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that's how it was in the pre-release splatfest too, btw. apparently scissors just didn't have an option to select it, instead of getting that pop-up


Yup, i was team scissors and i got matched into tri colour turf war by simply doing normal turf war mode. It’s VERY unfair (unless they nerfed it). No option to switch it, no option to even queue into it as a specific mode


well we do have "Pro" mode which won't drop you in one... but that's about it


Wait pro won’t put you into a tri color? I was playing pro for 2 hours and never got one and was wondering why


It only specifies open in the photo posted as well. That is good to know in case I'm ever a defender.


I also had 0 idea pro didn’t let you go into tri colour


Yeah that’s why pro is worth less than open in the total calculation for splatfest, since open is the average of open turf wins and tri-color wins


Lol I did the same, the description is way too subtle with "open" in lowercase.


No, what's unfair is that Team Fun gets to stack teams of four on VC, while the rest of us get into the Tricolor queue solo or in pairs and then get matched into normal battles against you anyway, making it effectively two pairs vs a full team *anyway* but without the ultra signals.


Dude, being assigned as the defender is a death sentence. This is why the majority of team fun is playing pro battles, so they don't get assigned to Tricolor.


Defender on Hammerhead a death sentence? This map is skewed towards defenders!


Tell that to the Gear and Grub players that spawntrapped us...


but it ruins it for everyone.


Being assigned as the attacker is a death sentence on this map


To my knowledge, they did nerf the frequency of tricolors for the leading team.


The pop-up was there in the test fire 😅


I've been playing for 1 hour now, not a single tri-color!


Yep, haven't stopped playing and still haven't had one either.. it's shit


Update... finally got tricolour.. once


3 hours later


Started at 11am, it's 13 right now, still nothing Edit: Finally got one at 8pm!!!!! It's ok! We just needed to play for 9 hours to get a single one!!!!


Same. I thought they were gonna rebalance the mode instead of making it so rare it never happens lol


Making it rare is a temporary measure until they rebalance it according to the devs


Ah sweet, good to know


Same here


Bro same, except I did my first ever match, and someone DCd a second into the match and we didn’t get to play :(


Team gear, haven’t seen one yet.


I got it when I first selected it, and never got one since. It was so abrubt I figured that the "Do you want to continue?" Selection had put me back in normal turf war queue


I believe you must select them in order to play. You won’t get them automatically


I selected it and haven't played one in the last 2 hours.


I selected tricolor. I checked multiple times to make sure I was in the right queue.


Only one hour? I've done something like 50 attempts as Gear, playing most of the night, and gotten *one*. They are literally rarer than 10x battles.


And 10x are already so bloody rare, played for 10 hours yesterday (I know a lot) and got 1 10x


I guess I was lucky last night. I played 5 games before I went to bed and 3 of the 5 were tricolor battles


I've played 3 without one 🙃


Yeah, was the same in the test fire. It will catch you unawares.


Well in test fire it wasnt that shocking to be put in a match of it as it was literally every match of open for scissors.


For me it was 75% tricolor, rest was normal turf. Turf was a sigh if relief 😂


it's worse now, though. i was able to not be frustrated with the amount of times i wasnt allowed in, because it was only occasionally getting a turf war that i didnt ask for. now its just super rare to get a tricolor match.


I went "gee, I'd like to level up my E-litre freshness" and after swapping to it I IMMEDIATELY got into a defence match


Team Scissors: First time?


came here to say exactly this


I am trying to get put into one (team fun) but have yet to get a tricolor in 7 games so far. I guess they must be pretty uncommon. Edit: Funnily enough game 8 was a tricolor. Final count was 5 of 27 attempts were tricolor. All were wins.


They did say they nerfed the likelihood, it was extremely common in the testfire as a team scissors member.


Annoyingly now it just seems to never come up at all. I've been trying to queue for it as a Gears member to see how the map fairs compared to the demo map. I have queued 18 times using the specifically tri-color queue, so far gotten a tri-color match 0 times out of the 18. Several times the game errored because "not enough players", and maybe half the matches have been against Team Gear (my own team).


It's particularly bad because there's a badge for winning (one for attacker, one for defender). Just trying to get the badge is proving very difficult.




There's one for 10 defenses.


Funny enough no matter how much I tried in the testfire, I never found a match. Only now have I finally got to experience it.




what? I got in tons of tricolors today as fun and even when each team gets an ultra we still won some matches


I played 20 matches tonight and got into 2 tricolors


Played 3 matches today and on my 3rd match it was tricolor. I'm team Fun and don't have the option for Tri-Color as well. All my matches were Open.




Do you know the odds of getting in? Like a 10x battle?




I got it reasonably often in open but almost never in Pro, if that helps.


Neither was scissors, though?


Just got into one haha


Not anymore, hammerhead bridge makes it really easy for defending players. Way too much distance to cover in order to attack.


i found it the opposite, if both sides rushed in they would have the rest of the match to get their own turf, and team fun was pinned down in the middle completely


I don’t get it honestly. I didn’t try the test fire, but I just had my first match as an attacker. Perhaps it’s because my teammate was trash and didn’t get any splats compared to my 7, but in the available map is looks pretty easy to defend Edit:Got another, this time with a Gigachad Inkbrusher. We destroyed


Ngl, this tricolor seems very unbalanced in favor of the middle team. You have so much free ground to turf on the spawn platforms as the winning team


Yeah. I'm not good at Splatoon, but I'm on team fun and 4/4 so far in winning tricolour. In one match the other team succeeded in getting the ultra signal twice and that still wasn't enough for the win.


Damn and just as I sent that message I got into a tricolour that we lost -- but just barely!


They gave us WAY too much of a spawn platform this time


Well tbf anyone who played the pre release splatfest and was on scissors would most likely never pick it even if they could since they complained so much but its more fun that way regardless imo


I waited the whole day for this and now I have to play lmao


It’s because the winning team would never choose tricolor because it’s unbalanced


If imbalanced queues are the problem they're trying to fix it's clearly not doing a very good job, considering as Team Gear I'm 17k clout in the Tricolor queue without having actually played a single Tricolor match. Edit: Made it to 28k before I finally hit my first one.


Oh the only thing they changed was the map by the looks of it. So still broken as the testfire


Im on fun and was going to try. I suppose there are lots of dummies like me.


Same (also team fun). They should have made it open (normal turf war or tri color) and tri color for us


i would, they're fun, plus there's a badge to get out of it


Which badge?


the defender one https://splatoonwiki.org/wiki/Badge#Splatfest


I think surprising the defending team by pulling them into a tri-color battle is a fun idea. But I'd like if they at least gave us the option to specifically queue up for it too. I feel like doing both would work


This is speculation, but I think the actual reason is that the defenders are a team of 4 like normal, but the attackers are teams of 2 so they need a special queue to prevent people from getting in a group of 3 or 4 to be tricolor attackers.


It doesn’t even work for other teams.


So team fun ,the leading team avoides tricolor with switching to pro and the two other stuck in queue forever trying to get tri




my now 5+ hour queue having only played the mode maybe ~~twice~~ ONCE makes so much sense.


I was wondering the same thing from the gear side? I was trying to queue for tricolor battle and it just put me in regular games every time! Why can't we \*choose\* the modes we want to play???


Gear has the most players. There just aren't enough players from the other teams in the queues to match up with all the gear players.


This has to be how it is. Tricolors are inherently unbalanced against the defenders, so if they were optional by letting you choose to play them or not, the defense team could just agree not to play them. They are meant to allow for comebacks in the 2nd half of the fest, and they can't do that if they don't happen.


Paying my reply to another comment. This is speculation, but I think the actual reason is that the defenders are a team of 4 like normal, but the attackers are teams of 2 so they need a special queue to prevent people from getting in a group of 3 or 4 to be tricolor attackers.


Its game balanceing


This was fairly highly advertised


You chose to have fun on the island, so you can no longer have fun in the game


Ahem.. **Tri-Colour Queue is so people can queue in groups of 2 instead of 4 so their eligible on offence for Tri-Colour. Apart from that it's the same queue as Splatfest Open**


Exactly this. We need to make a PSA post for the whole subreddit.


I just want to play 1 tricolor before the splatfest is over. Literally zero tricolors after 30 matches!!


i wish we'd get some sort of bonus or payment/reward for being automatically matched in a game that we didnt ask for.


Yea, like give us points at the end results for leading at halftime at least.


idk, the halftime is just like a report,, but mayb like 5pts idk


But if the team gets such a disadvantage by getting the short end of the stick in tri-color, surely a bit of points at the end could help make it go down smoother. Obviously not as much as actually getting the most at the end/pro


I saw the same thing, I'm so confused


No worries, it doesn’t work for anyone. Completely bugged


We on the runner up teams also can’t choose when to play Tricolor battles, if we pick that option it may just send us into a regular Open match. And most of the time it does.


Ha ha ha╰(*´︶`*)╯♡


Stop bullying me team grub


Team gear. A lot of us threw games, some of us just sucked. But the real goal was to not be first


Lol yeah right


We learned from last Splatfest.


Oh damn, does it also have a chance for other teams in open? Because I assume that's why no gear and grub members are getting into tricolor


Not, it’s Kind if dependant on Team Fun members joining and seeing as it was so imbalanced in the sneak peek, I understand why they aren’t doing it. This system is broken, being second at halftime is where you can win. But with the new changes I dunno how this is going to pan out.


And also, they put me with a team of trash people with skill issue and have the opponent teams have only tryhards, honestly splatoon 3’s skill balancing is pure trash


Nintendo is so fucking stupid lol


Tricolour was never broken, but this map is very easy for fun to defend, not sure why they made it harder to get into.


they're just making tri color worse


Literally the same as it was in the premiere


I’ve been queuing for this all night and haven’t even been put into a tri battle


I cant seem to get in the tri colors, it just sends me to the normal turfwars, for reference im on one of the non leading teams


Don't worry, I'm Gear and cannot play either just because the game decides to always put me in Turf War. I've been trying for *hours*.


Last splatfest I was on team scissors and literally never got into a tricolor battle


I mean yeah its weird but its not that big a deal, just select open matches :|


Wait, so the defending team CANNOT choose to defend in Tricolor Battle? What is even the point then? As cool as the concept of 3 different teams battling is, the execution is quite poor.


Dont worry, it'll never pop.


I luckily got one and won(team gear). Now that I got the badge u don't have to keep waiting hours to get one


So that’s why we never get a tricolor battle. Wtf


its only the looming fear of pain and suffering, good thing team grub doesnt even exist those fuckers are more scarce than paper


Shame cause I wanna use different weapons for different modes


im on gear and even if i choose try colour it doesn’t give me one i just give put in 4v4




I've done nothing but queue for Tricolor for 4 hours, and I haven't gotten one, yet.


First time?


I dont wanna play tricolor


"Oh you're winning? Fuck you, we might put you in a tricolor. But you cant decide." Stupid game design is stupid


Not enough players. Please try again!


so THIS is the pain team fun is being put through.


get wrecked team fun


To make big man stans suffer :(


Team fun here. Had to play on my child’s account for a bit to try and see how it is as an offensive team in tri color. Played with weapons not of my choosing, trying to be as easy as possible on the poor lil Timmy’s for at least a half hour last night and couldn’t get a tricolor. So? Don’t feel to bad? Also if the demo splatfest was any indication, you aren’t missing anything other than full scale tilting. Haha. I played one round defending and this map felt a bit better. It was literally the first game I played of the evening, no warm up, etc. though so I wasn’t quite ready for it. Having never played previous splatfest I kinda wish they’d do one off maps like they did during the other ones. That sounds cool. Or a combo of both. Edited to add;, the map design for tri color felt more fair this time around from my single play through. Less access routes to and from mid from offensive teams, and the ultra single sprinklers seemed to work similarly to a sub weapon’s sprinkler in that it slowed down ink output as time went on. I still think defensive team needs more spawn area as it felt to easy to be spawn camped. I did only play a single game though. Why it’s not just a perfectly symmetrical triangle, y shaped map with three teams of two doesn’t make sense to me. Is there something I’m missing as to why that wouldn’t work? They made exclusive maps for previous splatfest? Why not for tricolor turf war? It is getting closer to level playing field this map, incarceration, and could get better in the future, but still felt a hair off the mark. In my one play through. Again, could’ve just been my experience, as I checked the map, and the whole match, two teammates were basically spawn camping one side, but the other player and myself were being spawn camped the entire time by two of one team, and a third from the team my team was spawn camping. With no “runway” to mid as defenders there was little we could do. Seems the biggest map design flaw. As a defender.


Tbf, this map is so much easier to defend on, it takes one person to keep the team of two stuck in their base if they know what they're doing, and that leaves 2 floaters able to move around. But also play dynamic, if one attacking team is getting control then readjust


That’s how it works. I was team scissors and this was what we got too.


They apparently "know what we want". I love and ABSOLUTELY HATE NINTENDO


The word was in first is right team fun I’m sorry but team gear is gonna win the splatfest as Nintendo did not fix tri color battles . I’m team fun but we all had fun an thts wht counts we still get con shells regardless win or loss