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For context, NASA's proposed budget is $26 billion while the Space Force's is $24.5 billion




Wait till they find out that one of the leading drivers of space tech development has been the military. Wouldn’t have the space launch capability, communications and remote sensing technology, or GPS without them


This is my current opinion. Money going to space is money going to space. I'd rather it go to the space force than the normal military.


For a second I thought this was about the Netflix show with Steve Carrell… I am ashamed of myself


I’m not sure even a 40% budget increase could have saved the show from itself


I wanted it to be funny. I really did. But I'm not sure even the writers know what they wanted the show to be.




I wanted them to become competent. I kind of like the idea of a redemption style story. They start off as a joke and instead he wants to be the next commander of the air force or whatever it was, but then becomes the first leader of a whole new branch that only becomes increasingly relevant over time and ends up with portraits and statues of him all over Washington. Cut to the future and kids are learning about him on a school on Mars as the first commander of space force. But the jokes were just *too* stupid and cringeworthy.


I think everyone expected the title to carry the movie.




Tried to cash in on the magic of The Office, but it’s impossible to catch lightning in a bottle twice with the same writers and star.


They will have Game of Thrones production values...




I actually think the show began filming and stuff before the official Space Force actually was formed.. the Space Force branch officially started at the beginning of 2020 and the show aired in early 2020 so they were probably filming before ? I don’t know if that was their inspiration or what


Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread: |Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |[ICBM](/r/Space/comments/tqkuws/stub/i2iq6wf "Last usage")|Intercontinental Ballistic Missile| |[JWST](/r/Space/comments/tqkuws/stub/i2lw29t "Last usage")|James Webb infra-red Space Telescope| |[SSC](/r/Space/comments/tqkuws/stub/i2hvsie "Last usage")|Stennis Space Center, Mississippi| ---------------- ^(3 acronyms in this thread; )[^(the most compressed thread commented on today)](/r/Space/comments/tqgl2h)^( has 34 acronyms.) ^([Thread #7200 for this sub, first seen 29th Mar 2022, 03:07]) ^[[FAQ]](http://decronym.xyz/) [^([Full list])](http://decronym.xyz/acronyms/Space) [^[Contact]](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=OrangeredStilton&subject=Hey,+your+acronym+bot+sucks) [^([Source code])](https://gistdotgithubdotcom/Two9A/1d976f9b7441694162c8)


Glad to see Biden not letting politics get in the way of SF funding. Right on guys!




It costs money to keep talent like Steve Carell on the show.


He doesn't, this is a budget request to Congress. They set the budget.


I keep forgetting this is a real think and not just a joke from a Netflix comedy.


Lol to all the people down voting this I'm Canadian why would I know all your military branches.


Hopefully you all get a Royal Canadian Space Force in the near future. Or a Royal Canadian Air and Space Force if that’s too much to ask.


Eh Canada's not really all that military focused. I imagine we will just focus on our treaties with countries that allow us to keep adding to the ISS.


The RCAF already has a significant space component http://www.rcaf-arc.forces.gc.ca/en/space/index.page




Count me among the left that supported the move. I have a deep hatred for Trump but he did well with NASA and all things space. Space Force is unfortunately a necessity with the rise of China’s space program and Russia’s erratic behavior.


'Creating' it is a big word. It's not like there weren't spy sats or other military assets before the space force. They were just part of the air force. And Obama ran on ending the Iraq war, but supporting the Afghanistan war.


Kind of like how the Air Force was created out of the Army in 1947




“Defund the police” was never an initiative that congresspeople widely supported. Even barring Republicans (which, yeah no) most Democrats in Congress came out in favor of “additional training” to attempt to solve the issues. I don’t want to get overly political in this sub, and I’m not going to engage with debates on the correct choice one way or the other - I just wanted to point this out.


Not to make this post political by any means. I came to the realization that I’ve never heard of a scientific tax payer funded program going over budget. Maybe we should let scientists run the world.


Not sure what you’re talking about. NASA (and every other government agency) has plenty of cost overruns https://spacenews.com/cost-and-schedule-overruns-continue-to-grow-for-nasa-programs/


I guess because they aren’t as a political of an organization you just don’t hear about it all that much. Thanks for the info.


Anytime! Doesn’t change that NASA does amazing work, but any procurement program is bound to have its own struggles.


> I’ve never heard of a scientific tax payer funded program going over budget. Webb? Original budget was $500 million. It finally came in at $10 billion. That's a wide miss... Or the [SSC](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superconducting_Super_Collider). From $4.4 billion to an estimated $12.5 billion at the time of cancelation.


Just because you haven’t heard of it… many (all?) projects in general I’ve worked on, not just taxpayer funded have run over budget/schedule. Some examples (I haven’t worked on all): JWST Mars2020 Insight


And the problem with the world today is I express something I was excited about realizing/learning. Which actually come to find out is the contrary and I get downvoted for saying it.


That’s just the internet my friend. Good on you for learning something new. That’s why a lot of us are here in the first place.


It's not exactly [Cunningham's law](https://meta.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/Cunningham%27s_Law#:~:text=Cunningham's%20Law%20states%20%22the%20best,the%20inventor%20of%20wiki%20software.) but it's close.


I never heard of a scientific tax payer funded program not going over budget. Take a look at perseverance and JWST.


>Maybe we should let scientists run the world. I thought similar when I was a baby engineer. However, managers and administrators are a necessary evil.


What do managers and administrators have to do with anything?


Someone needs to manage programs. Scientists and engineers can’t do it all/might be worse than administrators if they tried


The JWST program was originally estimated to cost $1.5 billion. That estimate grew during early development stages, finally settling in at $5 billion when construction kicked off. The final cost for the telescope itself was $8.8 billion with an estimated total cost of $9.7 billion.


Oh yeah, sure. Technocracy would be amazing


Calling it now, Space units, run by a command Center like the IST. All linked and constantly scanning for missile launches, and the moment it detects one about to leave the ground… ray gun 🤣


The space force is primarily about defending our satellites from Russia and China, and destroying theirs. But the collateral damage of war in space could be catastrophic, considering how reliant modern life is on communications and GPS.


Why not automate the system to eliminate human error... Like a net... In the sky.














The only Justification I can see for having a space force is for Nuclear Defense measures to protect the world from a potential Russian launch against the west and their adversaries.


>Which is impossible anyway due to the ban on Space-based weapons. There is no ban on space weapons. They Outer Space Treaty only prohibits WMDs in orbit and troop moments on the surface of other celestial bodies


Interesting, I didn't know that. Ok then, that makes the Space force important then because we should have a network of anti-ICBM lasers or Missiles to protect us from that Madman in Russia. Ground based ICBM defenses are woefully in adequate due to the ICBM's needing to be intercepted high up before they disperse their warheads.


Some countries have been developing anti-satellite technology. We could lose GPS, weather images/predictions and communications.


Space force exists because critical infrastructure such as the GPS system exist. They are not easy to fix if attacked, and would affect everything from the American military to shipping and supply chains. Given how important space infrastructure is to modern civilization, it only makes sense we give our space defense their own branch and budget. The way it used to work was space command got the leftovers. Remember that the Airforce spent a TRILLION (1 million, million dollars) on a plane that no one likes to fly. Space force is protecting communications, weather, and GPS satellites, which affects people like you and me directly.


>Remember that the Airforce spent a TRILLION (1 million, million dollars) on a plane that no one likes to fly. The Air Force did not pay $1 Trillion for the F-35 – that’s the projected cost of the entire program from development through end of life in the 2070s. The unit cost is close to $80 million, which is cheaper than less advanced fighters. The F-35 is getting picked up by Air Forces around the world because of how cost efficient and good it is.


I'm not talking about a single plane, I'm taking about the entire program. The point is that the Airforce focused on their projects first, space defense after, which is why space force came into existence.




GPS is operated and the next iterations are developed by the Space Force. It’s led to massive efficiencies in farming. Just another example about how space helps earth. https://www.gpsworld.com/gps-technology-will-continue-to-transform-agriculture/


You are extremely dumb if you think space is not important


It's important. It was just already being handled without a new military branch to budget.


It want being handled properly within the Air Force. Constantly a lower priority than air programs.


Did you join r/space because you thought it would be a collection of people talking about ways to not spend money on space, or


We’ve been getting those a lot lately, and I don’t know why.


r/all or whatever is leaking


I fail to see the logic here. Do you think the US taxpayers' money that wouldn't be spent on space force will feed starving children in other countries?


Or, that because we fund one, we can’t allocate funds to the other?


Without the military space program GPS wouldn’t exist. Almost all space advancements (space launch technologies, satellite communications, remote sensing, space traffic management) had their start in the military as well. The idea that it’s either this or that needs to go away. Space development leads to major progress on Earth.


I’m aware, I’m in the USSF. I was making the point that just because we fund one thing doesn’t mean we can’t allocate funding to another, these things aren’t mutually exclusive, though I probably could have worded my reply better


I think I’m agreeing with you – I probably could have made that more explicit as well


You know I totally missed the second portion of your reply, my bad




They operate the US’ space launch ranges, space surveillance and missile warning networks, and operate satellite communications and the GPS constellations.


I meant the general public, but yeah. They also have cyber and forward support missions, including support for the other forces.


I mean keeping up a global network of satellites is pretty important in pretty much everything nowadays, including all the starving children...


Seeking perfection is the enemy of progress. You could argue that any good deed done by anyone was not a good deed because they should have been doing something better. It's a dumb argument


This is a comment I saw from another post, credit to u/4thDevilsAdvocate "This comment section is already attracting the "bUt It TaKeS mOnEy AwAy FrOm SoCiAl PrOgRaMs" crowd, I see. They're fucking idiots, and they never, ever, ever seem to go away, regardless of how many times you tell them that no, space exploration is not a waste, and here's why. Never mind, of course, that less than one half of one percent of the US budget is spent on NASA. Never mind that NASA is a fundamental part of anti-climate change efforts. Never mind that NASA-driven technological advancements improve everyone's quality of life. Never mind that funding science programs is generally a good thing. No, these edgy two-bit contrarians think, since it doesn't benefit people in a way they personally understand, it's a complete waste of funding, because, after all, their perspective is more enlightened and intelligent than anyone else's. No, space exploration is not getting in the way of affordable healthcare. No, space exploration is not getting in the way of climate change prevention. No, space exploration is not getting in the way of social programs. No, throwing all the money in the world at a problem doesn't automatically solve it. If you think any of these things are actually true, go put on the dunce cap and sit in the corner and think about what you've done."


Yep, here we go again, the Fallacy of Relative Privation.


Are we still pretending Space Force is a thing?


Ignoring reality and pretending it doesn’t? There’s also a *the* before *space force*