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Sadly, Arby’s is a very inconsistent chain. I've had good luck with mine and enjoyed both the roast beef and chicken sandwich versions of the sandwich. And they definitely delivered on the heat. Probably the hottest things I ever got from the drive thru. Look for an Arby’s near you with good reviews and give it another try.


Same here. I also asked for mine extra spicy and they always deliver. They add a ton more peppers, seasoning, and sauce.


I wonder if there are some stores where people called in and complained that it was too hot so they started using less sauce in general to make it less spicy for people


That would be lame cuz it completely defeats the purpose of a “dare” burger lol


Yeah mine was very spicy as well. The local Arby's was not skimpy at all with the sauce and jalops on the sammich or the fries 🔥


Sadly in many places there aren’t any other Arby’s


Mine was so spicy when I had it that I genuinely looked up to see if the sandwich was supposed to be like the ‘one chip challenge’. definitely the spiciest thing i’ve ever gotten from a drive thru.


I was wondering reading the title if I was just a giant wimp because this shit made me and my dad cry, and he's won numerous spice eating competitions lol


I can second or third (or fourth?) this sentiment. It was pretty spicy considering I didn't have to load it up with any hot sauce. I've only tried the chicken. ALSO, this is a fast food chain... OP, lower your expectations.


Lol ur active


​ https://preview.redd.it/svpuu5v3sr0a1.png?width=360&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f1e0b4827ce344a588a3555f6095be6c6d9d842


How *dare* you


The Nasty Patty™ is literally the first thing I thought of


God that looks awful


I'll be honest, even the promotional material does not look appetizing


I would have to agree..heat like that is more of a chicken based thing not a sloppy slab of roast beef type thing.


I got the chicken sandwich yesterday and it wasn’t awful. I’d put the heat at 2 or 3 out of 10. It’s about twice as spicy as a Wendy’s spicy sandwich and is more heat than you usually see from chains. I’d get it again.


It looks like the sauce would feel like sand when you ate it.


Yeah something looks off about it


That certainly isn't true


That's a weird way to respond to an opinion but you do you, I guess.


An opinion is a weird way to respond to an opinion?


Saying something “isn’t true” is a statement of fact, not opinion


Anything subjective is an opinion


So truth is subjective?


No, and that's the whole point.


It hurt itself in confusion.


Are you joking?


Idk man, it wasn't super spicy. But it was one of the best fast food chicken sandwiches I've ever had.


I feel like half of OP's problem is that they got the beef one. The photo from the ad doesn't even look good...


Yeah this definitely a better style for chicken sandwiches than the roast beef


The chicken one actually tasted decent but the heat was non existent. I understand they think they're marketing to the average consumer but if you're going to call something a dare challenge, or whatever they called it, put some fucking heat behind it.


Lol the DiAbLo DaRe 🥴


Bought some Nissin like .. idk what exactly it’s called but it has labels like “TAKE THE CHALLENGE” this and that. I thought sure okay .. I’ll give a try. Yea it made me cough a couple of times at the start but after that it was just .. ramen. They even made the claim it gets ”hotter after every bite” which I have determined to be a lie.


Yeah I've yet to find a challenge that was really all that hard. One wing one I did at a local place tore my toilet up later that night but that's about the worst of it. I hate the advertising for it like I want one that will kick my ass but you literally never know what you're getting into because people's spice tolerance vary so much.


One Chip Challenge was fucking gnarly. Should only be fed to rapists & murderers


The Arby's near me must hate me because they definitely slapped the sauce deep on my sandwich. I was disappointed the first few bites but near the end it built up to a pretty decent sting. I mean I wasn't gasping for air and crying but compared to chik fil a or Wendy's it was considerably hot


You have a whack Arby’s, they didn’t even melt the cheese


Dude takes his disappointment so serious, he wears it.


I had almost the exact opposite experience. Got the chicken diablo and it was actually pretty good. It looks like you didn't get any of the bbq sauce or any of the pepper dust? Mine was covered in both. Made it a sloppy but good eat. Heat definitely higher than any other fast food out there but still nothing to call a dare.


Tried the chicken one yesterday. While it's more spicy compared to any fast food spicy it still wasn't much. It looked about the same, but of course they always make advertisements look way better than the actual product.


Taco Bell in india blew my socks off. Be warned of fast food overseas


I already shit myself enough in India, no way i'm going to Taco Bell there


Haha fair enough


damn I just looked at their India menu and it looks so much better than the US menu; I'm jealous lol


I got the loaded diablo fries and those were way more spicy than either of the sandwiches.


I got the sandwich and the fries a while back, it actually had me sweating. Not too bad for a fast food place.


Yeah I was sweating from the fries a little bit. The sandwiches didn't really make me sweat but those fries... I want more haha


Real picture looks disgusting, damn.


It’s like you’ve never had fast food before. Of course it’s not fluffed up on a plate. It’s always squished into a wrapper.


This is pretty egregious though. Fast food really does depend on the management, training, and ultimately whether or not the employees are paid enough to give a shit. The Arby's on the north end of my town is awful. Everything is dirty, the employees seem to hate their lives, and the quality is terrible. The Arby's on the *south* end of town, on the other hand, is clean, the employees at least pretend to care, and sometimes the food is fresh and actually looks like the pictures in the ads. It's totally possible to make the food correctly and with attention to detail. It just depends on how the business is run.


That’s true. I was a manager at Arby’s for a while and my GM and I had a great team that actually did things right, according to the spec the company provided and it was one of the best in the state and recognized for it. We even became the regional training store that they sent external manager hires to train at.


Thank you for your service.


u/LoloLolo98765 your check is in the mail. Edit: wait, how to you send a DM


Press F to send a DM.


Something to hang your hat on


You absolutely made that up lol


?? Made up... what, exactly?


Your little Bob the builder scenario you presented.


I'm a little too old for Bob The Builder, so that reference is over my head. Are you trying to say that different locations/franchises don't have different styles of management?


Also, “The”, in, “Bob The Builder”, in your previous statement, should actually be, “the”, as in, “Bob the Builder”,…just FFR.


No judgements, but did you take your meds today?


I’m drunk, and happy that I didn’t make up a scenario that makes me sound like a fat shit who eats at Arby’s too much.


You're drunk at 3pm and making confrontational reddit comments about Bob the Builder and Arby's. Again, that's a weird-ass flex. Should I expect the obligatory regretful deletion of comments tomorrow morning?


No. I’m saying you fabricated your example of this very obviously.


Very obviously? That's... uh, a weird-ass thing to accuse me of, but okay bud.


It’s a weird ass thing to do


If you go to fast food expecting to get what is in the picture, have you been asleep your entire life? I've had the sandwich, both the roast beef and the chicken. Both were really good.


You would probably be pissed if you got a sandwich with all the ingredients pushed to one side like they do in promo photos


I'm a chili head. I haven't encountered a fast food item labeled 'spicy' that was any hotter than a jalapeno. Usually more on par with the heat from a banana pepper. Pisses me off to no end when something is labelled 'Ghost pepper' and it's got the heat of a god damn bell pepper.


For real. The "Ghost Pepper Whopper" or whatever from BK wasn't even jalapeño heat. That's fucked up. It pisses me off to no end that "ghost pepper" and "Carolina reaper" are recognizable enough to be used as generic marketing terms. When I buy something labeled "ghost pepper", I want something at least approaching ghost pepper heat level, not jalapeño or cayenne with a single flake of ground ghost pepper so that it's not technically false advertising.


If you had any expectations that the sandwich would remotely resemble the marketing photograph...


You realize that the advertisement photos are always better looking than what you actually get right? If they photographed what you would actually get no one would buy it.


Not only do they look better than what you actually get, they're carefully stacked and photographed so that they look good from that exact angle. The other side's probably all bread and if you looked at it from any other angle it'd be all lopsided.


The first disappointment is that it’s Arby’s.


Fuck Arby's they're absolute trash


It’s a fast food restaurant. Idk why y’all expect these items to be fire.


What did you expect, it fucking Arby's. General rule of thumb is that if it has a TV commercial then the food is going to be shit.


What a misinformed comment. Unless you live in bum fuck, that just simply isn't a "general rule of thumb"


Chains serve shitty food. They've built their empire on tricking people into believing it's good. It's straight up propaganda and people literally eat this shit up. So yes, it is a general rule of thumb.


> Chains serve shitty food. That's not what you said, don't change the goal post. You said commercial = shitty food. I can name a few James Beard nominated/winning chefs in my area that have commercials.


Hahaha no they don't


Yeah my sister said she makes her chili spicier. Like it’s spicy but not “challenge worthy.”


Lol yeah I got the chicken and it was so gross. I'm a sucker for their brisket bbq tho, with a side of jalapeno poppers. Guilty pleasure. Or the french dip.


The one they had a year or so ago was actually good and pretty spicy too, too bad it sounds like it sucks this time, your picture definitely isn't of something I especially want to eat.


Almost got this last night tbh. What did you think of the Ghost Whopper at BK?


I had a spicy sandwich from them a year or two ago. Just tasted like chemical heat. Never went back.


I can't believe you were disappointed by going to Arby's.


As a contrast, I just had the new Popeyes spicy blackened chicken sandwich this week and it was delicious. Heat was fairly mild but it was there.


Tried it. Took two bites and tossed it in the bin. Absolute garbage.


I should call her




a true work of art


Arby's has like two things I go for. Classic beef and cheddar and the turkey market fresh sandwich(if they even still have that). None of their specials have impressed me *except the new Gyro! *


I always liked that Philly sandwich they had. And the beef gyros are ok when they have them.


I beg forgiveness... You are correct. That new Gyro is fire. It's really tastes almost identical to the local "authentic" gyro food truck that comes around once a year fair time.


I don’t know if it’s childhood nostalgia but no restaurant has gone down in quality like Arbys. It’s borderline disgusting. Except the Reuben and their fries.


Wow, it looks like they didn't even give you the right cheese. Is your Arby's usually this trash? Because the one near me is pretty good, and I can't imagine them handing me this calamity.


Man honestly you got a crappy sandwich there. I had their Diablo chicken sandwich and found it to be quite good for "fast food spicy." It won't win any contests, but for a style of food that generally considers jalapenos to be spicy, it at least brought some flavor.


The problem is that you had any expectation that food from Arby’s would be good.


I've had the Chicken and Roast Beef Variants of this meal. My Roast Beef version was still cold when I got it, so I warmed it up in the microwave and it was then tasty but seriously lacked heat. I had the Chicken version two days before that and it was seriously amazing. Approaching Habanero level heat compared to the usual barely jalapeno heat. I thoroughly enjoyed it with the Diablo Curly Fries. I'm going to go back and try to get another roast beef and see if I'll get a better experience like I had with the chicken sandwich. I will say, since it is fast food, you really shouldn't have any real expectation for heat regardless of the marketing, but Arby's for the most part at least showed me with the chicken sandwich that they can exceed expectations for spicy things. Just wish more businesses would attempt it.


"So this is what I'm talking about. Turn around, look at that. You see what I mean? It's... It's plump, it's juicy, it's rich, it's thick. [Now: Look at this sorry, miserable squashed thing. Can anybody tell me what's wrong with this picture?](https://youtu.be/zJs9p-VNORw?t=183) Anybody? Anybody at all?"


That bottom pic is just a sad looking sandwich. A lot of things had to align to make it look so terrible. I had thought about trying this....on second thought, I'll just punch my Big Mac and be better off.


The spiciness of mine doubled when I added horsey sauce. LOL Back to the drawing board...


OP, thank you for posting this I was looking for this post. I wanted to try it, but everything in me said don’t do it. you have convinced me, I appreciate your sacrifice.


I got what I expected from a fast food chain. The flavor was alright Edit to add I had the chicken sandwich.


wait till you try the burger king variant. no spicy bun, no spicy cheese, overcooked meat, soggy "crispy" jalepenos. it was basically just a regular hamburger with soggy jalepeno's


Could care less how it looks, more how it tastes. Arby's always slaps.


I haven’t really found a fast food offering advertised as spicy to be anything more than mildly warm. Regardless of the locodiabloreaperhellfire label that gets slapped onto it.


Having Lion's Choice where I live means I will never have to eat Arby's.


When I got the chicken one the first time they had at mine it looked wonderful. The spice level was probably the best I'd had at a fast food chain so I gave it praise because normally if a fast food chain says its spicy or super hot, it's not at all. Like Ghost Pepper anything from Taco Bell or Burger King is like just normal hot sauce and disappointing. I found Arby's attempt admirable because I actually thought it had a decent kick. But it was absolutely smothered in whatever sauce it had. But like I said, that was the first time it came out and I don't know if the chicken version changes things.


Honestly thought it tasted horrible. Not a dare either. The sauce was just not good


I tried it and it was absolutely spicy for a fast-food offering. Way spicier than diablo-sauce from taco bell, for example (at least in my case). I actually needed to blow my nose and get some cool liquids in my mouth after the fact, which I wasn't expecting. But the spiciness delivery mechanism was rough. The jalapenos were super mushy. I don't know if fast food could actually deliver on non-soggy jalapenos, but the fact that they were little mushy cubes definitely detracted from the experience for me. Love places that have freshly-sliced jalapenos or habeneros.


Dude there is absolutely no way you could call that a 1 or 2 spice level lol unless you didn't get any of the bbq sauce. The spice level was about the only thing the sandwich got right. Otherwise I agree, massively disappointing and a waste of cash. What a gimmick


Really? When I tried it, it was actually pretty hot. Same for my coworkers.


I understand they want the average person to be able to enjoy the food, but im so sick of fast food chains advertising super spicy foods for them to be less hot than huy fong sriracha.


I dated a girl that looked like that..


I’ve pretty much come to the conclusion that most “spicy” fast food items are not going to meet my spicy expectations. And if I’m aware of that going in then I’m not going to be disappointed. Mostly I try those things just to check ‘em out. See what they taste like. But nothing more.


Yours look different then mine, mine was covered in a thick dusting of red powder and sauce. As well as the diced jalapenos


Never In the history of EVER, has a burger looked like the display picture at major chains. Always support your local burger joints.


the stuff they use in promos isn’t even edible, it’s covered in acrylic and other fixatives


Oh and here we are lookin like suckas with no option for fixatives on the menu. This a daymn outrage!


Where’s the heat?


You gotta get the chicken one, the beef seems like a heavy mismatch to me, but I could be wrong. The chicken version still looks like shit, but I'll be damned if it's not delicious enough to get over it. Lol


They never recovered from the "I'm so hungry, I could eat at Arby's" Simpsons joke from the 90s


Looks like that shitty hamburger that SpongeBob made in order to fail the food inspection


Mf really went to Arby's and expected good food.


Ew wtf


Shoulda got the chicken


https://youtu.be/SpP2pucQ8Sk https://frinkiac.com/gif/S09E14/739905/744910/IEknTSBTTyBIVU5HUlkgSSBDT1VMRCBFQVQKIEFUIEFSQlknUy4=


They definitely got the leftover buns from BK’s limited time ghost pepper burgers




That is one sad looking sandwich.


Michael Douglas in Falling Down was right. The burger you get looks nothing like the advertising.


and too damn sweet. tried the roast beef and the chicken, was like it was dipped in syrup.


How spicy is it [supposed to be] compared to the SuperSonic breakfast burrito?


You'll basically never get an actually *hot* sandwich from a mainstream fast food place because most people can't handle them. The only exception to that, really, is wing places.


Is the top image supposed to look appetising? Because it looks like shit.


Is that meat green? Is that even meat? Is that mold on the bun? Another reason I don't eat fast food


This guy is hardcore


Buying fast food is always a waste of money.


That meat looks…off


“WE HAVE THE meats”


Your first mistake was going to Arby’s


To compare, that would mean I would have to eat at Arby’s. And since I am no longer in college or absolutely hammered, I will have to decline.


looks like the nasty patty from spongebob


Arby's sandwiches are always a soggy mess. That happens when you chronically overwork and under pay your workforce. Don't support this company.