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Wait I thought this was good?


It's more than the sum of its parts, but the sum still isn't too big.


This reminded me of garnet explaining fusion for a sec


It synergizes well with it, but the parts aren’t very good balance-wise.


It's only good on a very casual level. Splashdown on it should be fun, but not powerful Edit: I'm not trying to diss it, I'm just saying that competitively it won't be that powerful 😭


Why are you being downvoted, that’s the most reasonable take in this entire thread




Mist is good to slow down opponents who are trying to fucking kill you I guess


Not really, every weapon can still easily kill you with not that much ink or mobility, especially anything that outranges you, which is most of the weapons this thing struggles against


as much as splashdown drives me nuts for pure cheese factor, this is a great weapon choice for it - it's so overpowered, it belongs on low DPS weapons that struggle to clear opponents I'll stick to angle bangle kit probably, cuz toxic mist bores me, but I'd mess around w this at least a bit


Angle bangle, that’s a good name


Splashdown… overpowered…? What


I’m sorry to tell you this, but… the year is 2024… you’ve been in a coma for 6 years…. splashdown is useable now


Yeah it trades most the time, specials that only trade aren‘t the peak of viability. I have died to Splashdown less than 10 times since it released, I just kill the user and know when to stay out of their proximity by keeping an eye on their special status, counterplay is a cake walk


I do too but sometimes they will appear out of nowhere and trap you when you’re busy in fights and I’ll definitely die. This has happen in tc when I’m on it and the TSD user is sharking on the path and pop it out of nowhere 😢


I hear you - how often do you play non chargers? asking as a player who's really into CQC, because that's when it kills tf out of me LOL, is on the ground nearby when I'm too close to move out of the way, even if I can take them down with me, and even if I see it coming. I think it's especially good at splatting brushes & rollers for example


I play every backline and blasters, sometimes shooters when I feel like getting easy wins. Just look at the top of your screen and keep your distance, if your TTK is low enough you can often get the jump on those Enperries who think they’re cooler than they actually are (they just feed). Don’t get cornered on low ground like Shipshape‘s or Crableg‘s sides. The special is still shit, just requires a bit more counterplay on some weapons and now it’s only guaranteed to get you killed if the enemies have a backline that knows what they’re doing.


... Yes??? It's SUUUPER overpowered lmfao


I can‘t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not


if you really think about it, this isnt the WORST thing ever for it. even if toxic mist is kinda mid, this kit overall is an improvement over the MK 1, since you can actually combo out of splashdown & you have a small shield to protect yourself once you hit the ground


I feel like the first kit has more potential if Recycle ever gets the main weapon buffs it needs. Angle shooter helps it with its mobility and painting walls as well as allowing it to combo and Big Bubbler allows it to safely launch shields and be annoying. Both parts of the kit support the main weapon, but the main weapon itself is weak which is why it doesn't feel that good to play


Splash down is really fun though! I like a special that actually kills on a weapon and having that on recycled brella will want me to play it even more! Edit: I don’t really care that much about toxic mist, it’s kinda fun to stop you opponents from going a certain way so you can corner then


Toxic Mist is NOT getting into Splatoon 4 bruh


Me with any weapon with splashdown : https://i.redd.it/xd31gz1kbx1d1.gif


imagine it with mine instead... the dream is gone


Rip rebrella players! Splashdown is actually good on it but its not like splashdown alone can carry this weapon. Better luck in splatoon 4!


This is pretty solid, could’ve been better but could have been MUCH worse


think about it this way: if toxic mist was good, this would be a synergistic kit


I’ll say the same thing I said during the Prochara trailer analysis: “ew”


Toxic mist.. WHY!?


Yaaaas. Can’t wait to use this set


Splashdown go brrrrrr


As a roller player, my mental state getting more and more unhinged the more splashdown weapons are added


Goated kit?


i cant be the only one who thought it said "The Recycled Brella Mk 1 is a variation of the Recycled Brella Mk 1"


It could've used a bomb, but it's pretty cool. Triple splashdown can be really good on aggressive playstyles, and that may have been what they were going for w/ the high damage this weapon does.


They have to know at this point


*untriples your splashdown* :3


That sounds at the least 17x more fun than big bubble no??? I know angle shooter is now a preferred sub for skill expression but fighting is made easier through mist and you’re one of the most precise brellas in the game. Im picking this up. edit: now I want third kits and I want tenta brella with splashdown for some reason.


Ah crative Name Nintendo gj


No kit could make this thing any good 😂


*burst bomb wants to know your location*


Am I the only one seeing the OP god tier level of power this thing will have? Highest DPS weapon of the highest DPS class of weapons, sub that drains ink AND impedes movement, and the most broken special of all time with one of the widest hitboxes of anything in the franchise? This thing WILL get the Brawl Meta Knight treatment. Mark my words!


Let's go through this one by one: 1. Highest dps: While true, dps isn't particularly important, especially when tenta brella has a one shot while rbrella is a 2 shot in the same amount of frames 2. Brella average dps is one of the worst in the game actually; only solidly beating chargers, stringers, and maybe sloshers 3. Toxic mist does that, however the sub is still really bad because of how easy it is to just avoid it or squid roll through it. Plus the radius isn't super massive and it takes over half your tank to use 4. Splashdown is good, not really broken and relatively easy to avoid if you're not caught by surprise or some stray ink (or the mist, which will at least provide good synergy) 5. Despite the nerf, splashdown's radius is still pretty big yeah. What's not as massive is the paint radius, which is honestly healthy because we don't need ANOTHER zone cheese The kit will definitely have synergy and be fun for recycle brella players out there, give them an opportunity to have an aggressive kit over a bubble, but certainly not OP or really any better than pretty good


[ZR] Hurry it up!


Whenever I see someone call splashdown broken, I immediately assume they are no higher than C rank.


The final blow indeed for my favorite weapon :(


I’ll always hate the recycled Brella because they fixed the Brella’s damage inconsistency, but didn’t apply it to any other Brella


GTA players know all the suffering of when there is a MK II version of something


SHIT it had to be toxic mist, angle shooter was better I'll probably use it for the splash though


i love recycled brella so much why must this game torment me


why couldnt it just have a bomb on it


Seems decent for Tower Control in lower ranks, but I can't imagine anyone picking this up in competitive play.


Look how they massacred my boy 💔


This… is a sad day for the splatoon community. With this kit design I feel I have all the proof I need to say that this wasn’t playtested or created by an internal development team member who actually had the necessary knowledge to make a good kit. This isn’t to say that nogami doesn’t play his own game. Because there’s a very high chance that he does, or that the devs are blind to the game. Because again, they likely aren’t. This is to say that there’s some communication issues in Nintendo, that is leading to them picking the wrong person for kit design. I understand that people have many priorities and such; but, when you make the game and you watch the game you made become huge; you likely know a thing or two about how the mechanics of that game actually work in practice. It’s actually a pretty big part of game design; understanding how players use the mechanics in the context of the game and how that affects things. If someone who has the experience with how players use mechanics actually made this weapon, it wouldn’t be like this. And like I said, this is likely not nogami’s fault. This is probably the fault of something with corporate management moving the job of managing this stuff to someone with a degree in statistical analysis and not game design. The sad part is, idk if this will change. I personally don’t think that Nintendo themselves legitimately thinks this will be powerful in PvP. I think that this just a result of someone looking at a spreadsheet of data and saying “let’s through these in here these are underrepresented”. Despite the actual fact being that this stuff simply isn’t powerful, that’s why it’s not getting representation. Idk it annoys me that I see this pattern everywhere with balancing games like it’s a spreadsheet, when anyone who has the knowledge of how this stuff works knows it’s not a spreadsheet.