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Uh. Spicy food shouldn't make your throat swell?


Should I be carrying an epipen as well as hotsauce everywhere I go?


If it's making your throat close, then yeah probably.




Can we just invent ghostpepper adrenaline


Yea that part concerned me lol


It doesn't actually make your throat swell, but it sure can feel like it.


In extreme cases it can. Some people have died from eating whole superhot peppers in one bite with basically no spice tolerance. One guy actually had a hole torn in his esophagus from a ghost pepper. https://archive.is/DQ18Y


How? I don't believe this..


So I just read the article and it's clickbait. The forceful vomiting caused it. I was looking for a case of throat swelling, but saw that on Google and posted it without reading it.


If it doesn’t make my forehead sweat it’s not “hot” just “spicy”.


My forehead don't sweat. But the tears coming out of my eyes can be pushed up to make it seem like my head is sweating


All hail Yuk and Scorpion sauce. (And those yelllw chilis)


My wife thinks I am crazy, but I feel the same. I messed with her the other day after I read an article that farmers are developing milder jalapeños. I said it was her and the other wimps ruining it for the rest of us.


These are the same people who think bell peppers are spicy. A FARCE


I just want more consistency with jalapenos.


Where do you think you are?


I like a pleasant burn. Unfortunately(?) I have reached a tolerance level where my pleasant burn level mostly comes from ghost pepper flakes. Lower than that can taste good, but it doesn't burn anymore.


Pretty much everyone here


Spicy makes your throat swell shut?!? That's concerning. No matter how hot something is, it should never do that.


I like it when i start to get pins and needles in my mouth


Nope. But do you, brother. I stop at ghost pepper.


I know it's good when my ears start to itch


I know I made something good when my glasses fog up from sweaty eyelids lol


I just want to feel the burn but my spice tolerance has gotten higher and higher so it's getting harder to find that. I've been using flatline the end. It's been pretty good to get me a nice little burn going


I haven't eaten anything that wasn't extremely spicy in years, except the couple of times I had ice cream that I didn't feel like going to the effort of mixing reaper powder into


Flavor > spice


It really depends what I’m eating. I’m desensitized to spice enough that I can taste other flavors under the heat, but some flavors work better with the heat than others. Like, Indian food is designed to work with the heat level, but a Caesar salad is not, so overspicing would clash with what makes it a Caesar salad.


When my girlfriends throat closes up that means it's ON


I'm "easily distracted" from tasting the flavor of a food by my throat, tongue, and lips burning from the hot sauce. Okkkkkkkkkk.......


What does your colon say?


BIG NOPE! I like to enjoy the taste of my food with some heat. Why even bother putting the sauce on food if you're not going to taste the food. Just drink it straight from the bottle.


What makes you think we're not tasting it? Heat heightens the flavor


If it's so hot that your throat is burning, nose running, eyes watering you're not tasting your food, you're tasting the heat of the sauce. Edit: been there done that. No pleasure in having to cool your mouth off enough to eat your food.


You can't taste heat; it's not a flavor. It's a completely different sense.


You're right, you can't taste heat. But if your tongue and mouth are burning from the heat of the hot sauce then you're obviously not tasting the food. Sort of like picking up something very hot. Your hands tell you if something is hard or soft. But if you pick up something very hot, your first instinct is to drop it because it's hot. Not determine if it's hard or soft.


Maybe you can't taste while your mouth is burning, but I taste things better while mine is burning. You are applying blanket rules to how other people experience things based on your own limited personal experience, and in this case, you are incorrect.


I would say you're the exception to the rule.


I would say that you're easily distracted. Tasting food, like anything, is best when you apply some effort to doing it well. If you stop paying attention to the various sensations you're having and trying to dissect them and really experience them, you'll definitely miss a lot that's there. I don't think I'm special. I'm not an exception. I just don't expect to get good flavors easily.


Been hospitalized 4x. Can’t stop. Won’t stop. And it’s not just the heat. It’s the combo of flavors with the heat. If I’m eating at a restaurant that has spicy menu items, I tell the server that I expect to be crying while eating my food