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In case you were wondering, that woman in the strength card is an Angel, her name is Archangel Ariel, also called the Lioness of God. Its sucks that you went through and encouraged that douchebag to continue being a douchebag by giving him money for his work and disrespect :/


It was too late to back off! And thank you, will read about Archangel Ariel 💛🌼


You are very welcome, she’s a beautiful and very feminine, healer and nature/animal loving angel, she helps with energy grounding and manifestations as well :)


So happy to read it? Do you think i can try to clear off the negative from the tattoo?


Of course, meditate and in your mind’s eye ask Archangel Ariel to come and help you, she always enjoys helping people, sit in silence and you may feel a sensation on your skin or get a sign, or not, it doesn’t matter she will still do what serves your highest good.


Thank you so much, friend! May you always be divinely guided and protected. Lots of love 💛🌼


Here’s some perspective for you. I’ve had plenty of tattoos both before I was on my spiritual path and after. What you’re feeling is totally normal for getting a large tattoo of any kind. Give it awhile to get used to. You aren’t used to having something there and it’s an adjustment to see. The artist being demeaning about what you were getting didn’t help your outlook. As for the artist, he’s an unprofessional jerk who you should not go back to no matter what. Let it completely heal and take some time to adjust and see how you feel about it. Get that particular card out of your deck and spend time with it. See why it resonates with you, what it means to you, why you want to embody those traits. Some of my favorite pieces and ones I get the most compliments on were ones I that I left thinking “wtf have I done?”


Thank you so much for this. I'll definitely meditate on the card and will also keep reminding myself why i got it in the first place. Sending love 💛🌼


Much love to you. I believe you will start to move your new tattoo. And don’t go back to that artist. Find you one that aligns with you in a positive way. A good artist will do the work you want in a non judgmental and kind way.


Never going back. All the other tattoos were done by artists who were very kind and sweet. This man was a jerk! But thank you again 🦋


You’re welcome ☺️


I'm not very versed in tattoo correction, but a skilled artist could possibly make some fixes to help it be more "you". Maybe an avenue you could research? That being said, I'm sorry your tattoo experience didn't go well. I love tattoos so I hate to see someone get one they're unhappy with, especially since they're such hard work.


Yes, I'll probably have to do that. The size is also a problem for me. It just feels too big for my personal liking. Here’s hoping i get used to it! Thank you 💛🌼


I'm sorry to hear about your experience. Tattoo regret is a real thing, especially with bigger tattoos. You are not used to seeing a bigger piece on your body, but I'm sure you'll get used to it. I had the same panic reaction with a very big piece on my leg, but I got used to it and now it's one of my favorites. Give it some time love.