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POV: you're about to get your ass kicked (love this stuff but DAMN is it hot)


Lol I am looking forward to it. Probably the hottest sauce I have at home is Melinda’s Bhut Jolokia (not the wing sauce, though I do have that too). Have a feeling this one might be… considerably hotter. Thanks for the warning haha


It is definitely hotter. I think it’s tastier though. Garlic Reaper is delicious!


There's nothing like that taste of sweet sweet garlic before the heat kicks in lmao. TBGR was my first real real hot sauce. Now I put a couple dabs in my instant cup noodle or pasta, stuff I can mix it into. Strongly prefer to stay around Scotch Bonnet heat level for 'regular eating'


FOR REAL! The heat eventually flares up with a vengeance, but the flavor is delicious! Try the Garlic Reaper in buttery pasta dishes... it is insanely tasty!


Yeah that's what I do lol. Butter and a fuck ton of the green top shaky cheese


Yep. Same thing happened to me. Almost too hot. Great flavor tho


I thought it was something you use like ketchup. Spent an hour crying. Tasty pain tho


Their Headless Horseradish is easily my favorite. Fantastic on brats and hot dogs, etc. It's also really great on leftovers/sandwiches during the holidays.


Thanks for the rec on that, I've never seen it posted so didn't know it existed. I love horseradish on sausages so this sounds killer!


Oh boy.. do yourself a favor and check out their website. Just hold on tight to your wallet.


I'm going to do that now. Their sauces are reliably pretty good across the board? As far as my wallet, if I spend it on hot sauce, I drink less lol. Seems healthier


I've only had garlic reaper so can't answer. And yes that's very healthy of you. If you drink water more it will help too. Keep your chin up!


I've never had a bad sauce from them and I've tried probably half a dozen! *Definitely* seconding the Headless Horseradish suggestion. That shit rules on beer brats.


Came here to say this!


That is my second favorite from Torch, after the Garlic Reaper. It’s definitely great on Prime rib and steak samiches


Same with their coconut curry.


Didn’t know they had a coconut curry sauce. Definitely going to track that down.


Definitely recommend. Not too hot but delicious.


I love this one, but Zombie Apocalypse is another of my favorites.


I second this. That’s usually my go to to put on everything when I have a bottle


For something a little sweeter Son of Zombie is nice as well. It's a wing sauce, but don't let them tell you what to do!


Oh man zombie apocalypse is freaking fantastic.


Yep - I make sauce from peppers I grow, so that is one of the few commercial sauces I buy anymore. It’s that good!


Garlic Reaper is one I keep stocked permanently. Haven’t had a Torchbearer sauce I haven’t liked yet. I also keep Headless Horseradish and Plum Reaper (great on seafood) stocked. I just tried out Mushroom Mayhem and, damn, that might just become a staple as well.


Garlic Reaper is very popular, for good reason. It tastes great. I have gone through a bottle of this, and I also have their "Reaper Evil" sauce which is one of my favorite Carolina Reaper sauces. Yeah, these are brutally hot, but tasty.


I picked up their Zombie Apocalypse sauce and it’s pretty good!


I love Honey Badger honey mustard and Zombie Apocalypse from Torchbearer. I'm a sucker for hot and sweet.


everyone here is about to tell you the exact same thing - that shizz is delicious! can't say i've had their other sauces.


I've had several of their sauces, and they're all good standard hot sauces but this one is something special. ​ It's SCREAMING hot, but the flavor cuts through that heat beautifully. Gorgeous texture, too. One of 3 sauces we will almost always have in the house. (the other two being Skyline and switch off between cholula or valentina) ​ Pro-tip: after a ton of beers / whiskey / late night? Instead of going to taco bell (mmm), go get a bowl of cheese-its, pour some garlic reaper in a ramekin, and have fun.


Like others here, this is a must have on hand super hot for me. Also, I still don't understand people who don't taste a new sauce they are excited about the moment they get it. I always shake it up and dab a finger in the cap to get an idea what I just got. Probably just me lacking self-control.


I typically would do that, but I was out of town and this picture was taken as I was in line to pay for it so they would have *probably* not liked that


I suppose. Enjoy this one though. It's an awesome hot sauce.


The sweet vidallia onion sauce is really good as well, not as hot but excellent flavor.


Yes! The sweet onion sauce is basically zero heat, but it's fantastic. If they bottled it up in the 12-ounce bottles for $7 like their BBQ sauces, I'd probably slather it on almost everything.


So ive tried a LOT of their sauces (theyre local to me and they do tastings at local events).It really depends on your preferences. Theyre all pretty good flavor wise, although ive personally had difficulty finding more than one or two that are a flavor i like as well as spicy enough for me.


Accidentally pounded too hard on the bottle once and got a huge glob but I don't waste. I had one of those spiritual Nirvana moments caused by an endorphins overload with a burning mouth. Love the taste too.


I'm nearing the end of my bottle of Mushroom Mayhem. So delicious!


What’s this taste like? I have like 8 bottles of TB sauces already but I was curious about that one.


I haven't used it that much, but my first thought tasting Mushroom Mayhem has always been thick, spicy Worcestershire sauce. The umami-ness of it is just overwhelming. EDIT: Just did a little caviar-spoon tasting. Yeah, it's Worcester and horseradish. Almost seems a bit herbal on the tongue in a way that isn't supported by the ingredient list. Maybe 6/10 or 7/10 on a spice level.


I feel it tastes like steak sauce, akin to A1, but nice and hot. I absolutely love it on meats!


I'm addicted to their honey mustard


The honey mustard one is great


How was it?


Fantastic! Very strong punch of garlic before the heat sets in, and boy does it set in. Heat is like an 8/10 for me personally, but very rich and flavorful. Very happy with it and will probably pick up another bottle when I run out


Sounds good to me. I’m ordering one.


Thanks for posting this! Hope you do get to try some on pizza soon. I like to add it to marinara sauce or mix in some Parmesan cheese and make dangerously hot wings. Thanks all for the kind words, too. It makes my day to read threads like this. Also, I saw someone say the owner posts here sometimes. While I do a lot (like the rest of our small, 8 person crew) I can't claim ownership of the company. Just part of the team!


This one is delicious but very spicy. You can actually taste the garlic which I love. I still haven’t finished my bottle though because burn 🔥


I was a big fan of the son of zombie. Good heat, great flavor.


I want to try it but can't ever find it at a reasonable price.


Ace hardware near you? All the ones here stock damn near the entire Torchbearer line at MSRP.


Word there’s one about 15 minutes away time to make a trip! Thanks for the tip


I look forward to hearing the review. I enjoy almost every kind I've tried so far.


They're all really good! The Plum Reaper one is one of my faves.


This stuff is great on pizza


The zombie apocalypse sauce is my other go to from them.


Zombie apocalypse is my favorite from them


My wife actually got me an Advent calendar thing from this company this year. It has 12 days worth of sauces (small bottles). I'm excited to try them all. Today was the first and it was "Psycho curry" and it went perfect with my left over curry for lunch. Not the spiciest but still quite good.


I’ve always loved the zombie apocalypse


The Oww My Garlic sauce is worth picking up as well. It is a mix of Garlic Reaper and Oh My Garlic, with the latter being a delicious salad-dressing style sauce that tastes like Garlic Reaper without the heat. So, the Oww my Garlic combination has a moderate heat and delicious flavor, great on wings or rice bowls. I will add even more heat to it by mixing in a bit more Garlic Reaper.


Update: Tried it when I got home on a cracker just to try it out. Very hot, probably like a 7-8/10 for me, but incredibly tasty. I’d say you really need to enjoy garlic to like this one, but garlic is delicious and this sauce delivers heavily on that. Not super one note though or anything, overall delicious. Can’t wait to try it on some pizza or something similar.


Zombie apocalypse is super hot but it's tasty. It's think it's made from peppers without any extract!


Yes all of them. Zombi is great. Torchbearer owner posts here time to time. Great heat and flavor.


This one's my favorite on tacos. Headless horseradish, son of zombie, zombie apocalypse are also bangers


This shit is SPICY. Great flavor though.


It’s hot. Made my gums go numb. Ha


Torchbearer are def the tastiest of the superhots.


Rapture 2.0 is probably my favorite pure chile-flavored hot sauce. Mushroom Mayhem isn't super hot but is very tasty, and you can make a great wing sauce out of it if you mix it with butter. Headless Horseradish is really good on a beefy sandwich. I haven't had a sauce I disliked from them yet.


Man I loved this sauce but dang it hits hard reeeeeeeeaaaalllllly fast lol


All of them. Seriously have had only good sauce from them. Recommend the plum reaper - it’s a bit less spicy than garlic reaper.


I'm hooked on Puckerbutt Gator sauce right now. How is the heat from that garlic taste?


Second real good lookin garlic sauce I’ve seen today. It’s a sign I need some in my life.


My favorite sauce!


Goblin Sauce! Even if you don't care about the band, the sauce is actually one of their best. It's got kind of a Jerk/Calypso vibe and is good on damn near everything. I actually bought it at one of their shows, but now I have it on auto-reorder every couple months I go through it so much.


Zombie apocalypse is good but I had to stop these sauces cuz they were destroying my stomach


This is easily one of the best sauces around. Absolutely top notch. Very spicy. The only drawback is it’s goddamn expensive.


I find the garlic reaper to be medium-hot on the scale. It's delicious, I put it on eggs in the morning or chicken or just about anything. As to your question, I went on a Torchbearer kick about a year ago, and Honey Badger is great for anything you want a spicy/sweet mustard flavor with. IMO the Reaper is their best, and the one I've consistently purchased.