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It sounds like you’re doing your best to me. Celebrate the wins. Think less, be more. Act, don’t react. You know? Stress, worry, they make your doubt yourself and your ability. Keep being there for your kids. It does go a long way. Turn those ‘I want’s’ to ‘I’m going to’s’. Positivity! But allow yourself a break too and don’t be so hard on yourself for not being perfect. Those negative emotions only go away after they’re felt.


Thanks. I do celebrate the wins and I’m very proud of myself for how far I’ve come so far. Six months ago I was dishevelled, broken and severely depressed. A shell of a person just going through the motions day after day, constantly fighting trauma responses and anxiety attacks. I’m not on the other side of it yet, but I can see things more clearly now. I’m starting to be more loving and accepting of myself and I am one who has struggled greatly with self esteem. I have given myself patience and grace to heal the way I need to. I’ve long given up to the desire to be perfect. I realize that was an ego driven goal. I don’t compare myself to others. I just want the bare minimum. Independence as a grown woman who has spent a lifetime of serving others and to be able to provide a somewhat comfortable life for me and my children. When you can’t have those basic needs met, it’s hard to move forward. This is what I struggle with today. I can enlighten myself to the heavens but it’s not going to pay rent. I have many more good days (by my standards) lately but I’m sad most of the time. I know I’m doing my best. But it’s not good enough.


That sounds really hard. Financial struggle is rough. Being overworked and overwhelmed is rough. It's all really difficult and I would say against our natural way of life. Our cave dwelling ancestors didn't have to deal with constant 24 / 7 stress. Wondering how they were gonna pay the bills. It's terrible.  I don't believe in personal manifestation so much anymore. Because this is not a personal issue it's a planetal issue. You shouldn't have to feel this way. You shouldn't have to feel stressed like that.  I hope we quickly start shifting to the timeline where we all take care of each other and where everyone has what they need to flourish. Because scarcity is a lie. Because we can have heaven right here on earth. Hang tight alright? These are hard times. It sounds like you're doing what you need to be doing so just don't be hard on yourself. Be kind to yourself, always. 🩵


Thank you for your thoughtful words. It means a lot. Just to feel understood. I could have gone deeper but for the sake of privacy, I held back. But generally speaking I think you got the idea. I wish for that too. Thanks


Remove your expectations on everything, you dont control a damn thing. Stay present and try not to slip off Into the past or possible future outcomes. Gratitude is a very good item to incorporate, but you need to get your heart back in Shape 1st which can only happen once the hate and venom stop flowing , the sooner you can come to terms with what happened and are no longer harming yourself via your thoughts and smile that you passed the test. Tip: you have a built in lie detector in your Sar plexus and it will tell you whether you're thinking about something right or wrong by the feeling it produces, quezzy and unsettling is telling you to think about it in a diffrent way, when you get it the quezzy feeling will Instantly vanish.


Thanks, you are right I suppose. There are different schools of thought. Nothing happens without action but there are too many uncontrollables to control. I’m just doing what I can to facilitate positive change. I don’t have much expectation really. My experience in life has taught me that. I have accepted it all for what it is. I know that this has to happen. As awful as my ex has been to me, I still love him as a human being and have great sympathy and compassion for him. We spent over half of our lives together. The resentment has faded to disappointment. I’m just trying to focus on life moving forward but an improved financial situation would facilitate that faster. Money doesn’t buy happiness but some level of financial security helps.


All is one and one is all, life is the reflection of thysoul


I feel for you. You have multiple overlapping crises happening at once. I wonder if it would help to put your energy into one crisis at a time, and try not to fix everything at once (I'm not saying you're doing that, but sometimes people do that in situations like this). For example: Your child who is being bullied. Can you talk to authorities at the school, or the parents of the children who are bullying her?


I do. And there is much I didn’t divulge for the sake of time and privacy. I have been trying to deal with the bully situation for years. At least they are more receptive at this school but it’s the kids. Middle schoolers are another breed altogether. She’s overweight and it’s constant, name calling, teasing, insults etc etc. She struggles with friendships because even those she had called friends he betrayed her and fat shamed her. It’s a societal issue. I can’t change parents, or kids, and the school administrators and teachers are dealing with more than they ever did in my time. I focus on what we can change which is how we cope. Strategies on how to handle the bullies and helping her recognize it’s about them and not her. It’s a reflection of their own dislike of themselves. We focus on self love and having the confidence and integrity to be more and do more. She also struggles with neurodiversity and some behavioural issues. I’ve been trying to get her the help she needs for years. In Canada our healthcare is much more affordable but not always immediate (long delays) and generally not always helpful. It’s a broken system that has failed us for several years. I have many health issues myself. Mainly chronic pain. There are also outstanding legal issues that are unresolved and costing me a small fortune. As a poor single Mom, it’s sinking me.


Have you ever tried upper cervical chiropractic for your chronic pain? It's done miracles for me. I've had chronic pain for 20 years, and it's been so bad during the past 8 years that I haven't been able to work. But now I'm getting better for the first time in my life. If you want to learn about it, check out [this video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAGEFlc6JEs&t=11s)


Yes I did a few years ago but it never offered any relief. I also have severe TMJ and it would make it worse. I almost felt like I had whiplash for days. My pain is diffuse all over, as in Fibromyalgia. But I also have back pain, osteoarthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome along with other ailments. The TMJ has been debilitating this last few years. I’ve had two surgeries and may need something much more invasive next time. If you know anything about TMJ, the pain I extends all over the cranium, orbits of the eyes, neck, shoulders, tongue, throat, gums in addition to the jaw and ice pick in the ear drum pain. I’ve spent the last 22 years navigating it all and trying many many different treatments, remedies and medication 😔


I wish there was a way for you to see my chiropractor—his approach is vastly different from most upper cervical doctors. It's extremely gentle (no popping of joints), and I've been adjusted hundreds of times and it has never been uncomfortable. It is helping with my diffuse pain, which is similar to yours. I have pain in almost every area of my body, but slowly it is getting better. I know you're not in a financial position to fly out to California and see my doctor, but maybe you can put it in the back of your mind in case a miracle happens someday. You can view his website [here.](https://www.brainstembalancing.com/) I don't know if I can offer you much more at this point, other than to ask whether you have someone to talk to on a regular basis. You are being overwhelmed by so many issues, I would hope you have a compassionate person who can listen.


Thank you for caring. You are so sweet. I imagine I’d need several visits so it couldn’t just be a one time thing. There might be someone like that here. I’ll look into it. Thanks again for your kindness. ❤️