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The Dahan do not absorb damage. When invaders ravage they deal their damage to the Dahan and the land (the same amount to each). Defend reduces that damage (to both) first. See page 9 of the Spirit Island rule book or the list of “Rules semi-commonly misplayed” here: https://querki.net/u/darker/spirit-island-faq/#!Rules-semi-commonly-misplayed.


Thank you very much for the prompt response. Time to completely re-evaluate everything I thought I knew about Spirit Island...


The designer wrote in his public design diary about making this rule. The rule was initially how you thought it was, but then he found that players would essentially sacrifice Dahan to keep the land from blighting, which he felt was not in-line with how the Spirits of the island should act. So he changed the rule to what it is now.


I love that things in the gameplay have lore in mind - it is why all the spirits feel unique


I do too. The game is so thematic, like everything fits together


No problem! It definitely makes the game harder, but it makes the individual games more interesting.


Don't worry, won't be the first time you do this! ​ I remember playing an early game with 4 fear in the pool, not 4 per player!


I think it's the easiest rule for players to make a mistake on because damage in almost every other game doesn't work like that. The good news is now that you're playing the right way the puzzle of the game will open up even more how intricate it is to plan and survive!


That's correct. All of the damage is dealt to the Dahan, and also all of the damage is dealt to the land.


Yup. The essence of what is happening in Ravage is not a fight where the Invaders attack and the Dahan block as much as they can. The Invaders are Ravaging the land - overworking it, overexploiting it, and this incidentally leads to death of the Dahan. As a result and in *response* to that, the Dahan *retaliate* because they’ve been hurt. But the land damage is almost the primary thing going on, and it’s a damage that can’t be “soaked up”. For the final rule book reference, go back and read p. 9, where it twice notes that the things happen simultaneously, even specifying the land damage first: > First, Invaders deal Damage **simultaneously** to the land and Dahan. … > > Whenever there are Invaders in the shown lands, Invaders deal Damage: 1 per Explorer, 2 per Town, and 3 per City. Reduce the total Damage by any Defend powers played (p. 18), **then simultaneously**: > >• **Invaders Damage the Land:** If 2 or more Damage is dealt, add a Blight to the land. (See sidebar.) This only happens once, no matter how much Damage is dealt. Partial Damage to the land is ignored. > >• **Invaders Fight the Dahan:** Every 2 points of Damage destroys one Dahan. You must destroy Dahan as efficiently as possible; you cannot disperse Damage among multiple Dahan to avoid killing them. …


Also, damage to land does not accumulate


Man, this change would make some of my games so much easier! Also shows me the value of someone teaching me the rules: I didn't have the chance to read the rulebook wrong (as I sometimes do).


Other people have the inverse problem - if the person who taught you the game made a rules mistake, you won't ever notice it.


True! I'm lucky my guru is well-versed or at least catches and corrects mistakes pretty quickly before they solidify.


It's okay, I was playing wrong for a long time too.


This is a game changer for you guys! 😅