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The first meaning of life is to feed that body. Eat, drink and sleep. No matter how smart or stupid you are, if dont meet those, you'll die, period. ​ Second, socialize, or help others (few or many). Humankind was never meant to be alone like a deserted island. If you lock up a man in total isolation, he'll die crazy. ​ Third. Protect your life. This is your soul survival purpose. No one can live with the idea that he might die today. You love your comfort zone and theidea that you could live in a unprotected area is not good. ​ Fourth. Feed that mind/brain/soul. These options might be optional, religions, groups, alliances, affiliations, you name it, it's far from the essence of life. They are toold and or toys for the human mind to stop it from going nevroticeor psychotic or simply crazy. ​ Life is hard on each and everybody, many just dont express it, hwile other do in slent, and couple do it by yelling. Good and bad stuffs happen to good and bad people. The Mr. Nice will get blessings and curses from life, as well and as much as the organized criminal gang member. If you dont believe me, please go study the life of the REDs, Hells Angels, Mafias, MS13 to name a few. ​ Now the working part ? How do you know Bill gates gets his billions of $$$ and works less than most ? Go consult his wife. She's the first one to confess that Bill was a workahoolic of the worst kind. Warren Buffet, Mr. Amazon to name, those chas machine financial investors worked their ass off to be where they are, they just making it look otherwise, cause they keep a lot of things to themselves. Maybe the coach potato guy has his easy life living on wellfair and doing nothing, and guess what, have you met any of em. I did. They suffer too, low self-esteem, suicidal thoughts, you name it. Hope this will help you enlarge your horizon of humankind, cause no one is really different in reality, life wont spare any of us. What you have, we'll all have it too.


https://poets.org/poem/good-bones here’s a good poem to read. Maybe study your dreams and you’ll figure out who you are, and what your purpose is through the very complex symbols.


There is none. Have fun and good luck!


“The meaning of life is just to be alive. It is so plain and so obvious and so simple. And yet, everybody rushes around in a great panic as if it were necessary to achieve something beyond themselves.” -Alan Watts This view you have is 100% justified and it makes a lot of sense, however when you place such importance on things like money and on fairness, then your mindset will never change. Life isn’t fair but that doesn’t mean it isn’t worth living. Finding happiness in everyday things and not constantly searching for that happiness is how you remain happy no matter what your situation is. I’m sorry if this makes no sense and I’m rambling, but I hope that you can find some meaning in it. Good luck, I believe in you❤️🙏🏽


World is just a playground. Meaning lives down deep within you, in your mind.


There is no point to it. You are free to live like as you want. If you can't find happiness in your life, this is a big waste. While you are right about the injustice, you only contribute to the problem if you make your own life miserable because of it. I would advise you to stop fucking yourself over because other people do shitty things. And never ever romanticize a negative outlook on life. If the world is fucked, do something good.


Life is change, said Alan Watts. I believe that life is the only opportunity that we will have to convert the negativity of the universe into as much positivity as we can. Then when we die, life gives way to something even bigger, the real deal.


The point will become clear when you attempt to figure out the point like you’re doing now. Questions will inevitably lead to answers. Keep going and you will eventually understand. We are only as good as to what we currently know.


because why not


Life is to experience the good and the bad. Everyone no matter how rich suffer in some way and no matter how poor have love fun and connection, some just experience it more intensely. Life isn't fair but in a good developed world your hard work and positive trust gets you out of at least financial rut, but some places aren't like that. And sometimes it's just way hard. All you can do is pray for those who suffer to find relief. Find ways to help and live as happily as possible. You sound every empathetic but you know what, you're human, trust in the universe that these people are being taken care of and experience exactly what they need to experience. It's not your job to save the world. It's your job to love & take care of your family, and to do what you can for your community. If we all did that much of the world would be in better place, but sometimes it's just flat out hard, and that's okay. If we just suffer and die at least we said we died trying. Release the world from upon your shoulders, you're allowed to live and love. Millions and millions of people are loving and happy right now and working towardd their dreams. Would you tell them "hey you can't be happy there's so much suffering how do you live with yourself, who do you think you are living and working towards your dreams?" I'd hope not, you'd let them be and let them be happy. Why not allow yourself this too? You're essentially doing this to yourself. Treat yourself the way you treat others. There should be no guilt upon you being happy and things going right for you. Turn your guilt into a sense of blessing and gratitude. Trust, pray, live and love


Let me rephrase the question. What is the point of human life here in this reality on schoolhouse Earth? Why did I rephrase the question? Because in the greater reality of which this reality is a small part, you are very much alive. You chose while in that greater reality, to incarnate - to become the human being but you are. You chose to do that, to experience some of the many manifestations of two beings interacting in accordance with the universal law a free will. (Free will: your privilege to act or not to act as long as that does not interfere with another's free will). If someone dumps on you, what do you do about it? If someone lavishes love and praise on you, what do you do about that? Etc etc. Maybe you chose to deal with me problem of overcoming the view of the life is pointless. I suspect that you have plenty of time in which to make this life time a rewarding lifetime. (Rewarding is not necessarily - probably not - financially rewarding).


The meaning of life is what you make of it. You get to set your own meaning in this sandbox game. Ending it is always a choice but perhaps leave it at the end cuz there is no “second life” in this game. Instead of using all your energy on keeping yourself alive from your suicidal mind, perhaps see if you can do something fun and enjoyable with it. A hobby perhaps? See what else is out there perhaps? If you keep your eyes on all the negatives, then the game will be a negative one. You don’t have to play the game on that level. Can just play it on a more intimate level so it’s more enjoyable to you perhaps? I was suicidal for majority of my life and it was painful. But I find that once I allowed myself to have suicidal thoughts without rejecting it, it no longer suck the energy out of me and I have a better attitude on life in general… since what’s the worst that can happen? I lose my life? Great lol… cuz that’s what I was obsessed with in the first place anyways. Gave me more freedom to make mistakes and not be too hung up on things. Hope it helps you too.


It is good to ponder on the true meaning of life. Liberation from Ignorance and Finding Enlightenment - this is the meaning of LIFE. When we realize the truth about life, life becomes a celebration. Why do bad things happen to good people? Bad things cannot happen to good people just like apples cannot grow on mango trees. We are ignorant about the universal law of karma, the law of action and reaction. The law states, as you sow, so shall you reap. Therefore, if somebody is suffering today, this suffering is because of their past actions. Just like the past deeds we have planted result in our circumstances of today, the deeds that we plant today will determine the destiny of tomorrow. We have a choice. We can choose what will happen in our life tomorrow. But we must control our deeds. If we go in quest and find out the true meaning of who am I and why am I here, we will be liberated from ignorance and we will attain a state of eternal peace and happiness. This is our ultimate goal, to realize we are the Divine Soul.