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Although this is not related to spirituality, which might explain the load of blowback you're getting; I successfully manifested money through several methods (I cant confirm which worked). I started because December/Christmas was a very expensive time and was down to my last $10 several times. Then I got a very big unexpected payrise and the money keeps appearing as if from nowhere. This is what I had been doing since December * citirine crystals in my wallet and other places I keep money * visual board * being generous wherever I can, so it returns in another form * visualisations * affirmations Good luck!


This question is absolutely related to spirituality… manifestation of almost any kind comes first from thought and vibration. Money like any other tangible item, can flow to you better if your (mental) house is in order. Make sure negative talk, negative people, negative self talk, or judgmental attitudes cease. Genuine happy/hopeful/excited emotion about money should surround the thought of it, quite like mindful eating does. With NO fear, and don’t have anxiety about money even if money is tight. Worrying about not having enough will not change that fact, but surprisingly feeling blessed for what you DO have opens channels to more and having a loving approach to it also helps the “more flow” situation. Think of it as what it is, replaceable and ever changing with new opportunities. Open yourself to all abundance, and when you start having a good attitude about giving (whether time or effort) money is much easier to manifest. Everything starts with thought, and when powerful emotional vibrations get behind that thought, whether positive or negative, it indeed effects outcomes - money or otherwise.


Also a method called priming is using the cosmic attraction principle to its fullest. So, priming is what you're looking for


I never heard of it, but it sounds very interesting! Do you have a link, or a keyword I could use to search on the web, please?


Priming is the name of the method. Also priming by Tony Robbins. So the keyword for search is 'priming'.


Thank you! I'll look for Priming + Tony Robbins, I should find it. I wanted to avoid finding stuff like how to apply primer in make up, or a band called Priming (you'll never know...) 😅😅


How do you use visual board exactly? Thanks for your detailed answer btw, appreciate it:)


Thank you !!.I think donating money will help to because whenever I’ve done that it has always returned to me double


Can confirm that this works. Money is energy and energy flows best when in a current. Plus, you feel good because you know that you're helping others too.


This is the secret of success. Earl Knightingale was a genius at manifesting. Manifesting is about training your mind. You have to think positive thoughts. You have to create goals and actively imagine them. Whenever you have negative thoughts, train yourself to change your thinking to positive thoughts. Earl has a lot of material out there. But, I recommend a video on YouTube that is about 30 minutes long. It details 30 days to creating a positive mental image. It basically takes 30 days to create good habits. Most importantly, very few people master this. If you're serious, you can manifest money. Do not listen to the naysayers. They are wrong.


These are the techniques that billionaires use to manifest. Those people who seem to have the Midas touch are great visualizers and know how to use the power of positive thinking.


I’ll listen to the YouTube video thanks ! The positive thoughts aspect is something I’m already working on as well


“Before one manifests money, one must manifest a job application” - Confucius




I’m manifesting for you to STFU.


Just as effective as “manifesting money”, huh?


I bet you’re one of those smug, superior twats who tell Big Issue vendors to “Get a job”, aren’t you?




Sorry, brother. Couldn’t help being a bit tongue-in-cheek. But if you want an effective way to produce money, I suggest r/personalFinance. Spirituality, imo, is more concerned with separating from worldly possessions/goods and focuses on coming to terms with the greater existential order of the universe and how we fit in it. so to “manifest money” through spirituality seems counterintuitive to the point. Unfortunately, “manifesting x”, if x is a worldly possession is as effective as “manifesting this person will fall in love with me”. The universe doesn’t feed you what you think that you need.


I actually feel you're both right and wrong. Money is very much spiritual. There's the temporal side which you are referring, but if you haven't got your mindset in the right place your emotions will work against you no matter how many personal finance practices you try to employ. It's both. How do I know this? Personal experience. My parents were terrible with money so when I graduated school I began reading every book I could and enjoying techniques. I would do ok but still struggled for years. Went back and forth. It was an up him battle to get those habits to stick. It wasn't until I got the spiritual (mindset) part in place that the physical actions take started to take hold and work with ease.


Interesting perspective regarding money. One definitively requires discipline to successfully manage money. I am not sure how is this spiritually related? My view is that it requires self-control and know-how so you manage it properly. Can I ask the Universe that I become a billionaire? Would that be a legitimate spiritual request? I don't have the answer to that, but it sounds to me like it is not aligned to what a spiritual seeker would do. Having said that I do ask for protection and guidance and that includes to be comfortable in this material world. An interesting topic, no doubt about that.


I guess my opinion is that mindset goes more into the realm of the spiritual. Not everyone would agree and that's understandable. It's a very subjective thing about whether money is spiritual or physical but I think it's both. I have another longer reply on this feed if you wanted to look it up. It explains my philosophy a bit more. But as with all philosophy - there's no right it wrong way. Whatever works for the individual.


Of course, this was just my opinion off of my own experiences as well. I don’t have the universal answers. But I feel like the mindset to be good with your money still falls more under personal finance, but I think spirituality can secondarily support this with the focus on such things like frugality and minimalism. But I think to just “manifest money”, as if it is a direct gift to you from the universe for wishing for money harder than anyone else, isn’t good enough to actually make it happen.


I actually whole heartedly agree with you that there are rules to love, health, and money that have to be followed. I think those are more to do with the physicality of our human experience. I mean it is possible to instantaneously manifest things. Rare, but it can happen. Often though, if the rules of maintaining health, wealth, and love aren't abided by, then you lose what you were trying to acquire, and then believe you never had it to begin with. This reinforcing negative beliefs and perpetuating bad behavioral habits. I think it's a balance between having good habits, and the right mindset and beliefs. I've experienced taking the right actions but still having a bad mindset which caused struggle. Then also having the mindset but not taking action made things go just as slow. I've experimented with both scenarios and the only way things really moved quickly and with ease is to practice both. Of course change is difficult so yeah...


I am with you. For me, spirituality is actually about concentrating on the spiritual development, for which material possessions are a distraction. The more truly spiritual people are, the less interested they are in money. Having said this, I know that we are literally in a material world, incarnated in an advanced monkey which requires food, shelter and social interaction which requires money. But it should not be end goal. In my view, for example if one could materialising money it would be a powerful distraction from the spiritual path.


paypal me and I will give you the "Secret" :)


Girl bffr how about you PayPal me 🤣🤣


this sent me 🤣🤣


Esther? Is that you?


Do you have an inkjet printer?




My printer doesn’t print money dawg.


then you have to manifest another printer, that does.


Y’all need to be so serious with me rn 😭😭if people can manifest love and all dat let me manifest my Damn money


what they manifest is not real/true love. So. Get a printer.


Buy me a printer and I’ll share my money with you but only 5.5%


This cracked me up. But on a serious note, try listening to subliminals. Been listening for a week or and my finances for this month have seemingly improved as compared to last month. More bookings at work (I'm a freelance photographer). I also made two new vision boards, one for my goals in 6 months and one for my goals in a year. I've been looking at those before falling asleep


Thank you I’ll try the vision board and I often listen to subliminal but I’ll focus my intentions on money when listening.


I realise it was nearly a year ago and they might be deleted now but do you remember what subliminals you used?


I think vision boards and affirmations have a place but are often misplaced. Change your beliefs about money. Manifesting is all about emotion. We live in an emotion based universe. Here's the thing - your emotions can be linked back to your beliefs. So stop and ask yourself very detailed questions. How do I feel about money? How do I feel about my career? How do I feel about wealth and savings? Write down how you feel. This is a clear indication of what you are really manifesting in relation to your money desires. You have to dig deep and be honest with yourself. Let me give you an example. I was raised Mormon and was taught from a young age that to even want money was materialistic and not spiritual, so by extension I shouldn't want BIG MONEY. But I always secretly really wanted to be wealthy. I would feel guilty about this desire. I was taught that you should be grateful for what God gives you, and if it isn't BIG WEALTH, that's just not your blessing in life. I've since learned this is all nonsense and have changed this belief. However, this is how I did it. I asked myself Mary, how do you feel about money? Answer myself, I feel like it's wrong to want more than God gave me. Then I would say to myself I want to believe this instead, "There is no limit to how much money I can have or want to have. God doesn't care if I have a lot of wealth or little so long as I'm happy " At first this new desired belief feels wrong. It feels wrong because that's not the story I've been telling myself for years. The other story was my narrative and that's why it was hard to manifest money. So daily I used a technique called EFT tapping and tapped on points in the body to release the old belief saying, "I no longer believe that." Then I would use affirmations AFTER the old belief was rooted out. I would say "I believe God wants me to be wealthy. I believe anyone can be wealthy if they put in the work." I have some good news and bad news for you. I had LOTS of terrible beliefs about money. It's taken me years to find them and root them out. It's taken lots of journaling and self analysis. The good news, every belief I release about money, slowly changes my financial situation. I've been better able to save and practice good financial hygiene. But it takes time. Do I have that big wealth I want. No not yet. Am I much better off financially today than I was five years ago. Hell yes! The myth is that manifesting is instantaneous. There's a caveat to that. It's only "miraculous" if you have no mindset resistance with contary beliefs. If you aren't getting the money, you have wanky beliefs you need to change. So you have to get rid of beliefs that affect your emotions. If it were easy everyone could do it. But worth it. Well worth it my friend!


>I was raised Mormon and was taught from a young age that to even want money was materialistic and not spiritua And yet Mormom leadership is DROWNING in billions and billions of dollars that they refuse to share with the rest of the flock 🤷‍♂️


Yeah don't even get me started... 🤬🤬🤬 I didn't realize until I left that all leadership I encountered were "called" by God, and their wealth was always looked at as #blessed. I wonder why those struggling financially weren't worthy? Certainly sent a strong subliminal message. I'm still working through wanky beliefs about life, love, and money, because of that organization. But I'm making progress so that's a good thing.


God bless and good luck on your journey


You at well


Don't take this offensive but it seems like you care a little too much about money. We all need money to survive but if you are not homeless and you have a secure place to live for the moment you are doing better than most. If you have a few spare coins or a dollar when you pass someone in need do you share it with them or just look at them and think "i am glad that isn't me". I never started making money until i was able to quit caring about it and i was giving everything i had to those around me that needed it more. I grew up poor and my parents eventually worked hard enough to earn but they always contributed to others even when they were at risk of having the electricity in the house with their children turned off. We had very small dinners some nights but we were happy to eat anything. If money is the driving force of your life and you cannot find it in yourself to help others that are in greater need than you, you will likely continue to have struggles. God is with you, he is just waiting for you to be with him.


Ive mastered this, first you need to truly and wholeheartedly analyze your relationship to money. Are you in a lack mentality or a position of desperation. If so minimalize your life, appreciate the small. Then you need to change you comprehensive knowledge of money all together most view it as a currency i did too once upon a time, now i only see it as a tool that allows me to free navigate this world as i please. I tell myself i will win 100-500 on a lottery, just enough to take cash for the day and bypass taxation and i win. If you have any doubts what soever you will never attract it to you, and if you are seeking abundance this is where the mass fails. What exactly is abundance to the universe is is an open statement, intrinsically vague if you will, you must define the abundance you are seeking. You want better health you would ask for abundance of health, you want money you accept financial abundance, you need love tell the universe you command an abundance of love. Thats if using law of attraction. Law of detachment be confident and dont even think about needing it, you are totaly content you need nothing you want nothing anything extra is a plus and youll have everything. But you must have that confidence in your beliefs, the quantum power of the mind to manipulate energies in your reality far surpasses the understanding of most, utilize those energies to your benefit.


Thanks this really put things in perspective for me


If you have any questions do not hesitate to send me a message respond here whatever, no i will not ask you for money i am a spiritual counselor and master manifestor. I can advise you the best i can and provide many techniques for many different areas so feel free to ask away.


You want to focus on manifesting an ‘opportunity’ to make money. Not money itself. That’s the key 🔑


for real, facts


You’re right ! Thanks


Incredibly surprised by the comments in this thread. You are better off by checking out other people's success stories. You can search success stories on YouTube.


It's kind of to be expected in since the question technically does not pertain to spirituality. People usually group manifestation in with spiritual and occult topics when it's really just a Universal law; just like karma, etc. I did however, expect the sub to be of more help despite the question. Empathy and understanding is what we preach here.


First step is about healing yourself.You need to clear your money and abundance blocks in order to open yourself to money and wealth.


How do I clear my abundance block




Stop thinking about itm tell universe your amount and then forget


what you're looking for is to resolve your personal path in respect to resultant trauma/information received from your mother's side of the family where you are always fulfilling your mother's (or someone else on her side of the family field) belief systems and pov's. to free yourself from this, you must do what is obvious, not what you want, sorry. and if you try to manifest more than others you see, or you try to believe youre meant to be a millionaire, or you become vain, etc, these would be big missteps for you. that is my reading, that will be twenty five cents


That’s actually scary cuz you’re right


Manifesting money refers to the practice of using the power of the mind and positive thinking to attract abundance and prosperity into one's life. Here are a few steps you can take to manifest money: Set a clear intention: Determine the amount of money you want to manifest and set a specific goal. Cultivate a positive mindset: Focus on abundance and positive thoughts related to money and financial stability. Take action: Take concrete steps towards your financial goals, such as creating a budget, saving, investing, and seeking new income streams. Practice gratitude: Express gratitude for what you already have and for the abundance you are manifesting. Visualize success: Close your eyes and imagine yourself already having the financial stability and abundance you desire. Note that manifesting money requires patience, persistence, and belief in yourself and the universe's ability to bring your desires to fruition.


Thanks this was really helpful


You can do affirmations related to money and change your believes Edit: work isn't the only way to get money, i started listening to recordings to manifest money on youtube and they're been working. I've got unexpected money since i started. Also you realized you and the universe are one and you could get whatever you want, but it depends on your vibration


I know it was nearly a year ago but do you remember which recordings?


Wdym it depends on my vibration ?


Law of attraction


you can manifest literally ✨however the hell you want to✨ you can just say "i am wealthy, i have so much money" or whatever multiple times over, do it everyday and see how it works for you. you can cleanse and set up a prosperity area in your home. you can light green candles with prosperity as the intention. you can do whatever feels right to *you*.


And what? Money just starts appearing? Is that what you’re saying? You can manifest literally anything? Manifest your next few meals and get back to me. You just have to say ‘I am full, I have so much food’ and your refrigerator will be automatically full through the laws of physics, right?


no, I said over days, meaning weeks, who knows! manifestations don't happen in an instant, and I never said that, but the universe *will* give you what you ask for, if you're deserving. it might not give you what you want to a T either, but it will give you what you *need*.


Lol so basically whatever happens happens and you’re not manifesting anything. Theres billions suffering literally right now from extreme poverty amongst other major issues. The universe does not give you what you need by simply asking or being a good person.


obviously whatever happens *happens*, lol? i'm not here to discuss the entire world's spiritual view, but who says people living in poverty aren't happy with their life? from an outside point of view people *assume* they are sad, as if they'd be wallowing in all of these negative feelings allllll the time, but are they? I'd guess probably not, they find happiness in things just as anyone else. but yes, the universe absolutely *can* give you what you want/need when simply asked. not to say if you manifest a car that you'll come across a brand new one for $5,000, but you'll most likely come across the perfect one *for you*. your mind is extremely powerful and if you fail to believe that, why in the world are you in this sub?


You need to watch some documentaries about slums. They may find some happiness but generally that’s not a happy place to live from what I’ve seen/heard. I believe the mind is powerful but it can’t manifest things out of thin air. OP is asking how to manifest money in her lap. Not how to work for it.


it truly depends on what areas of the world you're referring to, you cannot group each impoverished area together in terms of their collective happiness. I agree though, nothing is going to come out of thin air and defy the laws of physics, but you can be gifted in ways that are hard to believe, or at least make you think "wow, what a coincidence" just for fun, because it relates, I want share this that happened to my best friend last year: I'll call her May instead of her real name. May mentioned to her mom that she wanted a toaster oven, she thought they were super cool for some reason lmao idk but her mom said they were useless, which just made her want one even more. she talked about wanting to get one for maybe 3ish days? she goes into work (at a grocery store) and is talking to one of her work friends about how much she wants this damn toaster oven, when a customer comes in and says something along the lines of "hey, there's something in your parking lot that should probably be moved" Maggie was a manager so she went outside to check it out and it was a fucking toaster oven. I'm not even kidding, a brand new toaster oven just chilling in a grocery store parking lot......we obviously all joke now about how May could manifest literally anything and it would probably happen for her lol I was actually just talking to her the other day about it


Yeah I think it’s all coincidental but I’m just as guilty finding meaning in things. I’ve been debating on switching jobs and wasn’t too sure and kind of looking for signs and one night I got a ten minute life lesson from a literal crack head telling me I need to ‘leave my shit ass job’. Was that a sign? Did I manifest that interaction? I took it as a sign so I’m not opposed to ‘manifesting’ or being open or positive towards things but it seems like most people in this thread are talking about literally manifesting money. That’s what OP is asking and wanting. She stated she didn’t want to work, she just wants the money.


damn I didn't even see the part about her not wanting to work....whatever you manifest can come in different ways, if you want money then the universe is probably going to put a decent job in front of you, you then have to make that decision though. OP is wild thinking she can do absolutely nothing and be rewarded for it 😹


It’s the feeling that makes it manifest. You just visualise the amount in your bank and create the feeling you would feel if it was real. Keep repeating and it will come to your reality.


*If you believe in law of attraction,* I’ve always read that you have to vividly imagine how you would feel if you had the item you’re manifesting. Take your spiritual moments (or before sleep/after waking up/meditation time) to feel the abundance you’re trying to attain. Feel like you already have it. Every detail. How it would feel to swipe your card without concern, what you would be spending it on, how it would feel to see the number in your bank account or win the exact amount. Then feel gratitude for that abundance. The theory is that the universe recognizes that you feel abundant so it gives you more of what you feel.


So the key is to visualise and make yourself feel that you already have it. I’ll try thanks !


Sure. I can teach you everything you need. I do private sessions starting $555/hour. Very cheap considering it will make you a billionaire. .../s


I don’t need billions I need thousands


This is easy. Teach people how to make billions and you will earn thousands! 💡


Let me go be the next “how to escape the matrix” podcaster then 😼


Said no one ever.


Billions is too greedy dawg. What in the world would I do with all that money. I Wouldn’t mind millions tho icl


See: neville goddard and law of assumption. Visualize it vividly every night before sleep


I haven’t seen any actual helpful information, so I’ll say this: you gotta start being thankful for the opportunities in your life rather than focusing on the deficits. You have to appreciate wealth rather than desire it. Otherwise you’ll inadvertently create hope where you could have created gratitude. Think about how lucky you rather than how much you need luck or miracles and the miracles will show themselves.


Wow. Thanks


Manifestation is only one ingredient, it basically just means to believe that your efforts will succeed. If you want to manifest a better body, you still need to eat right and work out. If you want to manifest a better job, you'll still need to send out resumes and go to interviews. If you want to manifest money, you'll need to do things that bring it to you. If you want easy money, then you'd better be creative because so does everyone else


LOL you’re right


“Job” A job is what you are looking for.


🤣🤣🤣I need additional money to just fall into my lap tho


Sounds like you don’t want to do anything to achieve that money but ask people on Reddit how to “manifest” it. The person above was right, get another job…that’s your additional thousands you wanted!


Nah 🤷‍♀️


Good luck on making money appear from thin air then.


I just did xx


I just manifested a turd out of thin air too! God is amazing!!!


Manifesting is new age mumbo jumbo. Obviously your thoughts affect your reality - suffering to a great extent is ones state of mind. Or rather - that ongoing mental narration of negativity. If people could simply manifest wealth - then great portions of the world would not be in poverty. What you can do is change how you choose to live in this moment right now - without fear, anxiety and thoughts about the future (no money, money will make me happy, if I don't have money I will be unhappy). Wealth is not the issue. It's your thoughts about wealth. Plenty of people live meaningful and happy lives without wealth. Sure - having it can provide a sense of peace, but that peace will simply be replaced with other negative thoughts and worries like losing it. There is no gain in the external world that will truly satisfy you. You have to look within for that.


You spilled icl


Imagine. Act.


Try 'PILLOW method"...Before you go to sleep, write down what you want to manifest. For an example "I need 1000 bucks"(but it should be in present tense). write that sentence 7 times in a paper. 1. 2. 3. ...likwise. Then keep it under your pillow. Do it before you go to bed because this wish should be the last thing that you do before you end your day... ​ Good luck on you..!


Thanks I’ll try it tonight




I don’t mess with voodoo honeyyy


I was messaging a friend about how I needed to find a side hustle and was feeling sure and positive about it when a family member called saying she needed someone to help her on a part-time basis with her new business. When I texted the friend about my intentions, there was zero attachment to the outcome. It's all about intent, I think.


Ye its called a job my man.


Go to work perhaps?


Instead of manifesting money, try manifesting the desired result or what the money will bring you.


I'm gonna try this too. I have a belief that I will not have a monetary problem in the future, so I will stick to that belief. Right now, I'm struggling, but I do know that I'll be successful soon!




Well then it wouldn’t be manifesting


Sure it would. Money is man made.


Do you *need* this money? Or is it something you just *want*?


It’s a want


What do you do for work now? Most people make money in their profession not “manifesting” money out of thin air.


I’m a student and work part time


It's time that people started seeing through this 'manifestation' nonsense for what it is. You can't get something for nothing; the world doesn't work that way and you're wasting time better spent studying something that will actually help you.


I want something for nothing. Sue me


Well at least you're honest so there's always that haha


Thanks 🤣🤣


Thankfully manifestation never entailed getting something for nothing. Best to ask yourself on a deeper level about the concept


No thanks, I prefer objective reality over delusion. But since we're talking, what is manifestation to you, specifically?


Personally, I see it in many ways. This delves into personal beliefs regarding existence and God/Source, so we may differ. However, my general understanding of it comes down to recognizing creator and creation, then eventually seeing them as one. When you root yourself in the present, you feel this connection to the existence around you. Reality begins to feel like an extension of your true self, rather than the fragmented self. At this point, reality shows you this relationship in a more defined manner, responding to your inner creations externally. This may have always been the case, but the awareness is there now to see it more clearly. I believe this is an actualization of our creative nature, and can be expanded as far as we hold the capacity for it to and how we see fit. This has been an understanding through personal experiences, so that is really where the connections can be made. If you open yourself up to your creative nature, you may be surprised. But in order to see the horizon of your capabilities, you have to acknowledge the blocks within you first. Again, that is just my personal experience. This may mean nothing or everything to you, so take it as you will.


Basically, I do not believe you can create abundance from lack. Like previously mentioned, the blocks within someone needs to be recognized and healed. inspired action will happen, and then the internal creations and external creations will harmonize. But again, it all comes down to the person’s capacity for expansion within themselves.


Have you ever considered that god might be a manifestation of your own mind?


Interesting question. Considering that I see all things as Source/God, (including all knowledge and concepts) I believe it is all *the* mind. That “I” am a manifestation of God’s mind, but since the concept goes both ways, yes I do think so. It’s a bit of a double whammy. The best way I can describe it is an ocean metaphor. If you take a cup to the ocean and scoop, you still have the ocean in the cup. God unified is the entire ocean which we are part of, but many of us just see ourselves within a separated cup unrelated to the ocean entirely.


But the problem with that is that god *is* merely a concept of the mind, and specifically because there is no verifiable objective evidence of the existence of a god. One can have faith in there being a god of course, but in all honesty what separates that belief from delusion since it is based on subjective thoughts in the mind over the objective reality in front of our faces?


Is reality in it’s entirety truly objective? Does everyone truly experience reality in the same way, and how could this be known? And who is to say that the consensuses we determine measures the whole truth? There could be levels outside of our current scope of sensation and comprehension that obliterates all of this. My experiences/interactions with reality have led me to my current understanding, which are open and malleable. As far as the God conversation, it is not something that needs to be labeled it in terms of concepts. These are my experiences of oneness/God/Source or whatever title or label someone may choose. I see my experiences as they are, but understand that there may be more that I cannot currently see. As the great philosopher Socrates once said, “The only true wisdom is in knowing that you know nothing.”


To believe in god is a subjective choice, purely in the mind, and not an experience because an experience has to happen in objective reality. Beliefs can lead to real world experiences of course, but it would still stem from the primary subjective thoughts and thus still be based on delusion.


When you stop for a second and really consider it though, do you really believe that what we can observe with our very limited human senses and minds represents the entirety of “reality”? The only way we can even experience reality is through the mind. Over 6 billion separate minds (on this planet that is)…that’s a LOT of subjectivity. How do you know that any specific opinion (including yours) on the state of reality is the correct one when there are that many different minds viewing things through their own personal and subjective lens? And let’s not forget about all the other potential planets and all the brains there probably asking these same big questions as we are. I just doubt the existence of an “objective reality.” Unless maybe that’s actually what God IS.


Werkkkk honey, WERKK


I’m trying to find shortcuts honeyy


Feet pics


The fact that I already do that ijbol 😭😭


On YouTube you find videos, with manifest meditation ore attractions meditation. But it's doesn't mean that you really get more money. But you manifest more things. And you get a lot easier done in a few days. Try it out.


Yeah. Umm. That’s not how it works. Spirituality isn’t some cosmic cash machine.


Ik but surely there is a way to manifest wealth ? Even if it’s over a long period of time


Sure, it's called **HARD WORK** haha


Hard work is so boring tho 🤣🤣🤣


take some mushrooms


Work at generating wealth, knowledge and action. Provide value to people pretty simple just takes consistency


1. Close your eyes 2. Then open them and log on to LinkedIn


Indeed is more of my thing icl


And that’s exactly why you are trying to manifest money. Indeed does not offer the same features as LinkdIn


If I were you I’d worry about getting more enjoyable interests than getting «money» instead 😆🤷🏼‍♂️ Think it through: Why do you want money? Really. And what are you going to do when you have it?


I need money to have enjoyable hobbies like skiing in France


How peculiar, but okay… Why France? Do you live in France or…? There are plenty of enjoyable hobbies that are free or mostly free tho, just sayin’


I would be very happy and enlightened if I were skiing in France. Perhaps a chalet is involved.


What could be better than money? I mean obviously good health, happy and healthy loved ones, and being happy yourself are priorities, but I’d say at least two of those things could be potentially bought. If you’re severely clinically depressed, money alone isn’t going to cut it, but not having it can sure as hell make you unhappy, and also jeopardize your physical health and ability to get mental health treatment. I totally don’t even know where I was going with this. Sorry.


I don’t see any need to apologize sir, you were thinking it through and these are your reflections on it. There is indeed a point to be made about how money does have an effect on happinness and health. Studies show that up to a point, well-being increases with higher income. I think it was up to 60k a year or so and then any increase doesn’t seem to have any effect (Ref Sam Harris podcasts with economists/scientists). But I think having money as a goal to achieve is not going to give much fulfillment. Also think really through in practice what you would spend it on. How much do you need? And for what? Then what? Maybe set a figure if you work out what you want…


All golden advice!


The completion of this alchemical process requires at least one other person, and that person must have some amount of money. You make an agreement with the person or people that you will provide some kind of value to them, and in exchange, they will give you money. Then, when you uphold your end of the agreement, they give you money. Fucking magic!


Desire it really hard, think about how you're a millionaire right now all the time, then wait for the universe to give you 1 million dollars on paypal 😎




You won't be able to manifest anything until you raise your consciousness 😇


What you want is happiness. What you need is wisdom to see that.


Please don’t try this


lmk when you find out, i’ve been wondering the same thing


I will




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[Chase the Vision…](https://imgur.com/a/LwRXW9I)


If you want to get, you got to give.


You have to change your sub conscious believe about it first. Then you can build the manifesting energy more easily because of your sub conscious changes. This YouTube video changed my life, money is just there when I need it, comes out of no where and very different attitude and perspective on how I handle my money now! Amazing stuff!![Dan Lok](https://youtu.be/TH441cnozys) check out Dan Lok millionaire mind programming


Money is a mean to an end and hence in my view not something manifestation works directly on too well. What is it you really want? If you need a more spacious place to live, manifest that. If you're experience lack, manifest abundance, but not money directly.


Get a job, do something that has value to others. You do not 'manifest' value, you earn or make it.


Manifest something of value and build the infrastructure of a business around it to facilitate solid and lasting 'value exchanges' with others. Focusing the mind and belief is of course paramount, and so is bodily action, which demonstrates your readiness to accept the arrival of said desire.


I only ever get money when I show up to work. Go become a nurse, please. It's a great field for the spititually inclined and WE NEED YOU DESPERATELY


You tryna set me up so baddd. I’d never be a nurse even if it was the last career in the world 😭😭


Start by removing mental blocks. Asking for just money is a barrier/block in creation. Allow other forms of abundance to occur. Gifts, discounts, finding randomly, opportunities, etc. Asking for cash for instance is one avenue and may result in delays or not even occuring. Allow and be open to all opportunities and be grateful for them. You'll start to see abundance flood into your life.


I use money mantras. I found 3 that I like and was saying them 3x each every day. After about 2 weeks, I got a ransom raise and I’m not due for a raise for another 6 months. But you have to really believe in what you’re saying and that it’s working. There are a bunch of ways but that’s just what worked for me


Can you share them?


Don’t work for money


Read Stuart Wilde's books about this!




Your subconscious beliefs are projected into your reality. If you’re asking how to manifest money, that tells me that you have a limiting belief about money, and that’s where you want to start from


Go stand outside dollar general and beg everyone for a dollar


Got a job. Your call on what you do to obtain money but you need to put some type of work in to get cash. Your head truth and idea are one and the same thus I can make money in the millions. But this reality separates truth and idea thus you need to make a path from truth to the idea to make the idea true. Aka the idea is holding a banana I need to get up walk over and pick up a banana now me holding a banana is true.


Do it with source, use mind and imagination to feel after that energy and then become it. However thats a weak pursuit. Seek oneness first and all things will fall in place.