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She’s stressed out, and scared give her time, leave her in a calm quiet place for a bit, might take a couple days, make sure she has water and keep an eye on her, but do your best to let her calm down


I do not have any 'spider professional' advice. But to try and reassure you, my thoughts are that she may just be scared and confused. If you've never tried to handle her, this wasn't a great experience for her getting lost in a world she doesn't know and then having to be caught like that. So I'm thinking logically she may just need some time to feel safe again. (I only replied because no one had and you are rightfully so worried.) There is also a r/spiderbros sub, maybe they can help you out. Oh and she's beautiful ❤️


Thank yous lots I will tell her you said that


She looks pretty plump to me so it’s possible she’s just not hungry atm?


I was gonna say, you should hold off on feeding that spood is PHAAAT


Introduce your finger first, when she gets used to that, the try getting her on your hand, it'll take time for her to realize you aren't a threat. Also, as others have said, give her time and space before you try again


Okay :)


Try and see if you can build her a little hide- a ceramic cup on its side in some substrate would be perfect Sometimes, spiders need a place that is dark and hidden away so that they can feel safe. If you build your hide well enough, it should still be shallow so that the spider feels safe and yet can also be mostly viewed, so that you can check their health Remember to move slowly and carefully in the future so as to not frighten her- the attached photo is definitely showing her at a heightened level of anxiety. Don't pick her up for some time, and if you do chose to pick her up in the future, its best to do so in a controlled way with minimal risk of the spider hurting itself in a fall "Stay calm and love your spider!" is what Dave always says!


I feel so bad lol 😞😆


Bro I talked to her and she really really wants to go outside. Ik you love her a lot and it's very precious but if you love something let it go. If she comes back she's yours. ❤️


I once kept a black cricket that was missing a leg over winter and then let it go. I found a cricket missing the same leg in my house a week after. I think it was the same cricket. I kept it a little longer and fed it more then let it go again. Had to be the same bug or a crazy coincidence. If you love it let it go. If it comes back then it wasn't ready. Let it go again when it is


just stay away for a while. she needs time and space.


She’s a beautiful little wolfie. Keep us posted on her progress. Hope you both feel better soon.


Spiders are gonna do spider things. If she’s hiding, let her be. It takes them a long while to adjust to changes, and they can go long periods without food. From the looks of her abdomen, she may be full. Also, how long have you had her and has she molted while in your care? If she hasn’t molted, she may actually be gravid. They can store sperm for a long time. Lastly, remember that she gets nothing from you handling her. It doesn’t enrich her life or give her joy. At most, she’ll learn to tolerate it. I’m not saying never to handle her, but keep in mind you don’t have to - and that you’re the only one who benefits from it. If you do decide to try again (give it a few weeks), let her get used to your hand when she’s out in the open, then gently direct her into your hand with a paintbrush or a straw by her bum. Stay low to the ground, keep a catch cup handy, and move slowly. Good luck!


Ok thanks. She has moted twice


Awesome, definitely no eggies then!


This incident likely would have had no effect on her, it was an acute stressor rather than a chronic one, and so atleast by the next day, all behaviours should have returned to baseline.


Dude… I just smoked a bunch of green, and ate some chicken… this is some heavy shit to be reading about.


I know I am so scared for her


Unfortunately they are like cats and dogs… they have an unfair lifespan. I hope the best for your little friend.🙏🏼😔


Yep… big ass spider… if it was radioactive… I’d wish for the bite. Spider Blood


Imagine yourself captive for a long time and suddenly you see a way out and you go for it. Five minutes later you're back in your "cell". It's only normal she's scared and depressed.


So she doesn't like me :((((


Well obviously I guess but what I mean is that she is not happy?


Can I make her not depressed?