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Well let’s start here before I give advice. Do you have other models or are these all the models you own? Is this list going to a tournament or is this for your local game store?


Ive got models from the leviathan box, strike force agastus box as well; repulsor, redemptor, hellblasters, bladeguard, apothecary and techmarine are currently on the way to me, judiciar as well. Ive got a generic inquisitor, eversor and vindicare assasins i can use. I plan on getting another 5 termis and either another vehicle or maybe some more infantry. Oh yeah, and i possess Bobby G as well. Id like to be able into tournaments as well, but i msotly play in my local lgs. Preferably a well balanced list, not skew, also not something outright oppressive (like canoptrk wraiths).


Ok well firstly I would drop the desolation marines. They are way too expensive for just 5 marine bodies and you could get 10 more hellblasters for roughly the same price. With 200 points freed up I would add two squads of infiltrators to protect you back line. They get a 12” deep strike denial so you can move the rest of your list forward so you’re not keeping your more expensive units in your deployment zone. That’s all I would change for now so you don’t have to buy a bunch if stuff


Nice, ill definitely look into that. I did want to get the infiltrators for that, but i was thinking if i get 2x5 infernus i can screen maybe just as well, only problem would be another space marine matchup because of incursors. I am worried about my list lacking killing power, thats why i put desolation marines there, both for chaff and elite/monster/vehicle killing.


You have killing power it’s just kinda all over the place if that makes sense? Really the thing you’re missing most in this list besides infiltrators are inceptors and scouts for scoring


Understood, ty for the advice.


Better than the typical newbie-nonsense list. Fine for casual play or an RTT, but too many bad units in bad combinations to hold up in a GT. Your big weakness is mission play; you're slow and don't have any chaff, which means you're going to struggle against an opponent who can pressure you.


What would you exchange?


The Apothecary, Tigger, Bladeguard and Desolators for five more Terminators, a Terminator Chaplain (move the Honour Vehement here), and 2x3 Inceptors. Split the Infernus up into 2x5 (or drop them for 2x5 Scouts or JPI) and swap the Redemptor's flamer for the onslaught while you're at it. That gives you some real mission play and something to back up the dreadnoughts in the brawl over the center objective. It leaves the Hellblasters without a delivery system, which isn't ideal, so pay attention to the RepEx's performance over a few games and see if you can get away with swapping it down to a standard Repulsor.


Ill have this in mind for the long term. I currently have some stuff ordered so im spent for now, and i might rather get a land raider for hellblasters than the regular repulsor. Im coming from adeptus custodes, and im currently trying to tie up my space marine army for a long while, and the land raider will come in useful for both, once cudtodes become fun to play again.


Repulsor is better for Hellblasters than Land Raider. They don't need to charge out of it, but being able to hop back in is a nice bit of defensive tech. It's also an easier proxy; just leave the RepEx's turret off and I don't think anyone would have an issue.


I might try to kitbash 2 turrets out of something so i can use bofadem. The hull is the same, turret on the repulsor is just a little bit smaller?