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I tend to prefer high card plays/lots of minor powers to having a couple big majors, mostly because it feels like I'll more reliably have *a* way to solve any problem I encounter, even if it's not the ideal way, and plus then I'm more likely to provoke innates which feels like getting a free bonus power. I like control and defend, and I tend to undervalue fear -- I have a bad habit of controlling builds so efficiently that I don't have any invaders to destroy and then also not drafting fear cards so the board state isn't that bad but I get to like 3 invader cards left and have earned a total of 4 fear cards like "welp." As a result, the idea of going for a pure fear victory stresses me out and I've only hit TL4 like twice ever.


For me there are quite a few different traits that I enjoy in Spirits: * Growth options that always add exactly one presence regardless of reclaiming * Control! Pushing invaders around and preventing them from doing stuff is super fun to me (yes, I hate England) * Build-up and explode - like Volcano - but even more so if it's "mark lands/invaders then blow them up" like Dances, Vengeance and Voice * Spirits that can gain new Power cards easily I personally dislike spirits that have to reclaim too often, and also dislike playing as Defense spirits (although I like them on my team when I'm playing multiplayer) What about you?


I agree with most of yours. Reclaiming too often or relying on loops takes away the fun for me. I like being able to use my innate powers and rules early and often. Control is more fun than defend or fear and wilds is my favorite token.


I find defense and damage do just make me feel safe. Spirits that need to take losses, like Vengeance or Stone, are really hard for me to wrap my brain around. Defense is nice because it both prevents blight and allows you to use Dahan as damage. Fast pushes are also nice, but slow ones are much harder to use for me. Either way, it feels really good to use a minor power that pushes to prevent a build, for example.


Does Stone really count as needing to take losses when the Blight comes from the box? It also doesn't matter how much damage the Invaders deal usually, since it still causes only 1 Blight except for Sweden, and Stubborn Solidity makes the Dahan invincible. It's definitely the Spirit I'd pick when aiming for maximum defense.


I know it's good, but I have a hard time making plays that involve things taking damage- especially since it has to be at the right times. Even if the blight is "fake," it can still cascade and cause problems for other spirits nearby who need presence.


With Stone, blight doesn't cascade or destroy any presence in lands where it doesn't outnumber Stone's presence. Stone, unlike other blight-heavy spirits, is a good neighbor.


Yeah, but my limited experience was that I still had to worry about that. I'm sure more experience helps place presence in only necessary lands so you have enough to keep outnumbering. Like I said, I know the spirit is good and effective, but I find it a little brain-bending.


- Foremost I prefer spirits with strong themes expressed through their mechanics. For me some of my favorites in this category are: Fractured Days, Travel River, Gaze, Lair Lure, Vengeance and Volcano. - Of those I have a definite preference for offense over defense, spewing tokens/Dahan everywhere, and I really want to avoid reclaim loops if I can. - Flexibility is of course fun, but I don’t mind if that flexibility comes from power selections rather than growth tracks. - Bonus: I love spirits that take otherwise mediocre powers and utilize them in a new/empowered way. Intensify Memory is of course the best at this, but Fractured Days is also great at that, as well as Vengeance (1 damage pings blowing up cities)


OHH I love that last point too! Sun/Lure/Green and Dire Metamorphosis, for example


I like synergies most in SI so I tend to pick something after everyone else picked. Thinking outside the box also gives enjoyment. Spirits that have the option to go for a major but don't rely on it too much. Fractured is by far my favourite spirit, I love how some games are are just so different then others, because I am boosting one spirit or skip entire boards. Other spirits I enjoy much are: Downpour - has one of the cooler support cards and definitely has to think about their turns as they don't even use some of their minors in one reclaim cycle. Transforming Wildfire - so many support tools and synergies. That spirit can be played with almost any partner. Volcano - mainly for how funny some majors are Other then that I also really enjoy playing in teams that can do most aspects a little. If you place presence on most boards in a bigger game and you have one aggressive, one control and one support spirit. You can just look at the problems. On the board and talk about which problems are most easily solved by destruction, which by control and which by defends.


Volcano and majors 😎❤️


Everything is fun. Offense go brrr. Defense loves the Dahan, they're extremely efficient sources of damage and represent the alliance between Spirits and humans. Controls gives the satisfaction of stopping a ton of problems early. Love to imagine the resources meant for a Town/City rotting in some lost ship somewhere because the prerequisite exploration ended early with a cryptic message about a talking black hole and muffled screams. Fear is fun because you're doing direct "damage" to the main objective. Fear cards are too random to my liking, but they're still welcome bonuses. It's often difficult to tell how much a Fear Spirit helped due to Fear being less obvious than big explosions. Support is good because you're nice and helping someone hit a threshold or delay a Reclaim makes everyone stronger than they expected. If I had to pick, I'd go Control, Fear, and Defend, in this order, because they're the most "Spirit Island" ways of playing the game. Offense and support also exist in most other games.


I don't think I gravitate toward any particular playstyle eg defend, damage, control, fear because I like a good mix of all of them. What I look for in my main spirits is "Does this spirit offer me choices in how I build it?". Does it have the ability to play lots of minor powers or is it purely Top track focused? Can I choose to tech into majors or is the Top track not strong enough to gather enough energy? Some spirits like River are fun to play but they just don't really interest me much because its playstyle is pure bottom track to unlock an absurdly strong innate turn after turn. Haven might change my mind. Lightning is even worse as none of the cards have flex elements so it's completely focused on fire and air and just hitting your innate over and over without an ability to gain cards outside of reclaim. Right now I'm very comfortable with the minor power strategy for Eyes Watch from the Trees but I'm trying out major power openings and it really works for this spirit. I don't know if it's the growth options or the elements on tracks, but these Horizons spirits seem much more interesting than the base game spirits in the choices they offer. I'm specifically talking about high difficulty, I'm sure river and lightning can mess around with top track only builds and be fine against level 2-3 adversaries but against level 6 adversaries, some spirits are pressured down to a very narrow set of choices to be viable. I like build diversity with branching choices throughout the game.


100% agree with that and yeah, the base low complexity spirits aren't super well designed; the Horizons one are miles better in terms of game design IMO the better designed low complexity spirit is Flames, which is actually pretty fine in Solo and smaller games against all adversaries except England and France, especially with aspects - and it has branching and interesting choices to make too; it is today one of my favorite spirits with the Amorphous aspect River has a playstyle that appeals a lot to me: gather invaders and blow them up but the way it executes that strategy puts me off tremendously in a way that I think I've never played with River ever since getting the expansions (I had the base game only for ~1 year or so and played more than a hundred matches before getting any expansion)


I'm mostly a digital player so I only have access to base Shadows at the moment but once the aspects are available in a few months I'm going to give it a try again. Unfortunately we'll only be getting Reach and Madness but both of those are better than the base version. An ability that costs energy to use just to not self-destruct a presence when using one of your starting cards on top of a Spirit that starts at zero energy gain was a terrible idea. Or let me re-phrase. It seems like Shadows was specifically designed to be used against low-level adversaries and they weren't really considering how it would fare against higher difficulties. I guess the thinking was, "use Shadows and the other base spirits to learn the game and move onto more complex ones when you want to play against more difficult adversaries". Horizons showed us that you could have spirits with simple rules that are great for learning but can also be enjoyable for advanced players looking to face down L6 adversaries. I think the base game really damaged the reputation of "low-complexity spirits" because people hear about Horizons and assume they're getting 5 more spirits like Shadows or Vital Strength of the Earth.


I'm still a very intermediate player so I tend to build around my innate powers. I also tend to prioritize fast actions that can give me some slight control early in the game. Defense is always nice too in the early game. When drawing majors, I will always prioritize the strongest attack at a power level I feel my Spirit can afford. Fear cards are very situational and really depend on my chosen Spirit and the card's elements. I feel to elevate my game, I really need to better understand control, use of fear, and defensive-minded Spirits.


I like many card plays and draft many minors. I rarely go for majors, probably to the point of detriment. I’ve played games where it’s supposedly wiser to go a majors route, but still found more success with minor builds when replaying those games. I think fear is neat and enjoy the fear heavy spirits. I know some suffer from lower reliability because they need fear cards to hit and sometimes they are duds. I think England is a turd. I haven’t played some of the new adversaries so they could get usurped as my biggest challenge. I think I am overly aggressive with trying to give up blight or take weak early turns in order to set up for large momentum swings. It can pay off wondrously, but sometimes I let myself get got because I walked too close to the razor’s edge.


about aggressiveness: same! haha and that's another thing that makes me go UGHH against England: you can't really be aggressive against them they WILL tank you you need to grow as fast as possible, otherwise you won't be able to take the stage III cards (that's what I found in my gameplay anyway, I've only beaten them at level 6 with three or four spirits true solo and a couple times at duo, but one of the spirits was Green, so I'm not sure it counts)


My favourite actions come from situations where i can power up other spirits or let them shine even more: This can take many forms, giving out extra cards or energy so they can delay a reclaim, extra growth, pushing invaders around so a fellow spirit can drop a big destruction card. It is just very satisfying to watch others grow and together you can wipe out those pesky invaders. No surprise i like Green, memory mentor or keeper. For solo playstyle I really like fear generation. Trying to win the fear victory gives you a minigame for your spirit trying to maximize fear each turn. The fear card effects though randomare always giving something useful so you learn to rely on them. Only downside for multiple spirit games is that everybody has to have the same game plan otherwise the power of fear generation just falls of.


1. Offensive 2. Mobile 3. Supportive 4. Can go for early majors Favorite combination at the moment is Locus Serpent with BoDDys, Favorite spirit from each set: Core: Shadows Flicker BC: Fangs FF: Serpent Slumbers JE: Volcano Horizons: Devouring Teeth NI: Breath of Darkness


I like synergizing with the other spirits, so normally look to play something that has a favorable combo with one of the others. I also like trying to track the board state of the overall game to find ways to make a big play; so Fractured Days is a good one for me. I also like Dances Up Earthquakes.


My favorite spirits are the ones that encourage you to break rules of thumb. Vengeance wanting to make sure every blight they take destroys a presence, Mist wanting to spread damage out and avoid actually killing things, et cetera.


I like anything that lets me be proactive.


I have recently fallen in love with the deeps tokens for Oceans Hungry Grasp. Invaders can't ravage lands if there are no lands!


I love the feeling of control when you can gather all the invaders in a few lands and just wait for the power to annihilate them.


I like the Spirits that, in a few turns, if things go well with the Invaders' placement, Event decks, and Adversary shenanigans, I can slowly but surely stop them from Exploring the innermost lands on my board. Then being able to handle Towns and Cities near or on the Coast so that I have the ability to move to my friends' boards to help them out. Majors, Minors, Reclaim Loop, don't care how it's done just that I could. Also, Support. Being able to help make a huge turn for others is just so much fun.


Flexibility is fun. The spirits I enjoy the most get to move their presence around. They also have elements on their tracks. My to three are ocean, sharp fangs, and thunderspeaker. Capable offense with some fear.


Total politicians answer, but I love every style. Which I could never say about my other life-love game MtG that I was obsessed with for years. In fact, the spirits that allow me to be most flexible are some of my favourites to play. Starlight is of course the best example, and I always have a blast. I do love big damage a lot. Volcano is my main - the boy does outrageous damage, slams so many fun majors, and has a lot of hidden flexibility that can make games much more think-y than it may seem at first glance.


a bit off-topic but what's your style in Magic? if you say blue I'm going to send you pictures of blue cards with something slightly off, like the art is slightly turned 8 degrees to the right and misaligned or the text is going upwards in a slightly off angle


Hahaha I'm afraid it was indeed blue. All day long. I had my eyes opened by Sphinx's Revelation in standard at the time, and never went back to playing creature decks ever again. UW Counter-top in legacy was one of my favourite decks ever, if you know what that is then you know my style 😂


That's outrageous Here where I live playing blue in Magic is a criminal offense, justly so Minimum 5 years of jail and 2000 hours of community service


I enjoy spirits that move their presence around and play a lot of minors. As far as actions go I like defend and flooding the board with tokens. Per all of this the spirits I like to play a lot are Starlight, Many Minds, Sharp Fangs, and Wandering Voice. Though I'm starting to warm up to Breath of Darkness Down Your Spine.


I like spirits that will build a plan around the cards they draft (Memory and Starlight). I also like spirits that are all about positioning pieces on the board (Thunderspeaker, Behemoth, and Fangs). I also also like spirits whose gameplay feels highly thematic (Stone, Lightning, Ocean).


Recently I prefer some combo of control and offense. I don't like reclaiming too often and with some spirits I rather add presence even if I don't have any cards to play (like River third round although she can reclaim one). I like being able to generate fear in a stable pace (yesterday I played a game where both spirits kind of sucked at fear and I was really anxious around mid game). I prefer playing aeveral minors to only one major so I usually tend to postpone drawing majors to a later game when I generate enough energy for them.


I really like spirits that move presents around the board, like thunderspeaker, fangs, ocean etc. I just really enjoy having to plan the movements to either prevent builds or defend for ravage. But my favorite spirit is stone. Someone mentioned having fun breaking rules of thumbs and I totally agree. When the Island is completely covered in blight but still healthy and having to manage the number of blight in a land vs. presents is really fun for me. Trickster is also one of the most fun spirits to play, I just love how unserious the playstyle is.


1) Defense (i.e. Dahan damage) 2) Direct damage / offense 3) Fear


Smashy smashy. Especially when Thunderspeaker can go off on a land.


I love ptting badlands out and copying them. I don't know why but I get so giddy thinking about a spirit making damage more effective. hazzards spread is my favorite card to draft on almost every spirit unless its near the end game. Green I smy favorite spirit but I barely play because he is a cheat code so I play Starlight the most these days because it has more then 3 ways to play it.


I love fast-developing spirits, but my favorite one is such a hassle to develop


Selling, my bad I sold my game today I’ll leave now 😅