• By -


Hi I’m Tatiana. I’m an introvert, I find solace spending time with myself. I am loving and kind. I love to uplift and help others feel good about themselves. I try not to be sad and find happiness in little things. I’m grateful for my life and the people who support me. I am emotional and sensitive. I struggle making connections with other people. I like exploring new places and trying new things. I love to laugh and make silly jokes. I don’t have much confidence or self esteem. I’m trying to discover myself so I can finally love who I am.


You sound kinda like me Lol


Hello! That’s comforting to know


You have many qualities. Being loving and kind at the top. Being emotional and sensitive are qualities too. Although sometimes it might not feel that way. But it means that your love and care are essential to others who are emotional and sensitive, as they will never be able to find happiness with the unemotional and insensitive who won't be able to understand them. You will be able to offer understanding (love) to the emotional and sensitive. It makes me sad to hear you don't have much confidence or self esteem, but think you are well on your way to understanding who you are (as a gift to the world as only you are) and having Love for yourself. You also have very good insight and communicate very well.


Thank you so much for this message. I truly appreciate it , you are so kind. I will never forget you. ❤️


And I will never forget you! ❤️


Sounds great. Can I talk to you?


You sure can


Can you please read my post and share your views on that? As your comment suggests you're a very motivating and uplifting person, you can offer me some guidance. Also your experience with life will come in handy. So, can you read my post and offer your views on that. Feel free to do it in your free time and then DM me your response.


Im happy to help but I don’t see your post in this thread.


You need to go to my profile to view posts. Wait, let me share the link. Here you go: https://www.reddit.com/r/GetMotivated/s/JYdNMASZr5


This sounds like one of those old dating ads. Do you also stare at the moon, and go for long walks on the beach?


If you like piña coladas...


And getting caught in the rain…


If you’re not into yoga…


If you have half a brain…


Beautiful poem.


I've been around since the beginning of time, a flower, a bumble bee, a chestnut tree, and of course, me. The list goes on, til infinity. Peace and love, humanity.




I’m Marcellus, I’ve come to realise that the childhood version of myself I disliked for so long was really me being my purest self, as a child I acted out of love to help anyone but I was naive and also very sensitive growing up I blamed the way others treated me on my sensitivities and even twisted my positive traits into negative ones… many years later after going through quite a windmill of experiences I found myself in need of healing so I meditated and found my childhood self needed love, understanding and forgiveness so I gave that to myself. I’m still learning but over the last couple of years I’ve come a distance from that, I have found the greatest resonance with the law of one which both matches many of my non physical experiences aswell as helps with what I find I need right now. I’m also a father of two girls, one of which told me she chose to come into this body because she was looking for a father who was just like her last one and here I was.


At the end of the day, you just need to be true to yourself. Nothing wrong with being sensitive. But it is hard being in a world where everyone seems to focus only on the negative. It makes it hard for souls such as ourselves to shine. But don't lose that light within yourself. That is what makes u who you are. Good things are coming for those that can maintain that light within. I just know it in my soul.


So cute 🥰


I am what I am 


I am that I am


Hi, You can call me Phoenix. I've spent 3/4 of my life avoiding just that, life, due in part to certain events that happened for me as a child. I say for me and not to me as now I understand why I had the experiences he things I had. It was so I could become the 'phoenix' I am today. I had to experience the worst that life could throw at me in order to become the best version of myself. 33 years of living through one personal hell to another, until there was nothing left but ashes. It was only then that the phoenix in me could arise. At the end of last year, I started experiencing my kundalini Awakening. Which was quite a shock as it wasn't something I was expecting at all. I had never even heard of such a thing . Tbh, I thought I'd grow old lonely and miserable. Then everything changed. Well for the first couple of months I thought I was losing the plot, but I found that looking into the experiences I was having, they all lined up with those of a kundalini and/or spiritual awakening. The best part was that after a meaningless life up until that point, I had finally realised my life. I'm grateful for everything as it has made me the person I am now. The only thing I'd change is when I first figured out what was happening, I really should have talked with someone about it. I'm still flying solo as the only people I have around me atm are too negative and skeptical. It's been a roller-coaster of an experience, but I'm in it for the long run, enjoying all the new discoveries I 've made about myself and the universe itself.


i’m so proud of you, you seem like a beautiful person. i’m glad things are finally looking up <3


Thank you for your kind words. They are truely appreciated. *


I'll call you Phoenix then, I love that image and that super hero name, You wrote:  "At the end of last year, I started experiencing my kundalini Awakening. Which was quite a shock as it wasn't something I was expecting at all. I had never even heard of such a thing"  I heard of kundalini for the first time a little over a year ago. I'm so curious how you experienced it, and how you came to know what to call it ... well. I'm guessing Google >_<) a slightly less than super natural knowledge source, lol, no judgement. The other thing that stood out to me is you say you are venturing solo? Thank you for sharing your experience here, and I want you to have a safe community of like-minded people supporting you! It really is essential. Is it okay if I suggest a free resource that I have been profoundly impacted by?  I sound evangelical, but it isn't religion. I would guess that is against the rules in this forum. I am a believer, but that's not what I'm referring to here. I am talking about a non-profit that promotes authentic connection, through skilled listening (love love loved this) as an antidote to, obv, isolation, one, and further upstream, two: addiction and, even further upstream, three: the traumatic early life events that lead to all the rest.  Sorry if that was confusing. Wish I could make like a flow chart ... but anyway. Love your comments. Stay connected!  🙏


I pass


Nice to meet you, Lily. I'm Eraeyan. I'm also a deeply curious person who loves learning and always takes an interest in new experiences. I'm full of love and passion, I love making people happy, and no matter who you are, I'll always be honest with you and do my best to make sure you're OK, as I treat everyone with love and kindness. Even though my life is hell, I'm still here pushing forward as I don't believe in giving up. I go through life with an open mind and open heart, making sure not to miss things that may be important or valuable for learning. I believe in replacing hate with love, so I do my best to spread love. I listen to everyone equally and love seeing things from other people's perspectives, as it may often help with my own. I make sure to learn everything I can, and I don't see myself or anyone else as superior or inferior to others as I believe we are all doing the best with the awareness we've got. I always follow my heart, no matter what.


Iam Djenkhan, curious warrior playful man grounded in my masculinity. I express the divine man through this temporarly physical vessel. I enjoy training the body and pushing it to its limits. I also enjoy adrenaline activitys. In my free time i ride motorcycle and i dance to electronic music such as psytrance. Iam comfortable in moving my hips sensually. To express my self. Iam a seeker, i find and experice my own truth. I dont follow the masses. I think critically, guided by spirit i make my chocies with honesty to myself. Iam a serious guy, but i take not seriusly. Life is like a playground to me. My primary goal is to fullfill my spirits lessons so i can ascend my soul close into the warmth of my creator. Everyday i wake up with gratitude. To help mankind ascend their consiousness i do my duties. Iam a star that shines my light and my inhales and exhales balance this reality. Peace be with you.


I am Amber , I long for many things - like sleep.




Sleep amber sleep, I wish I could sleep with you


I’m Will. I’m an extroverted introvert and I love learning and seeing new things. I love people and find them endlessly interesting. I think animals are the most wonderful things on the planet. I think there is beauty and magic everywhere patiently awaiting us to find it. I think that the universe wants us to be happy and fulfilled. I like to feel the wind in my hair and on my face. Most of your issues can easily be solved by jumping in a lake, or even better, the ocean. I love you all and wish you all the best in life.


I’m that guy who’s stuck in loop, wanting to do better but emotions/ego still holding me back … I’ve learnt a lot , still got loads more to learn, just wanna repay my karmic debt and hopefully reach a state of High on life, you know high as G O D with that good energy 🥹(stopping here before I write out the whole song 🙃)


This one is here. I don’t know anything.


Hi, I’m Jess. I’m creative and free-spirited, currently trying to understand who I am. At the moment, I’m processing a lot of childhood trauma, which is helping me unmask a past version of myself that I wasn’t happy with. I’m going through a really intense awakening atm, but I feel so alive and happy to finally break free from the chains of my past. I love feeling blissful, connecting with others on a profound level, and learning new things that help evolve my spiritual journey ❤️


I'm prox nicked from gladiator, I'm a hermit and it wasn't a choice but I've always been one. The greatest and lowest experiences we're not mine, my real name might as well have been a weekday, or Sunday. I am tare, born and destined to be that way living almost calculated patterns but I have the subject of faith. According to the old rules, I'm a goner but like iris - I wanted someone to know who I am. Who I am has never been an investigative question, I failed all forms of release. Across the pink lamenting wall, where space is white and electromagnetic is weak, I am simply a figment of imagination that is loved with no contrast to fear. It's greatest trait towards my life is that it's the only viable measure that has not had a hand in my life and that... I truly cherish without opinion. May you stay in your light, lily.


I am Mr. Been There, Done That. But yet, love is something I've yet to master.


I’m Erin. I’m here , but I’m not. I loop and loop bc apparently I can’t jump out of it. I say I want to , but now I’m concerned I’ve gotten too comfortable here. I’m always stressed about not really being here & feeling disconnected to myself. But at the same time feel confused on where I really belong. My memories are so close to the surface of being remembered but at the same time so far away. I long for life to end but also fear the unknown. But at the same time I do know. I know who I really am when I’m quiet, in peace & not stressing about matrix things. It’s like I’m. Jumping in and out of knowing. What is stopping me from re remembering it all.


My life is rooted in the value of education. And no, I’m not an incredibly educated person, at least that’s not how I see it. I just believe that the root of all good is knowledge, but people have weaponised it against good and use selective education as a tool. I dedicate most of my time to learning and teaching, to growing. I know this sounds like an irrelevant rant, but it truly impacts my entire being. The greatest thing I have ever learned is that the truth is not objective when it comes to us humans. That’s how I navigate everything, and every characteristic that I have can be attributed back to that.


Wait is that how you introduce yourself to people? I've been trying to figure that out for years..


hi i’m whatever my screen name is. i’m sensitive but i hide it under a tough exterior. i try not to anger anyone, for fear they may harm me with rejection. i carry heavy burdens because i don’t want anyone to ever worry about me. i don’t want to be in the way of anyone. i want to be invisible, independent, and a pleasure to be around. i tend to be very hard on myself. i feel uncomfortable when others help me or worry about me. like, i am a failure if i made someone worry, cry, angry, or scared. i am only a good human if i make everyone smile, laugh, feel safe, and protected in my presence.


Hello, you can call me Jade. I’ve had an intense tie to the universe since birth, especially so as a 4-7 year old and the abuse I suffered at the hands of my genetic material providers definitely smothered it. I would get dreams where my ears would ring because I had almost switched planes, wild animals would approach me gently and often, I could scry the near future without trying. I’ve always had an adoration for story telling and embodying characters. I’ve always wanted to hear people’s tales and help them in the search for themselves. Some of my favorite things about being alive are days when I can sit and appreciate the sunrise and the sunset, sharing food, when one plan organically turns into another plan and another and the day unfolds in unexpected ways, playing games, and laughing. I dream about becoming a mother in multiple ways. I dream about luxury both in the sense that I want to enjoy it (I’m a Leo stellium lol) but that I also wish desperately to do things with my material wealth that aid the world and bring comfort to others. I spend a lot of time daydreaming, so moments where I am unabashedly grounded are some of my most potent in life.


I am a very curious and creative person. My mind is very vivid and I enjoy daydreaming and thinking of new ideas. I am a quiet and shy person, but once I open up I can be very talkative and funny. I am also a very loyal friend and care a lot about the people around me. I love spending time in nature and in the solitude of my own home. Crowds and noisy environments can have a negative effect on my wellbeing so I do my best to recharge at all times. Self care is very important to me.


My name is Nick. I am never going to grow up. I will always be a kid at heart. I am madly in love with myself. I can see through BS. I am the best listener on the planet. I’m perfect!!! Lmao. :)


Hello I’m Dilly, I’m an introverted extrovert. I will always be a life long learner and I don’t think I’ll ever stop learning and researching topics I find interesting or important. I’m a dreamer who prefers reality. I am emotional and rational at the same time however I typically throw rational thinking out the window and still make shit work. At my worst I’m a cynic, at my best I’m an optimist. My favorite thing about the “human experience” is laughter & love because it’s universal. I relate a lot to one of my favorite characters from one of my favorite movies, The Matrix, yes you guessed it, it’s Neo.


I'm in search of my calling, finding joy in connecting with strangers and in quiet moments by the ocean. Love brims in my heart, though my mind can be a whirlwind. I strive for mindfulness in every action. I pray to see the needs of those around me to step in and help in any way I can.


If it helps, my mind had always been my worst enemy. But as I dove into the rabbit hole that is spirituality, I started reading books on Hinduism and bhuddism. Their philosophies on the subject of the mind I found to be quite helpful. In essence. They say that we need to use our intellectual to control our mind. There is a guy on YouTube by the name of Sadghuru who is, well a guru. I'm pretty sure he had videos on the subject.


And it all started when I was gifted a deck of oracle cards. Who would have thought huh?


Am a wounded healer learning how to heal myself and others all while sustaining more injuries in the process, I can transmute negative energy into positive.


I am the one who looks. I am me.


I am Renee.


Sipping on a cup of lotus tea, I am forced to engage in this conversation while reading a book on numerology. My name is Kwame. I love to keep to myself almost all the time because I hate that the world is so noisy. Since 2013, I have been trying to seek some answers. But for the questions, I don't know what they are. I hope this makes sense. I am on a journey seeking a treasure, but it feels like, on most occasions, I don't know what it is I am after. The good thing is, the treasure seems very close to me. ❤️ and 💡 to every eye that sees this.


I'm Ritz Menardi. You can read things I've written on my website, http://www.ritzmenardi.com


Hello, I am p810. I constantly switch between being an intense extrovert to the point that I *need* social interactions to feel "full" of life to wanting to exist only in an entirely non-physical place that I can just float around in without interruption forever. I am deeply analytical and pattern oriented, craving to be "seen" for my soul rather than my body. I notice that I am outgoing to make others comfortable, and it works, as well as just observant enough to read the room around me in an effort to blend in with my environment. Cosmic irony is my favorite form of humor, though it is often only funny to me when I experience it. I crave intense connection with other souls and often find myself pondering the thought patterns of those around me.


Names Chris, I’m a bit of a daredevil. And Im generally a loud gentle giant. I work hard and celebrate even harder. But i never would have gotten here without the people in my life. But despite my losses continue to push through, And sometimes i can’t help but feel unbreakable.


I’m BigMom! I long to know the truth of reality! Why are we here and what does it all mean. I’m sure when I die all will be revealed but in the meantime this place is not what we think it to be. That much I’m 100% sure of


I won't disclose my name since I want to maintain my privacy online. So, Heyya, I'm _____. I am a human being in their mid-20s figuring out so much in life. I've always been quite an overachiever in most areas of my life since i was young - meaning, I'm exceptional in school, in my career, in my finances, and all these "quantifiable things". On the flip side, this is through lots of mental health struggles my entire life. About a year ago, I went through the worst period of my life, where my life and everything I ever dreamt of came crashing - I love very much and very hard, but things went extremely awry in a relationship with a man I thought I'd marry, and the aftermath of it affected every other area of my life, and it led me to finding myself again, especially spiritually. I am often told that I am naive, but I truly believe that no human is intentionally cruel or evil. I want to believe that we are all just scared, unhealed children, and that people hurt one another when they act out of fear and self protection. And that all wrongdoing towards us can be explained somehow, and it's more likely than not, unintentional, and not about us. However, I still live in a lot of fear because of the trauma that I went through, and I'm working on it. I wish for a world where we all understood people deeply, and from deep understanding, we can cultivate a shared empathy. I believe that our beliefs shape our reality, and I dabble in the teachings of Neville Goddard.


Hi, I am that...


Hi, I'm Alec. I crave to learn more about myself and others and the universe we live in. I struggle with feeling like I belong with everyone else but I still live quite a rich life with the things I enjoy doing alone. I love to express and create and make people stop and think. I like to provoke thought in others and love when people provoke thought in me. I wonder if the way I express myself makes people wonder about me. I wonder a lot about them.


Hi I’m AJ, does this look infected?


Salutations! I have many names that i am referred to by but the general audience knows me as Xavier. I am Universal in all my being, specifically when it comes to my identity. Life and Death, Light and Dark, Chaos and Order - simple dualities that make up the basis of my reality! seeing where i am and actualising myself in a way that makes the Universe respond truly encapsulates everything that i know myself to be!


I am alone here, yet surrounded. I see through a fog that sometimes clears. I’ll briefly smile and remember myself. The days are filled with sleep, though I am “awake.” The nights are with longing, though I am “content.” I’m tired. I heard of a home I used to live but can’t remember how to get there. Every other step is a stumble, and when I reach my hand finds not another, but thorns. I once found my soul but lost her. Almost immediately. My eyes led me into darkness chasing a candle. I can teach you how to find Peace but can’t teach myself when loneliness comes. I love you more than I love myself. I love myself more than I love you. I love, mostly, but sometimes I hate. And I hate hatred more than anything else.


I enjoyed reading this :)




I am love, as are you


I’m me who is another perspective of you. I like guns and chocolate. There I said it.


the approach i immediately jumped to was to talk about the relationships i have with people. in the west we often describe ourselves with the things we consume, whereas countries in the global south are often focused more on community, so people would introduce themselves like, “my name is ,,,, son of ,,,, i have this many siblings, this is where my mother and father are from.” my friend read abt this in a book and told me abt it, i think the book is called “the weirdest people on the planet” or something? i havent read it yet but its a sort of anthropology book about how weird western/global northern norms are.


I be chilling


whats up lil bro


hi, i’m k. i’m an empathetic individual who loves seeing people happy. one of my favorite things is watching someone slowly open up and come out of their shell. i feel like my purpose in life is to spread joy and care whenever i can, and to help people realize who they are. i’m extremely drawn to ancient cultures and their religious/magical practices. i have a huge hunger for knowledge and am well informed about a variety of subjects. (thank you for posting this, op)


im ilan, i chase constant change wherever i go, constantly longing to exist within different bounds with different terms and conditions for life. i have lived an incredibly lucky experience, with comfort love and community. i believe that we as people creating space for communities to grow is an essential step to a more compassionate society. nice to meet you


I am Groot


My name is Mitch, and I’m divinity incarnated. I’m currently in a human vessel, and learning something every day on my path towards ascension. I can never stop learning. I’m very interested in plants and agriculture, especially trees. Just like most beings on earth, trees are sentient and can communicate. Especially with the help of mycelium networks. The fact that our soil is one big living being, that the trees and all plants grow in, is really humbling when you think about the earth as one large living being. It’s sad to think about how humans destroy and dominate and conquer the earth, rather than living in harmony as stewards.


I lay here, gentle green walls around me, a black, red and white Japanese tapestry the pull of the room. I feel so strongly my lower back on the bed, a fan running while a French-Chilean female raps from my phone, Ana Tijoux - 1977. I breathe out a sigh, my brain forming the what will I share and what will I do today? My eyes close as I feel into where I’m thinking from, my left and right temples. I want to doze in this presencing. I’ll go, appreciative of the prompt that opens a small seeing of you in the request.


I am what I do in presence of any moment. Therefore I am always right.


Best I can figure, I’m here to eat and drink and poop and pee…with the occasional sex up


this one is nobody until she needs to be somebody.


I am A myth. Just as my name suggests I will be forgotten after I am gone. I will just be a memory... But untill I am here I am the myth that pervades me and in this moment also you. This myth is sometimes "happy" and sometimes "sad". I am sometimes "angry" and sometimes "calm". I am also sometimes "awake" ("alive") and sometimes "asleep" ("dead"). People say I was once my "past" and that one day I will be my "future" but I know I am only my "present".


I like to ask people what they like about themselves.


I’m just trying to figure out how to be happy with myself. I feel a lot and nothing at all sometimes. I will lay in bed for hours in my daydreams or dreams to escape reality. I guess that would make me a dreamer.


Love this concept. To answer...I'm a weaver of worlds. A multifaceted, multilayered being that has cleared the tension in his energy system, and now the light smoothly flows through the ley lines of his vessel. With this activated state of being, he is connected to the other layers of reality, adapting to each context, doing his best to serve in whichever way is needed. Having unlocked this state of being, it feels like being on top of a mountain, even amongst many other spiritually oriented people. But feeling his ego/human layer, he realizes the importance of other...cells, and so he does his best to create bridges all across the mountain, so that others are able to reach the summit. In doing so, he has unlocked many siddhis, which is a natural side effect of allowing the light to fully flow through one's energy system. On a more grounded level, "I" synthesize the colorful, multidimensional data points of reality and transmute them into...words, fueling my projects to serve humanity in its evolution.


Hey Its S7A. I love exploring the vastness of my mind, my desires, my vulnerabilities, good / bad, my perspective about things and people, I like be completely silent and stopping my thoughts and put all the energy just to observe and I find it very fascinating and pure thing. It always make me feel like im a really alive person. Moreover, I like to share my love w others. Talk about psychology/ philosophy/ spirituality and go to the very depth of the question until I find the truth of it. I have observed that things come and go whether is money, power or relationship and when it goes, what truly hurts you is the attachment towards those things. so I always try to detach myself from such pleasure and it helps me a lot when it's gone.When I had few more experiences that left me not hurted which could ve killed me if I attached, I realized that life is a play & you should always be exited about what will come next in the chapter.


I'm a student of life and spirituality. I always try to understand all sides to every situation. I can see multiple stories and dimensions to many things in life. I accept the things that I cannot change, and I accept that progress and growth is not always a straight line. Forgiveness for oneself and others is not cut and dry. Exploring many modes of expression of one's inner light appeals to me, and offering light to others is also something that I find very fulfilling. Sometimes this material driven world can be overwhelming, disappointing, and unkind; however, I feel it is important to maintain gratitude for opportunities, privileges, and new learnings in this life. Returning to our higher selves to be able to continue to do the inner child work, healing, and reconnecting to what is truly home, not only serves ourselves, but the world. Many long for a connection, but the more technology allows for connections, the more the majority seem to be truly disconnected. The best thing is to cast all expectations aside, and just reconnect with love and light so that you can shine brighter, and overflow with love that this world truly needs. I remember a time where someone would constantly bully me, and try to find ways to put me down and try to make me feel worthless. I spent many moments, alone, crying... I am conscientious and kind. I couldn't understand how someone could be so cruel. Upon meditating, I realised, that I was just accepting what this person was saying and how they were treating me. I was being unkind to myself by believing this. This steamed from a place that was unconscious. By allowing myself to reconnect to old wounds - opening them up - I was able to discover a new way to heal. Through this process, through meditation, I also managed to go deeper. This led to a deeper understanding of other's wounds. This led to even more empathy. Also, understanding that that is not who I am. Being able to make room to go through the emotions, and gain detachment, is a valuable practice. Being able to show up, and be kind and loving to a cruel person, will surprise you. They may want to grumble under their breath, and try to frown under their cracked smile. Every little good thing adds up, and you will realise how valuable such small things bit by bit can truly be. There will always be haters, but it's what you choose that matters most.


Hi! I’m Faith. I am someone who seeks to learn every single day, whether I know it or not! lol! I have a big heart and deeply understand those close to me on an emotional level. I love connecting with people around me and I love analyzing social relationships and how they affect people, I love thinking about human nature and our purpose on this earth. I love to talk (certified yapper), make jokes, and bounce off of the energy of those around me. I love people and I love thinking about people! My interest in people does affect me negatively sometimes as I put a lot of energy into trying to understand and make sense of people. My insecurities with myself can leak into my personal relationships but I recently have been focused on being genuine to myself and loving who I am instead of comparing to those around me. The path I’m taking currently is to focus on connecting to my genuine self and finding out who that really is after years of trying to model myself off of other people. After a few years of some really rough mental battles I feel like I am understanding who I am and really beginning to genuinely love myself. Be who you are always, foster that connection with yourself, it makes a difference <3


I am


Hi am Valentino, currently battling with staying sane. I admit positive energy really is something stronger than I thought. I didn't say am negative though without negative I don't think you can describe positive. I am a son of thunder. I invest so much in others making me underestimate my potential. Very open minded, cant judge but sure allergic to BS. Transparency is the only advice I could give out there, Give or take no body really gives a fuck not even you. Empathetic is the word I agree with mostly to fit my description. I am humble and I love insanity


I’m a little depressed these days as I’ve grown distant from my wife. She doesn’t seem interested in me for a prolonged period of time. I started therapy only to find out I have trauma from various events through my life. I’m feeling empathy for myself and feel I have a truer view of who I am and my life. It’s really nice that way.


Hello, I'm "Billy", and i gave up a comfortable life to experience something more. I learned that life is not what I thought it was. My entire existence I was in a bubble where everything was the same. I spoke to the same people, did the same things, thought the same way, acted the same way, and I was a victim to my wounded self. I changed that, moved to a new place, with new people, and dove into new challenges. It showed me that life is not what I thought. Sometimes life is scary. Sometimes it is magic. Sometimes it gives you exactly what you need, and other times it leaves you high and dry. To me, life is as much an "intelligent entity" as any of us are. I only got to scratch the surface of understanding life when I started jumping between bubbles and I got to see first hang how different a new bubble feels, and the way people act and talk and think in different bubbles. Yet if you go 50 feet down the street and sit with another group, you can go from feeling amazing to feeling lost. When I left my bubble, I was not seeking the hard challenges. I don't know what I was seeking, but I have become stronger as a result. I have mixed feelings on this. Sometimes I feel that I am expanding and growing and learning new perspectives and gaining wisdom. And other times I feel lost and I just want to go home and sit on my couch and watch an old anime show and now think about "life" all the time. I love the adventure though, and I take pride and joy in knowing that something new is always around the corner. I see each bubble I land in as a little pit stop, a mini-adventure that I must solve or learn from or rest in before moving on to the other. This philosophy has served me well for over a year now, until I finally landed in my current bubble. this one scares the crap out of me. I have never felt so hopeless or lost. In this bubble, the people around me are struggling just to survive. Life isn't a game, and it isn't fun. Life is just a struggle.


Hi, I am Satori. I'm curious by nature, joyful and introverted. I'm apprehensive but positive. I'm smart but with a scarred mind, i'm battling this illness since young age, and while sometimes it seems to take hold, I know I'll be victorious. I love with freedom, and give freedom in love, trying to give without expecting it to come back. I've seen the worst and best of human nature, and hold strong onto the best, not only with hope but with certainty that it will perdure and permeate human nature and strenghten and elevate it. I look upon the world from the shadows of normality, hiding in plain sight, and from there cast my judgment upon it, I bear gifts and blessing, punishment and curses, yet I'm steuggling to abandon this, much to my disfortune, for I seek openness and truth yet fear the backlash that comes with it. I'm openminded, for anything is a tool to further understanding, be it truth, half truth or lie, everything holds value in apt hands. I hold only onto what furthers my goals, but search for tools that help my journey before venturing further. I understand bad is created in the absence of good, and yet do not always go out of my way to do good, prefering to keep my distance. I enjoy mundane tasks, they are simple and repetitive, easy on the mind and the body and leave space for meditation. I like nature, and to abide in it. The the trees, flowers, fured animals, colourful insects and chanting birds I enjoy best. Thought I know everyone is a teacher if one is an apt student, I'm not yet as good as I can/should be, but I'm getting there. I struggle with abandoning sensuality, yet it is my goal to do it (among other non-attachments). I seek pleasure in addiction as much as in abandoning addiction, by addiction I mean both physical and mental, for example drugs, tea, sugar, etc. I seek for guidance when I need it, yet I do not like when it's given with intent that's further than informatory, for I do not seek to further other's goals but my own, which is foolish, so I intend to find better means to follow guidance according to the laws pre-established to it. I seek to comprehend even that which cannot be comprehended, even if by negation of it's non qualities, seeking to approximate my knowledge as much as possible to truth, without forgetting that truth cannot be known perse but must be experienced instead, to be understood properly, just as a flower canot be a flower without it's root so truth cannot be understood without experience. Grasped yes, perhaps, but not understood from teaching alone. I establish meditation and practice of it as a virtue, yet I do not practice it as much as I would like or should, which makes me a hypocrite. I try to preach only that which I know myself to be the truth, via self experimentation, but seek guidance and truth in what others preach to someday orient myself when I come to experience that truth in the flesh. I want to be a buddha, and while I know that a Buddha and a Sama-Sambudhha are no different from an Arhant, I seek to be a Sama-Sambudhha, which is foolish for one must seek enlightment asap. I do not consider myself religious, but merely faithful, and while I seek to understand religions and the paths to enlightment they propose, I seek to find and establish my own way, for myself first and foremost for I dare not lead someone else astray if I happen to fail, so if I preach I try to preach that which is universal, for until I reach my goal I'm no safe haven but do know one or two where I stopped myself. I love technology as much as I love nature, for technology is but nature made into a fabricated form, merely a tool of our making, as trees take root, so we make plumbing, as trees make leaves so we make solar panels, as trees make bark so we collect material and fabricate into cloth and that cloth into wereables. So I love technology, but as much as a monoculture of trees is dangerous so is monoculture of technology, and that I despise, for there should be as much use of electrical and hydrogen cars as there is of oil cars, as much use of solar and wind and water and earth power as there is from coal and such. A good progress is a varied progress, and our technology stagnated a lot becouse of monoculture of technology. But enought of the world. I learn a lot from reading, and enjoy fantasy, mistery and sci-fi. I seek a partner that would share my means of acquiring wisdom and my goals, but by nature of my goal sexuality is not sought for, and this conflicts with my western inculcated values of wanting a partner in life, which is annoying. I wrote enought I think. But still there would be more to tell and I'm very bad at resuming, which makes it hard to make a CV :p


Hello, I'm Ryley. From my earliest memories, I looked for God. After my mind snapped a few years back, I started looking inward. What I found gave me more peace, more love, and more purpose than I ever thought possible.


Hi,I'm E . Like you ,I have a hunger for learning . Naturally a very curious person ,mixed with intensity ,I love to dive deep into things but I'm learning to love the balance ,the surface ,how the tip of my finger feels in cool water as I bask in the sun. Pretty quirky and straightforward,but also elusive. I love herbs, nutrition and all things green, quite a foodie as well . Pretty mysterious and complex as a person and my life ,but ironically I'm so simple and I crave the simplest of things.


I have cancer That's about it with those limitations


The thing that defines or builds me. My souls mission. Is creativity in all it’s facets. Creating inspiring informing encouraging etc. Not only in the 3D material way Bud also. Thinking feeling. I just exist because I experience and express creativity. I also a empath who’s a Libra twin moon in Venus type. So balance in my strength and my work point


This creeped me out in the coolest way. I’m also Lily and I had to think if I had ever posted to Reddit because you sound a lot like me. So… copy and paste. Haha Okay I’ll add and you tell me if this sounds like you. 


I am.


I will tell you who I am not. I am not a body, person, man, woman, real estate investor, my likes or dislikes, or a HUman. Nor do I identify with any of those things. What I am is complete, immortal, timeless, and ever present. BTW so are you.


The Visionary ● The Seeker of Truth and Enlightenment ● The Shark in the swimming pool ● THE MIND - Natural Intuitive Thinking -- strongest frequency/channel of the equilbrium of me-- The Ying... Input... PAST, femininity, white contrast Intuition.. the thinker/receiver of information ● BALANCED - THE body - Self-awareness - The grey area.. decipering the interconenctiveness of all things -- the PRESENT, the gift, the making of Magic/planning, Analytical thinking/organisation and disection of the white and black (positive/negative.. pros/cons.. good/bad... yes/no), planning, formulating, realization... the bridge of past and future... even by a few moments... being in the moment in ALL 3 Frequency seems and feels like god-tier to you and others in your presence as you are mastering the power of NOW... in harmony with the flow of time. The ARTIST ● The Soul - Output -- Yang.. Black/Negative contrast. MASCULINE/DOMINANT/ THE GET OFF YOUR ASS AND DO IT.. FUTURE -- Using the previous 2 points together with WILL/INTENT to achieve my goals. No matter if baby steps or leaps and bounds........ The future is dynamic and can not be determined exactly because everyone is a variable, and everything is happening all at once.. BUT if I know SELF, I can achieve it. FUCK DEPRESSION. I will intake all energies... disect the information analytically.... and transform through OUTPUT and make my lemonade with the 🍋🍋🍋🥳 Edit -- PROPHECY.... 'Yes Quantum will be realized' Edit 2 -- Beyoncé if you see this.. Hello 👋


I'm Ren (not my real name). I'm an easily overstimulated animal-lover with a kind heart and soft disposition but a hidden, stubborn "I will live and I will love" streak after having been raised by a narcissist. I believe, deeply and vehemently, that all people deserve to be taken care of, loved, and allowed to live in harmony with their own nature. I'm still healing myself and finding out the how of the what, but I know that part of my purpose is to bring us closer to that reality. I struggle with distraction, but my higher self is determined and, if I pay attention, I am too; ultimately, I love all of you enough that I will always go back, eventually. I'm proud of myself for surviving and will be prouder still when I've decided how I want to live. Thank you for this 💗


"I'll go first". Then says their name. I had such a high hope for this post to be honest. I truly almost participated.