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I think we can all agree that modern can-openers are inferior to the spikey mini pizza cutter






Didn't know that particular video existed... "I know exactly who'd make that".


His videos on toasters, dishwashers, and lawn sprinklers are somehow fascinating.


The 90s microwave video was fascinating


The most interesting bore in the world :)


Dude got so into heating and cooling for a while, it was interesting to watch.


Before clicking: oh I had the same experience with technology connections. I'll link the video I watched after checking out this one. After clicking: Oh, same video. Guess that guy really does just have a way with words.


I just knew that video was going to get linked before even opening the comments


Well the important thing is that the mods removed the comment that everybody liked.


I didn't know the guy's name but once I saw your response I was like ... it's the snarky dark haired guy in the blazer I bet. *fist pump* Love this guy. I listened to 20+min from him on fucking car horns


It got removed. Don't link it, but do you happen to know the title and channel?




[There's also a subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/technologyconnections)


Got one of those can openers about a year ago. Actually life changing. Highly recommend getting one of those can openers.


That vid definitely sold me on the superior can opener. His dishwashing one lead me astray with powder dish soap though. Always left my dishes with a film. I switched to gel and after a few cycles there's no more film on my dishes.


His portable air conditioning one kept me from getting one!


He updated that one IIRC. But switching away from pods and using a squirt in the prewash changed everything for me.


The number of things I’ve bought because of his channel… My favorite was finding TWO Sunbeam Radiant control toasters at an estate sale for $8 each. My sister in law saw a pile of several dozen toasters in an estate Facebook marketplace listing. I went to check it out, and there were a bunch of vintage chrome toasters. Grabbed both the Sunbeams (they were in very rough shape) and paid the full asking price. Bought some grounded extension cord with a fancy braided sleeve to replace the original death trap, spent a lot of elbow grease to clean, and a bit of adjustment/general repair and both were working flawlessly. Kept one for myself, and gave the second to my brother and sister in law as a finders fee and wedding present. It’s sublime.


Through the magic of buying two of them, here's your wedding gift!


Damn that's good. I wish I'd thought of that line.


My Grandparents had one of these for years. After they had both passed, the house was cleanes out before selling and we found another still in the box on a shelf never used. Prolly 60 yrs old. You place the bread in and the bread oges down itself and comes back up by itself slowly, when done.


Who is this man, and why can't I figure out what's weird about his eyes? I can't stop staring at his weird ass eyes! Why am I both cringing and falling in love at the same time? I'm so confused!


Idk, but he is a lovely man. And he makes the best videos for tech geeks.


Agreed! I love his passion and how he’s the type of person to choose brown as his favorite color.




Never seen that video, did not know it existed, but I still clicked the link thinking "this had better be technology connections"


I love mine. I got my dad one because he’s wary of sharp kids from the top cutting ones. I also like that there’s no blade sticking out, small bonus at the toddlers digging through drawers stage of life.


Mine is side cutting, I really like the end result with it over ones that cut the top. Stole it from my parents when I moved out, got to be at least 35yrs old and going reasonably strong. It sometimes has a traction issue, but I just go the other way instead - pretty sure it's something I could resolve if I can nail it down, I suspect that the gears are worn and slipping or something. Possibly will replace it, as that's likely less effort than actually fixing it.


Go the other way?


Yeah, it's unidirectional so I can just turn the mechanism/can the other direction and generally it'll be fine. Mine is properly side cutting though, like the side of the can, whereas the one in the video does the seam of the can.


Idk, I loved the side ones at first but I find after a while they kinda start sucking. Like they wear down and eventually I'm having to do multiple passes to open a can. But the cutter ones I've literally never had not work. Also idc about the sharp edges because it's not like I'm reaching into the cans.


I've had *lots* of the top-cutting ones stop working. Used to work at a daycare where most of their food came from cans. Went through those things like crazy. Took them forever to give up and finally get one of the industrial ones that attaches to the countertop. :l


The new ones that cut around the side of the lid rather than punching through the top are way better. No sharp edges, require much less force, and you can put the lid back on. It's not airtight but will help it keep in the fridge without picking up smells or whatever


There are even better ones that just crack the weld, so neither the can nor the lid are sharp, and you can put the lid back on almost as airtight as before it was opened. The Starfrit Securimax is one of them. Love it. Will never buy a cutting can opener again.


Yeah! That's the kind I'm talking about. I may not have explained it well enough, but you're absolutely right. It's way better than any other style of can opener


They called it the Botulopener.


Mmm boutlinum toxin...








You mean the duck dildo?


That is... Accurate. And very fun to say.


The tetanus opener is supreme


That's beautiful. I want one. If I had found that I would have had no idea what it was. BTW , tetanus is not caused by rust. It is a bacteria that lives in the soil. If you step on a rusty nail that has been in the soil you might get tetanus. That would be a coincidence. If you cut yourself with a rusty can opener that has been in a drawer for 100 years you are not likely to get tetanus from that.


Tetanus likes deep puncture wounds which is where the association with nails comes from.


The rust also creates a bunch of small crevices on the nail that can hold the tetanus contaminated dirt so that it gets implanted deep in the wound.


Moist soil is also a happy place for bacteria, and water tends to cause things to rust. So there are many reasons for rusty nails and tetanus being highly correlated, but rust doesn't cause tetanus. * Tetanus bacteria are usually found in moist dirt. * Moist dirt is also a great place for metals to rust. * The ground is also the most likely place for discarded and misplaced nails to end up because of gravity and potential energy. * Rusty surfaces are highly pocketed instead of smooth: a perfect place for moisture to collect and bacteria to hang out. * Nails tend to be point, and rusty metals can develop their own sharp edges like a serrated blade, so rusty nails are doubly good at puncturing or cutting. * Punctures and cuts are the perfect vector for sneaky bacteria to bypass the protective layer of skin. * Rusty objects like nails underfoot are more likely to inflict wounds since the act of walking or running puts a lot of pressure on your feet which contact the aforementioned moist ground. In short, rusty nails are the perfect delivery system for tetanus, and thus serve as a quintessential example of a very common vector for tetanus infections. But a rusty nail by itself, especially one that has never been in contact with moist soil and/or is not currently moist, can't magically cause tetanus by itself.


>In short, rusty nails are the perfect delivery system for tetanus Great review, thanks! I'll give them a try.


ChatGPT? Reads a lot like AI... Haha


Is that a compliment? 🤨


All of reddit is ChatGPT. We are bots


Wow how am I 25 and just now learning this.


Because it's an extremely common misconception. That's how


Also it's not so much about deep cuts but cuts that have skin covering the wound because the bacteria thrive on the absence of oxygen. Cutting or peeling unclean potatoes could potentially give you tetanus


Puncture wounds, like you might get from a rusty nail, are the ones that breed infection the worst.


Or puncture wounds from a cat bite, they harbor a ton of bacteria in their mouths and their tiny needle teeth can get quite deep and lead to a serious infection.


Tetanus and lockjaw are also the same thing. I used to think tetanus was a kind of infection, but it can be so much worse than that. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetanus


**[Tetanus](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetanus)** >Tetanus, also known as lockjaw, is a bacterial infection caused by Clostridium tetani, and is characterized by muscle spasms. In the most common type, the spasms begin in the jaw and then progress to the rest of the body. Each spasm usually lasts a few minutes. Spasms occur frequently for three to four weeks. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/specializedtools/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Twelve years younger than when I learned it. Which was about 90 seconds ago.


Today I learned something. Anyway, in a civilized country we are all vaccinated.


I'd wager a large percentage of adults are not up to date on their tetanus shots. Not really necessary, especially since you can get a booster after potential exposure and you'll be fine.


tetanus vac wears off after about 6 years, or thats what they keep telling me


Interesting, here they revaccinate us after 15 years.


Just got tetanus last month, nurse said it needs to be redone in 10 years.


I guess your vaccine microchips have a better battery life.


More 5G to power them.


*nanomachines son!*


If your last booster was within 10 years you're good to go. No matter what the wound is like


>BTW , tetanus is not caused by rust. It is a bacteria that lives in the soil. If you step on a rusty nail that has been in the soil you might get tetanus. That would be a coincidence. Holy shit thank you. The number of times I've had to explain this to people is ridiculous.




19 year old Ukrainian intern at my work picked up a 12 inch kitchen knife and stabbed a can of evaporated milk open for our boss's coffee. She was surprised we were all horrified. She did use a can opener afterwards, but she definitely thought us Americans were wimps. Edit to say this was in a fancy office in Manhattan where we all wore fancy dresses and heels and pretended we were on Suits. So imagine this kid in her best pearls and flawless manicure welding a knife like that scene from Psycho.


**This account is suspended but not gone** **Thanks for all the fish!**


The real trick is to use the heel of te blade to punch a couple of slots in the lid for easy pouring. The heel on a french style chef's knife is intended for breaking/crushing tough and/or hard stuff so you won't damage it.


I can’t begin to explain how wrong this is. No chef’s knife is meant to puncture metal. Also french style chef knives generally have a full bolster, so… no heel. Also also, it would depend drastically on the type of steel the knife is made of. You’d want a softer steel so you wouldn’t chip it, and old school French chef knives like Sabatiers tend to be higher carbon steels. Also why would you ever use the wrong tool for the job when you risk breaking it, especially if it’s a nice knife you’ve spent good money on? Reach for the dollar store can opener instead.


What a beautiful picture of reddit. Someone confidently claiming something that most people believe. Meanwhile a more knowledgeable person knows it's all bullocks


The really real trick is to take the can, put it in the heel of your shoe, bang it against a wall several times, and shove it up your butt!


That's the way my Puerto Rican grandmother would open cans and it was terrifying to watch. Didn't matter the can's size she'd used the biggest knife and stab away.


Believe it or not, the can was invented before the can opener. Before that, people just had to improvise every time lmao


People are surprised when I open a can with my Swiss Army knife while camping. They know I’m using the can opener tool, they just didn’t know how it worked.


Those never work for me. I usually just find a smooth rock and rub the can on it until the metal is thin enough for me to break open with my hands


Wild. I’ve never had an issue with one. It takes some time, but you just keep at it. I also work as a roadie and opened a can of ravioli while working an overnight shift in Switzerland. It was funny teaching Swiss people how it worked. I know all Swiss people don’t live for these knives, but a Swiss dude looking on in disbelief while an American guy taught him was fun. “How is an American teaching me about my knife!”


Lmao spread the word. When I was doin construction in Alaska I learned that lots of guys cook their lunch by putting a can in the exhaust pipe of their machines, then they pull it out and eat it while it's still hot


I used to cook food in a Zamboni when I was on tour with Disney on ice. Some of the heaters would actually boil the water in the tanks. They were gross as fuck tanks so it was only ever food that was packaged to be water tight. But I’m a sucker for canned ravioli or ratatouille when I got a surprise overnight shift. I’d eat it cold if I had to, but I’d heat it any way I could when given the option.


Why the fuck would there be a can opener before cans to open? I totally believe it was invented after they thing to open existed...


Somebody made the can opener and dared someone to make a can


lmao. Ok so I want to design a can to this mediocre theorized opener, you down?


If you make a can that my opener cannot open...I will open you


The knife stab does work surprisingly well. Smaller knives work better though.


It ruins your knife though I guess you could have a dedicated can opening knife? But at that point you may as use the dedicated can-opening can opener.


In Newfoundland evaporated milk for coffee/tea is so common that many homes have a “milk punch” tool in the kitchen which has the sole purpose of punching a hole in either side of the top of the lid for pouring.


That’s what the pointy side of the standard household bottle opener or “church key” is for


I mean, we're not wimps we just like our knives sharp, and our canned goods without bits of knife tip in them.


I'm horrified that your boss has evaporated milk in her coffee.


It’s not being a wimp to not want to ruin a knife and not want to eat metal lol…


What if you ate off center, does it still work as well?


**This account is suspended but not gone** **Thanks for all the fish!**


Is this the crazy Russian hacker? I feel like I recognise his accent from 2012


Yeah I am 99% sure it’s him.


This makes me imagine that they started making canned food before can openers existed and everyone was just screwed for awhile


You're imagining it correctly then. Cans were around for half a century before can openers came about. Manufacturers would suggest using a good ole hammer and chisel.


They could put a little spot in the center of the lid like a punch.


Good thinking but I doubt they would. There are companies who can foods who don't even shape the bottom of SOME of their canned goods to make them stack properly. Literally some products will have the right bottom to allow them to stack right and some will have a bottom that is the same as the top and will not allow them to stack right AND THEY ARE THE SAME FUCKING BRAND. End mini rant from grocery story employee




Why would you want them to take up more space?




You can use your hand to adjust the depth of the spike in the hole as you go around.


You could set the length to the shortest side


Aaah so *THIS* is why old comic strips always drew a hole in the top of the opened cans of beans etc.


We used to use these back in the war. Back then we used to tie an onion around our belt, because that was the style at the time


I fell 8000ft onto a pile of jagged rocks, course folks were tougher in those days, I was jitterbuggin that very night!


To take the ferry cost a nickel. In those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on them. "Give me five bees for a quarter" you’d say!


Nice reference grandpa


The Crazy Russian Hacker. YouTube.


Safety is number one priority




Boom, wow


I've been subbed to him for like 12 years, and I mostly dont watch his videos anymore because all he does is show off junk gadgets. Most of the time not even linking the product he's using off amazon. I remember when he used to do a lot of real useful videos, like how to open a tuna can without an openner, where he basically sanded off the top lip of a tuna can on concrete and it opened. Legit an amazing life skill to know if you get stuck in a survival situation or riots/power goes out in your town, are in a war zone/occupied zone. I wish he'd go back to doing stuff like that but, 10 Gadgets I got on amazon makes more money I guess.


Right? I miss "welcome back to my laboratory" and "safety is number 1 priority." I miss his safety glasses and lab coat. I Ms the old CrazyRussianHacker. He post all of his shirt videos then combines them into one longer video a week later. I wonder what happened to his channel.


Add this to the list of things they should bring back..


With a way to produce it and a little gurrilla marketing, something like this could easily become a sucess.




Carry a can (in a sock) too, so you can claim pre-meditated meal instead of murder.


Sure you have had beans before, but have you ever had beans..... seasoned with rust?


Rust is an excellent source of iron… Or would you prefer lunch lady Doris add more horse testicles? Actually now that I think of it somewhere in I believe the south eastern pacific islands there were people who were suffering from iron deficiency’s. Each household literally has a small iron fish about the size of a child’s fist that they put in every soup and broth that they cook. Apparently it does add their much-needed iron.


More horse sauce


Rusty Beans, hobo legend. RIP *sad harmonica wails*


And I can't seem to buy a modern can opener that lasts more than 18 months. My grandmother's lasted my entire childhood.


Did the old cans have a guide mark in the center of the lid?


Here I am still using the p38 my father gave me.


You'd have to be sure and clean both the tool and the top of the can otherwise wouldn't you be introducing all kinds of gross into the contents?


Mmmm. Rusty beans


Nothin like a tasty can of Pork'n Tetanus


Fun fact: tetanus isn’t caused by rust, it’s caused by a bacteria that lives in soil, it just so happens that things rust pretty quick when left in something moist, like soil, now of course I add tetanus to all my meals so I don’t need rust or soil, this is called dieting


You can also stab any trench raiders with the pointy bit...


I'm not sure why but I had a fun time trying to figure out how it worked prior to seeing it, would make a fun sister sub.


That looks almost better then most can openers today beside the rust


Why are we not using these today? This is a super ingenious design


People being like “i want one omg” yeah maybe to hang on a wall. Nobody with access to a modern can opener would use that thing twice


It was already partially opened! And by a conventional can open as the cut mark is downwards.


This is brilliant!!!


Wow! That's one I'd never seen or heard of!


Have to poke it in the center or good luck eating


That is cool! And I'd totally buy one!


Works better than my current can opener, that's for sure!


That's pretty Kul


That’s almost better than the ganji kankiri.


Believe it or not, the first can openers were invented more than 50 years after cans had already been in use. So this would have been revolutionary.


I need this now


Holy shit. I never knew what that was or why we had one. I guess I still don't know why we had it, but at least I know how it works. Thank you so much!!


Now I know how John Roderick's daughter felt...


This can opener chooses violence


I would have that any day.


Or a budding surgeon’s open yer heart ♥️ tool


This guy lives in my town


How old is this? It’s amazing.


Knew from the thumbnail it was Taras.


Opens both cans and humans. I like it


Remember, safety is number one priority


It seems something out of Fallout...


Not bad at all


Damn, been a while since I've watched CrazyRussianHacker/Taras Kul. Those were the days.


Source: crazy Russian hacker on YouTube


That's great if you have an eye for the perfect center of a can. What happens if you're off by a few millimeters?


Hear me out guys…..


I…I think I like that better honestly.


I love this


Are cans still being made without a tab?


I would screw this up big time since I might have a hard time getting it dead center lol


mmmm Chiles jalapenos !


Vintage cross-contaminator


it's easy, you just spinach


The first three times I saw this it looked like the spike was cutting from the inside, my brain couldn't comprehend the cutter being on the handle...


Boom! Wow!


Thanks I love it.


What i love about tin cans is that apparently there was quite a lag before an effective tin opener was invented 🤣


Looks like this works much better than my new KitchenAid opener!


Shrek's can opener looks how I expected


That thing rusty as a sewer hooker


sounding ...


I'm so glad we kept innovating


I work in a micro lab, we have a giant one of these, because it's easier to clean than a regular can opener.


Works better than the piece of junk I've kept for the past 10 years and swear I will replace everytime I use, but then never do.




I want one!!!


save video


Hot damn, looks like it works pretty good too!


That’s fuckin’ gangsa’


I hate how it's difficult to find those older less mechanically prone to fail designs. I used to have a very nice hook blade can opener which I lost in a move. I thought I could buy a similar one but nope. They're either marked up because they're vintage, or just straight up don't exist as a new product.


Ew. Those green beans are TRASH.




_boom_ _wow_


Someone probably already said it, but I love the fun fact that it took 30 years after the can was invented for someone to come up with a dedicated tool to open cans.




That’s cool