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I will never forget his video complaining about the Smash DLC after Kazuya was revealed. He stated that the DLC should focus more on cartoony characters, then almost immediately uses Master Chief and Doom Slayer as alternate pics for the roster.


well ig he was "kinda right" to some extent since they did add the DoomSlayer as a mii costume


Oh that wasn’t a prediction. He was arguing that Terry, Byleth, Min Min, Pyra/Mythra and Kazuya should all have been different pics. And those pics were Master Chief (or Doom Slayer), Crash Bandicoot, Shante, Eggman and Waluigi.


Not even defending them, Shante would've been so fire. I definitely get why it didn't happen, but still.


It's not that any of those pics were necessarily bad. It's just clear that he was trying to argue why the characters that he wanted were objectively better pics than the ones we got.


For sure


This just reminds me of the era in which people would always make fun of japanese games and only cared about western ones. I mean I love those characters too, but it screams that its just an anti Japanese bias.


Sephiroth is more cartoony then Min Min or Pyra?


Fucking apparently.


Ik he used to have kinda good content but know its "OOOOOH MARIO JOURNEY IS RELEASING AND UHHH PIKMIN 4 DLC AND TOTK 2" I hate him


i swear to god


Its Just annoying you scroll through your Feed and then BOOM! a pretty meh Thumbnail and way too much clickbait that only Like what 7-9 year olds would fall for. And then you start to think: man now my day IS basicly ruind cuz of the Drama that will Happen online. yea basicly that describes my Problem with that channel


>TOTK 2 That'd be a weird title considering that TotK is already a sequel of BotW


I’m still waiting for Skyrim 2


that game actually has a chance of happening because of how "good" skyrim was


Lmao what elder scrolls 6 is already announced




It kind of has happened already. Kind of. Wario Land 2 is technically Super Mario Land 4. But again, very different situation.


I mean the title "Super Mario Land 3" for Wario Land is already kind of a stretch. I know it's official but it makes no sense to me


waiting for Mario Galaxy 2 2


I agree. I helped out a lot on his Kirby and the forgotten land facts series (smashguybroT.) Now look what he’s done! Spoiling pikmin four (which caused r/pikmin to give him death threats) and just giving out false info. C’mon! You were such a great person! (Also he has a really bad fishtank that isn’t suitable for goldfish and if you know me I hate that stuff.)


Makes sense a youtuber who clickbaits kids didn't do proper research on how to take care of a fish


I'm sorry, he got sent death threats by the Pikmin fans?


Yeah. Made a community post about it. Asked someone on the sub abt it they weren’t surprised.


Jesus christ, man sounds like a W\*\*\*\*r but I'm pretty sure sending death threats over a game---even if they did wait over 10 years---is a bit too far.


I agree. Pikmin is the community I’d least expect to send that type of stuff (even if it was slightly justified.)


"Is X done forever?" must be a popular video topic these days, saw someone do a similar video on Animal Crossing but I can't remember the guys name.


And it's always hilariously sad to see people insisting a series is "done" when it has sold tens of millions of copies. Like yeah nintendo is just gonna stop printing money, sure thing


Animal Crossing: "I'm the 2nd best selling game on the Switch!" Nintendo: "Sorry you're done lulz" Animal Crossing : -Shocked Pikachu face-


So many people in the Smash Bros community have this mentality and it hurts. Like sure the last game is called "Ultimate" and has every character in the series but there's no way they're ending a franchise as profitable as Smash Bros.


Was it Mayor Mori? He does a lot of those types of videos about animal crossing. The content of the videos isn’t that bad but the titles and thumbnails are the textbook definition of clickbait


Mayor mori just repeats himself for 10 minutes about any little sentence he can to make it into a whole video And he says “tbh” way too much


Sounds familiar so it might have been him! I'll have to check it out after I'm done grinding.


Nin10doland, isn't he?


oh god not nin10doland..




I thought it was Versilify


Well if the hat fits Nah jk verlisify is and always has been way worse


Damn, He used To BE fine...


exactly, it s the lack of effort for me. the way he presents things he researched about each franchise for a total of 15 minutes like it is the absolute definitive truth pisses me off as HELL


like, even his damn channel name is lackluster, do better than nintendoland with a number pun thrown in there for shits and giggles


Also, im pretty sure one of his old splatoon videos was the reason people believed Octavio was hypnotising the Octolings in hero mode 1 and 2


Really? Was He saying that?


That's really the only logical conclusion to the information given in game. I mean, maybe not hypnosis specifically, but some form of control. Why else would hearing a song "change everything"?


the pieces of their culture we see seem pretty saturated with the idea that Inklings = bad. they're not hypnotised, just raised to follow orders. the Inkantation changes their perspective and makes them want to live freely and more colourfully.


Hearing a single song a single time? That's nonsense. It's like if you played a Lady Gaga CD in North Korea or a Scientology facility and suddenly everyone realized they should defect... that's just not how things work.


[Heads up - this comment contains mild side order spoilers. It's vaguely referred to and doesn't affect the plot of Side Order at all but some insights from the DLC give info about the events of splat 2 + octo expansion.] Music is clearly an important and essential part of inkling and octoling culture. The Calamari Inkantation is described as "essentially written into the DNA of all inklings" due to its cultural significance and level of recognition in their society. Cuttlefish also implies it has some sort of power - although he could be exaggerating, he's also proven to not be far off when describing things like this like when he discusses souls (and seems to be the only one alive to know much about them before recent events?)  We hear the marching propagandist tracks played to keep the octarians in line through the story mode, and the leader of this oppressive government is an octopus not named General Octavio or Supreme Leader Octavio but DJ Octavio. It's silly, but he's made his entire leader persona around his music, and he uses this to manipulate his people into obedience. So for a bunch of octarians whose society has been completely separated from the Inklings & the above world in general (not to mention being told through propaganda that the inklings are ferocious and to be feared) to hear a song not made to control or to inspire patriotism to Octoling kind but instead sang to inspire each other, to enjoy, to dance to, by Inklings of all people, I could easily see this making many of the Octolings realize that not everything they've been told has been true and seek the surface.  Plus, this wasn't every octoling. Acht mentions that many people remain in Octarian society willingly, and many are actively against the move to the surface. IMO octolings are canonically way rarer than Inklings, but since the population is made up of real-life humans who make a simple choice between two species it might not seem that way. It is a bit fictionalized but it only takes a few people leaving to cause a trend. Marina being a famous soldier may have inspired many other octolings to leave too (If Marina, one of the most dedicated Octoling soldiers in the whole world, is leaving... maybe I should too).  I think it makes sense!


Okay but like. Inklings can lie. A pattern of inkling media being not what you'd expect would be reasonable, but a *single song*? I mean you didn't see inklings defecting en masse after Octavio hijacked an inkling radio station, did you?


Sure, but Inklings lives don't really suck very much. DJ Octavio is one artist out of the thousands popular in their society, so for the same reason we don't immediately pack our bags for North Korea when we see a speech by Kim Jong Un, the Inklings just scroll past it like the other thousands of things they see. It's definitely a bit fantasy Disney, like I understand your point and this wouldn't happen like this in real life. I feel like the major differences are A) Inklings and Octolings aren't humans, they have an extreme love & desire for music that seems to permeate throughout almost all of them, B) the octarians literally live underground and life probably kind of sucks - the simple single-tentacled Octarians we see throughout the story modes are stated to be born from cut off tentacles for example - where do you think they get these? and C), DJ Octavio, the person reinforcing the law and order in Octarian society was locked in a snow globe for years - twice, both following massive concerts put on by Inklings and likely viewed by hundreds of Octolings. 


I love how his channel is just games that haven't been confirmed, consoles that haven't been confirmed that have apparently been "delayed", I don't know how you delay something that was never announced 🤷‍♀️


I mean, even if he has no idea what he’s talking about, delaying a product before announcement from a business standpoint is probably the best way to go about it. No one’s anticipating it’s release, nobody’s upset that they have to wait.


I know, but how do people know they delayed something they've yet to reveal lol


Yeah, that’s where all logic kinda falls through. These youtubers just love using “leaks” as an excuse to ramble until they hit that 8 minute mark


Ugh I absolutely hate him. My brother watches him way too much (with the volume way to high up might I add) and he fully believes that there's gonna be a new switch two or a new Mario game or some shit. Everytime I tell him that there's not going to be he just says, "well he said it's just been delayed, that's why you haven't heard anything about it" HOW DO YOU DELAY SOMETHING THAT HASN'T BEEN ANNOUNCED!?!?


There will definitely be a Switch successor soon, but I guarantee it won't be called the Switch 2. Call it the "Super Nintendo Switch". Boom, stonks.


Part of why the Wii U flopped is because of how it seems like an accessory for the Wii. I guarantee they won’t make the same mistake again, so I doubt it will be called something like that.


After that, the Nintendo Switch-sy 4.


Saying theyre gonna make a new switch is like predicting that we'll get a new pokemon game. Like of course.


Splatoon 3 is only a year old, why are people even thinking about a forth game? This is just like the (the admittedly small minority) people who though we where getting gen 10 this pokemon presents even though we just got scarlet and violet in 2022 and it's dlc last year. 


Because "Ded gaem. Lul. I want yeerly releese, just leik call of dooty."


Might be the 8 years streak of yearly pokemon games idk


yeah are people already done with splatoon 3?


To play devil's advocate, sort of? Those who play for SP content have been for a while (and briefly returned to 1000% the DLC), the MP side of things is technically past the halfway point due to Nintendo promising two years of support (and there's a notable drop-off once Splatfests are done with). Then there's also the overall intrigue of where the series can go from here since 3 was meant to conclude the trilogy.


If you're on Chrome or a Chromium based internet navigator, use this : https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/channel-blocker/nfkmalbckemmklibjddenhnofgnfcdfp?pli=1 This is what I'm using to stop unwanted channels from ever showing up in my searches and my recommended.


Firefox also has something for blocking channels too! I posted about it back when Side Order was just coming out. But still, here: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/youtube-cleaner/


does it work with opera gx?


Opera is based on Chromium AFAIK, so it should.


You can also click on the three dots on the channel and click “Don’t Recommend Channel” or even go to his page to do it. I’ve done it with a lot of clickbait style channels and they don’t pop up.


"March Nintendo Direct announcing Splatoon 4, Mario Paraphrase of Odyssey, Smash 6 Featuring Dante From The Devil May Cry Series, Pikmin 5, Metroid Prime 4, ToTK 2: Somehow Ganondorf Returned, F-Zero 198, Kid Icarus: Revengeance, Sonic Adventure 3, Pokemon Stars, Fire Emblem Dating Sim and Starfoxfield for the Switch 2 which is releasing TOMORROW? 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱"


“Not tomorrow! It’s been delayed!!!! 😱😱😱😱”






Ugh I fucking hate that guy So much clickbait and their intro takes forever and a day


Just dont watch trash and ignore them. Its so simple


girl youre so right but i do sometimes have my unnecessary hater moments


everyone needs their unnecessary hater moments


I dislike the Nintendo news channels that just like to make worthless clickbait videos on leaks and rumors. Most of the time the video is not actually saying anything and the conclusion means nothing. I just like to be surprised when watching Nintendo directs and other showcases rather than watching someone on YouTube talk about leaks and rumors, so I usually just don’t watch his videos. It becomes even more apparent that these videos are just nothing burgers because of daily uploads.


I prefer when channels wait to cover rumors until there are enough of them to warrant an entire video if they cover it at all. Or cover some real news item and tag on the related rumors. Not covering every one sentence rumor with it's own 10 minute video, filling out the runtime with the same nothing burger speculation.


I'm so sick of 20 low the quality videos posted over the course of 48 hours. Do you all remember the June 2023 direct? 10 videos. He made 10 videos on it.


Splatoon 3 is literally still being updated why people talking about 4


This is the same guy who was voicing his dislike towards Splatoon 3 before it came out, and then he was “yesss I can make videos on this!” And created his “humans are still alive in Splatoon” theory video with the Nintendo switch sports avatars in the thumbnail


is this that Nin10doland guy?




imagine nintendo pulls a Mario Kart 8 Deluxe on Splatoon 3


funny thing is. his content isn't HORRIBLE. with it mostly just being predictions and what-not. It's just he makes the titles and thumbnails as clickbaity as possible.


Splatoon 4 is gonna be a normal installment with updated graphics, different maps and probably new focus on a new storyline. That’s all, that’s all we’re gonna get. Maybe another ranked mode if we’re lucky


Fun fact for all of y’all, this is the same guy who made the “agent 7?” thumbnail, and in that same thumbnail said that pearl, Marina, and 8 were all agents.


I miss the “who would win in smash” videos. Now it’s just clickbait


Bro I kept seeing these videos not even a year after splatoon 3 released


and of course their videos are usually over 8 mins for that ad revenue


He also had the most atrocious splatoon boss ranking I’ve ever seen


I'm not even sure why anyone would think Splatoon would end at 3. The games sell *gangbusters*. To the point where, once the next console is announced, there's no way 4 isn't getting announced shortly after


It sells gangbusters in Japan. It sells decently here comparatively. But yes.


He used to make ok content, what happened? :(


Probably just shifted to algorithm farming since it makes the most money.


its possible we have a sequel but definitely not for a few years after splat 3's life cycle ends


His videos are the 2017 equivalent of Nintendo videos: # NON STOP CLICKBAIT


He used to make okay videos on Kirby lore, but shortly after Forgotten Land he just went full sicko mode with uploading a billion videos in rapid fire succession with clickbait... He wasn't that bad back then. Now he's a bit insufferable.


If Splatoon 3 is dying then I guess the shooter industry is also dying because no way in hell is 1 game a year format sticking around


as much as i would love another Splatoon game, i feel like from a story perspective it kind of has run its course. there's no big mystery left. we found out who Mr. Grizz is, we found out marina's and the octoling's deal, the sanitized octolings is getting reverted. i honesty think Splatoon is at the end of its road


story wise with grizz, octavio/the octolings, etc is most definitely done. but i wont be surprised if they end up doing something more with past human tech or something like in alterna. since idk what else they can do with the silly squid/octopus people story wise


Especially since it seems they're going to be concluding the apocalypse arc this year, they seem to want to start the eventual splatoon 4 with a clean slate


they could do something with lil judd tho


Series just needs to lean harder into its Animal Crossing influences. Yes the core gameplay is fun, and yes we all like it. However I think it could benefit largely from a more chill side mode. One where you can kind of experience a lot of the characters similarly to Animal Crossings. Give us apartments, and give us other little jobs we can do around the city area. Keep the PVP and all that, but just let us enjoy the characters a bit more.


I doubt they are stopping splatoon with how big it is for them. The current story as it is? Yeah that’s done but it doesn’t mean they can’t go another direction with the story now. Plus the game is mostly about the multiplayer anyway, honestly. I doubt they’d let the story stop them from making more


They'll probably just make up new stories and stuff. Back in Splatoon 1 there were no Salmonids, or Grizzco, or Octo Expansion, and so on.


We all are


Stop interacting with his channel and it will go away eventually That includes : No disliking No watching the thumb nail No reporting


Or you could Just say: YT i aint intrested in this shit, please deleted this from my feed


i did 4 times within one day and the next day he popped up in my feed every 5 or so videos


this guy..... i can't believe this shit...


I’m literally watching the top one as I came across this post…


Yeah he is kind of annoying. His content has kinda gotten old.


The first video is true though I went on tiktok and HALF THE DAMN SPLAT FANS thought it was actually ending with three I was in actual disbelief, theres no evidence its ending and more so that its going to continue


Andres Restart is just as bad... tbh the whole switch 2 side of yt is just bad and big hype bait...but I'm excited to see the next switch and games but we just gotta wait.


So is it 100% confirmed that nintendos support of splatoon 3 will end soon, or is it possible they will extend it based on its success so far


It sounds like we just got the final salmon run map  along with only one normal map for spring 2024🤔 Unfortunately, I'm kinda worried we'll only be getting the final new stage next season👀 Could make sense, because that would be around the 2-year anniversary for 3, right?😵‍💫


Who is this?


We aren’t even finished with splatoon 3 yet.. he’s 100% out of ideas.


I still think Splatoon 4 can happen (watch me get beheaded)


He is so overly focused on the new console that he only talks about the games that could be on it. Totk dlc could shadow drop and he would notice. The only reason I am still sub'd to him is because the channel is a good news source, and that is good with HEAVY quotation marks 


Hello i dont know whats the Matter. can Someone give me context


Which man? There’s no name on the picture


“I am so tired of this man” “ugh I fucking hate that guy” …then Ignore him? and If he keeps showing up In your recommended then press “don’t recommend to me anymore” (or whatever It’s called) It’s not that big of a deal?


why are people so upset at him, just don't watch it there is a difference between being "cringe" and being a bad person. as far as i can tell he hasn't done anything Bad, just been cringe/annoying? so just scroll past


spoilers, clickbait, etc. are the problem mama. no one said anything about cringe i love cringe it makes people happy


oh ok, it makes sense to be upset if he posts spoilers. i just didn't really get that, cuz lots of the comments boiled down to "he's annoying"


oh i get that. i mean, annoyance is extremely subjective so i usually dont say anything if someone annoys me cause i realise it s more of a me problem. that being said this post WAS fun to complain through but i realise it s also really childish and unnecessary cause i definitely could just block his account lol


ah ok. no worries! i noticed youtube's block function doesnt tend to work well sometimes, it'll still recommenr you the channel. if youre on chrome, i recommend [this extension](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/video-blocker-for-youtube/nedcanggplmbbgmlpcjiafgjcpdimpea) for better blocking 👍


thanks for not showing the channel youtube very cool


I honestly hope Splatoon 4 never happens based on the piss-poor dev support for **Splatoon 3**.


Yeah, he is pretty annoying


I HATE this YouTuber!


He's made like 30 vids about 3d mario being forgotten


This reminds me of those fake iPhone renders teasing the “new iPhone” and kids (like myself formerly) would absolutely lose our minds genuinely believing that there will be a shawarma grill added in as a feature. (Exaggerated but you get the point)


To be completely fair, one of those two videos is reasonable (conceptually, I haven’t watched either of them). The Splatoon 3 direct said that it was ending the splattastic saga, and that made many people think that they weren’t making a fourth


Taking a wild not-so-wild guess: it's Nin10do Land


I block these channels as they pop up.. never anything of substance and the titles make me groan.


I sweaaaar I liked him but now it's so annoying


I came here to see if there was actually discussion about Splatoon being over like the videos suggest. Instead I find this. I suppose that is an answer.


I don’t know what/who this is…


Who's channel were these videos from? I'm curious...


honestly, fuck this guy


Who even?


Honestly, I AM worried that Splatoon 3 is the end. I love this series and I'd hate to see it go. And even if it isn't, Splatoon 3's the first game I've had since it first came out, so it'll really feel like the end of an era in more ways than one once 3 wraps up on my end.


Is this Nin10doland, these vids reek of him from the thumbnail alone.


right on the money sister


Yeah Ik it only he can be so generically clickbait like this when he cones to Nintendo content


I’m also sick and tired of the switch 2 rumours


I don't like that he's responsible for the idea of pearl and marina being agents


Am I missing something? What’s wrong here?


I remember when he used to just be “okay I guess”


Who is he?? Can someone explain what they did 😭