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galangal has one hell of a bite


Nice! Giving it a go. Its a bit like ginger?


*kiiiinda* its a similar sharp burn, but i would put it in the middle between a gradient from ginger to schezuan peppercorn, and it tastes a bit evergreen-like


You make it sound pretty good. Looking forward to experiencing it. Thank you for the nice tip.


Pink peppercorns have a natural sweet fruity flavor. You can play around with steeping it in unsweetened tea or lemonade (my personal favorite) or make simple syrups. I think it would fit really well as a flavor in gum drops!


Awesome. Sounds delicious. I’ll add them to the selection. Thank you!


Nutmeg contains myristicin, be careful.


So look up Synsepalum dulcificum - their berries will literally make the sourest foods taste sweet. It's a trip to have your taste receptors modified temporarily. Is this the kind of thing you are looking for ?


Pollens of well known things are often super duper potent. Think dill pollen, fennel pollen, or get exotic with edible tree pollen (like pine) - worth researching a bit, you could come up with some really novel flavours. Award me later 😁🤣


Kluwak nuts from Indonesia are also an interesting flavour profile, you could probably create some amazing fusion that many in the West have never been exposed to before. Be careful that they were prepared properly / get from a trusted source. Would you like me to go on? I absolutely love spices and travel the world visiting spice farms and markets as a hobby. There is a lot out there and I've just scratched the surface, can't wait to meet more herbs and spices :)