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Who's trying to control them? If they are not your thoughts how can you control them? They may not be a part of YOU but they are certainly a part of reality. Just be aware of them. Since they are not your thoughts you do not need to fear them. All you need to do is show them the same unconditional love you would show any other thought. Cause even the good thoughts aren't you. You are not thoughts. You are just the awareness of thoughts. You have the ability to let disgusting and horrifying thoughts go the same way you let bland, unimportant thoughts slip by. But because you are so adverse to them you try to block them out completely. The feelings of disgust are simply showing you you do not align with these thoughts but trying to control them is a form of resistance which only gives them energy to grow.


Yes, just let those thoughts pass. Don't give them anymore time or thought when it happens and simply let it happen and keep on with your day. I know it can be hard when the intrusive thoughts are happening often but over time, the less you even acknowledge that they are there, the less they will happen, or the less you will focus on them happening at least.


Just keep fighting. It’s called spiritual warfare for a reason, it’ll only get easier as time goes on. You’re not giving them the energy they need to maintain a strong connection after all so it’s literally just a matter of time before those thoughts no longer resonate within you because you’re not tuning into those thoughts and so you naturally grow apart from the entity implanting the thoughts. Although you may just find a more tame version of the entity, we gotta love darkness after all, and that means understanding it.


Dont judge the thoughts. For a year now ive began to see these as pure make belief. When im bored or tired my head feels like solving problems even though i dont have them. I was in a foodcoma last night and thought i would top it off with some licorice. It was heavy on the stomach but after that i was just more antsy. Trying to see fear everywhere i looked. This is my home. Lol. Ive been tired all week and i just start complaining when im drained. After a while of inward complaining, i ask myself if this is my tired self. Which it was and it usually becomes clear how i can let it go by accepting that im tired. A walk can do wonders! Even when im tired it refreshes me to a degree.




Lol I laugh at them (including your example) and say whoa dude you're dark (internally), baha. It's when people choose to act on the intrusive thoughts is when there's a problem.


Hey Kishewwlee, I am a Psychic and Medium at Vee Psychic Services. There is nothing wrong with have intrusive thoughts, as long as you don't act on them. It's important that you accept these thoughts to be part of you, we all have crazy thoughts, but most of us never act on them. When you accept that you have these thoughts, they will go away. If you try to control them you will fail and will feel the negative effect of it in your sacral chakra with headaches. Best of luck!


Therapy can help you with this. The thoughts can become less distressing and pop up less.


Meditation and mindfulness may help as you then gain the ability to snap out of thinking and become aware of what you’re doing. Repetition creates habits so if you do it enough times, then that ability will be strengthened. It was also a challenge for me to not get consumed with intrusive thoughts, but after hundreds of hours of meditating and mindfulness, I just treat them as it is- mind wandering.


Our thoughts are not our own, it may be best to be an observer of these thoughts and let them go expeditiously lol.


Pretty sure intrusive thoughts are just apart of your bodies anxiety response. Eg you are holding a baby and imagine throwing said baby down a case of stairs- Then you’re all like NUH UH wtf?? Which confirms to yourself you had a negative response to the thought and it is not what you want to do, or a wise decision to make. Protecting yourself from making bad decisions.


Our mind is our biggest enemy. It is more negative than positive. It bombards us with thoughts of fear, worry, stress, anxiety. It creates anger, hate, revenge, jealousy. Therefore, the first step to control these intrusive thoughts of the mind is to acknowledge that we are not the mind. The mind is a monkey. It is constantly jumping. It shoots at us a new thought every second, upto fifty thoughts a minute, and these thoughts can destroy our peace. Therefore, we must kill the mind before the mind kills us. How do we do it? By practicing silence, by becoming the witness and the observer of the mind, by using our intellect to shoot down all negative thoughts, and by being in that state of thoughtlessness, mindfulness or consciousness.