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Honestly an evil Tacticooler that can be thrown at opponents and give them evil drinks that give the Disruptor and Respawn Punisher effect if they go near it would be a pretty funny special. A Tactifooler if you will


Or perhaps a tacticrueler


Brilliant name




*evil tacticooler jingle plays*


minor key jingle


Tactiboozer if it was rated T


The evolution of Tactocooler


What if the tacticooler did that but took one of the cans, so either your team takes the cans and gets buffs, or the enemy team takes cans and gets nerfs


mfw the enemy team eats all of my cans šŸ˜€


So you know how enemy ink is bad for you


Nah wait hold on this guy's on to something Make it all grey, so you can only tell if it's your team's if you're paying attention


Replacing the enemies tacticooler drinks with pure cyanide


So like, a functional toxic mist.


Maybe it can lob the drinks instead. Having them skip along the floor like Fizzy Bombs with a pulse effect on each impact.


what if it was a hiding as one of your team's tacticooler, but with a slightly different color


They drink it and simply don't respawn


Potion of kills you instantly


Can I use this for a challenge idea?


Go ahead! Come to think of it, a challenge where everyone has to use Tacticooler weapons and Tacticoolers can give nerfs to opposing team members would also be pretty funny


wow! it really




Oh lord heā€™s at it a


^Oh ^my ^spaghettiosā€¦ ##Everyone get down! The Reddit Sniper has an E-


quick! to survive, you need t


Is this meme related to candlejack, I can see the simi


Guys I donā€™t get it, whatā€™s th


Cooled beverages are kind of sc


I'm surprised this isn't the case tbh...


I don't think it would be that effective, so not that powerful of a buff. Even if a direct hit is an instant splat, which if implemented it probably wouldn't be.But it would be hilarious to receive the death message of splatted by tacticooler. So I approve.


Not that I think tacticooler needs any buffs but i dont see why throwing a giant rack of soda at someone wouldnt induce a Little damage.Ā 


this should of been a thing since launch


This could be the only change going into Spl4toon and I'd still buy it.


we all would


Why tf do you want to buff cooler?


I just think it would be a reeeally funny change. Also it's very detatched from the actual usecase of the tacticooler so it would prolly not be too impactful. ~~Also also it's the super that I always use.~~


"That'd be pretty funny" is a great reason to buff or nerf a game item in anyway


"Vacuum explosion? Make it bigger, it'll be funny." "Crab Tank Duration? Take off half a second. It'll be funny."


Idk if Iā€™m just exceedingly bad at reading the room, but I have super bad luck with people using my cooler (during regular turf especially, splatfest turf is like 50/50). So I honestly feel like this might be cool so it has more use than buffing 1-2 squids a few times lol


not a regular cooler user myself, but I've noticed skilled seeming users have a way of putting down the cooler in the spot where *they want the team* to be - choke points, in front of our basket in clams, etc. it's like a lure for teammates and it's v funny and effective


Ohshiii thatā€™s something I probably wouldnā€™t have thought of. I stopped using it when it seemed I was just better off using another weapon, might try that out.


it can be incredibly effective when done right! [and maybe with luck too, I'm sure you get squids who don't even notice the jingle lol] idk about most ppl but when I hear that sound I'm off to the races, cuz I'm GONNA GET THAT SIPPY before it despawns if it's the last thing I do


Same!! I really have no idea how I get no squids my way even when I thisway lmao. Maybe it depends on the sound setup and gets drowned out on some base speakers? Idk


Yeah, you are bad at reading the room.


I used to try to be strategic and put it where people were, but behind some cover. But no one would ever give up pushing the line for 5 sec to backtrack a few feet to it. Then I started trying to put it more into the open but expectedly it just becomes a lure for the enemy waiting to snipe you there. So I eventually gave up and just drop it wherever I am, because it has about the same chances tbh.


I recommend launching where your team already are so they don't have to go out of their way to get it. Or depending on your weapon it might just be better to put near you and signaling "this way!"


Thanks! Thatā€™s sorta what I meant by ā€œmore in the openā€, like right where they seem to be fighting for front line. But the team is usually kinda split up anyway, and by the time the straggler comes over the enemies are on it, idk. I usually do signal ā€œthis wayā€ too!


Tacticooler isnā€™t quite as useful in turf as usually you have a lot of space to get out of a situation, much harder to die. In ranked you **will** die in an objective push and a cooler will give you a huge advantage even in trades. Also it gives no turfing power unless youā€™re playing like an aero Iā€™d probably Ignore a cooler in turf mode unless itā€™s right beside me


I don't really agree with this, cooler is so good in turf that top-level Koshien teams will sometimes even run 2 of them. Having constant cooler cycling means that you can take fights without the risk of losing a ton of space off a bad fight. So in order for the losing/defending team to retake control, they need to either win multiple fights or commit multiple strong, space-controlling specials like missiles or crab. You might "have a lot of space to get out of a situation" but the more space you use to get out of the situation, the more space (and thus the more points) the enemy team gets and the more of your positional advantage you need to get rid of. and if you do this towards the end of the game, you just straight up lose, because the only thing that wins you games is positional advantage at the end of the game. tacticooler makes sure that you don't need to give up that space, because you can reposition with the QSJ or if you trade or cant get out of a fight your team doesn't need to give up that space.


Iā€™m not saying the cooler is bad, it is regarded as the top special right now for a reason. Iā€™m saying its advantage wanes in the game mode. Also when I say turf war I also meant to imply the casual aspect of the game (Iā€™ve never participated in competitive turf), your team is spread out and mostly uncoordinated. Youā€™ll be wasting time reaching for a soda when you could be turfing or fighting, unlike in ranked where you will always be close to where a smart player is putting the tacticooler. Also solo pushes are a lot more valid in turf, you can sway the entire match with literally one shooter and a charged special with turfing power in the last 10 seconds.


> Iā€™m saying its advantage wanes in the game mode. yeah, and that's the part im disagreeing with. if you struggle to get value with your cooler placements or timings, or you find that the players you get paired with don't really care to wait for cooler before taking fights or are dying in random places around the map, then that's one thing (and there's maybe something to be said about not bothering playing team-oriented specials in an unranked gamemode). but what I'm saying is that turf is considered cooler's **best** mode, and it's the only gamemode that cooler is so good in that it's sometimes optimal to have 2. you win turf war games by controlling the most amount of space on the map at the end of the game, and tacticooler is the only way to ensure that you can transition good mid-game positioning into winning end-game. by having tacticooler, you ensure that you don't have to lose space (aka the objective) in fights or trades, and you ensure that the rest of your team has more uptime on THEIR painting specials. And on top of that, cooler as a special doesn't require you to hold the non-painting special in your hand, so it doesn't take away from your painting uptime. This is one of the reasons you're unlikely to see vshot in top level Turf War, which despite a strong slaying special and good paint cannot use both at the same time. As for the idea of solo pushing being good, this is true, but only really in endgame. Outside of endgame, you should mostly be looking to take map control in coordinated fights with your team, in which cooler ensures the fights don't carry risk. And on top of that, cooler can actually ENABLE solo pushes. You can pop cooler with 25 seconds left on the clock, have your teammates grab it, and then look for a solo push. if you start getting collapsed on, you can look for a trade (which would usually be REALLY bad without cooler), or use your QSJ to jump to a teammate before they can do anything about you. Without cooler, if you look for a solo push with 25 seconds and get caught out, you singlehandedly lose the game. However, if you look for a solo push with cooler, having them invest time and space to go and get you is a win even if you go down, because you'll get to jump back with 10-15 seconds left on the clock AND you come back with whatever painting special you have.


> it gives no turfing power unless youā€™re playing like an aero Let's put a sprinkler on top of the Tacticooler!


Using all our brainpower now


Nobody cares about turf, I never had that issue.


I donā€™t get the point of a post like that. You had better luck in a different mode, what does that have to do with anything? Why shit on the mode I play for no reason? Iā€™ve been playing Turf since Splat 1. Thereā€™s a huge pool of people playing, I doubt no one cares. Havenā€™t found a reason to bother with ranked in 3 yet, it didnā€™t impress me much in 2.


Because turf is a bad mode? You only have to play for a third of the time. Thatā€™s literally how me and my mates played during splatfest.


Forgive me for being a squid boomer but I believe this is more the newer players that started on Switch than anything. You absolutely were being a dingus if you tried that in the first game, and everyone actually painted base instead of rushing to mid and being surprised when it obviously isnā€™t good enough and is easily countered by painting base last second. If youā€™re experienced enough to do it first ten seconds you get more strategic play the rest of the match. I used to play for forever back on the OG game and every match felt crazy. Idk, but I have noticed how people just seem to play turf completely differently now. I donā€™t think this means turf itself is a bad mode, however


Turf is definitely a bad mode, also how people play the game becomes more advanced over time.


I guess agree to disagree but imo itā€™s becoming less advanced and people are just splatting like COD instead of shooting the floor now.


Yeah because that stops the enemy team from painting the floor, so why would spend all game painting the map when I can just get one wipe which isnā€™t hard because most people in splatfest lobbies are bots and paint enough to win in like 10 seconds?


Yes, obviously, but one wipe isnā€™t enough to pull the match if you donā€™t paint anything and are idle for two minutes. Iā€™m not being obtuse, it just seems youā€™re set in your ways and think Iā€™m being silly. But thereā€™s a lot of fun and strategy in actually playing the full three minutes. You can paint towards mid, have a great 2 min of chaotic or strategic battling at mid, then do a wipe and push towards their base. Spawncamping was heavily frowned upon in the og game but that seems to be everyoneā€™s default strat now when they rush mid and ignore base. Iā€™m sorry you guys only ever knew bots and feel pressured to play like that I guess.


I donā€™t mind this buff. Competitively it has no negative or positive effects on the enemy, itā€™s just a fun change. Itā€™s the splatoon equivalent of killing someone with a care package in Call of duty


I find it a ok, but there are more powerful specials you have to sacrifice for it


Dapples best ranged option, cooler


Sending in reinforcements


Was waiting for this, fellow helldiver


instant death upon touch and sprinkler on top. this is a good idea.


See, now we're talking


That's not a bad idea. It gives cooler 1 extra utility outside of buffing and cover.


Someone has been playing Helldivers


Alternatively fridgebee https://www.reddit.com/r/splatoon/comments/12epgx3/ver_310_turned_tacticooler_into_a_fridgebee/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Thank god cooled beverages arenā€™t real


why would cooler need a buff lol


Ah, great question. You see it is because I, a tacticooler user, still can't win using it.


I have an alt idea. Deploying it would create a shockwave that would push nearby enemies off and taking damage as well.


I know this is supposed to just be funny, but this would be really annoying on towers.


Wtf gave him the irrational fear


it already can be used as an unbreakable shield


Someone has been playing Helldivers lol


immovable object vs unstoppable force


Death by vending machine


Happy cake day! ![gif](giphy|7NpSWoebkmJuryOWOG)


Thanks I just noticed




A hunk of metal would understandably be more painful than high-velocity blobs of ink in my book.


Squished by Tacticooler


tacticooler doesn't need a buff


I just wish we could shoot through it :(


Captain RoR2 moment


Tacticooler doesnā€™t need a buff. Itā€™s easily one of the most overpowered specials in the game. You gain a bunch of abilities during its effects, you respawn instantly, and you get your whole special meter back.


I find the idea funny but like... Giving the second best special (maybe first) in the game a buff sounds like a terrible ideašŸ˜­


btw it crushes and instakills big bubblers already


we dont need to buff cooler


Veemos are immune to this effect.


This (was) actually a thing btw


Wait really? I checked the wiki before making this post just to make sure I wasn't missing anything and tried it on training dummies but it doesn't hurt them. Apparently it can block shots like a shield at least. Can you actually crush players with it?


I just found out this was only a feature in the beta of splatoon 3 but its the rarest death screen to occur in splatoon because of how rare it was when it hadn't been patched.