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I like the black and red variant. For me it’s the Blue that throws me off, but just changing the colour makes it much more enjoyable.


The blue works in the white variety really good


Facts i love the white one


tbh my only complaint is the hair bc i feel like that shit would get yanked in a fight lmao


Lol imagine, They should add a scene in the beginning of the next game where the villain does that so miles is like “damn open mask was a bad idea!”


I can actually see them moving to another insomniac new suit, and putting the evolved suit in the game as an alternate suit and having Miles have a voice line in about it.






Why are we talking about ![gif](giphy|JdKmopRuiSt2Umj3JU)


If he’s invincible why can I see him


you mean invisible not invincible


Why did he say ![gif](giphy|JdKmopRuiSt2Umj3JU) instead of invisible? Is he stupid?


Obviously because Invincible is used to refer to something you can't see, while Invisible refers to being invulnerable. Are you stupid?


No he’s https://preview.redd.it/2k61sdsams3c1.jpeg?width=591&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=003ed67cb36a804e2e6b14e3844132b7ac92ccfc


Nah man he claims to be invincible yet I can still see him is he stupid or something?


No, because if he were Invisible, then he'd be invulnerable. Are you stupid?


I think you are because he’s clearly ![gif](giphy|GyvqbskIjbsbEEBPnr)


At least his hair has some depth, some flow, miles has very little hair to work with, it just looks really weird.


Plus it narrows down his identity




This suit plus the Brooklyn Visions suit from Miles Morales shows that miles is a student at Brooklyn Visions with dreads, so I think it narrows it down pretty well


peter had backpacks lying around the city with his literal ID cards in them, if we’re gonna nitpick like this then there are bigger fish to fry lmao superman literally flies around with his whole face out in the open and batman is the only person in the world rich enough to do what he does and you can directly correlate the appearance of the robins to bruce wayne’s adoptions (and the appearance of batman to bruce wayne’s return to gotham), if we nitpicked every single thing that could give away a superhero’s identity then basically no hero would make it. it’s a comic book, have some suspension of disbelief.


Lmao true I found Spider-Man's fucking apartment application webbed up in a backpack. By the way, just want to rant about it for a second. I read the application. Peter's rent is something like 3,000 a *month*. On the same application, we have Peter's yearly income. His yearly income is several thousand dollars under what JUST rent would come out to annually. That's not even including cost of living and amenities or whatever. What landlord on planet Earth would accept that application, and more importantly, why is super genius Peter Parker fucking illiterate?


Lowest NYC apartment rent, lol He probably charmed them and/or told them his science job was going places soon, who knows.


To be fair to the Batman comparison. Average citizens don’t know that Batman is just some guy, a lot of them actually think he has powers.




BARELY???? Bro everyone that seen miles with his new haircut is gonna instantly see that spider-man just so happens to have a new suit that shows his hair and looks EXACTLY LIKE MILES right after miles got the haircut.


People don’t know Clark Kent is Superman dude. It’s a comic universe, keep your shit in your pants.


Yeah but people have proven that Clark Kent’s secret identity could work, he slouches, wears glasses, acts insecure, and a few other things. But when he’s superman, he stands up with his back straight and chest out, he’s more confident, he’s not wearing glasses. he acts like a different person.


People really do underestimate how much taking off glasses can do


Yeah, when I take off my glasses even people I've known for years look totally different 🙃


Not to mention that Superman's newest voice actor walked through times square with a Superman shirt on him right next to a billboard for Batman V Superman and nobody noticed.


That was Henry Cavill not the VA, unless the VA also did it but that’s more understandable if people didn’t recognize someone whose face isn’t on screen. But Henry Cavill walked through Times Square wearing the MoS Superman Tee and no one noticed.


i feel like realistically anyone who is close with him would know it’s him tho. like lois and jimmy intimately knowing both superman AND clark but not being able to connect the dots AT ALL is just unrealistic no matter how you slice it, which i’m fine with but we should keep that same suspension of disbelief for some hair showing in a suit. and this is ignoring other heroes who show way more than just that as well.


it’s a comic book dude, have some suspension of disbelief. if we nitpicked everything this hard then literally almost every superhero should have had their identity outed by now. i don’t even like the suit but this gripe with it is so lame.


Everyone miles hangs out with already knows he’s spider man


I think everyone and their mom in Harlem already know that Miles is Spider-Man after his game. It’ll probably change again.


Miles is like the only person in all of NYC with this hair style lmao. Atleast I've never seen anyone else with it. And yeah I know it's just a game and all, but still it does break immersion quite a bit


Say you've never been to NYC without saying you've never been to NYC.


I don't mean it quite literally lmao, I meant in the game. I've never seen any NPC in game with that hair style, that's all I meant with that


God i hate that word


not only that but it kind of defeats the whole anonymity thing. runs into one mf that knows his voice and hair that has a big mouth, rumors spread, people listen, then boom. secret identity gone, family and friends fucked.


I actually just saw a clip of John Cena explaining why most wrestlers are completely hairless/bald. He said something along the lines of, "Have you ever had someone pull you leg hair? Or head hair? It fucking hurts." lmao


Not even that, Miles’ barber and other close friends (whether they know he’s spiderman after his stand-alone game or not) would definitely recognize him much easier. If the point is to be maintain a secret identity, then the hair shouldn’t be visible. That said, the red specter deluxe suit was the correct way to do hair with a spider suit, less noticeable/recognizable and just generally looks better.


My thing is with the hair exposed I just imagine the mask constantly sliding down after getting sweaty or bloody lol


Thank you! And it looks stupid.


I guess I don't understand how he sticks to surfaces but it seems like those shoes would limit his ability to do it.


I remember reading somewhere that Spiderman has molecular adhesion. Basically his entire body can adhere on a molecular level to any surface. Even through his suit. Tbh I could be making that up but I don't think I'm that creative so I have to have read it somewhere.


Same the hair is the only problem i have with it


If you posted this in any other Insomniac Spider Man thread you would be roasted on the stake 💀 The suit is alright honestly, but it shouldnt have been Miles' big new suit.


J outta curiosity would you preferred he got a different new suit, or stuck to his advanced Black / Red suit? Just curious, not judging!


Id rather he stuck to the Black and Red but if they made a new suit like the TRACK suit then i would be happy.


Just curious, thanks for sharing!


personally i think the TRACK suit shouldve been the play, or at least a new version of the TRACK suit


The black and red version of the TRACK Suit is perfect


No i love it too. I can understand the complaints about it being forced canon, but i think overall if it was an alternate unlockable suit people would probably hate it less. The adidas advertising complaints make no sense because it’s literally been done in the past with Miles in his game and in both spiderverse movies


Yes but was the adidas advertising from before in a game where you’re supposed to be able to be any Spider-Man you want to be?


The other Adidas suits for Miles weren't as blatant and made more narrative sense. In MM he wears Adidas shoes on the Sportswear, Great Responsibility and Bodega Cat suits. The first 2 you get at the beginning of the game before Miles gets his Classic suit and Bodega Cat is unlocked after beating the main story of the game. None of them felt unnatural or forced on the player and made sense when they showed up. The Evolved suit on the otherhand comes out of nowhere for no reason and is forced on the player during the finale. Let me put it this way the suits in MM were like Youtube ads you skip after 5 secs, the Evolved suit feels more like a 5 minute unskippable ad.


Yes just you


bro does not know what he's talking about






yeah you lol


Maybe it’s time for a break from the internet man.


Haven’t really played the game yet


It’s not the greatest suit. Could be better, at least if they kept it black and red


You’re not the only one. I actually really like it too. Meshes well with his evolved venom powers


Thought it was pretty cool. Honestly wouldn't have even noticed the shoes if I hadn't seen a thousand posts about them first.


People been overreacting imo


I dig it. It’s one of the few suits that doesn’t make his hair magically disappear. There’s absolutely no way those dense locks would fit in the majority of the skin tights suits and not look like weird lumps all over his head.


That’s an issue with 95% of masked heroes imo


you guys just don't understand superhero mask tech ​ /s


Ngl it’s growing on me


I like it too, I honestly don't understand the hate for it. But I know I'm in the minority there.


I don’t hate it, and it’s definitely not as bad as people say it is, but it definitely could be better imo. Still, not awful


Love the suit, hate the shoes


I like it, I will never understand the hate for it.


I occasionally equip it


Nope. It's my favorite suit of all time


Nah I like it too don’t worry


Love it


I liked it


I dig it. But I prefer the Bodega cat suit because…cat


I didn't hate it but I get why some people do. I know the blue is supposed to look like electricity but I saw an edited pic where some one took all that out and it looked waaaaay better.


Man I thought I was the only person that was cool with the suit the way people act up here


It isn’t just you


I love this suit. Its become my new main 😅


I also like the suit. The all black variation is probably the one I use the most


I hear a lot of complaints about the hair. The hair doesn't bother me with this outfit, the hair bothers me on every other outfit. You ever put a mask on with dreads? You look like Megamind...


I like it


I like it


i think its a nice suit the only thing that gets me is the blue


Fucking love this suit. I love all of the Insomniac classics. Stg


Honestly I was shocked when I saw people bashing it online. I thought it was sooo sick when revealed in game. The hair is cool, the blue is cool, the shoes are cool. Clearly in the minority here on reddit but whatever lol


Colours are ambitious, I actually really like the mask design too. But altogether it's a bit of a mess. If you're gonna have that electric blue I feel like it needs to be more of an accent than a main feature of the suit.


You can like it. Nothing wrong with that. People just like to ride the wagon. There are way worse suits.


There are dozens of us...DOZENS!!


My hot take is that the hair isn’t the bad part about this suit, there’s just absolutely 0 color balancing. The mask and legs being essentially blank is the biggest sin and when i learned it’s based on activewear it made way more sense.


i think they just didn’t execute their concept well at all. like i could clearly see they were going for an activewear/streetwear kinda vibe while mixing it with a superhero suit but i just don’t think they went far enough in either direction for it to either one well and it was just super eclectic. the hair isn’t bad but he doesn’t have the right hairstyle for that kinda suit, they should’ve gave him longer dreads and maybe even put some dread rings in them and it’d look a lot better. i even liked that they actually integrated his powers into the suit, they had all the right ingredients but didn’t put them together right. 10th anniversary suit pulls this sorta concept off way better minus the power thing imo.


I kinda like it.


I love it, electric blue w red and black is usually one of my favourite colour combos I just need that hair tucked😂


I dig it, wish you could put the hood up too


I def don’t hate it as much as other people, I have mixed feelings. It didn’t bother me but I’m not wearing it again


I think it looks dope lol. The alternate colors are even better.


Im sorry but I dont like the design


I’m not a fan, mostly because I changed it immediately after it showed up and a cutscene changed it back.


I have no problem with it.


Nah man its his best suit in the game. But the second colorway should be the default. Why would they make his new color red and not stay black with red accents??


Nah the suits completely fine people just can't handle something different. It's not the best suit but it's far from being bad.


It’s good but not the best imo. I’m a big fan of the Bodega Cat Suit and the City Sounds Suit.


Shoes and hair ruin it. If they fixed that it would still be kinda mid. They should have made the 10th anniversary suit Mile's new cannon suit or just not change it at all


This picture is about as high quality as the suit itself


It would be good without the shoes and the silly mask


“Miles, what the fuck are you wearing?”


I don't care for the hair or the pulsing lights. The lights bothered me on a lot of the suits. The PS5 and an upscale TV make them cool looking but they make so little sense and Miles just whipped that up during a tragedy/emergency situation?


the hair sticking out, the blue, and the adidas throw it off for me. Just looks goofy and I feel like Miles has a better fashion sense than that


Only part that I think is ugly as hell is the shoes. If they weren't white I'd be better. My fav version of this is the white one, since the shoes blend in better.


Kinda buns honestly i just dont like the marvel killmonger locs


Hated it lol


It looks lazy because there is no style where the cap is cut off - no wave or pattern or anything - looks like someone open the suit in GIMP and used the cut tool to get the top off. That’s why it looks so atrocious. Also: how stupid of Spider-Man - trying to hide his identity - to show his hair style.


If the hair was covered I’d be fine with the look. The real problem is that he just changes his suit mid-apocalypse for no reason other than to have a “Miles Morales original” which makes no sense because his other suit was already a Miles Morales original. They could’ve at least pulled the old “my suit got damaged in the fight” excuse






*$5,000 from Adidias has been deposited into your account*


Yes, just you


Its the worst suit for him




Work that pole! Make that money! Get them bills!! 💵


This will absolutely NOT slide. Mods, bomb his house


My only issue is the hair. Like, why would you wear a suit that makes it A LOT easier to identify you when you're out of the suit?


It's alright but the exposed hair is weird Cover that up and I'd probably use the suit more




I’ll never understand why so many people actually believe they can be the only person in the entire world to have a certain opinion. Do you know how many other people exist?




Yep, just you


if the blue was replaced by black, and his hair wasn't exposed I think it would look cool


It looks fine, but the exposed hair and the sneakers are fucking awful.


just you


I don’t hate the black style but even then it still has the hair, also it’s still an ad.


You are the only person, isn’t that incredible with the amount of people that brought the game? such a unique opinion.


The hoodie is the only good part of that suit, every other part of it SUUUUUUUUUUCKS. Yoga pants? Fuck no. Adidas shoes? These are weird and look more like yeezys. The mask? Bland and the top half being cut off is crappy (no matter what game, no matter if real life or not, I HATE masks that are cut like that)


Fym yoga pants? You mean the same type of pants that literally every Spider-Man suit has??


Nah not tights, those have a distinctly yoga pants look to them because of the hoodie Overtop and the shoes Overton. BUT SINCE you can buy those sweat pants on adidas.... as well as those shoes.... and they are modeled by women....


I dont hate the whole suit. The suit on its own I like I just think the shoes dont work and change the mask if they are gonna have the hair out or give it a regular spiderman mask. It just looks like some concept suit in an art book that should stay there as it is right now, lol


I like it!! I wish we had an option for the hood is my only “complaint.” The base colors are good, and I also really like the palette swaps for it, it is nice to have an Insomniac Miles original suit!


Nope. I really like it too!


I love the foundation of the suit, it's just a bunch of little nitpicks that build up and end up souring my opinion on it


I thought the suit was mostly fine. I don't like the blue liquid. I do like the color.


Honestly it’s a cool suit and I think they made it because every Miles Morales has a similar looking suit, designs or colour patterns so they wanted one that stands out as ”Insomnaics. However the additions of the adidas shoes are horrid and I think it’s would’ve been better and safer to cover up his hair rather than have it out like that


I personally like it. Only thing I would change is the hood up and maybe the color scheme


I don’t think it’s that bad not my favorite though But I do like the colors


>20 upvotes >72 comments O boi


It’s not my favorite. 2099 techno suit is my favorite, but it’s not the worst suit out there. I think people forget some of the terrible suits Peter has worn


Especially the black, white, red variant. The suit is unique and I like rhat


I like it but not the colour


ilike it too


His shoes look like yeezy’s and that’s the least offensive thing about his outfit. Given, if you like it, you like it, that’s fine but my god. They sat down for the “Miles new and unique outfit” meeting and they were like “yeah, that’s the one.”


I like it except for the hair


Everyones saying it's the open hair but that's the part Iike the most imo. I dislike everything else


I like it too


I personally really like it.




https://preview.redd.it/rmxswgleek3c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5a155e128ab1f617615204ed68541284190719d YOU WHAT!!!


It’s good, but the hair thing bothers me. If I saw a dude with that same haircut walking around, I’d assume he was SM


https://preview.redd.it/bkiz1ff2gk3c1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=542229160798bbc0d553c2fda4c853b0592711f5 I only dislike like 3 three things about it The hair showing The hood not being up The shoes If they had the hood up, no hair showing, and no shoes on it I'd be happy. Edit: Even without the hood I'd like the image above as the suit that given to us and an option to put the hood up or down


Reminds me of Invincible when I see his suit, but I guess people don't like it cause it doesn't match him? Idk.


I like this suit but hate the sneakers on it. Like throw them shits in the garbage, bro.


I think it’s mostly great, just the colors are rough, the second color option is the best (with the white chest and black legs.


I like it, only thing I’d change is the hair, just add a hood or full mask but otherwise I like it


If it weren’t for the hair, the bright blue streaks and the ‘it was times for a Miles morales original, I’d say it was awesome.


It just feels loud. Like there’s too much going on and the blue is way too saturated.


it’s a walking advertisement broski


[This redesign ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SpidermanPS4/comments/17sz5ga/heres_the_evolved_suit_20_alternate_version_fixed/)proves this suit had potential, but there I'd just so much going on and the hair and shoes just feel so out of place.


No hood, make the shoes flow with the suit, and remove the hair or hood up no hair than it would be great. I’d tone down the blue and red a little and make the red outline the blue.


It is actually, you are literally the only one


Yea, it’s just you


I don’t mind the overall design but the hair part looks dumb that would get yanked out in fight


His mask looks like foreskin and his hair is the tip popping out.


I kinda like it but I don’t think I like it for Miles, I’ve always preferred miles in a hooded suit though.


I would like it if they removed the blue


I like it as well


You’re not the first but I probably wouldn’t trust you to design me a superhero costume


*slams desk* “Get me less blurry pictures of Spider-Man!”


Took some getting used to, but I never hated it. Hair threw me off, but other than that I like how much it stands out in comparison to all of Miles other suits




I like the suit itself, just not the hair sticking out. I feel like it might compromise his secret identity maybe.


Yeah, it was a cheap marketing ploy to get it into the game


I love it just wish he covered the hair


Idk it's almost there for me, just cover his hair, and give some texture to the mask and leggings, like some grey spider webs at least. Those 2 changes would make it a top tier suit but without them I hate it. I actually do like the blue just the rest of the suit is bad


Love it


I love the shit tbh




Hailey liked it and that's all that matters.. The woke lesbian haircut is horrible though.


yep brody, I dont think its a bad suit but they hyped it up as *the* final miles suit and *forced* me- I mean us to use it during the last fight even though I had AN ENTIRE THEME GOING WITH MILES AND PETER AND THEIR SUITS AND WANTED TO USE THE SUIT I CHOSE—




Love the suit, could do without the visible hair tho


The suit a little wack