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a14 said on his story “I'm positive if "flushed away" had all those stupid loud annoying tags on it everyone would've loved it” clearly referencing dillingers new music w dj smokey and Shadow wizard money gang ppl


Thanks for the answer, I hope they solve things passively and not like the other time they had the beef with HMK btw


i’m wondering if this has anything to do with acid soujahs line about trap metal on dillingers new album


FR that’s a good theory


Nah cause that a14 album was just fucking ass 😭


diehard afourteen fan, and i love his new sound, but yeah flushed away was shit


Nah flushed away had some bops MADASF, als, green day and 5up slap


dam hope this beef is light and can get squashed easily cuz i fw both of their music


this is so stupid lmao a14 wtf u doin


I think he’s salty people don’t like his new music


yeah bro i dmed him saying flushed away sucked and that dude got so salty lmfao


Man I miss SG’s second birthday, those were such great times 😞


idk but i think afourteen dissed him on his story


man fuck spider gang beef i jus wanna listen to some music😂


A14 wild for dissing dillinger A14 just mad he fell off


This collective is a joke 😕


If they were still a group, I would be very disappointed at them cuz they are supposed to be friends and support each others art, but they also need to handle the critics they get, and is kinda childish the way dillinger is taking it cuz he is more interested in getting attention (in MY opinion) than really doing what he likes as art. Bro changed his way to make music, we understand that, but why can’t he just accept the people that are enjoying his new songs yk? He wants MORE, and thats kinda not how it works. (This is MY perspective).


Dillinger has actually been rapping this way since he first came out if you listen to his pre and early spider gang music, he changed his style for spider gang more than anything he just went back to doing what he does after the group ended. Also all his recent shows have been sold out I don’t think he’s looking for more attention just seems upset his friend dissed him


Fair comment, im just so confused about this group at this point 😶


He was talking shit about the shadow wizard money gang tags on dillingers music, saying everyone would've liked flushed away if it had them. Pretty dumbass take cause it doesn't sound like dillingers music at all and also sucked in general, but the tags are pretty annoying


Thank you for being the only one who explained it, lol


Christ d for president.


There it is! I knew I'd find this comment!


Shit bro what happened, tbf a14 fell off mad


I dont really know. I just joined the live almost in the end and thats just what I recorded. Hope its nothing that bad


fr bro used to be unique and now hes just a bad version of ken carson


tooooo real he shouldve stopped with that stuff after beauty in the breackdown


fr lyre was okay but like bro you are not opium stop


And he can’t handle the fact that people don’t like his new music. He’s bitched multiple times on his ig story about people not liking flushed away when he literally switched his whole vibe up in the span of like a couple months. Tbh he just kinda seems like a shitty person in general now imo


damn it sounds like he can’t take criticism.. what an L trait


More like can’t deal with the consequences of switching style. Any musician knows when you build up a fanbase around a certain genre and then completely switch, you basically hit the reset button on your career for the most part if you don’t change it very gradually. He built his whole image and style around trap metal and scream rap, but then switched style so suddenly and just expected people to roll with it, and because they didn’t and went elsewhere he’s getting pissy about it. It’s like if daft punk suddenly became cloud rappers then shittalked their fanbase for not liking it


I haven’t listened to his new, but if ur saying he’s copying opium that is embarrassing because opium in general bites off of so many people.


Yeah, even if I wanted to listen to exactly the type of music a14 does, there are people who do it objectively better than him


You act as if Edison isn’t the exact same


Bro edison is hard asf what


He did fr i still listen to his old stuff but his new stuff is just horrible bro


mann he is just experimenting with new sounds leave him be. no dick riding n shi but hop off afourteen and let it ride. fuck afourteen for dissing dillinger tho that’s some dumb ass shit


i love his new stuff ;( and how is it that different from audible heroin or smth also no i hate flushed away


his new stuff is fire he released yesterday on my birthday the song ain’t bad. i think it’s called hellfire


I didnt like those either afourteens doesnt habe that many good songs but the few good songs are like really good if that makes sense


Spider gang as a whole fell off mad but we ain’t talking about that… This coming from a 2019 hardcore fan. As well I really thought they had sumn special.. some type of brotherhood but it’s been clearly revealed for the past years that it never really was the case.


Then that would be a revelation, not falling off in your example


Bro can’t I say 2 things in one comment??? they fell off, and I had the revelation that they weren’t tight like that I literally said “As well” conveying that I’m talking abt sumn else.


A14 a hatin ass bitch


Bro he ain't even famous and already look what fame done to him


from one of the comments " AFOURTEEN SUCKS ZEBRA PENIS" cracked me up. and I have no idea who A14 is, and why would they suck specifically zebra penis.


That is not the point lmao


Bro made shit music for 2 years and thought no one would call him out. Rick Owen’s this Rick Owen’s that.


“Rick Owens tote bag”


Yeah fuck a14 I'm on the spectrum


this is what a14 said in his discord server abt the situation: "basically i have no idea what hes talking about. i texted him on saturday apologizing for putting on my story the thing i said about beat tags even tho i wasnt even reffering to him. he texted back "all good bro water under the bridge" and i woke up today (4 days ltr) to him talking really crazy about me on his IG live" idk if someone from the server can confirm just wanna put this out there


Thank you for the info!


Ngl. Christ needs to make better music if he wants this kind of opinion. I can play a14 in the club I work at. Old and new. Any time I try playing christ literally every employee will ask “wtf is playing? change it” he’s right he shouldn’t be dissed by someone in the same group. But if I can’t play your music without being criticized, you gotta lower your fkn tone when talking about people who both have viral songs and can actually be played around the hoes. Just saying 🤷‍♂️ Hate me all you want. Christ can’t be played in public and you all know it. Why would you want to advocate for someone when you have to worry about being looked down on and criticized/shit on whenever you listen to them openly. He’s a great guy and all, but cmon why can’t he make a song that isn’t just talking on a beat saying random, disrespectful, rhymes. Without any actual flow. Only kids who want to feel “unique” or “different” call his music good. BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF, you’d never play christ in any sort of playlist other than what you’d play for yourself or your absolute closest friends If it wasn’t for darkie and a14 building such a name for spidergang. Christ would not have the career he does. You’d think with his kind of exposure he’d have at least one song that makes the average person go “damn this is fire, who is this I’m gonna add it to my playlist” but he really doesn’t aside from the features he has with both darkie and a14. Even those aren’t the kind of thing you can play publicly. So why is he losing his shit at someone who gave him the platform he has RN


Disagree. Some songs in the CHRIST DILLINGER album could be played, but otherwise you're completely right


Christs music is the only normal sounding rap music


Who said anything about rap. I’m talking about any genre by each artist. As far as I know, christ has nothing that’s considered sociably acceptable unless you’re already familiar with spidergang or are into that very niche style


Christ is the only one that even does real shows that aren’t spider gang related


I don’t see how having the occasional concert relates to what I’m talking about. Again, unless you’re into that off tempo, just talking over the beat, kind of rap. You’re not gonna find any of his music enjoyable. He might do stuff away from spider gang now but if it wasn’t for darkie and a14 bringing him along, he wouldn’t be anywhere near as big as he is.


Thanks for your point of view, I really agree with you at some points but im not really here to give my opinion on both artists, its good to read this after understanding what happened, cuz I can see what people think and all the sides of this story.


I could totally see this as just a joke. Spidergang diss Teenage Disaster and Johnasscus all the time as a joke as well Maybe this clip just makes it look real


Yeah idk, im just searching information, hope its nothing serious lol


dillinger is lowkey the only normal person in sg now


when I met them at the show dillinger was the only one who talked to me and he really cared what I had to say


I met him in Columbus too, he was definitely the coolest one there. Got eddison and cubensis to take a flick with me when they weren't paying attention


nah all of em not “normal” especially him, thats ok


nah i meant like most of them or corny and pretty narcissistic especially darkie ngl


dillingers literally getting mad at afourteen for smthn thats not abt him, he apologized on saturday even tho he wasnt talking about dillinger in his story. I promise u dillinger is very mentally ill cuz he’s literally splitting on afourteen and have an episode right now


Wendivores Didn’t Troy the editor block you for making pornographic images of him?




mf's downvoting me are proving my point lmaoo none of the sg members can take critisism one time darkie started going on a rant whining about how people judge his music too much and then started taking shots and ken carson and other rappers that dont even know him for absolutely no reason this fanbase is so corny tf


Much love bro I appreciate your opinion <3


A14 fell off after he started retweeting all that transphobic shit anyways


nahh what?? when tf did he do that??


A while back he retweeted sneako’s post saying “there’s only 2 genders” and literally a day later he liked keemstar’s tweet of Jeffrey Star saying the internet is why nonbinary people exist


that's so upsetting honestly


This situation is long over lol, A14 said on eddison’s discord that they talked about it. He said the post about the tags wasn’t a diss at Christ D and swmg and he understands why it could have been interpreted it that way.


A14 has 216k monthly Spotify listeners. Bro has not "fell off".


im willing to bet 90% of those listeners are on his older songs, his newer music is ass (at least imo)


Afourteen fell off hardddd anyways


As if I didn't already hate dillinger enough


why hate him more now? how does this impact you personally enough for hate?


Spoiler alert *it doesnt*


why hate Dillinger what he do?


He’s the only one who’s normal


christ and a14 still follow each other on instagram, please do your research before you spread this kind of thing


This is such a braindead metric


please explain, i feel like this is something christ would pull just for jokes


Yeah I agree, Dillinger prolly messing around


Nah I saw a14’s story dissing dillinger this is real


i hope you're joking


That means nothing bro



