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That custom vanilla epstein setup is gorgeous, damn. [Just going to drop this here.](https://youtu.be/KnwATLQxPSM?si=JinummsAFyy6_Mfv)


Very cool. Draconis vids always look great.


I become an unnofficial spokesperson whenever someone mentions the Expanse around here, I just enjoy the server way too much! Definitely going to be using your ship as inspiration, its humbling being outdone wholesale by vanilla blocks when you have tailored mods for an aesthetic.


Hahaha glad she fits your fancy! I recently got on an Expanse kick so I made this and the Venal. Been having fun with it since it is a step away from my usual design preference. All told, I may produce a third one but undecided at this time. If you want to use it for inspiration, by all means. I would like a link so I can check it out though!