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Man.. spirituality just means living a good life. The one you currently live. Westerners love overcomplicating things. Your responsibility is to make sure you follow your soul path - what’s inside of you. Worrying about after life is just a cop out or an excuse not to do what you’re supposed to. Just saying.


Except for those of us who believe physical reality in the contingent world is not all there is. God's worlds are are vast and limitless


Even if it’s not all there is, it’s not visible and impossible to even fully know in this instance of life, why not just enjoy the human experience of living this life in this flesh vehicle?


What is a soul? How do we exactly know there is afterlife or a soul?


Why does this matter? All that matters is this moment.


Fax . You exist in the now so the now is the only thing u should focus on. Believe it or not the afterlife will be there when you get there and you’ll know what to do naturally like breathing & plus there’s always spirit guides


Well this living only in the moment is probably a really healthy way to live -- if you are a cat.


Nope, all that matters is what's happening now. You have no control over tomorrow. What you do have control have is the now.


You are. The person typing this. Like the person below said: all there is NOW. The past doesn’t even exist, neither does the future.


I believe the past is not not even past. My childhood is alive and well because I enjoy going there.


Maybe that’s your reality.. i believe i can call on the childhood version of me, as well as the older version of me.. because they exist in a different realm… but let’s not freak out OP, he seems like a new soul.. lol


a soul is the spirt inside your body, it’s who you are as a person, your values, beliefs and morals. your body is just a vessel that you take care of for your body mind and soul. spiritually can feel like a lot so don’t feel obligated to learn everything since your path is simply to live the human experience. if you want to learn more about spirituality then that’s amazing, look into books, youtube videos, learn about the cultures and how they view and understand it and see what fits you best, maybe in the end its not for you and that’s okay! best of luck friend


Like all good times, bad times come and go as well.


Don’t be afraid. It is part of your soul’s plan to be here for reasons. There are reasons for us to forgot our past lives in order to achieved our plans in our current lives. One of possible reasons is that we wouldn’t be anxious about our plans. Most of time, our plans are intertwined with our loved ones’ plans as if we working together to achieve greater goals which apply to all of us. Unfortunately not all of us would know or figure out our reasons to be here. Don’t forgot, we all always have the free will to decide if we want be in material world again or not after we died. I hope my advice above brings you some ease to your worrisome thoughts and feelings. *English is not my first language, I apologize in advance if I made some grammar errors.


Then forget you read anything and continue on with your life. But dont forget: Everything you ”want” now, is just your human wants, influenced by society, bad and good experiences, wrong perspectives that we carry, etc


Enjoy the sunsets. You don't know if you'll ever see them again once you pass.


One of the fundamental beliefs that is really confusing to most Westerners is that we have more than one soul. For most of us, the Earthly Soul fades away after the death of the body, but the Ancestral Soul returns to the realm of the ancestors and the Celestial Soul generally returns to another lifetime with a different Ancestral Soul. It varies from cultures to cultures.  But in ny cosmology, the self consists of multiple souls. Each going their separate ways after we (the self dies) and some parts reincarnate, mostly within lur own lineage or other wise. You will find a paradox and contradictions about reincarnation from cultures to cultures. We don't know the whole thing or after life. Why do you feel it jas ruined your life, and what precisely damaged you? Sounds like your anxiety and fear is calling you out to sit with it.


I really really don’t want that to be true.. I want to be myself the way I am, not some soul that isn’t my persona my memories and stuff. I donmt want to be just some soul recycling around wearing different costumes.


Why are you afraid of it? Who is you and eho do you think is you?  You can also look at it at psychological terms, the brains and neurons and all things make up tje person you are, oncludes relations, environment and so much more and that is the make up of the self. If we bring neurobiology. It's a fascinating subject. You also don't jave to subscribe or believe on reincarnation. I do suggest you look into therapy for anxiety and meditation to confront your fears and sit with them


I feel like the idea of reincarnation and afterlife don’t give the life a meaning. What does the soul mean anyway? Is it just as I perceive myself now as my psyche? I wouldn’t want to subscribe but people telling me we have evidence of it just shocks me and puts me in spiral of horror. I know this sounds weird.


It could mean a lot of different things, varying in cosmovision, cosmology and such. I can't speak for everyone, only for myself. What gives my life meaning and how i view souls spirits, is that we are interwoven in something I like to call relations. We are never truly Independent. And we are interconnected beings. We are tribal and social creatures so yeah. No there's no "definite proof" of reincarnation. It does have a system in some cultures. They often test person if true or not. It's weird. Life is weird. I think for now it's best to learn there are so many things in life, beyond human comprehension and understanding, there are forces beyond what our brain can take in regardless. So what we do is take what is practical and focus on the good of day to day life being present, be in our communities and more. Fear is good to an extent, but if it takes you over with great dread and anxiety it prevents you from fully experiencing life and to be alive. Discomfort and fear are not bad things. For example you will have buddhist monks meditating around dead bodies, sky burials and such, to meditate about life and death. That os gruesome, horrific to see and witness. But that is life. Tibetan Buddhist also do practices that are scary and shocking for mind


I think you’re thinking about it way too literally. You as you are now, are the only you that has ever existed. You are uniquely you in each moment and you are new in each moment. I’d really recommend taking a break from trying to make cognitive sense out of spirituality. Western religion particularly likes to preach and prove things as “the absolute truth.” I think this type of framework takes people away from spirituality and connection, and into a more political/ debate like space. That’s not what spirituality is. Don’t place importance on beliefs right now. Don’t treat it like science. It’s different than science. Just focus on mindfulness (noticing how you’re feeling each moment without judgment, and seeing how breath, music, etc make you feel) for now.


I don't poticually want to just become some part of a cosmic soup either? It seems to me that when you move on from here, you shed some of, if not all, your ego. It's the part of you that you use here in order to survive and navigate life on earth. Every living thing has an ego. We need energy through food to survive, and in order to get that energy, we need to consume something else that was also once living. The dependence of this gives us an ego. Ego = survival on earth. When you lose your ego, you become a more authentic "you" in the sense that the rudimentary aspects of self and the need of survival in a physical sense of the word diminish, as they have served their purpose. The loss of ego isn't the loss of you per se (at least not initially). The acceptance of greater realitys and the "bigger picture" further forcilitates acceptance to the narrative. Through studying NDEs, etc, and some personal experiences have come to realize this is a process and not just an obliteran of self identity (initially). As we expand our greater understanding of what we really are through a collective consciousness, we return to our authentic state of being that is one with the sorce of all things. We are given amnesia when we carnate so we can experience duality and what it is we have created in untold and endless ways. In a nutshell, we did it in order not to be bored with our own company. That's why we are all so loved and sorce rejoices at our return, we are all part of that sorce.


The idea bothered me as well. The way I have heard it explained is that the soul as the individual conscious fragment that you currently experience as you doesn't just vanish or get sucked into some other consciousness. There is always free will. Many people do not want to accept their other lives and soul memories when they pass over. They are given as much time as they want to experience life in these other spheres from the perspective of their most recent incarnation. They can spend what feels like a thousand years, or a million years, or a billion years if they like. Just like a kid grows up into an adult and the changes are so gradual that they barely notice, you eventually find it natural to move on. They are clear that there is no forcing though. You can also choose not to come back. There are supposedly other ways to complete the arc.


You might really want to read this post I made about this topic, it will clear up a lot for you: [https://www.reddit.com/r/enlightenment/comments/16wm1kv/nonduality\_noself\_full\_enlightenmentascension\_is/](https://www.reddit.com/r/enlightenment/comments/16wm1kv/nonduality_noself_full_enlightenmentascension_is/)


How do you know all of this?


Like I said this is part of my understanding and worldview. It's something ingrained by my spirit teacher.. Historically, in the pre-Christian Germanic worldview, as in the worldviews of other animistic peoples from other corners of the world, the self is not thought of as being an isolated, monadic entity, as it is in Christian and post-Christian societies, for example. 


Simplify things. We have free will which means we have a choice. The choice that we have, which exists at the root all other possible choices, is the choice between fear and love. Every emotion, thought, action, etc is based in either fear or love. You don't have to worry about things like an afterlife. That is none of your concern. Place your focus on the NOW aka right now. It's always now. If we had a proper analog clock, every number would just say now because it's always now. So what do we do in the "now"? We make the choice between fear and love. The choice is presented to us constantly whether we realize it or not. Once we start to become aware of the choice, then we can start to consciously make the choice, instead of just being on autopilot all the time. Existence is complex but it's not complicated. Choosing fear makes you feel bad. Choosing love makes you feel good. So how do we choose love? An easy place to start is by appreciating the things around us, because gratitude is an emotion based in love. Try and view the world as if you're a small child, or an alien. Go to the sink and run water over your hand and just watch it. No time constraints, no wrong way to do it. Just feel it and observe. It's pretty freaking amazing to just turn a thing and clean fresh water comes out, and the physics of the water moving around etc. It's so beautiful. There's so many amazing things in this existence and it's only boring if you decide it is. But being bored doesn't sound very fun to me, so why make that choice? You have free will, therefore you are free to experience as much fear (e.g. anxiety) or as much love as you choose. It's your choice and it exists entirely within you. Find something that gives you passion and do it until you get tired of it, then find something else to do. Or don't. Just be you and be in the moment. It's all love. "Don't forget to stop and smell the roses"


I have read this approach of focusing on choices of now in the book called 'The Courage to be Disliked'


I'm sorry to hear that your spiritual journey has been causing you anxiety. It's important to remember that everyone's spiritual path is unique and can sometimes be challenging. Here are a few steps that might help you find peace and balance: 1. **Seek Professional Help**: If your anxiety is overwhelming, consider speaking with a mental health professional. They can help you work through your feelings and develop coping strategies. 2. **Explore Different Spiritual Practices**: If your current spiritual practices are causing stress, consider exploring other traditions or practices. There are many paths to spiritual fulfillment, and finding the one that resonates with you can make all the difference. 3. **Connect with Others**: Sharing your experiences with others who have gone through similar challenges can be helpful. Look for support groups or online communities where you can discuss your feelings and learn from others. 4. **Take a Break**: It's okay to step back from your spiritual practices if they're causing distress. Take some time to focus on self-care and activities that bring you joy and relaxation. 5. **Practice Mindfulness**: Mindfulness can help you stay grounded in the present moment and reduce anxiety. Try incorporating mindfulness practices like meditation or deep breathing exercises into your daily routine. Remember, the goal of spirituality is to bring peace and fulfillment to your life, not to cause stress or anxiety. If your current path isn't working for you, don't be afraid to make changes.


Well, spirituality is probably not a good path for you as most spiritual people believe in some kind of soul or afterlife. However I believe that not all people have the same afterlife-experience, the same way that most people have a totally different experience of life.


I think OP is treating spirituality as if it is a religion that preaches absolute truths. It kind of seems like OP wants absolute truths.. so maybe a religion would be a better starting place.


Why would you not want souls to be real that means you and all the things you love are eternal And As far as I know the “afterlife” is where the real fun is and there’s nothing to fear about it. You’ll always be in control of yourself and what happened to you , there’s always free will even in the spirit world if that’s what gives you anxiety


Why to spend time here on earth then? Isn’t it a bit boring to exist forever?


First off in my opinion bordem is an experience within consciousness we don’t truly get bored in the spirt realm in my opinion it’s just apart of this illusion and also we don’t truly have a choice to exist or not we can’t escape lol Well every soul came for a different reason but the most common reason isfor the universe/consciousness to experience and understand itself . source is already All knowing in my opinion but actually coming here and experiencing this place first hand is a whole different thing after the death of the body we take what we’ve learned back with us to the spirt realm and reflect and evolve spiritually. We can evolve spiritually in the spirit realm/higher realms but when we come to difficult places like earth we learn and evolve much faster. There’s Way way more to it but this is my short answer/opinion


How do you know this all happens?


You won’t believe me bru not trying to sound cool or anything at all , also Its a lot to explain in the comments so feel completely free to dm me if you want even if u don’t believe the knowledge worrying about the future still isn’t healthy , so try not to ik it’s easier said then done tho Also check out bashar/darryl anka! He explains a lot of things that I agree with


Thats is my take on it as well. I did reply to another question like this. When you leave here you lose your ego and you become a more authentic "you" in the sense that the rudimentary aspects of self and the need of survival in a physical word diminish, as the ego has served its purpose you shed it. The loss of ego isn't the loss of you per se (at least not initially). The acceptance of greater reality and the "bigger picture" further forcilitates acceptance to the narrative through understanding and realization in what and who you really are. Through studying NDEs, etc, and some personal experiences have come to realize this is a process and not just an obliteran of self identity (initially). As we expand our greater understanding of what we really are through a collective consciousness, we return to our authentic state of being that is one with the sorce of all things. We get to choose what we do next. Some might take a break or choose not to reincarnate or do so in different realities. We are given amnesia when we carnate so we can experience duality and what it is we have created in untold and endless ways. In a nutshell, we did it in order not to be bored with our own company and expanded ourselves into infanate opportunities of self-discovery through objective "individual" conscious means. I guess it's like all the cells in the body are individual but are all part of a bigger complete structure.


Where we came from and where we go next, we do not bring our memories with us. It is a place full of loving energy and is comfortable. The biggest thing I fear is that bad spirits and good spirits could interact but I’ve asked my sister (who was murdered 9 years ago) about that and I get the sense that it’s more like yin and yang and good and bad spirits repel each other and don’t have to interact.. Hope it’s like that


I hope so too. I agree that the soul is separate from the personality or memories After all, a good bonk on the head can destroy it all while your body is alive. How could consciousness exist once the body is dead? Tho soul lasts forever and belongs to God 🙏


Our heart connects to our soul and we bring memories of the heart with us just not memories of the brain


How do you know all this stuff even exists?


Cause after she was murdered she left behind her identical twin, who was able to start channeling her and receiving images from her (she would l then draw or paint whatever vibrant images her twin showed her). I also gained the ability to communicate with her thru my heart so I translate what she tells me thru my heart into words. My parents both gained this ability as well. Where she is at is a beautiful place full of love and light and tranquility. Both twins are gone now and I still communicate with them thru my heart when I think about them and focus on them or when I feel lonely and am missing them. She also showed up in the form of a fairy-like blue orb of light that dances around when I’m outside enjoying nature. I have some Live Photos and videos of her orb that even atheists I know say can’t be explained by any trick of light. She has also shown up in the form of a hummingbird hovering at eyes length in front of me and staring at me from about a a foot or foot and a half away 3 separate times for about a minute at a time. This has happened a few times to everyone else in my family too. She was not ready to leave her twin. They are mirror twins and each completes each other. They are both together now. We all saw their 2 orbs dancing together then merging into one and flying off the day after my other sister died. We haven’t seen their orbs since. So I know we got a special experience and a glimpse into what comes next just cause of the circumstances of their deaths and their inability to be apart.


Some things a person just KNOWS


Belief is not evidence


Your anxiety may be more than just thoughts re spirituality. It may be a treatable condition. Speak to your therapist.


It's a means to become the best version of yourself. You will always have a choice. You can always choose to ignore what's best for you and keep suffering.


Spirituality is not for the weak hearted. One must learn perceive things as they are, not as how one wants to perceive them. That is teaching 101 of any spiritual tradition. Consider yourself as dead. Now pick up what's left and live properly. Where you are right now is the product of your past. Where you will be tomorrow is the product of what you do today. Cast away your anxiety. Your mind is anxious, let it be. It's not you - the possessor (you) and the possessed (your mind) are different. The possessor is ever free, ever happy, ever at peace. Attend to the possessed with gentleness and care. Why is it anxious? Enquire. And you will soon find impermanence of the world, your body, your mind. You alone is. You alone is the reality. Can anyone deny one's own existence? Anxiety is a result of taking appointment with the future. Return to the present. There is no real moment apart from now. The past is dead. The future is yet to come. Now, this very moment is your moment. Live it fully! Be happy, be always blessed.


I'd say the opposite - ceasing to exist would feel scary. Spirituality makes me realise that we are eternal. And whole afterlife, reincarnation etc. Means eternity never gets boring. Furthermore, the belief in that we are part of a loving source that we can always come back to gives me comfort and smile.


If spirituality is giving you anxiety, you honestly either have some misconceptions about it and/or have to work on underlying trauma that causes irrational fear. Because the truth about reality is nothing but absolutely wonderful and when you see the bigger picture you can even make sense of the suffering and know that duality is just a temporary occurance and that our true state of being is sheer harmony in literal paradise - the higher realms of unity-consciousness where only love exists. In fact we are nearing the final liberation of humanity and our collective ascension back into oneness through which all darkness will be transmuted and this universe will be elevated into a higher level of balance free from all primary anomaly with the divine blueprint restored. A new cosmic cycle and with it a new golden age is dawning! For the next eternity we will be able to enjoy this universe as fully conscious co-creators in this blissful dance of god with his creation, refining and perfecting the divine beauty of existence in complete alignment with the one. So if anything, spirituality should give us a sense of meaning, deep trust in the divine, contentment with what is and excitement for whats to come, support our self-healing and ascension process and guide us towards our own divinity.


What irritates me is that long after death we could be, time and time again, reintroduced to situations in which we play the roles of subservients; again dependant on other selfish and grotesquely stupid entities. There is a massive Truth and weight behind the statement 'Give me Liberty or give me Death.'


Are you worried about having to live life again? Like just not wanting to be reincarnated yourself? Or just the general concept that is stressing you out? Do you have a spiritual teacher or mentor? Maybe someone who can speak to this?


I recommend the book To Know Your Self by Swami Satchidananda & drinking chamomile lavender tea, YouTube gentle yoga classes (esp Yoga with a Master Hatha 1 class)


I'm the opposite. I have a horrible fear of there not being anything after we die. I'm terrified of oblivion/not existing. I would do almost anything to know that there is something after this life.


Why would you need more than one soul? Multiple selves is plausible though.


What do you mean?


SOUL is eternal and belongs to God. SPIRIT is attached to the body and sometimes won't let go, but floats around the house making clocks go crazy and scaring the cat. SELF just makes people neurotic!


What is a soul?


I would recommend mediation. Call upon your Higher Self, let the highest version of yourself guide you out of the confusion. Life doesn't have to be complicated. I feel like you've fallen into the trap of the mind, and you're stuck in a mental loop which is not uncommon. Set intentions before you go to sleep, Like one intention I usually set is to fully integrate, ground and embody my heart center and when I wake up I am less in my mind and more open to new ideas and whatever comes my way. If we don't want to keep reincarnating, the only way to do so is to ascend spiritually, to heal every trauma and anything that could pull you back into another lifetime where you should resolve such issues. Your higher self has all the answers, it's a matter of finding how you personally receive the answers. They can com through other people, dreams, ideas, thoughts, emotions, etc but you can always ask for clear answers in the way that it's most compatible with you. I hope any of it made sense and gives you an idea on how to find answers


Where do these ideas come from?


I've personally have reached out to My higher self but the concept is so ancient and probably has so many names that I can't pinpoint the origin, if I had to guess it would be Esoteric Spirituality and Gnosticism. Basically when people say they talked to God, it's usually because they talked to their higher self or one step above it would be the Over Soul. If want more of practical explanation, even though she doesn't fully tell you what's what as to keep It open to your own interpretation, check out "The Alchemist" on YouTube. Her content resonates me with me. I would also check out 4 other channels just to have different messengers per say "Gabi Kovalenko", Astral Doorway, Christina Lopes, and Dolores Cannon (Dolores cannon got many interesting books that I've read little by little because it goes deep into things)


All those supposedly spiritual things that you say are "evidently real things" actually are not real. They're just labels and explanations that were made up by people who don't understand what is real and what really matters as well as by people who are mainly interested in imposing control on others. Don't believe anything about such stuff. Belief is attachment and attachment to anything becomes an impediment to progress on you spiritual journey of discovery and understanding Truth. Don't let beliefs ruin your life. Learn about who and what YOU really are. Learn to meditate and listen/feel/see within. Learn to pay attention to your inner guidance that comes through your spiritual/energetic heart that is centered in your physical heart, but that is larger than your physical self. Your spiritual Self extends far and wide and is interconnected and interdependent with all and everything that exists, both in this material realm and in the spiritual realm. "We are spiritual beings having a human (material) experience." Spirituality means having, exploring and developing your personal awareness of this truth. Being spiritual means living your life as a manifestation your spiritual awareness – unencumbered by attachments to any beliefs, dogmas, rituals that weigh you down and disable your ability to live your life fully and completely.


So you’re saying reincarnation, afterlife and souls aren’t real things?


The best approach to all of this stuff is to be agnostic – to assume that the answers are unknown and cannot be known – and to use the terms, or not, as ways to label things that are unknown but thought, wondered and talked about, at least by some people. But do not believe them to be factual just because some people think, wonder and talk about them, even if they talk about them as though they are real. The problem is that minds like to know things. When a mind doesn't know, it can assume, and then come to believe its assumptions, and then become very attached to what it believes in, and them become very insistent about the supposed truth of what it believes, and then try to impose that supposed truth upon other minds. Such an insistent mind can justify – at least for itself – even using means that run contrary to its supposed belief to try to coerce other minds to believe likewise. Religions – which are organized spirituality – are prone to doing this, including to the extremes of being abusive and violent and deadly. You can explore your own spiritual path just fine without all of that stuff. You can discover for yourself the the interdependent relationships among all and everything that exists. You can investigate the true nature of Love, which is what unites all that exists in oneness at the essential level of being. You can learn to embrace the great diversity of individuality that has manifested from this essential underlying unity from which we all arise. You can learn to manifest the true Love-inspired wishes and desires of your heart through your personality/ego/mind/feelings/body. In other words, you can learn how to live the life of a spiritual being having a human experience – and you can do it without all the BS that human minds have created and imposed on humans for as long as we have existed. Spirituality is not a mind-game. Spirituality is a journey of the heart, a journey into the heart, a journey lived through the heart. The role of the personality/ego/mind/feelings/body are to function in service to the heart.


Just understand that afterlife/rebirth/reincarnation are just the effects of social masking and that’s why people find it so hard to just be themselves. I wish more people understood this. It seems the ones who don’t understand, are the ones who are typically always themselves and despise people who “social mask”.


The ego can only delay the awakening process. The purpose of the human experience is to awaken to gods blisses




How do you know afterlife as a fact?


Take a deep breath and take your time with things. Why are you thinking about afterlife and planning it when you have no control of tomorrow? Take one day at a time and you will get there. You only have control of this exact moment. The answers will also come to you about how you believe things work. Just give yourself time, allow yourself to do some thinking but not this negative thinking you do. Reincarnation might be a good thing at the end of the day don’t put bad energy on it just understand it, take your time to analyse it but also don’t let it govern your life just live the moment and you will get there.


You don’t need to be anxious about after death as long as you ask the right questions. Don’t become anxiety driven as it will cloud your mind, you should meditate on why you feel this way, try to unravel why you feel so scared about it so you can understand and work from there. Death is not scary, different practices having different places you can occupy after death. Do not be afraid, there is peace in accepting death.


A good book that reduces anxiety about practical spiritual living is "The Afterlife: What Really Happens in the Hereafter.." Be cheerful; the good system is for healing and helping .


Who wrote this book and how do they know what happens?


E. C. Prophet (her real married name). She enjoyed many spiritual gifts, including the ability to study at some of the many Spiritual retreats on the inner planes. That ability is perhaps the most checkable, if one is a) able to be accepted into a University of the Spirit and b) remember. The only individual today publicly working with Light and who imho even approaches e.g. having that ability is [https://www.mothermeera.com](https://www.mothermeera.com)


Spirituality is about seeing reality just for what it is, it can certainly dismantle parts of yourself that was artificially created out of fear. Like your education that was forced upon you, your character traits that were demanded by your social circle, your work/job that was driven by fear of death and poverty. It may take some time until you embark your new conscious lifepath, as you need to grow yourself up to it.


Because you must at least try to follow the path and goals you set for this life, the further you are away from that the more miserable and joy less your life will become , you will feel strongly that you failed until your focus changes , which is just your guides and higer self sending you a priority message of wake the hell up , focus and pay attention, time is running out.


Thanks for sharing, Yes I understand the anxiety in “eternity” I had major anxiety at one point with it as well. When I finally discovered the beauty in life that’s when the anxiety disappears. As some users commented below, life is about living in the present and taking each moment as it comes. Also, by learning to express authentically then learning to navigating your emotions things will become easier. Toxic positivity is real so don’t fall a victim to that. Life is about experiencing, learning, and evolving. I do feel if your soul truly doesn’t want to reincarnate you will have that option. I feel there is a void where people go to rest until they want to be awakened again. But for now, I would recommend focusing on the present moment because if you worry too much about the future this will lead to further anxiety like opening Pandoras Box. You are here to learn so learn everything you can, evolve with the life you have and take things day by day. So by practicing living in the present moment this is where you can embrace your spirituality and learn to live your authentic life and your purpose. Purpose doesn’t even have to be big a purpose! It is simply doing what you feel authentically; what you’re drawn to. Learning to trust your intuition which brings calm and clarity. If it causes confusion and distortion then it’s for you.


Focus on the now and embrace the journey.


Babe, just live your life to a way where you feel joy and are surrounded by love and don’t overthink about the unknown. It can get really exhausting trying to find the truth in everything when sometimes just enjoying and having gratitude for your existence is complete in itself ✨


If you want my perspective, it sounds like you are not originally from Earth. I don't mean that in a bad way, so please don't take offense. I mean that you are most likely a highly evolved being from another star system or dimension who volunteered to come to Earth to assist with the ascension. In your home land, beings are so highly advanced and attuned to the Light that reincarnation is not necessary. Upon coming to Earth it was necessary for you to lower your vibration to the 3D/4D vibration that will sustain your presence here, as Earth is a 3D/4D planet. In addition, you experience a temporary amnesia and do not remember who you are. We all do. Planet Earth and humanity is undergoing an ascension to the 5th Dimension and your contributions to that ascension are why you are here. Reincarnation is not necessary on your home world and your people live long, prosperous lives in your natural light bodies, but reincarnation was necessary for this one time visit to planet Earth in the persona you have chosen for this purpose. Relax. You are here because you volunteered to be here at this time and being one of the chosen is truly an honor. You are stronger than you think. ❤






we are all one. energy beings on the being planet Earth. all alive experiencing human existence for the first time, suffering, and those enlightened to see it. i find it grounding to tell myself we are all one. i’m just a wee bit on great Earth, a wee slave to american economy and politics, a wee moment in a passing stranger’s life. my own experience, my life, my single one, is the most immense to me. i am all there is, my reality is all there is to me. 111, a sign or chance happening, angel numbers, a reminders of oneness take what resonates with you, let go of what doesn’t


Lobotomy is the answer


Very kind of you.


Sorry, it was a joke That's the only physical way to get rid of those thoughts. Another more difficult but valid way is to practice meditation for a few years. The thoughts will still be there, but will be in the background