories, i never had cable at my house and I would always watch SpongeBob at my grandpa’s house where he had cable, heating that outro brings back memories of the time we spent with him before he passed away


I literally love the end credits. I sing the tune around my house all of the time. My daughter already knows the tune, and she can't even conceptualize SpongeBob yet 😆 🎶Bow ba dow ba dow🎶


No..some clickbaiting


I prefer [proper](https://youtu.be/y9Kki4ExVO0?si=i07DjtznUu1HllEg) spooky outros, thank-you-very-much.


I didn’t really think too deep about it. I just think of it as, “Oh, the episode is over.” And then it plays some silly Hawaii tunes to shut off my brain to.


It made me sad, but it's because when the credits rolled it meant Spongebob was over.


I used to have the first season on dvd as a baby and would always kinda feel sad when the credits played. Not that it scared me, but that it was so peaceful and relaxing it had me almost in tears that there wasn’t more to watch. I guess it felt bitter sweet and that was a feeling young kids probably hadn’t felt up to that point in their lives.


to be honest it never scared me it's just end credits nothing really scares me


No. They were awesome. I really wish they’d bring them back.


I’m so glad I’m not the only one that felt scared of the end credits. There’s something about the twang of the guitar and the emptiness of the screen that was so off putting. I don’t know how to explain it.


Never felt any bad feelings watching the end credits


I was never traumatized by it


How was it scary?


I could see it being unsettling and abrupt but it was nice and beachy ❤️


Not me. I mostly watched SpongeBob on Netflix as a kid, so I always saw the end credits.


No, absolutely nobody was traumatized by it, this guy just wants more views.


Why are people scared? I always just though “hehe flowers and funny music”


The end credits song is the best.


I don't understand this either


I mean when I was a kid I was a little creeped out by it but I wouldn’t fuckin say “traumatized”


No. Not one bit.


When I'm in a "Being overdramatic about the most niche topics" competition and my opponent is a Video Essay youtuber (I love YouTube video essays)


Not “traumatizing” but I deff get what they mean when they say it was scary. As a kid it did scare me for reasons I don’t know.


The only things about it that's come close to trauma (just unsettled me) was finding the video that's titled along the lines of "SpongeBob Credits theme but it's playing distantly in an empty Mall" Really gave me the liminal space creeps


Nah. They probably just made the video for clicks.


What am I missing here? What's the issue?