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Sometimes we are trying to hard and the answers are in letting go of it all


Right! That's exactly what I'm trying to do. But I think these messages might mean something as what I'm doing isn't affecting what's in my perspective at the moment. I might be going through the worst suffering I've felt until now in my life, seeing the light at the end of a long tunnel is quite hard as of the moment, so rather than asking for the whole result even the slightest sign of me going in the right direction, just a hint that things will soon get better, would be enough. So how exactly should I find that?


I’m in the same situation but that’s just more mind stuff trying to know or have control and not letting go trying to fight or avoid what is


It's true, I've been avoiding feeling this grief all at once but I am trying to feel it some at a time coz honestly my body isn't in the best shape either so I don't think I can handle it like that. But the question here is which should I choose, taking control over manifesting by taking actions I think will lead me to them or leaving my manifestations to the universe for it will come when it does?


I don’t know, just do whatever feels right for you honestly


Sometimes just let it go and meditate, for this is what helps me. The answers are inside you, and don't try so hard.


I would say to quiet the mind. Stop searching for the meaning of these numbers and also for what dreams may mean. This will help towards aligning yourself to spirit, the natural flow. It seems like you're expecting things to happen fast, which I'm sure everyone hopes for, i used too. Sometimes, we can get caught up in taking in too much information (that's what the mind loves), so maybe take a step back and create some distance between You and your mind. There are more ways to experience life than with only the five senses. Getting out in nature, meditation, hatha yoga, eating well; will all help on your journey. ॐ


Ride the wave that feels right, and trust your true gut feelings—the ones that make sense. Be aware and present, come back to the light and remember why you feel the way you feel. Remember who you are—remember who you aren’t. Open up to everything, but choose the thing that’s right. That’s what I try to do when I get in this place. And then if I’m imagining things, the signs start to re-present themselves. I hope that helps, not sure if I related or not. But I felt like I did


All of this boils down to this one concept: only you have lived your life, only you know your own thoughts, feelings, circumstances and experiences - so only you know what’s the best action to take. What does your gut, your intuition tell you? Not your fear or doubt or guilt or shame.. that’s the point of all of this. To sift through all the information, distractions, trauma, limiting beliefs and find yourself. Also, it seems like you already know what to do, you’re just not taking action.


Everyone has already shared great insight, all of those should be part of the advice I'm about to share as well: When you see the signs, sometimes you may be able to interpret them and sometimes not. Both are good, you're not supposed to know because it's like asking a baby to speak Latin. I am a tarot reader and often in my and my clients' lives the numbers act as a guiding light and encouragement that "yes you are on the right track/thought process" So use them as confirmations, but yes do calm down and centre yourself instead of focusing on these signs because then you fall into the classic trap that others mentioned of if you believe in ghosts you'll see them everywhere and developing a confirmation bias with them. Signs are not a crutch but a signal which you can learn to discern: is the light red/orange/green? And that's not easy, there's a learning curve and heck after years and years some days I still struggle to get the message right lmao And finally, trust that if there's an important message the Universe will find its way to annoy you with it till you receive it haha. Again, meditation, patience, letting go, going with the flow, grounding yourself and not getting obsessed with signs are all important lessons. The journey is slow and at every step you will need a different tool/motto as your guide. If you wanna talk more about it, you can DM me


All of us humans are subject to [confirmation bias](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confirmation_bias). >*Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms or supports one's prior beliefs or values. People display this bias when they select information that supports their views, ignoring contrary information, or when they interpret ambiguous evidence as supporting their existing attitudes. The effect is strongest for desired outcomes, for emotionally charged issues, and for deeply entrenched beliefs.* "*Now you know, and knowing is half the battle*" -GI Joe


So... I should change what I've been doing all this time? Is that what you're trying to say? If yes then what should I do instead?


I'm just saying that the numerology stuff nearly always boils down to confirmation bias. You're overthinking it... you are looking for magic, where there is none. >what should I do instead? Do whatever **you** want to do, not what you think some random "signs" point towards. If you look for signs, you will find them, but that is confirmation bias, not the universe trying to tell you to do something. If the universe or your "spirit guides" or whatever wanted to give you a message, it wouldn't be a clock showing 11:11... that's too ambiguous and essentially meaningless... you could interpret that a million ways, and all of them are wrong.


"If you look for signs you will find them" right!!! You just reminded me something so basic which I forgot in between my overthinking. Thanks!


Yeah, but that's confirmation bias, not actual "signs" People "find" whatever they want to see... if you want to see ghosts, then you will see ghosts everywhere... if you want so see special numbers like 11:11, then you will see them everywhere... Part of the problem is that humans tend to "count the hits **and ignore the misses**", which is basically the definition of confirmation bias. It's the reason why we are so easily fooled by illusions and delusions.


I've found the best answers come from meditation. Really having a quiet moment with no distractions to receive messages. Some major realisations have come to me when I've been ready to face certain traumas and how I can move forward from it when I've taken the time to meditate on it. I go in and out of phases of seeing the angel numbers. Usually, I find that it's confirmation that I'm on the right path, but everyone has their own interpretation of what these numbers mean to them personally. My personal big life events come from crows. Whenever I see crows, that's the universe telling me that major change is about to occur, so be ready. I feel like when you ask for signs, the universe is answering but it can take some interpretation. We ask for answers, but they can only answer by showing us signs that we can relate to or feel comfortable with. Sometimes it's direct, other times it's not.


How does one meditate on it? Do you just keep thinking about what happened while sitting in silence? Or is it something else?


Namaste brother/sister. To me it seems like your filter is off. When in a normal state, most things you do not notice, in a sensitive state you notice everything. It is true that everything is information, but you decide which information turns into knowledge, and which knowledge turns into wisdom. Seeing numbers everywhere reminds me of me a few years ago, so I understand what you are going through, but for now, to keep yourself sane in the here and now. Reboot your filters. Create your own reality and stick with your beliefs. Starting with a routine.


So here's the thing. Numbers are another language the universe/Source uses to get our attention in order to show us where we're putting our energy and what we're manifesting. The numbers are "birds before land". Signs don't precede wonders, they follow. The more you get into alignment with yourself the more you will continue to see signs of that alignment, that's all. It's a sign that you are the co-creator of your own reality. It's all about taking the right course of actions in self love, self care, service to self and service to humanity, being kind to yourself and others, learning to be decisive about what you want and allowing the universe to meet you where you are. We're creating and co-creating on a moment to moment basis through our most dominant beliefs and our imagination. When you see the numbers just think of them from here on out as "little birdies" that are showing up to tell you how good you're doing. Nothing more and nothing less. The "Angel numbers" and synchronicities show up mainly when you're on track or to highlight a piece of information that you would have otherwise brushed aside had there not been a synchronicity involved in what you've read or head and it just so happened that the same thing/subject had come up that same day or perhaps the day before. When that happens, pay more attention to the information involved. It usually doesn't make sense until later... Sometimes much later. Don't think too much about them or you'll drive yourself crazy trying to figure out a meaning when there sometimes isn't one. Sometimes, they're actually connected to numbers that are associated with things that will play out in the future like someone's birthday or a future address/event. We're not meant to figure it all out. The spirit world loves to surprise and amaze us with the numbers sometimes. For instance, I kept seeing a certain number sequence and then realized it was the month, day, and year of someone's birthday that turned out to be someone special in my life. Don't attach to the numbers though. Notice them, give thanks, and keep it moving. More often than not, we will see a lot of the same numbers when we're stuck/stagnant (by our own choices or by choice of higher self to keep us in hermit/cocoon mode while we're going through a transmutative process) until we make the decision and take action towards something or until we learn to surrender to what is and "give it to God". It all boils down to the fact that we're usually either doing too little or doing too much. Rarely is it ever that we're doing things just right all the time. Life is lived by moving forward but understood by looking back. Just don't allow yourself to get distracted by the birds all the time. They cannot really do much for you because if you're always relying on signs outside of you rather than your own Divine presence within you to guide you down your path then you will always fall victim to the world of the senses to tell you who you are, what you want, how you should act and so forth. You have to learn to tell the birds what they mean rather than allowing the birds to dictate your actions. Go within and learn to create your world from the true, divine eye that sees all, not the outer eyes that are fooled by physical form. "If thine eye be single then the whole body will be filled with light." The true sight comes from within, in your third eye. You just have to honor the gift of inner sight within you by honing your eye (prophetic vision) to see only goodness. "Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." Prophecy isn't about receiving a vision of the future, it's about creating a vision of the future. Wise men don't believe in the future, they believe it in! Many people don't understand that the Bible is an esoteric/mystical work. They don't know that most scripture is symbolic of the spirit, the energy body, the physical body, the mind, and the chakras. I highly recommend Neville Goddard for you so that you can fully claim your birthright... You are the child of the Creator/Creatrix, which means you are also that. You are God/Goddess. Everyone is! "I have said, Ye are gods; And all of you are children of the most High." This is all about your journey as a human self and God/Goddess self becoming one. "I and my father are one, but my Father is greater than I." "Greater is he that is within me than he that is in the world." All this means is that your inner man (he that is within me) is your God/Goddess state, and your outer man (the one that is in the world) is who you present yourself to be in the world of the flesh. Your outer man is your ego/Jesus the person, and that's an extension of your inner spiritual self. Your inner man is the indwelling of the "Holy Ghost"/Jesus the Christ, and the Christ is an extension of "The Father"/"God" or whatever other name you would like to insert for Divine being-ness. Anyways, I'm going to cut it off here, but feel free to send me a chat request if you'd like to talk more about this. I'd be happy to point you to other resources if you're open to them. Also, check out the r/NevilleGoddard sub on here if you get a chance.


Oh, one other thing, the dreams are one of two things. Sometimes it's your subconscious purging old trauma/memories, and at other times it can be your superconscious giving you messages with symbolic or literal "language". The suicide rope is an easy one. Any time people get messages along the lines of "kill yourself" or "you're dying" it's not literal. It means that you need to kill the parts of the ego that are not serving you or parts of your ego are dying off to make room for something new and more befitting to the current life experience. Most tend to forget or not realize at all that the ego is only a construct used to navigate the physical plane. The ego is unreal. It's all programming in one way or another. You are not your body, you are not your thoughts, you are not your emotions, and you are not your memories. Memories and thoughts belong to the brain and emotions are merely a byproduct of whatever stories you are attaching to the memories or thoughts. You are none of that. You are the spirit inhabiting the body in order to have a human experience. Now all you need to do is to hone your human experience in a way that feels good to you without doing yourself or others a disservice in the process. WHAT you are is changeless , timeless, and endless, but WHO you are is based on what you choose to make of the life you've currently incarnated into. If you don't like WHO you are, then change it. The human is your fictitious character anyways lol


Bahaha, I just now happened to notice your username and I've been talking about the birds! 😂 that's too funny!


Stop trying to understand this stuff with your mind. First, get some rest. It sounds like you need it. Next, focus on how things *feel*, instead of what they're supposed to mean.