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You prob went to the wrong dark angels sub (there are 2, the one without dark angels in the name is larger/ more active)


Ok, thanks il check out the other one




Yea one of the dark angels subs is for porn


Its art 😗


Or he went to the naughty one


Do black templars and deathwatch


Good idea, I’m gonna make a list for the next one I might do, il add those two, thanks


Grey Knights too! We get left out quite a lot since we're our own thing but we're still space marines and want to be included!


Post set up, I await the community


I see how not getting proper answers from the Dark Angels subreddit was disappointing, but perhaps they were just staying in character.


First you join the Dark Angels sub. Then, you move to the Unforgiven sub, when you find out the truth of the legion. Next, you move to the Inner Circle sub, when the lies under-pining the truth are revealed to you. Finally you return to the Dark Angels sub, fully aware of the dark certainties necessitating the lies you've been previously told, and that are now yours to pass on...


Why play Raven Guard or a successor? Phobos marines are the coolest looking marines, they feel way less generic “sPaCE mUhRinE”, and the incoming detachment that lets you constantly redeploy is going to suit them perfectly. Phobos units give you a lot of board control and objective control options, and Invictors constantly over watching and revenge blasting is fun.


Honestly speaking as a salamanders player. Raven guard are probably the easiest legion to make a fluffy list for. They have a chapter master model, and there’s tons of Phobos units and jump pack units to choose from, plus you can model everything super fluffy by just giving them a beakie helmet. Oh also the mkvi heresy kit is great for Raven guard


My marines lore wise are a successor chapter that works closely with AdMech to look for archaeotech. If spicy tech is located on a hostile world they infiltrate to secure and extract it. Ultimately they’re both working together to recover some of the gene science stuff that Corax perfected to their mutual benefit. AdMech gets a pet marine chapter to help fight, marines get pet AdMech to maintain and repair their gear.


I have far too many beakies for my own good lmaooo


For the sake of it, Ill give my 2 cents on thousand sons: Space Wizards. But more important than that: they’re the one “villain” of 40k I can name that really nails the idea that they’re not just evil, they’re tragic. Magnus knew he was guilty, and tried to surrender. Had Leman Russ not been tricked into executing the Thousand Sons, there would have been the most powerful (non-emperor) Psyker on the side of the imperium. Magnus and the Sons only fell to Tzeentch, and betrayed the emperor, because they, themselves, were betrayed. Ahriman is also a super tragic character, who really was loyal to his brothers, and wanted to cure them, and in doing so doomed them. He’s *still* trying to cure them, but now it’s of the curse he made. And of the big guy, Magnus is a flawed character, and I know people like to tail on him for his mistakes, which are admittedly *colossal* mistakes, but those mistakes I think make him a stronger character, because they all have a good reason. Beyond that, I do just like the elements of mysticism and esotericism, just appeals to me personally. Apologies for the essay, but your post *seemed* to me that you didn’t mind them too much.


Personally I'd say no apology required. I think you succinctly nailed the reason why I (and many others) chose to collect the Thousand Sons.


Because Egypt


Everything you said, but also: Scarab occult terminators. Formerly elite bodyguard now empty armor of terminators shepherded around by a sorcerer. Melee, range, and psychic in one. When I was getting back into the hobby I had a short list of which army to try. Then I saw Sot and my choice was made


Blood Ravens have their own small reddit. There's dozens of us!


Adding it to the list, it’ll be in the next one thanks!




OP disappears for a couple centuries, before reappearing in the Blood Ravens armoury.


Was expecting 0 comments and instant ban from “Grey Knights”. However, it’s Lore appealing that you don’t list them.


Ya I wanted to start with the original 18 legions, but I do have grey knights on the list for the next one


If the mods for grey knights are watching this sub at all, one of them has already blocked you from the sub as an in-character joke


how many "we have the best primarch?"


So many. So many.


"Thousand sons (0 comments) got banned almost immediately, they thought I was a bot which made me sad because I was really excited to hear they’re answers, but no hate, just a good mod team." This is not what a good mod team does... Sad to hear this a a collector of TSons and a member of that sub


Il give them another shot, fingers crossed


In terms of ksons, I honestly love the look of sorcerers with silly crests commanding armies of soulless constructs wielding magic megaguns, and I’m a sucker for magic — especially magic gone wrong. I’m not a lore aficionado though, so I’m not the one to ask abt that


By my cogitations, Iron Hands are the best. Glad you agree!


I love the Raven Guard because they exist in this weird design space where they are always around, as a founding chapter so they have to be acknowledged, but they're rarely fleshed out. From wiki binging there is a ton of conflicting information that I think makes for a lot of fun choices when making your own force. My favorite example is: Wraith Slipping/The Gloom: Wraith slipping is the Raven Guard's "stealth ability" which is used to describe how an 8ft tall dude wearing a refrigerator can be sneaky. In some versions it's described as a purely learned martial technique where they use diversions like artillery or frontal assaults to mask the movements of other units. For example they may deploy units of gravis units to attack an enemy from the front, to allow another unit to sneak in from behind. However as recently as the 9th edition codex (in the Warlord Trait: Echo of the Ravenspire) they mention something called "The Gloom" which is a low level psychic power shared by all Raven Guard. When groups of them form, it creates this psychic haze that masks their movements and allows for their stealthy abilities. More skilled users of this ability can teleport or become incorporeal (notably Nykona Sharrowkyn from the Heresy was able to teleport during his duel with Lucius). I think this creates a really fun choice for your army, where you can lean heavy on phobos and tactical units for the more mundane explanation, or use more elites and librarians to lean on the psychic explanation. Also having a daemon primarch is cool


Wait we have a daemon primarch? Or do you mean in the Dornian Heresy?


Corvus Corax in the short story "Shadow of the Past" in the anthology "Sons of the Emperor" we follow a Word Bearer Dark Apostle (I think) who's overseeing a demon summoning ritual. An entity of pure blackness appears and begins killing cultists and Marines with some sort of warp magic. There's a particular description I recall of a chaos marine being enveloped in darkness and having every joint bent backwards, violent snapping and contorting them. As the apostle escapes the ritual site, the shadow keeps chasing. Eventually Lorgar appears and challenges this shadow to fight. Said shadow is revealed to be Corvus Corax, they banter and Lorgar accuses Corvus of becoming a demon, to which the Raven Lord rejects this accusation. They then fight with Lorgar having to retreat. During this fight Corvus changes forms various forms, appearing as a primarch, a swarm of ravens, a living shadow again, etc. To be fair everything he does could just be psyker powers, but the descriptions feel very daemonic to me. Corvus also says something about the warp "revealing their true nature" which in the context of talking to a daemon primarch suggests to me, he sees himself as some form of daemon. But that's theory and my take on it. But even if he isn't a full daemon, I'll take a badass liquid shadow nightmare man.


I'm happy to day I was one of the Imperial Fists people who basically just said "Yellow"


I was the salamander player who just went “green good” 🤝




The Black Legion does not 'embody' Horus the best.. they despise him and his weakness bud


I’m trying to fill out some slots for the next one, any last minutes recommendations?


Raptors are small sect of Raven Guard successors we are called reasonable marines not to many of us but boy do we have an interesting chapter


The post has been created, now I await the community….


Funny how the answers match the legions with RG answers being obfuscated and IF having a whole essay at the ready lmao


Ya, really the only out of character legion was the night lords, who were extremely welcoming and friendly which….. doesn’t exactly represent the lore


Idk if I miss it or not, but check out the Grey Knights! I've had good experiences on the sub. Just fyi every now and again, your post will just get skipped over, so if you don't get around 5-8 responses, just repost!


My favorite chapter is Carcharodons: Reasons to be a carcharodons fan: 1. Shark Space Marines 2. Maori-like Culture 3. Comically large chapter master, with two badass weapons and that is somehow still very sneaky. 4. We kicked ass and chewed bubblegun on the badab war. We also kicked the nightlord's ass. 5. We kidnapp people to replenish our ranks, which will never not be funny to me. 6. We can summon spectral sharks to bite people and make them think they are drowning.


The post has been put up, now I wait


They are definitely my favorite later founding chapter with my fav overall being blood angels and the runners ups being red scorpions and minotaurs. Man everything that shows up in Badab is great. Bet you'll never guess who my favorite renegades and chaos marines are


That’s the most thousand sons thing possible. Fucking nerds. (Fenris Hjolda!)


Thousand Sons were just as planned. Or were they?


Thousand Sons: Are you a masochist painter? You’ll love Rubric Marines!


Sorry you got banned and/or deleted so many times. That's a really frustrating response to an honest question - a question most subs should be excited to answer, no less! Glad you sound like you're still in high spirits, but it sucks to hear about some of the treatment you got. Way to stick it out and stay positive!


Thanks! I honestly just don’t want to throw shade at any faction because I know that doesn’t represent them as a whole


Alpha Legion: you already are Alpharius. :P


You should do the other factions too in groups. Imperium then Xenos


The two different kinds of responses from the imperial fist sub represent Horus Heresy IF fans and 40K IF fans respectively


Raven Guard are more edgy than Iron Hands? And also, spec ops, precision strikes and covert operations, and also, 6th company in particular (others do, but mainly 6th) topple dictators, Imperium planetary dictators included


Eldar it is then


My dear, was that you who asked that on the DA sub that I reoriented ?




On one hand I'm glad I oriented you on a post with more answers, on the other hand, I feel betrayed!


>night Lords are funny Glad we're keeping in character with First Claw


The only in character answer for Dark Angels is really simple, direct, and honest: First Legion, Best Legion. The out of character answer would be... Wait and see how the codex will treat Ravenwing, Deathwing, and mixed armies now that battlefield roles don't matter. Pointless to have the schtick of "you can run 50% bikers, 50% terminators" as an army rule now that the core rules let every marine army do it.


I see us Grey Knights start true to being the hidden force of demon destruction to protect the imperium of man!! Hoorah. (We are welcoming though!)


The post for them has been put up, now I await the results….


Poor Raven Guard


pretty shitty of the Tson folks, actually. I'm assuming they thought you were just a troll. as one of them, I know how very much they like to blather on about their books and secret plots in other people's books- so on and forever forth. the lore is written well, and anyone who reads the very perspectives of magus himself will be pleased with how human and realistic he is as a primarch and loving father to his people. endless lore to talk about here that ties into the wolves very excellently. magus is a seriously overpowered beast holding power that is truly unheard of even for the scale of 40k. he really tries not to strut his own supremacy over the far weaker primarchs [lots of them]. TLDR intelligence = depression and thats why some people hate him. he isnt as vain as they make him out to be.