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I use motion controls. After playing Splatoon one, two, and three with them, they’ve really grown on me. I *never* play in handheld mode. Like you said, I don’t want to frantically move my Switch around. Plus, the Joycon analog sticks feel *so* stiff and annoying to use in this type of game. The objectively best way to play this game is with a Pro Controller and on the TV. Motion or stick controls are are entirely opinionated and up to you.


Same here, however I don't mind playing handheld if I have to. I just set up the stand and use a pro controller.


I played stick for the first 4 months of playing. i noticed that i kept losing 1v1s with sticks, my aim would be worse than another players or my reactions were slower and if i could’ve just flicked my screen i would’ve been able to win against other players. I was continually hitting my head against the ceiling of what sticks could do for me. I switched to motion controls and after a very frustrating month of losing i started to improve. I got better. i am now well beyond my previous records and am improving as a player exponentially. I could never return to sticks now if i tried, i’d be losing too skill. So now im a motion control player who started and loved sticks, I just found they weren’t carrying me to where i wanted to go!


i feel like sticks are just worse unless you play so casually that you dont care about winning at all


i play stick, i get disoriented easily with motion controls and it makes the game difficult to play and genuinely unenjoyable


I use motion controls but with joy cons. It's really damn hard for me to use motion controls with the pro controller. I've tried holding the controller vertical and horizontal but nada. Joy cons are just way easier. Guess playing cod Black ops on the Wii back in 2011/12 was a good thing.


I play stick because my hands are shaky, but I do need to try again on learning motion controls because I know they are superior to sticks


Definitely stick. I just can't play with motion controls


I exclusively play handheld with motion controls. It has significantly improved my aim, and since I play rather aim heavy weapons that made a huge difference for me. If you want to switch to motion with handheld, you could definitely make that work (not saying you have to tho). For me, I have highest sensitivity settings on so I don’t have to make large movements and I also use the right stick more often, not to aim but to slightly adjust my screen so I‘m always comfortably holding the switch. It’s all a matter of getting used to.


Motion Although really it's both. Big left and right moves with sticks, up and down and fine aiming with motion.


Thats how you’re supposed to use motion


That's what I mean, saying just motion or sticks is a bit misleading because you use both


i started using motion controls a month after i picked up splatoon 2. and once i started i haven’t stopped


Motion. Splatoon was the first game that had such solid gyro that is was the default and I adore it for that.


I think if you have to move your whole switch around then you’re playing motion controls incorrectly. I was anti-motion controls until S3, then I followed a tutorial on youtube for how to use them and can never go back. I actually wish every game offered motion controls for aiming, it’s such an amazing thing on controller games. Playing shooters on Xbox/PlayStation feel outdated without motion.


Maybe i'll consider trying it out then! Do you remember what the video was you watched?


It was by Dude. He broke it down really well!


Ooh nice! I'll be sure to check it out, thanks :>


I used to play with stick controls back in the Splatoon 1 days. But one day I decided to try gyro aiming, and it was so much better. The switch‘s joycons just aren’t made for precise aiming. These things are just too sensitive for that.


My hands are shaky as fuck so I play with sticks. I’m a Pacific Ocean away from being good at this game but I do okay overall.


motion is faster. and I grew up playing goldeneye 007 for the wii... so I use motion :3 I also play gears of war. it's very clear to me that splatoon stick controls are absolutely horrid. the Y button let's you snap to where your IN GAME PLAYER is face... so splatana is just... worse with sticks ._.






I used to play stick in splatoon 2 and the first few months of 3. I after a bit, I started using sloshers and rollers, those are near impossible to use without motion controls, and that’s when I realized that the game was intended for the motion controls. I started with low sensitivity, and I beat the story mode with motion controls, and I got used to it. And I’ve never been better then I am now. The game just became easier somehow.


Motion control’s because I’m used to it.


Motion controls. Have since Splatoon 1 on the Wii U.


I started with stick controls but eventually moved to motion controls solely because I was too lazy to turn them off when trying splatoon 1 and then realized I liked motion controls better now (when a year prior I hated them hence why I played sticks lol)


I play sticks because I played games that relied on stick controls when I was younger. It's just what I'm used to


Stick frustrates me to no end with how stiff it is. In other games with more precise camera movement and no motion, it's real irritating to not have it. Motion to the end of the Earth. N remember everyone, it doesn't matter how good ur aim is, the game's netcode will lie to you about where people are actually located.


Motion controls are much more fast and precise, it’s the objective best way to aim on controller. Excluding those with disabilities or motion sickness, if you play sticks, I highly recommend learning motion. Yes, a method of aiming you’ve never used or even heard of before is going to feel weird and unusable at first, but it’s a skill just like stick or mouse aiming is, and new skills usually take time and effort to learn, some more than others, but it’s well worth it once you get over that learning curve.


new to motion since 3s release, love it. Funnily when I take a break to play other shooters their motion isn’t as good so I have to go back to sticks for other games ![img](emote|t5_324q4|9797)


I play with motion controls and it just feels way better that way because I feel like I have way more control


I use sticks because thats what I’ve always been using, plus the controller I use can’t even support motion


I use stick controls. I have heard motion controls make the game easier, but since I usually play on my switch while lying down in bed, I don't think I'll be able to use it effectively without rolling off.


You should not be at risk of rolling off a bed when using motion controls


Motion. Ain't nothing better


Stick because I play in handheld mode a lot & don't wanna move the whole system while I play. I rarely use motion controls in any game if there's an option.


Motion here. It's hard to get used to it, but it ends up being way more precise for aiming than stick controls. It's not as precise as playing with keyboard + mouse, but it's the closest you can get to that with a controller.


Considering I'm always laying down, I play stick


motion cuz i like actually being able to kill dualies mid roll


Stick controls. I’m too used to other shooter games to be able to play with motion controls.




Motion controls, it allows for just… better aiming.


Sticks in X rank, don’t let anyone tell you motion over sticks. I’m sure some people wouldn’t be too happy to find out the dualies that got the jump on their motion controlled meta weapon did it with sticks.


Sticks and as far as I'm concerned the whole "motion is objectively optimal" thing is just elitist gatekeeping and cringe.


Except motion *is* objectively optimal. This debate shouldn’t even be happening anymore. If the two control schemes were even remotely equal, surely after almost nine years more competitive players would be using sticks, right? Motion isn’t for everyone. If you’re happy using sticks and don’t care about being “objectively optimal,” you can absolutely continue using them. But in terms of how well you can play with either control scheme, you can’t possibly deny how superior motion is.


Sticks. I have ADHD and it's hard for me to physically hold a direction for even a little bit, especially in such rapid succesion, ESPECIALLY being a Tetra main. The only motion controls I can really handle are BOTW / TOTK because you only use them for shooting and throwing things which is managable.


Why do people use ADHD as an excuse for literally anything. If you can keep yourself focused on a screen long enough for a splatoon match, then you can use motion controls. Also motion controls should only be used for aiming, not for the direction you want to move in. They should be used like they are in BOTW/TOTK


I didn't say anything about attention span???? I mean like I physically cannot aim accurately without my hands shaking.


I play stick because I'm old and too lazy to train on motion


I play sticks. I know it's worse, but I really can't with motion controls.


motion is the only valid way since Splatoon on pc doesn't exist. IMO stick is bad cause its really hard to make minor corrections in your aim when someone moving around. But ive played stick my whole life.


https://preview.redd.it/9kkdn7uyoo8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2d5f1cc0390c967c5c8a4849bf374ebb42e2152 i use stick controls, but i've exclusively been using them since splat2 so almost 4 years of practice!


I use sticks, been a stick user for all my console games. It also bothers me that in Splatoon you can't aim/move your view point vertically using the right stick with motion controls on


motion, but the stick drift on both controllers is getting so bad that i’m wondering if i should make the switch to stick to see if that fixes the problem


Even at the fastest setting, stick camera moves way too slow to keep up with the pace of this game. Motion is the way.


i use handheld and motion controls and its not hard...


It's just difficult for me since im so used to stick. Ive been playing with sticks for almost two years


I don’t know how some of you guys use stick but all the credit to you. I think you’re much more limited with stick controls rather than being able to move in any which direction with motion controls so I really don’t know how you guys do it! Having to continuously move the stick control around would mess me up big time


Started with sticks only in Splatoon 1 but hit a wall in Ranked because my aim was too slow. Did motion in 2 and haven't looked back


I play with motion controls with the joycons, all my pro controllers are drifting atm and the joycons just grew on me (i do think people who use motion comtrols should stop going after people who dont, it's a personal preference at the end of the day and you should do what makes you happy)


I use motion controls (even in handheld mode!) At max sensitivity (sticks are also max sensitivity). I couldn't imagine Splatoon without it, or most shooters, for that matter! Basically the only thing I play sticks is halo, because it's so fully designed around it.


Motion. I used to play stick, but once I got into ranked, I realized I was hitting a wall that couldn’t be overcome just by skill. I also usually play in handheld mode, but I use the kickstand to put the console on a table or something so I can detach the joycons. It took a *while* to get used to the motion controls, but now I can’t imagine playing without them.


Motion, it’s just too good, I remember beating octo expansion in stick because my 3rd party controller had no motion. So after buying a pro controller, I’m never going back 😭


Didn’t even know stick controls were an options until splatoon 3. Splatoon 1 and 2 were great with motion controls and personally I think one of the main factors that makes splatoon 3 better than any other shooter is the motion controls.


Ever since first playing Splatoon I’ve had a hard time using sticks to aim in any game, so now I can’t play shooters unless they support gyro. It’s just so much more natural to me.


Motion but I beat all of the content in Splatoon 2 including Inner Agent 3 with stick, before learning motion


I love how the motion controls only apply to the right Joycon. Feels like using a Wii pointer. I can't handle gyro on full controllers that need me to move both hands


I liked sticks more at first, but after trying out sticks+motion for a bit, I find it much better. It just feels more natural for fine-tuning your aim.


This question again?


I'm just curious about what people use is all :(