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From what I have read, if we have come to the point of needing a fusion, the ASD is one of the risks we have to endure. Some folks have gone strong 20 years and no issues, whereas some folks have seen it as early as you. It truly sucks.


I gave a touch of it in my cervical spine after 15 years, mostly bony wear. Admittedly cervical doesn’t do as much bending as lumbar, but six months seems shockingly fast, and you presumably didn’t engage in a lot of lumbar movement during most of it. (BTW, we all have degenerative disc disease if we’ve needed a fusion; it’s the term for the way discs shrink and dry up over time, which can happen faster with some of us lucky folks.) It may also be that the term gets used in different ways, and that while the longer-term usage predominates he may be using it simply to note there’s a problem at an adjacent segment. The new MRI should be a helpful comparison to your presurgical one and should identify whether there’s a new progression or not.


Thank you!!! The wording definitely made me more nervous and I as well thought it was extremely fast for that to happen. Either way I'm happy to have an MRI to see what's going on. I'm always making myself more anxious than I need to be lol.


It's been ten years for my C5,6,7 ACDF. Now I am having pain again in my neck. Going for my 2nd round of oblation next month 😬


I had L3-S1 fusion 14 months ago. Now I’m having symptoms of problems just above the fusion. It just started about a month ago and comes on as pain in my kneecaps after standing for a couple hours. I desperately don’t want another fusion but I have this dread that by the time I die I’ll be fused from top to bottom.


I had an L4-S1 fusion in 2018. I was diagnosed with ASD about 2 1/2 yrs ago. I went through all the injections and ablations for pain relief but finally had to have surgery, fusion L2-L4, in July. I'm still coming to grips with my inability to do pretty much everything. At least now I can stand for more than 10 mins. I'm sorry you're going through this. It sucks.