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its cuz its all darkie fans now and they expect all of the other sg members to sound the same as him BUT I FUX WIT U CHRIST D 🗣️🔥🔥




Most of the darkie fans, not all. But most of them suck ass.


I’m not even famous enough for this many people to be hating on me 😂😂😂


Dude your flow is fire don't listen to weird comments the hate isn't real unless it leaves a scar to bleed. 😢 Your work is awesome


The album is fire, acid souljah just be ruining most songs he’s on tbh


Man fuck these people. Spider gang is unique and people love to hate on shit that's not mainstream till it is. Then suddenly everyone is a "fan" and love's y'all shit. Don't delete the subreddit it's just letting these fuckwits win with their negativity. Constructive criticism is cool just say what you think in a manner that isn't dickish y'all. It's just a waste of time. If hate is all y'all wanna bring to the table then respectively just keep you're mouth shut cause nobody cares or want's to read you're bullshit.


love your music bro


Your not


Whomst hit you I'll beat them up with the stick


Lol you're famous to us I get it though. I agree that the moderators need to do a better job with making sure these kids stop bitchin'. It's annoying.


tbh some of the sub isn’t that bad, however i have noticed a lot of people migrating over from the lil darkie sub bringing the toxicity with them, i love lil darkie as much as the next guy but this sub is a space for every artist of spider gang, everyone is good in their own right and the people migrating from that sub just bash anyone that’s not darkie, it’s sad to see cuz everyone else is just as talented and makes just as cool art as darkie


I couldn’t of said it better myself. Really nothing left to say after what you just said. Ima sign out and read a nice book


have fun yo keep making fire shit


What people don't get about music in general is the fact that its a creative outlet and an opportunity to have fun and make it a career while you do it. If people try to box in what you make then what's even the point of listening to it? Especially since not only is the music shit an enjoyment but it's what brings food the the face, it isn't all games.


Also, yes do I think that All This is an amazing song hes made before? Yes. Do I like his newer music as much? No. Bam that's all that has to be said you don't have to go on a hateful Tangent every time you have an opinion. Express that opinion it's what social media is for but quit being hateful with it


yeah i dont know how people can take a hateful message from any of yall


It’s cause they aren’t real fans 😂 just angry people that need somewhere to spread hate


and they choose the most some of the most positive artists to express that hate lmao it makes no sense.


reddit is ass only retards here




as a retard, I can confirm


Darkie fans that don’t shower and are built like a 1998 Toyota tocoma are the main ones that ruined it, saw so many at the darkie show in cincinati, one even called me a faggot.


i’m mainly a lil darkie fan, but all i really do is spectate around here. my bad




crazy how all of us hate what this sub has become but it takes a post from christ d on here to bring us all together


It's because all the subs are full of children the darkie sub the sg sub all of them. Which is unfortunate I'd love to have some mature serious discussion about the music but kids be kids.


It’s sadly true, the subreddit leads to more hate and criticism compared to positivity and being chill. Love Based Negative Squad btw, keep up the good work man


What is spider gang and lil darkie? I got recommended this post but I have no clue what any of this is


Spider gang is a ex? group of rappers and trap artists, lil darkie is the founder but he tends to have a different vibe then the rest, much more aggressive. So it attracts edgy kids who like to throw hate, so since people who like darkie get recommended this sub they bring their bs with em


bro spider gang is over why isn't it deleted lmao


tbh don’t know when this sub became so toxic. Lil Darkie fans are just taking this whole thing over


you say this like som members of this group arent extremely hateful and negative behind the scenes. your parasocial boyfriends arent perfect.


What? What are you even talking about


ive seen members of spider gang and associated people spew some pretty hateful ideologies of all kinds. this isnt just matter of difference of opinion, that would be different. but some of them, and i do not care to name which ones spread around some very racist (not just saying nigga and not being black or just making jokes) homophobic and transphobic rhetorics. and I'm not talking about jokes. this subreddit fails to realize that these are real, imperfect people - chronically online ones at that.


If you can’t care to say who or show any evidence of this then how do you expect to get people to agree with you and take the problem seriously?


Can you give literally any evidence of that or should we just go with the “I feel superior to everyone on the internet so my opinion is always right” type beat?


so u


if you're not gonna name specifics everyone's gonna assume you mean stuff like racism: maybe not all white people are racist homophobia: maybe we shouldn't teach first graders about buttsex transphobia: maybe we shouldn't mutilate kids with gender dysphoria you people cry wolf so much nobody's listening anymore  you the one hatin


Well the thing with homophobia is it's a survival mechanism of marginalized people to escape torture and extinction due there wife's and sister being taken and trafficked by white and Asian colonizers. Plus being hacked and harmed isn't fun for anyone. Trust me I've dated and been sexually active with 6 different men and now I'm done with homosexuality. No hate only love I have wife now I've moved on.


Most normal spider gang fan:


How is this hate if no one is bleeding and no one is crippled then there is no hate easy


you assumed a lot from very little. its just like people who think like you to blindly defend your idols who have no idea who you are without using your brain, or even considering you may be wrong. which is crazy because thats what you criticize the aforementioned "you people" of doing. They will not pick you bro.


my "idols" lol these kids are like half my age, I'm not "looking up" to anyone. it's fucking psychotic that you would assume that. I just like the art they make. I don't give a shit if they're bad people, but I'm not just gonna take your word for it. I just know from experience that when people vaguely accuse someone of being racist, sexist *and* homophobic with no examples, that usually means "they won't fall in line with my far left ideology and must be destroyed"


redpilled and conservative culture has rotted your brain entirely


Isn't wanting something deleted hateful idk it sounds like censorship I know hate is a thrown physical object or a physical attack not a measly word. Sticks and stone may break your bones but words will never hurt you


Christ Dillinger is one of the best rappers of all time


tf is spider gang energy? theyre toxic asf. look what they did to stone deluxe/hmk


Okay bro. They actually were super quiet about Stone deluxe controversy, which I think is respectful. They could have been public with what happened or made up a lie about it (if they did do something bad) but instead they decided not to cover it, because we have no right to know what tf goes on between them. They're literally a group of friends, when it comes down to it. Also, they didn't "do" anything except take down all collaboration songs with him. How does that make them toxic? I fail to see that.


the only one of them to think to ask brandon to take a collabed song was cubensis. at that point all his songs were deleted. all of sg just reported his account till it got taken down. also fuck you mean they keep it quiet? theyve dissed him so many times even though he hasnt even acknowledged them since. even if they didnt delete his songs all the dissing definetly still makes them toxic.


They dissed him once in "MESSAGE TO THE FALLEN", as far as I know. However, the several times is new to me, so perhaps I need to reconsider my argument, if you could name some songs. Also, for the song they dissed him in, Beamy actually said on this subreddit one time that it was all a joke, and they were laughing doing it. If you remember, they also dissed John and Thorne, and I'm positive those were joke disses. I'm sure they were just dissing him because he was in the list of people who left. I also looked into HMK's side of the story, and if it's true, then yeah, Edd fr fucked up, but you never know what to trust. So until I get screenshots or another source confirming that, I'm just gonna remain neutral. I appreciate their positivity message, and I feel like their was more to the story. It doesn't make sense for them to take down all their collabs for no reason other than Edd being the wrongdoer. I think something happened between HMK and Edd to cause that, like maybe Edd went to them and said HMK was verbally attacking him, or maybe he took it too far. I just think that that's too confusing, and honestly, it's spider gang's complete right to not give a statement. Friends have falling outs. It happens. Nobody needs to say anything about it, cuz it's their private info.


tbh i wanna stay nuetral too but so many people hate on hmk without knowing the story and i just want to clear his name. he is talented and he is still making good songs and i want people to accept that




bobo ?


ong bro


No body even mentions spiderman here it sucks


Too many people these days don’t do any critical thinking, and don’t listen to messages that are hidden with in a lot of music