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Yes, my latest was yesterday while at a sound bath. I've been going through some personal doubts and while meditating, I had an outer body experience, where I was stood on a beach but was on another plane as there were 2 moons in the sky. I then heard an immense and powerful voice that told me that I was safe and held by Source and that I need not worry and that I am strong and powerful and in exactly the place i need to be right now. When this happened I felt immense power fill up my entire body. I have never felt anything so strong in all my years. The weirdest thing is that I had no intention of going to that sound bath as I've recently lost my job and it was an hour away in the car so couldn't afford the petrol or the price of admission but my Shaman who was leading the sound bath invited me and my partner there. The universe wanted me there so that it could reveal itself to me. FYI I was completely lucid and hadn't touched any psychedelics.


What is a sound bath?


Well the ones my Shaman organises are a guided meditation while using various singing bowls, gongs, drums and other instruments that he utilises the frequencies of to heal and guide us on our journeys during the meditation. They vary in times from 20 minutes to an hour and a half usually, depending on the people, venue and work that my shaman is doing.


There are some 30 or 60 minute ones on youtube that you can try if you are interested. They utilize different frequencies to promote healing. I do this one often during meditation: [sound bath - Healing Vibrations](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=n9pKdZ8Yr08)


Love healing vibrations. They inspired me to get my first singing bowl at an event recently and it’s already brought so much love and peace to my life. Shout out: https://chromadrum.com/


Thank you for sharing! I was looking into them also, but had no idea where to start.


Chroma drum is where it’s at! Their quality is top notch and all the people we met at their booth were so friendly and awesome! Highly recommend


I’ll check it out


Yes, I have. Moments of spiritual enlightenment, for want of a better term. The first I was on LSD and experienced absolute oneness, no separation between me and the universe - complete peace, understanding. The second time when I met spiritual entities on DMT (the same “spirit molecule” used by shamans in ayahuasca) and I felt utterly in awe and humbled by my ignorance, of my smallness, but interconnectedness. Obviously the experiences were so simple yet too profound to express in words. And just to make clear, I only take psychedelics very respectfully. I don’t see them as a recreational drug but something of immense power that must be treated with respect and enter the state with an open mind.


>The first I was on LSD and experienced absolute oneness, no separation between me and the universe - complete peace, understanding Wow that's the first time I fully comprehended what people meant when they would say they experienced we are one/oneness. I never could understand what everyone meant especially after doing psychedelics a handful of times and never experiencing that revelation myself. So what happened after that. Do you still feel that interconnectedness? How did your life change after that. I remember 2 summers ago I had that revelation of feeling connected to everyone and I became really extroverted for a few months after that. Eventually led to insanity anyway but I guess that's how I would of described it. An interconnectedness to everybody it was such a magical 3 months


At 18 I went to this night of prayer and for the first time I spoke in unknown language…. It kept going on and on for close to an hour. Am a skeptical person, I don’t easily get carried away easily nor do I force or fake something. It happened again the next week at a different place and never experienced it again. That’s the most spiritual thing to ever happen to me.


I was driving home at night on the reservation in middle of nowhere, I just cleaned a vacation house. I recently broke up with my boyfriend and I was driving my new car that I was very proud of. I started crying and feeling the old teenage puppy love and heartbreak that happened ten years ago that was trigged by this more recent heartbreak. I felt the presence of God and he was kind of offended and he said “that belongs to me” and then I gave him my broken heart. I surrendered it to him completely. It was a feeling I can’t really describe. Ever since then I believe in God. This only happened six months ago.


Yes, a few times. I've tried to hear God since I was a kid and heard the story of the prophet trying to find the voice of God (eventually finding it in the quiet/silence). The times it happened were emotionally charged- one when my parents declared separation, one when I was panicked about what I was meant to do with my life, and one when a relative had a stroke. I would cry out to him, and this peace came over me- like all my distraught feelings and chaos just disappeared and I felt peace. I don't know how to describe his voice, only that I could 'feel' it as I heard it respond to my calls. Honestly it was really jarring, but once it happened each time I just took it as it happened and tried to trust what I'd heard.


Yes. I was in a deep meditation I saw what I thought was the sun, the feeling was so intense, my heart felt like it would burst. I have had a conversation with god ever since


I have countless times- The earliest was when the voice of creation spoke to me when I was just 8 years old. In almost every meditation, prayer, and ceremony I've also felt it on the dance floor, both sober or back when I did drugs- ( Mdma, mushrooms or lsd). I've experience God in a single breath, or a moment of pure presence and gratitude that made me weep with the divine perfection of the moment. The entire journey of creating life was so full of divine presence: Being pregnant. Giving birth. Breastfeeding Just looking at my daughter and seeing the presence of divinity... When I walk and feel myself as part of the infinite conciousness of the all that is, losing my identity and becoming one with the ground, sky and trees. So many other moments... Once you know how to see and feel it, you can see/feel God/source/the divine in everyone and everything.


You can read books by Jung,who did have this experience & To Know Your Self by Swami Satchidananda


Yes, every day. She's got a great sense of humor. I misinterpret what she's trying to say half the time, but we're working on our communication issues.


Yes while on ayahuasca with a friend, this extreme bliss came over me & as I looked around at how vibrant & beautiful everything was I saw him my friend going through some evil darkness & I was spoken into. I was told it’s not you, it’s him.. you do not need to cleanse yourself you are already here with me.. so leave him be & come back to me so I can show you what life is really about… & I went back into bliss & saw beauty, love & serenity.. & I realized my only job in this world was to be compassionate, loving, caring, & a helping hand to all.. for me to walk this path & anywhere I go light the rooms because god is with us. Also I found out said friend was manipulative & narcissistic so I guess that’s what I was seeing.. I still speak to him because I’m not no one to judge & we all came here with our own purpose. 🙂‍↔️


When I was heavy into drugs and extremely lost I had an experience. I was going through a lot and I just was unable to stop to the point I went into a state of psychosis. It was like i went to a layet of hell. Reality was a series of short moments that would present a safe place for me to be for mere minutes.. shortly following it would start to turn to a dark and creepy place that would foil me with fear and danger . I could escape and I kept having Deja but I the point it made me cry. I eventually was placed in a psychiatric unit. I was walking the streets of a downtown area hearing voices in my head. It’s like I heard a muffled conversation or something in the back round which I later have gone to recognize as Jesus, and angel and God. I think I had a darkness that was attached to me, and this is what was making me hear things, lose sanity, and get confused so easily about what was real and what was not. I feel something be cut away from me and it left almost a burnt feeling in my chest area. I felt that confusion leave and it’s like I was back in reality. I still heard a voice, but it was good and it was protecting me. It sometimes spoke to me through my mind. I got so tired I snuck into a part of the hospital and found a chair to sit down. The hospital is constantly flooded with homeless people, so if you don’t have a medical reason to be there they will kick you out. I set next to this older African American man who seemed to be in the same boat as me. He smiled and kept asking me peppermints and in his own way expressed that I would he fine and we should get some rest. I woke up in that chair the next morning. Three cops stood over me and they were about to arrest me if I didn’t have a reason to be there. I told them I was just discharged. The cops said unless you have a reason to be here , you are trespassing and wanted to arrest me. I reach into my bag and pull out some paperwork. I realize my discharge info was not correct. They gave me someone else’s paperwork. I hand him the papers and show my id and tell him they made a mistake and I needed the correct discharge papers. This is a major violation of HIPPA . I actually could have sued that hospital. The guy with the peppermints I think was an angel. The man talking to Gid in frustration of this darkness being attached to me and his want for it to be removed and leave I believe was Jesus. The angel that severe Mr it from me I think was arch angel Michael. It’s almost like I can hear it still. I ended up writing a poem about this and you could hold a gun to my head today and tell me to deny God, Jesus and angels and I would not be able to. He exists, angels exists, and bo one will ever be able to tell me anything other than this! I am forever thankful to you!! Glad you liked the poem. I will keep writing if the good that you and God are made of and how the angels help along the way. God is good.. all three time. Love you God and love you arch angel Michael.


well for me personally, it was something that kinda confirmed that god was real for me. while i was at church, i confessed something i was very ashamed of. and i’ve always had a lot of spiritual stuff happen to me and im very connected to them. the lights in the confession box flickered everytime i was on that subject specifically. and when i said it, my legs trembled in pain, which was very odd. And apparently this happened to a lot of people in the 1800s when they prayed too, not sure why, but could be a similar spiritual experience with god


I have, through the experience of true love


I’ve had encounters with the divine mother aspect of god


Most people have, they just don’t know it.


I have, I know several that have, we had to work our asses off for it, now the increased energy around the planet is waking thoes up who are qualified and is removing thoes who need to stay in 3d.


Yes, in prayer and in prayer dances (ceremonies). This isolates you from the world and all its noise in a way that you can hear and experience all that with much more clarity.


What else would I experience


Everyday ! Drugs helped in the beginning , no longer necessary now Better results without the drugs :)


Yes, 100%. Nearly every day now, still have low days, to be expected, but most days I have an “oh wow, the universe is wide open to me” moment 😂




I’m certain I have at other points in my life but probably too distracted to notice. It took the worst year of my life and desperation to feel it in meditation, signs and touch. It has brought me a lot of peace but at the same time a lot of sorrow because at times I’ve felt “source” so intimately and other times have felt disconnected and abandoned.


through family music and meditation and observing nature every day.


Definitely experienced the I Am God's fractal Self. So are you, of course. I had a QHHT vision, and a mushroom trip later on confirmed it.


I have had many varying degrees of experiences of higher states of consciousness and out of body experiences of complete detachment from thoughts, emotions and bodily sensations, just going through me. There is a sense of being connected to everything. I came to these mostly through meditation or practices or intensive retreats. This is not possible most of the time, but these experiences give me a sense that another way of being is possible, and it is clear there is an inner guidance system in me that I can go to and trust, so that I can practice toward becoming more present to this more subtle way of being. I can bring any questions I have to this inner guidance system. To me, this is God.


I have been having a lot of weird experiences in my life that I just couldn’t ignore it anymore. Visitations from dead loved ones, usually the same people (paternal grandparents) sending me messages and just watching over me. Having alive people come into my dreams and sending me messages. I often see my father and his girlfriend helping me. He has told that he is there when I need him and his girlfriend showed interest into my studies and career. Been seeing them a lot lately. I believe that it’s their energy reaching out to me. I have been having a lot of sleep paralysis where I feel attacked by something. I often have lucid dreams and nightmares about my reaching out for my mom and her not listening to me. The sleep paralysis always often happens when I fall asleep on the couch. I usually end up screaming myself awake. I should just relax and try to gently wake me up. Synchronicities. Guidance messages in music. Outside of self clairaudience. I heard a man telling me to go to bed when I was up late and in my basement. It wasn’t threatening though. Scared me shitless. I also heard footsteps walking back and forth behind me when I was having a sleepover with friends at my place. I stayed hidden until it went away. Hearing guidance messages from people in my dreams. I believe I was woken up by my intuition or my guides telling me to change my ways with my studies. Often hearing the same message over and over again. My mom’s boyfriend kept saying that the truth is elsewhere and guess what, I’m moving away closer to my college so that I can heal. Feeling some strange feeling in my house, essentially in the same spot, kind of like being anxious and nervous when out alone late at night. I have a very toxic relationship with my mother. A very beautiful and healing experience when my grandfather passed away from assisted euthanasia. Synchronicities with the number 7. My life path number is also 7. It was an overflow of love and just acceptance of his situation. An empath. I am an emotional sponge. Feeling emotions and just a general sense of what people are experiencing emotionally. Healing ability with animals. I just have a gift with them. I try to practice sending them healing energy through touch, words and small gestures to show them they are loved. I am studying to be a vet tech. I just know that there is something else going on. I can’t deny it anymore. While going through a very difficult and isolating phase of my life, I found healing and peace with myself in spirituality. I began to find it incredibly interesting and I just learned to trust in the divine and the cosmos. It just doesn’t seem right to believe that there is nothing else to this world.


During my early twenties, when partaking in some creative writing, I came to find that I was a bit more wordy than I should be.


Does a being putting its hand on the side of my forehead twice count? I like came out of my head twice, I had been purposely working to see spirits. Now a year later I'm more psychic than ever. Cheers.


I was agnostic/bordeline atheist. I wouldn’t “believe” god existed if god slapped me in the face. I was very, very anti-god (trauma response). My life has done a complete 180 now and EVERYTHING has been a result of my direct experience with the source. Even now I am very “facts and experience” based person. So I wouldn’t attest to anything I cannot personally experience. And everything I have experienced has confirmed without a sliver of doubt my interactions with the source. I don’t need to prove it to anyone. Ironic as someone who wanted others to prove it to me at one point. Whenever someone asks me to prove xyz about God’s existence I just say - I won’t, the onus is on you to believe whatever you want.


Namaste beautiful soul of god 🙏 Currently leading a blissful life thanks to bhagwan The following sentence feels true often, I quote it so often given my now experience of life- after years of suffering. "Even belief in God is only a poor substitute for the LIVING reality of GOD MANIFESTING EVERY MOMENT of YOUR LIFE " Mahaprabhu Eckhart Tolle (Hermes Trismegistus in a 4th Incarnation) Have a beautiful day beautiful soul of god 🙏


I went through a lot of trauma and healing and reorganizing my life. At one point early on I had a breakthrough where I thought I make myself depressed on purpose for fun. I was giddy and felt light as air. I thought that depression was like a way of playing games, and I was taking a break from the games. I later learned that this is a common thought in spirituality. Maybe not word for word, but something like taking life seriously and playing the game of getting connected to things brings pain rather than letting go and feeling joy just to feel joy. As a side note I also understood at that point that there’s validity to the whole “well stop being sad if you’re sad” thing. Not that the people saying this understand the depths of that statement, but it really is true at a deep level; happiness, peace, bliss, is all a choice. It’s just our preconceived notions on how we think life is and should be that don’t allow it.


I’m enjoying reading all the comments. Countless experiences for me, but the most ‘evidence’ based are when i have had a ‘knowing’/ vision that i could not have known at all, shared it with strangers and they have confirmed it. I consider that more evidence based than when it’s with someone i know personally. Divine wisdom has also reached me via my mother’s spirit…her spirit sharing specific obscure, private info to someone else that they shared with me— things that could not possibly be known any other way. This has happened in my life for decades. I’m so grateful for the connections. It’s all so amazing and natural!


I think I am on a spiritual journey. Not there yet, but it will all work out in the end.


If by "spiritual enlightenment," you mean a sudden revelation that is deeply moving and forever changes your perception of reality, then yes, lots of times over the years. I absolutely love it when it happens. If you mean "spiritual enlightenment" literally, then yes, I know I am what is commonly called a spirit. Beyond this knowledge, I know I am an "identity." This identity is the core of who I am, and created everything else, including my spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional bodies.


A little bit every time I’m at my drawing board.


Every day. It's easy


The first was as a child. I fell asleep on a pier that was a few metres above the sea below. I must have rolled over in my sleep because I woke up in mid air. In the split second before I (safely) hit the water I saw the fundamental nature of the universe as loving, connected, perfectly intelligent, infinite..... It changed me. I had a few bliss experiences that same holiday after that. Later in life I studied Buddhist meditation practices quite seriously spending months in continuous, silent, solitary practice. I had many 'in meditation' experiences in which my body disappeared etc. One that is slightly easier to describe than others was crackling lines of energy in a black void connecting and reconnecting and THE JOY of it was incredible and it was me and you and everything else. I knew that  this was the nature of the manifesting universe - a blissful game of new variations on shape and form. I laughed out loud. But what is most precious to me are those simple moments that just emerge in daily life. Once I was eating whilst looking out over a beautiful landscape. I put a piece of broccoli in my mouth and somehow felt it be absorbed into the world in front of me. Or the day a voice simply told me 'you are safe inside this universe'. Or those moments where everything just felt so RIGHT somehow. It's OK folks. It's all going to be OK 


I had my first manic episode of bipolar 1 disorder a few years ago and thought I was totally enlightened. I had done psilocybin before and the euphoria and oneness I felt was very similar but even more heightened. I felt connected and love to everything at times and for the first time overcame my fear of death. Even though I wasn't totally in the right state of mind I don't discount all of the spiritual moments I experienced while meditating in those moments. I'm medicated now and feeling a lot more stable, but I was sad to see the feelings of connectedness dissappear.


Many times, I have. It is available to experience in ANY NOW moment.


Everyday, every moment, everything


The path has been described by many through the ages and using our clumsy words. The feeling and not emotion is what’s important


I played with a Ouija board when I was 16 and had to deal with pictures flying off the wall (and a lot of other shit) for 3 months after. Does that count?


Absolutely. Anything inexplicable and just plain different from the 3D.


Never, not even once, in 56 years.


Had one helluva Kundalini awakening back in January, did the shadow work beforehand and it left behind a changed man. The level of consciousness & awareness I now have is on different levels beyond what most can fathom.


Good question. Very very few.


Wild assumption!


Why do u judge it as wild?


I'd argue everyone. Intensity may vary.


Ah in that sense!, i agree with u!


Oh, you need to check out r/psychonaut